Economics Miscellaneous MCQs Set: 1

1 - The majority of the human population lives in________________?


2 - The most dramatic change that followed each technological revolution was_______________?

a dramatic increase in population

3 - In Third World countries the factors that discourage birth control include________________?

traditional values

4 - Natural resources are_______________?


5 - The oil supplies of the United States are subject to______________?

environmental depletion

6 - A reduction of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere leads to_____________?

climate changes

7 - A lake is polluted The fish in it die The algae make unpleasant odors It may be said that__________________?

all of the above

8 - Urban renewal has_________________?

moved residents but not improved conditions

9 - A ghetto tends to contain________________?

a concentration of one racial group in an area

10 - When metropolitan areas start to merge with each other the result is_______________?

a megalopolis

11 - A metropolitan area consists of__________________?

a central city and surrounding suburbs and small towns

12 - suburbanization today is based on__________________?

social class

13 - Modern urban sociologists in contrast to the Chicago school believe that cities_______________?

stimulate creativity

14 - The percentage of people around the world who lived in cities in 2005 is approximately________________?

49 percent

15 - The emphasis on rural virtues__________________?

is based on stereotypes

16 - A decline in the rural population was due chiefly to________________?

the continued improvements in agricultural methods

17 - An ecological city is___________________?

the central city suburbs and satellites

18 - In developing nations cities are growing along with rural areas because_______________?

all of the above

19 - Social organization in the city brought ALL BUT which one of these changes ?

The class structure became more rigid

20 - The urban crisis________________?

is intensified by the move of the middle class to the suburbs

21 - Factors in the urban crisis include_______________?

all of the above

22 - The United States Canada Northern and Western Europe among other areas are________________?

in the third stage of the demographic transition

23 - Birthrates remain high is the Third World because_________________?

all of the above

24 - If population growth in the underdeveloped nations continues unabated in 2050 world population will be______________?

10 billion

25 - The failure of rising expectations is related to______________?

dissatisfaction based on relative deprivation

26 - The stages of the demographic transition model are_________________?

all of the above

27 - Thomas Malthus sated that________________?

populations increase in geometric progression

28 - The highest birthrates today are found in________________?

the underdeveloped nations

29 - Population density________________?

is high in industrial areas

30 - The real problem in population growth is________________?

uneven density of population

31 - Urban families everywhere in the world_________________?

voluntarily curb their fertility

32 - Birthrates________________?

are low BOTH in Western Europe and Japan and high in Arabia and Africa

33 - Demographers believe that_______________?

the demographic transition represents a general pattern

34 - Which subject is NOT studied by demography ?

Rock forming land shaping soil forming

35 - The number of births in a population in relation to every 1000 women of childbearing age in a year is called the________________?


36 - Overpopulation is a problem worldwide but only in relation to________________?


37 - The processes of cultural change include______________?

nationalism and patriotism

38 - Reform movements________________?

may be reactionary or progressive

39 - As a result of social change some members of society_______________?

occupy new statuses

40 - ocial change must be analyzed in terms of________________?

statics and dynamics

41 - The Industrial Revolution______________?

began in England in the 1800s

42 - Which is false of the process of diffusion ?

A complex culture borrows more elements from a simple culture than the other way around

43 - The fact that pizza is now a popular American food is due to________________?

cultural diffusion

44 - When citizens or government agencies attempt to peacefully correct laws or institutions they are engaged in_____________?


45 - The idea that technology changes social organization and ideology is called______________?

technological revolution

46 - Placing workers and machines in one building is called______________?

factory system

47 - The technological revolution that led to the control of food production is called the_______________?

Agricultural revolution

48 - The popularity of spaghetti in the United States resulted from_______________?


49 - The knowledge of how the blood circulates in the body is a(n)______________?


50 - sociocultural change means that______________?

social and cultural change are interrelated

51 - Modernization in Britain was not as disruptive as in other countries because_______________?

the rate of change was slower, so integration of new values was possible

52 - "Future shock"is____________?

a phrase used by Alvin Toffler to describe the rapidity of change

53 - Change felt through new patterns of individual and small-group interaction is called_______________?

micro-level change

54 - Ideologies_______________?

underlie all social movements

55 - The Ku Klux Klan is an example of a(n)_________________?

change-resistant movement

56 - Redemptive movements include________________?

fundamentalist Christianity

57 - A nationalistic revolution occurred in the________________?

American Revolution

58 - A crisis of legitimacy indicates that_______________?

the public perceives that legitimate government has failed

59 - Which is NOT an element of a social movement ?

It involves no orientation toward action

60 - Crowds and masses differ in that___________________?

people in a crowd are in close proximity to one another

61 - People who are suddenly thrust in a situation for which they know no precedent are vulnerable to_______________?

collective behavior

62 - Marxists are most interested in_______________?

class revolutionary movements

63 - In industrial societies the social class most likely to participate in social movements is the__________?

middle class

64 - Social movements are forms of collective behavior that have____________________?

a sense of solidarity

65 - Social movements tend to______________?

all of the above

66 - Persons interested in saving the whales could be considered a (n)______________?


67 - Many listeners to a 1938 science fiction radio program believed that Martians were really invading the Earth They fled into the streets in panic We would call their behavior______________?

none of the above

68 - The crowd at a religious revival meeting is_______________?


69 - Collective behavior_______________?

has some connection with social factors?

70 - Publics and public opinion________________?

are more characteristic of complex societies than of simple ones

71 - A temporary collection of people gathered in the same place at the same time becomes a crowd when they______________?

respond to a common stimulus

72 - A deliberate attempt to persuade the individual to accept a particular belief or to make a specific choice uncritically is______________?


73 - Change may be experienced at which level ?

Micro middle and macro

74 - Collective behavior is________________?


75 - Which is NOT a theory of socialization into gender roles ?

string theory

76 - The differences in behavior between men and women______________?

are due both to biology and culture

77 - As a person age_____________?

health care costs decrease

78 - Kinsey maintained that______________?

sexuality exists on a continuum

79 - The identical twin who lost his penis in a tragic accident______________?

preferred dolls to guns

80 - The ideology of ageism__________________?

asserts that the very young and the very old are inferior

81 - In modern society death has acquired to some extent a sense of_____________?


82 - Retirements negative effects are felt most strongly by_____________?

none of the above

83 - The view that the elderly lack social and material resources to reciprocate in relationships and consequently occupy a subservient status is the point of______________?

exchange theory

84 - As of 2005 what proportion of women were in managerial professional and administrative positions ?


85 - In the case of the male twin castrated during circumcision________________?

in spite of attempted socialization as a female he was unhappy in his gender

86 - The media present gender roles_____________?


87 - Identification theory is based on the ideas of______________?


88 - Structured inequality of gender roles_____________?

has its origins in agricultural communities?

89 - In his book The Inevitability of Patriarchy Steven Goldberg asserts that_____________?

all of the above

90 - The experience of loss or impending loss of a person to whom one is close is called______________?


91 - Persons set apart for differential treatment include________________?

BOTH the disabled and those with same-sex preferences

92 - The elderly are a minority because them________________?

lack power

93 - Discrimination against the elderly has been especially apparent in the area of____________?


94 - Disengagement refers to_______________?

aged persons abandoning their regular roles so that younger people may assume them

95 - Feminist theory bas borrowed much of the ideas of________________?

conflict and Marxist theories

96 - Gender assignment is based on______________?

a combination of biology and socialization

97 - According to the cognitive development theory children learn gender roles according to____________?

which stage of cognitive development they have reached

98 - The subordinate position of women in decision making may result from_____________?

the instrumental role assumed by males

99 - Meads work in New Guinea indicated that__________________?

sex role behavior is conditioned differently in different cultures

100 - Males______________?

are more prone to aggressiveness than females

101 - The basic assertion of ageism is that________________?

the young are superior to the old

102 - A study of male identical twins one of whom had been castrated by accident during circumcision and treated as a little girl until puberty showed that_______________?

the castrated male still acted like a tomboy

103 - Latino neighborhoods have prospered because________________?

Latinos have a strong sense of community

104 - The difference in attitudes of whites and African Americans is related to_______________?


105 - The mechanisms of upward mobility of minorities did NOT include?

a social caste system

106 - Discrimination occurs_______________?

with or without accompanying prejudice

107 - According to Gordon Allport,s theory of contact_______________?

equal status between groups leads to reduced competition

108 - To assign uniform characteristics to an entire group of people without allowing for individual differences is called_____________?


109 - Which of the following processes includes isolation of the minority population ?


110 - Minority groups______________?

constitute a subculture within the larger culture

111 - A minority group consists of______________?

people distinguished by their physical or cultural traits

112 - As of the late 1990s________________?

at least 40 percent of blacks were squarely in the middle class

113 - Pluralist societies depend upon one of the following for their existence_______________?


114 - The most recent view of black family problems is that they are a result of_______________?

historic events of recent years

115 - Standard English and the music of music This belief is an example of_______________?

attitudinal discrimination

116 - The small number of black managers and coaches in professional baseball and football is an example of________________?

institutional discrimination

117 - Which statement is an example of stereotyping ?

All blacks are good basketball players

118 - The merging of majority and minority groups as happened in Brazil is called_______________?


119 - The Cuban community in Miami is an example of______________?


120 - Maintaining a group's distinctive customs and identity is called______________?

cultural pluralism

121 - An ascribed status that a person cannot change is________________?


122 - Human races reflect_______________?

mixtures of several populations

123 - In sociological studies of race and ethnic relations_______________?

minority refers to an oppressed group

124 - Prejudice persists because it________________?

is emotionally satisfying

125 - Discrimination is_______________?

an action taken as a result of prejudicial feelings

126 - Which statement is false regarding prejudice ?

it is almost never found in persons with an authoritarian personality type

127 - Members of an ethnic group_________________?

share social and cultural traits

128 - Scientists agree that________________?

all of humankind is descended from the same common stock

129 - Dominant groups tend to use all but which of the following methods in dealing with minorities ?

cultural relativity

130 - Minorities have reacted to domination by developing goals that may be called_________________?

all of the above

131 - The term "minority "may be defined as______________?

any group in society that is socially dominated by another group through discrimination because of race culture religion or sex

132 - By 2050 8 billion of the projected 9.5 billion people will be_____________________?

living in poor countries

133 - The smallest percentage of the poor consists of_______________?

the elderly

134 - The Marxian model of class structure divided the population into______________?

the bourgeoisie and the proletariat

135 - The importance of status is supported by_____________?

a recent study by an epidemiologist

136 - individuals who hold lesser positions and make less money than their parents are displaying_____________?

intergenerational mobility

137 - The "New Class" is characterized as consisting of______________?

professionals with skills important in the information society

138 - Subdued religious rituals which appeal to upper-middle -class Protestants are the hallmark of which of the following denominations ?

all of the above

139 - The rise of social classes is almost always associated with the development of__________________?

the state

140 - Societies with landed gentry and inherited titles resemble_________________?

estate systems

141 - The text primarily applied Weber,s notion of status to______________?

ranked occupational positions

142 - Structural functionalism is the intellectual descendent of________________?

Classical conservatism

143 - There is inequality among the Siriono of Bolivia in that_________________?

none of the above

144 - The conflict theory of inequality is based on the work of______________?

Karl Marx

145 - Which statement is FALSE ?

In simple societies social differences among individuals are nonexistent

146 - The important point about biological and cultural differences among people is______________?

the social meanings people give these differences

147 - Functionalist theorists view stratification system as_______________?

all of the above

148 - The ultimate effect of stratification systems is to________________?

create inequality

149 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an upwardly mobile individual ?

Comes from a large family of several brothers and sisters

150 - Status inconsistency is defined as_________________?

the condition of persons who are ranked higher in one variable of status than another

151 - Power is exercised in________________?

all social systems

152 - The overall poverty rate is highest among______________?

children under 6

153 - The most fundamental factor(s)in stratification is (are)______________?

education and income

154 - Taxes may be considered_____________?

as not affecting the economic flow

155 - The participants in a market include_____________?

all of the above

156 - Political science has taken a turn toward the social sciences in its studies of__________________?

the social impact of government on groups and individuals

157 - If a broad spectrum of the population is surveyed at a given time the study is called______________?

cross sectional

158 - An accountant is part of which sector ?


159 - Products of the economy used in production as opposed to gifts of nature are______________?


160 - The cottage or putting-out system refers to_________________?

The fact that in early industrialization work was done in the home

161 - What kind of labor does the craft method require ?

High-cost, highly skilled

162 - What percent of total work hours must be used to fix errors that occur on the assembly line in mass-production plants ?


163 - Lean production________________?

All of the above

164 - The average CEO's salary in 2005 was______________?

262 times that of the average workers

165 - Which occupational categories received the greatest increase in compensation in the 1990s ?

Senior and chief executive

166 - Which of the following is NOT within the secondary economic sector ?

Oil drilling

167 - Corporations wield power through_____________?

All of the above

168 - The difference between an average worker's salary and that of the average CEO has_______________?

greatly increased

169 - In economic terms every action entail________________?

opportunity costs

170 - Economists chart the limits of resources and technology on output through_____________________?

production-possibility schedules

171 - Property is defined in terms of rights of_________________?


172 - The most numerous forms of business ownership in the United States is the________________?

sole proprietorship

173 - The purpose of separating management from ownership is to________________?

ensure that the long-term interests of the corporation outweigh short-term gains

174 - Who really owns the corporation? the_________________?


175 - What percentage of American business revenues do corporation represent ?


176 - Industrialization was accompanied by_______________?

All of the above

177 - Money is___________________?

All of the above

178 - Another way of talking about opportunity costs might be as________________?

value of sacrificed resources

179 - An example of resource versatility is_________________?

land used for both mining and recreation

180 - The practice of U.S corporations' moving's their production facilities abroad is called________________?


181 - To use up the final products of production is to_______________?


182 - The totality of the phenomenon under study is called the_______________?


183 - The most experimental of the social sciences is_________________?


184 - Furnishing historical data about past societies with no written records is the task of_______________?


185 - The United Nations__________________?

None of the above

186 - The end of the Cold war_________________?

All of the above

187 - Foreign aid is an instrument of________________?

foreign policy

188 - The Treaty of Westphalia established ?

that the power of the state superseded the power of the Catholic church

189 - In the perspective of realism "high politics" refers to________________?

issues of war and security

190 - The pivotal institution of government_________________?

exists only theoretically or in a rudimentary form on the international level

191 - The instruments of foreign policy may be defined as_________________?

tools with which nations try to manipulate other nations

192 - Entities such as the U.N and the European Economic Community (Common Market) are classed as_____________?


193 - American military policy has been built on___________________?

assured destruction capability

194 - American foreign aid after World War II_________________?

boosted international trade

195 - The author of a famous treatise on the origin of the state characterized existence in the "state of nature" as________________?

"solitary poor nasty brutish and short"

196 - The view that nationalism would wither away was held by_________________?


197 - The first European people to form a nation were is________________?


198 - In the U.S the military is________________?

subordinate to the government

199 - The emergence of the sate as a result of a "social contract" is the hypothesis found in the work of________________?

Thomas Hobbes

200 - The sate differs from all the other institutions in that_______________?

its political control is complete

201 - Legal-rational authority tends to be characteristic of_________________?

heterogeneous multicultural societies

202 - A person affected by nationalism______________?

all of the above

203 - Marx believed that the state would vanish when_____________?

social classes ceased to exist

204 - Functionalists approach the state as a tool to________________?

maintain order

205 - Italy has had many changes in political leadership since World War II However economic and legal specialists keep the nation going We would call their authority_______________?


206 - Political control refers to________________?

social control exercised by the government

207 - The state has the following relationship to force__________________?

it has a monopoly on it

208 - Political control_____________?

is social control exerted by forces outside the individual

209 - The opposite of a nuclear family is the______________?

extended family

210 - The legitimate possession of power is a definition of______________?


211 - The view that the state has emerged to protect the rights of a privileged few has been expressed by philosophers of which school of thought ?


212 - The most important of government is to__________________?

implement political control

213 - Even in a democracy the state can________________?

imprison persons

214 - The forces and processes revolving around government is policies and actions are called_________________?


215 - Which is FALSE of power ____________________?

All power relationships are one sided

216 - Power may be asserted by_________________?

coercion reciprocation or reward

217 - The difference between government and state is that________________?

government is a process and the state is an abstract symbol

218 - international relations include________________?

legal but not illegal or "black market" trade

219 - By "dependent relations" globalists mean_______________?

Third-World countries are maintained in a state of dependency by First-and Second- World nations

220 - The realist school of international relations defines war and security as_____________?

low politics

221 - The global social system differs from a societal social system in that________________?

all of the above

222 - The United Stats in an exception in that_________________?

wealth does not correlate with religion

223 - Critics maintain that the following issues are present in higher education______________?

all of the above

224 - The practice of requiring degrees as a minimum hiring requirement is called_______________?


225 - Middle-and upper-class parents foster the viewpoint that________________?

occupational success is desirable

226 - Which of the following is true ?

Testing consistently low does not affect a students self-confidence

227 - What kind of individual is valued in industrial and postindustrial societies ?

the technically sophisticated and well-educated individual

228 - Critics of our school system sate that _________________?

education is used to foster the acceptance of our political system without

229 - In education_______________?

the family is crucial to student success

230 - Which are manifest functions of schools ?

All of the above

231 - Which branch of Judaism ordains women as rabbis ?


232 - The term "ecclesia" means_______________?

a state religion

233 - The most common form of religious behavior is__________________?


234 - All religions once established consist of_________________?

beliefs rituals and organization

235 - Weber,s "Protestant Ethic"is_______________?

a vindication of the morality of capitalism

236 - Marx regarded religion as______________?

all of the above

237 - The theologian Ludwig Feuerbach portrayed God as_______________?

a figment of the human imagination

238 - Religions__________________?

all of the above

239 - In Melanesia "mana"is________________?

a power that is neither good nor evil

240 - Durkheim viewed religion as a form of social_________________?


241 - Durkheim,s approach to religion involved the opposed concepts of_________________?

sacred and profane

242 - Islam was established_________________?

well after the founding of either Judaism or Christianity

243 - Social scientists________________?

neither accept nor reject claims of divine revelation

244 - Religion performs all but one of the following functions_______________?

provides a single set of norms that are universally accepted and agreed upon

245 - The social class(es) least interested in church participation is (are)the_____________?

upper and lower classes

246 - In countries such as Iran and Iraq the Moslem religion is a(n)_______________?

ecclesia or universal church

247 - Durkheim believed that religion__________________?

was a reflection of human society

248 - The push for teaching people to read in the English-speaking world was based on a desire to read_______________?

the Bible

249 - A strong predictive factor of becoming an abusive parent is________________?

to have felt unloved and unwanted by one,s own parents

250 - The highest victimization rates occur________________?

in the 0 to 3 year age group

251 - The teen pregnancy rate_________________?

only A and B

252 - It is true of divorce rates that_______________?

all of the above are true

253 - Among the changes in the family institution which is false ?

families have gotten larger

254 - Modern societies are grappling with the notion of_________________?

allowing same-sex couples to marry

255 - The blended or reconstituted family________________?

only a and b

256 - In the 1960s some young people_______________?

saw the family as an oppressive institution

257 - No- fault divorce has_______________?

all but eliminated alimony and somewhat decreased the average child support award

258 - Which of the following does NOT appear to be a factor in divorce_______________?

differences in occupational goals and careers

259 - Which women are most likely to report feeling unhappy after their divorce ?

young mothers

260 - The percentage of men filing divorce petitions is________________?

less than that of women

261 - Following a divorce both partners remarry in what percentage of cases ?


262 - The resources each spouse brings to a marriage include________________?

all of the above

263 - When children reach school age their parents_________________?

experience a decline in martial satisfaction

264 - The expectations people have regarding how husbands and wives ought to behave are called marital______________?


265 - Reproduction outside the family__________________?

has not been positively sanctioned in any society

266 - Group marriage ________________?

has never been consistently or extensively practiced

267 - Most societies________________?

encourage marriage

268 - Endogamy and exogamy are_______________?

social limitations placed on marriages

269 - Which is NOT form of plural marriage ?


270 - The nuclear family is characteristic of industrial societies because______________?

geographic and social mobility are common in industrial societies

271 - The blended family______________?

is made up of natural parents' stepparents natural children and stepchildren

272 - Children of divorce have________________?

the most difficulty at ages nine and ten

273 - A number of celebrities in the entertainment world have been married five or six times They may be said to have had ?

a faulty distribution of power in their marriages

274 - The low birthrate in the United States is related to_______________?

increase of women in work force

275 - Marrying someone with similar traits is called_______________?


276 - The family today influences_______________?

attitudes on politics

277 - Social scientists explain the incest taboo as_______________?

way of reducing family conflict

278 - In a few cultures a women can have several husbands at one time This custom is called_________________?


279 - Marriage is_________________?

a union recognized as legal by a society

280 - The nuclear from of the family often appears in_________________?

industrial societies

281 - The anthropologist George Murdock believes that the family _____________________?

has functions fundamental to human life

282 - Which component of culture is central to human life______________?

The normative

283 - The most important product of the social way of life is__________________?


284 - The largest number of statistical areas in the United States are______________?


285 - Ecology is the discipline concerned with________________?

the way living things relate and adjust to each other in a common habitat

286 - Environmental depletion is the term used to mean that________________?

natural resources are decreasing as demand for them increase

287 - Which elements are affected by pollution ?

all of the above

288 - The natural environment is_________________?

the totality of natural conditions and resources that occur in a specific area

289 - Malthus suggested the following as means of birth control________________?

all of the above

290 - The crude birthrate is________________?

an important demographic concept

291 - Population density may be defined as_________________?

the number of people to a land area

292 - The strongest urge that all living creatures feel is to__________________?

reproduce themselves

293 - In Africa many children are_________________?

social security for the future of the parents

294 - Which nation state has reached zero population growth ?

the United States

295 - Chemical pesticides________________?

can be toxic to other forms of life

296 - Overpopulation can result in________________?

environmental damage

297 - The relationship of organisms to their environments is called________________?


298 - Gentrification is the trend of__________________?

middle class professionals renovating old city housing and using them as

299 - The model in urban ecology that stresses distance of residence from central business based on social class is the_________________?

concentric zone model

300 - The SMSA is based on____________________?

one or more counties containing at least one city of 50,000 residents or two cities totaling 50,000


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