Economics Miscellaneous MCQs Set: 2

1 - Most American cities have_________________?

a reduced tax base

2 - Suburban growth was based on___________________?

the development of automobile travel

3 - Urbanism is associated with_____________________?

increase in anomie and alienation

4 - According to the U.S Census Bureau a CMSA is defined as__________________?

any locality with a population of one million people or more

5 - The urban trends resulting from the industrial Revolution include_________________?

a return to Biblical religions

6 - A countertrend observable since the 1950s is___________________?

urban decentralization

7 - Agriculture in industrial nations is now based on_________________?

greater productivity of farms because of mechanization

8 - When farms are destroyed in favor of factories and suburbs it is an example of_____________?


9 - The transition from rural living to city living occurred because_______________?

of BOTH a decrease in the need for farm workers and the fact that factories were located in cities

10 - Urbanism is defined as________________?

a set of attitudes and a way of life distinct from the rural

11 - One of the perceived advantages of suburban living is_______________________?

greater safety from crime

12 - The relationship between population and income is___________________?

an increase in income produces a decline in fertility

13 - A population pyramid shows__________________?

sex and age distribution within a population

14 - Which Catholic nation displays high birthrates ?


15 - An area which is today in the first stage of the demographic transition is the following________________?

Tropical Africa

16 - World overpopulation could be prevented by_________________?

zero population growth worldwide

17 - Death rates are highest in_______________?

tropical African

18 - The crude birthrate is the_________________?

number of births per thousand people per year

19 - The highest percentage of humans live in________________________?


20 - Environmental pollution is the result of_________________?

human actions that have harmful consequences

21 - Most population experts_______________?

expect population to level off at between 8 and 15 billion people

22 - It is true of the population of the United States that_________________?

it is BOTH older and more female

23 - Zero population growth_________________?

is actively pursued by many of the underdeveloped nations

24 - Which is typical of the first stage of the demographic transition ?

cycles of growth and decline

25 - Population began to increase steadily________________?

by around the middle of the 18th century

26 - The difficulty with fighting terrorism is that_________________?

terrorists have differing goals

27 - Premeditated politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents is the definition of_________________?


28 - Which of the following brings about cultural change_________________?

all of the above

29 - The rate of change for most of human history has been________________?

slow until the Industrial Revolution then rapid

30 - Futurist Alvin Toffler called his concept_______________?

future shock

31 - The first technological revolution________________?

turned people from food gatherers to food producers

32 - The factory system_________________?

resulted from BOTH the convenience of housing workers and equipment together and gave more power to the entrepreneurs

33 - The privileged position of the modern industrial nations was attained because of_______________?

both urbanization and industrialization

34 - Today physicians the clergy and lawyers have difficulty dealing with test tube babies and surrogate motherhood We could say that they are grappling with_________________?

cultural change

35 - The Industrial Revolution began with_________________?

the invention of a few basic machines

36 - The Industrial Revolution was based on_______________?

all of the above

37 - When one culture borrows traits from another culture the borrowing culture tends to be________________?

selective in borrowing

38 - How are decisions about production made in a market economy ?

Through a price system

39 - The first airplane was a (n)________________?


40 - When people's beliefs about the inferiority of a certain group undergo change the process is called________________?

cultural change

41 - Modernization means that a society becomes________________?


42 - It is correct to say that__________________?

the rate of change has increased in recent years

43 - Change may be experienced on three levels__________________?

micro middle and macro

44 - A social movement which becomes a formal organization is said to have undergone________________?


45 - The abolitionist movement sought the abolition of_______________?


46 - When a predominantly foreign government is overthrown the revolution is called_______________?


47 - When the public perceives that the government has failed the state may be said to be undergoing________________?

a crisis of legitimacy

48 - The most recent social movements________________?

none of the above

49 - Reform movements_________________?

may be progressive or reactionary

50 - Billy Graham,s religious revival meetings are an example of_________________?

expressive crowds

51 - The civil rights movement in the United States was a_________________?

reform movement

52 - In a developing nation people start to obtain good jobs Then inflation cuts their income the people begin to feel_________________?

a failure of rising expectations

53 - Social movements never_________________?

none of the above

54 - Ideologies___________________?

direct people to act in a certain way

55 - Collective behavior favors social change because it_______________?

alters people's perspective

56 - Public opinion is associated with_______________?

mass society

57 - When old rules and laws are ignored, and rebellious crowds set up new rules of behavior social scientists call this situation________________?


58 - Violent crowd behavior______________?

is usually temporary

59 - Social scientists are interested in collective behavior because it is________________?

often the basis of important social change

60 - Collective behavior is_______________________?

rather unstructured

61 - Censorship______________?

deletes all or parts of information

62 - Crowds may engage in unpredictable behavior because_______________?

BOTH they are temporary, and individuals are anonymous

63 - Which is NOT a form of collective behavior ?

Dining out with a friend

64 - A scattered collection of people who share a common interest or a concern about an issue are a (n).


65 - Which is NOT a characteristic of crowd behavior ?

Individuals totally shed their identity

66 - Collective behavior is often precipitated by__________________?

rapid social change

67 - In most societies male dominance is evident through ?

all of the above

68 - Which is false ?

more men than women live alone

69 - The instrumental role was traditionally assigned to______________?


70 - Which of the following statements is true ?

none of the above

71 - Which groups are hardest hit by the death of a spouse ?

all of the above

72 - The trend toward early retirement seems to be______________?

none of the above

73 - The result of executive officers sitting on several corporate boards is________________?

interlocking directorates

74 - The intended consequences of advertising is to__________________?

All of the above

75 - The shift toward tertiary sector jobs has_______________?

reduced the need for unskilled or semi-skilled workers

76 - CEO stands for_______________?

chief executive officer

77 - Craft unions differed from industrial unions in that they______________?

Were horizontally organized

78 - Japan's lean production method is modeled on a system worked out at_______________?

Toyota Motors

79 - By what method were the first cars ever manufactured produced ?

Craft method

80 - What were guilds ?

Only b and c

81 - Globalism___________________?

refers to the fact that capitalism has become the economic system of choice around the world

82 - Which statements is FALSE ?

Relations between blacks and whites are 100 percent improved

83 - By advocating the acquisition of "more androgynous roles" by both men and women what is meant is that________________?

we should combine male and female sex-typed traits

84 - Women's rate of diagnosed depression is__________________?

twice as high as men's

85 - Which statement appears to be most correct__________________?

housekeeping and childcare are still considered women's work

86 - Women are a minority group insofar as_______________?

they are treated unequally and are aware of their minority status

87 - Male dominance is expressed_____________________?

all of the above

88 - Women first assumed subordinate roles when they_________________?

ceased to gather the majority of the food supply

89 - Form the dawn of history through the development of agriculture______________?

all of the above

90 - It is fairly certain that male and female brains________________?

differ in left-right communication

91 - Ageism asserts that___________________?

the young are superior to the old

92 - It has been found that disengagement is usually________________?

often forced

93 - There is no conclusive evidence that differences in the behavior of the two genders are due to______________?

all of the above

94 - The "feminization of poverty " refers to________________?

the fact that female-headed households are usually poor

95 - The female role as a passive and domestic creature may be conditioned by_______________?

all of the above

96 - Studies other than Mead,s show that_________________?

in most cultures' males are more aggressive than females

97 - The hormone associated with male traits and aggression is_______________?


98 - Males are conceived with which of the following chromosome configurations ?


99 - The largest number of Latinos come form_______________?


100 - Psychologists researching the causes of prejudice have found that_______________?

all of the above

101 - The term "prejudice" implies that_________________?

ones judgments are BOTH preconceived and unchangeable

102 - Prejudice diminishes as___________________?

the economic status of minorities becomes equal to that of the majority

103 - In the social sciences discrimination as a concept means_________________?

actions taken as a result of prejudicial feelings

104 - When confronted with evidence contrary to their beliefs prejudiced persons will______________?

refuse to change the original judgment in spite of evidence to the contrary

105 - What is the basis of racist ideology ?

An inaccurate interpretation and social application of Darwin,s theory of evolution

106 - For many second and third generation immigrants ethnic background is less a focus of identity than______________?


107 - Which of the following is NOT true of minority groups ?

They are not aware of their minority status

108 - The dominant group in a society is the one that is the_________________?

most powerful

109 - Stratification systems tend to________________?

differentiate among people within societies

110 - The Black movement to the urban North from the rural South was similar to______________?

immigration from Europe

111 - According to Gordon Allport much prejudice is based on________________?

economic competition among different groups

112 - The decline of unskilled factory jobs has increased black unemployment The situation is a result of______________?

structural discrimination

113 - Admiration of power and intolerance of differences is linked to a_________________?

authoritarian personality

114 - Racism is based on the belief (s) that_________________?

all of the above

115 - When a minority group accepts the culture of the dominant group it is called_______________?


116 - In recent years there was an awakening of ethnic identity among the following groups__________________?

all of the above

117 - Second- and third-generation immigrants failed to melt in the melting pot because of_______________?


118 - Classification of human races is_____________________?

vague because of overlap of traits

119 - Ethnic groups are based on_________________?

common customs and /or identities

120 - Discriminatory behavior prompted by the knowledge that prejudice exists on a society wide level is called______________?

attitudinal discrimination

121 - Stressing the desirability of retaining each group,s cultural distinctiveness is part of the ideology of______________?

cultural pluralism

122 - Scientists agree that________________?

all of humankind is descended from the same common stock

123 - Conflicts between the dominant group and minorities develop because_________________?

all of the above

124 - The difference between racial minorities and ethnic minorities is_______________?

racial minorities differ biologically ethnic minorities differ culturally from the dominant group

125 - Membership in specific racial ethnic and religious groupings is________________?

a variable of the stratification system

126 - Global inequality is evident in_______________?

all of the above

127 - Craftsmen foremen secretary's office workers belong to the________________?

working class

128 - Where one stands in the social hierarchy is intimately related to________________?

only B and C

129 - The loss of entire categories of jobs without the creation of new occupations would be_______________?

structural mobility of a negative sort

130 - Members of the "New Class" occupy which of the following occupations_________________?

journalists' academics media commentators

131 - Life expectancy is____________________?

about the same across social classes

132 - The categories used by researchers to pigeonhole people into social classes__________________?

tend to be arbitrary and artificial

133 - The victims of crime tend to be_______________?

B and C

134 - Max Weber,s notion of life chances closely resembles the concept of________________?

personal power

135 - The nation that social institutions reinforce and legitimize class division is derived from___________?

Karl Marx

136 - The view that inequality is based on the corrupting and divisive actions of institutions is part of the ideology of_______________?

classical liberalism

137 - According to Blau and Duncan occupational upward mobility is greatly influenced by______________?

all of the above

138 - Inequality has been explained as______________?

all of the above

139 - Which is NOT a type of social differentiation ?

Head shape and eye color

140 - Present theories of stratification__________________?

offer two different ways of looking at inequality

141 - Conflict theorists view stratification systems as______________?

BOTH coercive and resulting from class struggles

142 - Which are the dimensions of stratification ?

Class status and power

143 - People who suffer from status inconsistency__________________?

tend to suffer more frustration and dissatisfaction than those whose status is consistent

144 - Power is defined by Max Weber as the ability to__________________?

carry out one,s wishes in spite of resistance

145 - Most researchers today use only two approaches to determine social class They are the_______________?

occupational prestige and socioeconomic status(SES)

146 - Poverty is related to_______________?

patterns of prejudice and technological change

147 - Some of the restrictions as work in a market include________________?

income for labor

148 - The circular nature of the economic process occurs from_________________?

household to firm to consumer and back again

149 - The price system is based on_______________?

consumer demand

150 - What is meant by the public sector ?

Economic activities in which the government engages for the public good

151 - What forces prices down ?

Elastic demand

152 - Rates of poverty tend to be highest among_______________?

all of the above

153 - The most likely factor to overcome the low status of a father's occupation is______________?


154 - The modern approach to studying social classes based on several dimensions of the stratification system is the______________?


155 - Which society lacks social classes totally ?

none of the above

156 - Which is characteristic of a strictly closed society ?


157 - The following people enjoy both status and wealth in our society______________?


158 - A modern definition of class maintains that social class is constituted by____________?

persons who have similar forms of power prestige or wealth

159 - Which of the following is a criticism of Marxist theory ?

Marxism tries to explain all social problems

160 - Criticisms of structural functionalism include_______________?

all of the above

161 - The classical conservative approach to stratification is that____________?

inequality is the law of nature

162 - Stratification occurs societies that have a____________?


163 - In stratified societies categories of people are ranked by________________?

food is shared by all

164 - If a janitor got a job as a security guard because it was closer to home he would be experiencing_______________?

horizontal mobility

165 - Negative life chances correspond to__________________?

a low position in the stratification system

166 - According to Karl Marx_______________?

classes are determined by the relationship of a group in society to the means of production

167 - The greatest problem with capital punishment is that________________?

sometimes an innocent person is put to death

168 - The rationalization for having capital punishment is that_______________?

it acts as a deterrent

169 - Crimes that are tolerated more than others because they seldom include violence include_______________?

all but B

170 - Two nations with a low street -crime rate are________________?

Japan and Finland

171 - Among the causes of violence the most probable is/are___________________?

poverty drugs and hopelessness

172 - Embezzlement and fraud are two examples of_________________?

white collar crime

173 - Secondary deviance does not occur unless people_______________?

accept the deviant labels and maintain the behavior in

174 - Another name for cultural transmission theory is______________?

differential association theory

175 - A form of treatment for severe mental disorders that has been largely abandoned is_____________?


176 - Psychosomatic illness entails____________?

anxiety or emotional tension producing physical symptoms

177 - Primary deviance______________?

is deviance of which we are all guilty at one time or another

178 - Which of the following is an example of a sociological theory of deviant behavior ?

None of the above

179 - Which of the following is a social order crime?

Public drunkenness

180 - A condition of normlessness and separation from legitimate modes of behavior is termed___________?


181 - White -collar crime_____________?

is very costly to society

182 - When cars are offered at low prices but people still do not buy them the situation is one in which______________?

demand is inelastic

183 - Deviance that is covered by the laws of a society is called______________?


184 - Deviance that has been exposed leads to______________?


185 - What percentage of the earth's people live in high-income areas ?


186 - Approximately how many people inhabit the earth ?

6 billion

187 - Which is NOT Third World nation ?


188 - The three most important nations in Asia are_______________?

Japan India China

189 - Armenia Georgia and Azerbaijan are_____________________?

Asian nations

190 - The failure of the League of Nation______________?

illustrated that national interest is more important than collective security or moral opposition to aggression

191 - Terrorist groups differ from liberation organizations in that_______________?

they do not organize the masses on a large scale

192 - When considering the role of morality in foreign policy analysts observe that_____________?

each nation has different standards as to what is proper behavior and values

193 - The decision to send arms to Iran made by the National Security Council during the Reagan presidency was an example of the following type of foreign policy______________?


194 - Switzerland is an example of nation that______________?

looks out for its own interests only

195 - Which perspective assumes that actors other than states are also important and s whether states are unitary actors ?


196 - The purpose of the Monroe Doctrine was_______________?

to warn European powers to keep away from the Western Hemisphere in return for U.S nonintervention in Europe

197 - Which statement is wrong regarding diplomacy? It_____________?

is a recent addition to international relations?

198 - Diplomacy today gives diplomats________________?

limited roles as messengers

199 - Foreign policy decisions may be categorized into those that are________________?

all of the above

200 - Future generations will have to pay interest on the current debt because______________?

budget deficits are funded with borrowed money

201 - The Federal Reserve Bank regulates the money supply by__________________?

all of the above

202 - The government can curb excessive aggregate demand(inflation)by_________________?

none of the above

203 - The jobs of the future will include______________?

All but A

204 - Which is true ?

All of the above are true

205 - Symbolic analysts are_______________?

only A and B

206 - Both fiscal and monetary policies focus on____________________?

the demand side of the market

207 - Supply-side theories claim that__________________?

a decline in aggregate supply is responsible for economic downturns

208 - The argument that in some situations the government had to "prime the pump" was advanced by________________?

John Maynard Keynes

209 - Which is/are the policy option(s) to counteract business cycles ?

All of the above

210 - The inordinate growth of government is a side effect of________________?

government intervention in the economy

211 - In order to raise the GNP and the GDP per capita one must____________?

increase productivity

212 - A way of calculating the total output of the economy regardless of where resources are located is________________?

the SPQR

213 - In economic terms incomes are distributed according to________________?

a person's marginal productivity

214 - The Great Depression_________________?

only B and C

215 - Total "laissez-faire" is impossible because________________?

all of the above

216 - When the supply and demand curves intersect the final lasting price is achieved This is called_____________?

equilibrium price

217 - Participants in the market system________________?

are affected by prices and incomes

218 - Firms sell their products in________________?

product markets

219 - Maintaining full employment stabilizing the economy and pursuing economic growth are issues analyzed in the context of_______________?


220 - Total planned OR desired spending in the economy as a whole within a given period is called_____________?

aggregate demand

221 - Without stabilized prices_______________?

all of the above

222 - The Department of Health and Human Services has summarized the "correct" mix of goods and services through ?

165 social indicators

223 - Need and demand________________?

are unrelated concepts

224 - Income received by households that is not returned to firms is called_______________?


225 - In microeconomics the household is defined as_______________?

everyone who lives under one roof

226 - Exceptions to the circular flow are__________________?

B and C only

227 - Adequate growth of the economy refers to the goals of__________________?

all of the above

228 - Liberals and conservatives agree to some extent that economic goals should include________________?

all of the above

229 - A problem with laissez-faire economic policy is that there is___________________?

no provision for public goods

230 - Demand and supply are________________?

market forces

231 - Some of the advantages of a market economy include ?

all of the above

232 - Extraction of raw materials occurs in which sector of the economy ?


233 - Which status is in transition and difficult to classify in corporate relationships ?


234 - When a business has multiple absentee owners with limited liability it is a_____________?


235 - A corporation________________?

all of the above

236 - Resources are defined as______________?

everything needed for the production of goods and services including human energy

237 - Land labor capital and entrepreneurship ?

must be combined in the production of goods and service

238 - Unions face WHICH of the following problems ?

Loss of membership

239 - Royal Dutch Shell Oil Co has branches in Holland Britain the United States and France This kind of corporation is called__________________?


240 - One of the side effects of advertising is that it________________?

creates artificial demands

241 - With the shift from family capitalism to industrial capitalism the important unit became the_______________?


242 - The Protestant Ethic supported capitalism through the religious doctrine that praised_________________?

hard work and thrift

243 - In contemporary market systems competition____________________?

is diluted by private and state monopolies

244 - The market system consists of planning by__________________?


245 - Specialized division of labor in industrial societies can make workers feel that they_______________?

all of the above

246 - Efficiency in economic terminology means________________?

obtaining the highest output in the least amount of time

247 - Which economic orientations govern Western industrial societies ?

BOTH market and command

248 - The main problem facing societies with a surplus is_____________________?

what to produce how produce it and for whom to produce it

249 - The numbers of PACs ?

increased nearly sevenfold since 1974

250 - The foremost advantage of a corporation is its_____________?

ability to accumulate vast amounts of capital in a short time

251 - In most societies ownership of property takes one of three forms________________?

communal private public

252 - Land labor capital and entrepreneurship are called__________________?

factors of production

253 - Each society must make the following decisions of an economic nature regarding the______________?

production distribution and consumption of goods and services

254 - Which resources are scarce in every society ?

Food shelter and protective coverings

255 - Corporations and labor unions_____________?

all of the above

256 - Whenever a third party becomes significant its platform _______________ ?

is integrated into the platforms of the two main parties

257 - The transitional period between the dominance of one party or another is called_______________?


258 - "Hard "money is_________________?

none of the above

259 - The Democrats lost the presidential elections in 1984 and 1988 because of______________?

running the wrong candidates

260 - Political parties link_____________?

heterogeneous groups to coalitions

261 - Effective social movement leadership requires_______________?

all of the above

262 - Which of the following is NOT an interest group ?

Lobbyists of America

263 - A modified version of elitist theory holds that_______________?

all of the above

264 - What function do politicians serve according to pluralists ?

Power and interest brokers

265 - The chief function of interest group is to________________?

provide group representation above and beyond that provided by our elected officials in Congress

266 - Which of the following groups has traditionally had the worst voting record in the United States ?

The young and underprivileged

267 - The classic textbook model of democracy is referred to as the__________________?

majoritarian model

268 - Interest groups may be defined as__________________?

coalitions of individuals with similar attitudes and interests who attempt to influence public policy

269 - In regard to public and political opinion_________________?

political opinion is all opinions expressed on political issues

270 - Today's Catholic Church is classified as a________________?

nongovernmental organization

271 - Surveys of American voters reveal_______________?

a general cynicism about government

272 - The political organization that may have too much influence on elected officials because of its generous contribution is the________________?

Political Action Committee

273 - Proposed political party reforms in the U.S include_____________?

greater ideological division

274 - Political parties in the U.S function to______________?

all of the above

275 - The synthesis of the elitist and pluralist approaches realist democracy assumes that_____________?

all of the above

276 - In the American political system_____________?

members of Congress and their constituents generally do not know much about what the other thinks

277 - A pluralist in the U.S would maintain that___________________?

power is spread through multiple centers

278 - The power elite are drawn from among the_______________?

military and business leaders

279 - The school of thought that considers power to be brokered by various interest groups is called______________?


280 - In C.Wright Mill,s view what group constitutes an elite ?

The military-industrial-governmental complex

281 - According to Marx which group constituted a ruling elite ?

The bourgeoisie

282 - The political process_______________?

allows those representing minority views to try to become the majority

283 - The third function of the legislative branch is________________?


284 - Enacting legislation__________________?

all of the above

285 - Federal legislation has sometimes been prompted by_____________________?

all of the above

286 - Statistics that allow researchers to generalize to a population from a sample are called______________?


287 - The opposite of the rule of law is________________?

the rule of men

288 - The United States government began to function in_______________?


289 - Federalism many be defined as a system of_____________________?

concurrent power

290 - The federal system has worked particularly well in_________________?

large sized countries with regional differences

291 - The term "constitutional" is reserved to describe________________?

a government that operates in accordance with general rules and limitations

292 - The presidents most important role is as_______________?

foreign policy maker

293 - The federal government has increased its responsibilities at the local level because_____________?

the states inefficiency

294 - The United States government includes the following traits____________?


295 - How are presidential programs funded ?

By Congress

296 - What were the goals of the Constitutional Convention ?

To form a government that would serve the interests of all groups in the society

297 - The Untied States Constitution provides for the________________?

principle of federalism

298 - Constitutions are________________?

intended to limit governmental power

299 - The writers of the Constitution intended the president to have________________?

weak personal power

300 - Judicial review by the Supreme Court is based on____________?

the Marbury v Madison decision


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