Economics Miscellaneous MCQs Set: 3

1 - Which is NOT a presidential role ?

Chief Justice

2 - The chief reason that Congress is so ineffective is________________?

the traditional organization of the legislative branch

3 - Government____________?

all of the above

4 - "Laissez-faire"______________?

is the French expression Adam Smith used to mean that government should keep its hands off the economy?

5 - Contrary to Karl Marx,s expectations communist revolutions occurred in_______________?

all of the above

6 - Why is the private ownership of property deemed beneficial ?

None of the above

7 - Democratic capitalism means that________________?

the economy is regulated through legislation and taxation

8 - The fundamental assumption of democratic socialism is that_______________?

participation in political decision making should be extended to economic decision making

9 - Democracy is based on_______________?

the value of the individual

10 - The dialectic is based on_____________?

two extreme positions giving rise to a middle position

11 - Regarding capitalist industrial societies Marx asserted that______________?

they contained the seeds of their own destruction

12 - Communism emerged as an ideology in reaction to conditions following____________?

the Industrial Revolution

13 - Fascism_______________?

distrusts reason

14 - A totalitarian regime______________?

all of the above

15 - Traditional autocracy has been replaced by________________?

authoritarian or totalitarian ideologies

16 - Like Freud Erik Erikson maintains that_______________?

none of the above

17 - In the United States a sense of national identity ?

only B and C

18 - ideologies tend to arise during periods of_____________?


19 - The myth complex functions to_________________?

give legitimate authority to the government in power

20 - ideologies may be described as_______________?

simplified world views

21 - An ideology is______________?

a set of ideas values and attitudes

22 - Deviance contributes to social change in that________________?

some actions initially defined as deviant eventually become generally accepted

23 - Determining that a particular act is deviant may depend on______________?

all of the above

24 - The theory speculating that every society develops a number of cultural goals for members to attain but that attainment is not possible for all is called the_____________?

anomie theory

25 - Deviant individuals______________?

set examples for others thus reaffirming existing norms

26 - To some degree according to some research heredity determines_____________?

all of the above

27 - According to the cultural transmission theory deviance is learned through________________?

close association with deviants

28 - Studies of delinquent gangs indicate that____________?

gang norms are substituted for society's norms in some cases

29 - Index crimes include all but one of the following_______________?

moving traffic violation

30 - Schizophrenia is_______________?

applied to a number of disturbances for lack of any other label

31 - The biological explanations of deviance include____________?

all of the above

32 - Deviance is defined______________?

in the context of time and place

33 - The concept of deviance refers to________________?

departure from social norms

34 - Recent research supports the notion that mother-infant bonding_______________?

has a biological basis

35 - Kohlberg,s three stages of moral development are_______________?

pre-conventional conventional and post-conventional

36 - The succession of stages in Jean Piaget,s model of cognitive development is_______________?

sensorimotor intuitive operational concrete operational and formal operational

37 - Defense mechanisms function to________________?

deflect anxiety

38 - Freud located the "libido" ?

within the ld

39 - According to Freud the crucial institution for the development of personality is______________?

the family

40 - According to George H.Mead mind is________________?

none of the above

41 - Anger is_______________?

all of the above

42 - Absence of body contact and stimulation in infants inhibits_______________?

development of higher learning functions

43 - Personality may be seen as a circular system in that____________?

personality affects roles and vice-versa

44 - When the lk of Uganda lost their traditional hunting grounds they ?

their formerly outgoing personalities changed

45 - Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers are associated with the following theories of personality.

stressing self-concept and self-actualization

46 - Which is NOT an aim of the process of socialization ?

To teach infants to sit stand walk and run in that order

47 - Gestalt psychology looks at__________________?

behavior as whole

48 - The Superego of Freud,s theory is similar to Mead,s ?

generalized other

49 - A prison is a______________?

total institution

50 - The mass media especially TV have been_______________?

none of the above

51 - The primary agent of socialization is the______________?


52 - Children have taken on the role of the generalized other when______________?

they start school

53 - Our type of society fosters______________?


54 - Types of survey data include_______________?

all of the above

55 - People who are important in shaping your self-concept and whose approval you wish to have are_____________?

significant others

56 - Telling a child "You should always say thank you when someone gives you something is an example of____________?

conscious socialization

57 - Human infants in order to become successful adults need______________?

all of the above

58 - When one knows the roles that one is expected to play and is willing and able to do so one is_____________?

successfully socialized

59 - Successful socialization for humans requires_______________?

contact with other humans

60 - Socialization involves the use of which process to turn a "horde of barbarians" into productive human beings ?

symbolic and physical interaction

61 - The "significant others" of Mead,s theory are____________?

important because they provide the initial role models

62 - What is one difference between Freuds developmental stages and Erikson's ?

Freud stopped at adolescence

63 - Maturation is a term used by developmental psychologists to refer to______________?


64 - A person who is suddenly set down on a commune in rural China would most likely undergo ?

the process of resocialization

65 - Individuals who become inmates of a total institution undergo the process of______________?


66 - Bureaucracy is based on________________?


67 - Formal organizations have_______________?

clearly stated goals and policies

68 - A makeshift organizational network which often parallels bureaucratic administration is called______________?

informal bureaucracy

69 - Max Weber intended his "ideal type" of bureaucracy as an_______________?

idealized or exaggerated model of rational administration

70 - Organization differ from institutions in that________________?

one cannot join an institution

71 - Four primary social processes are________________?

conflict exchange cooperation and competition

72 - Daniel Bell has called the newly emerging from of society ?


73 - Bureaucracy and extensive social differentiation initially occur in the historical transition from_____________?

horticultural to agricultural society

74 - A persons family in addition to being a primary group is also a______________?


75 - Primary group are basic to the development of____________________?


76 - An example of a category would be_____________?

all the redheads currently imprisoned in the U.S

77 - Role strain___________?

all of the above

78 - Societies in which ascribed statuses have been prevalent include______________?

A and C only

79 - Another way of saying that position in a group are value-rated by group members is_______________?

statuses are ranked

80 - Social life is organized and structured through____________?

all of the above

81 - Critiques of bureaucratic forms of business administration argue that_____________?

vertical hierarchies of power are too sluggish

82 - Utilitarian organizations include_____________?

businesses and industries of all types

83 - The earliest and least complex society was___________?

hunting and gathering

84 - Social organization________________?

is microsocial macrosocial and interchangeable with social structure

85 - Symbolic interaction ?

includes gestures speech and music

86 - The human social process most important for social interaction is_______________?


87 - The microelements of societies are made up of_____________?

processes of social interaction

88 - Industrial societies are based on____________?

machines for production

89 - To a person who belongs to it beer can collectors, club is a(n) ?

membership group

90 - One British psychologist believes that the Western family causes most of the mental illness in individuals This theory implies that ___________??

primary group relations can be harmful to the individual

91 - A secondary group is characterized by_________________?

formal interaction

92 - The smallest group is constituted by the________________?


93 - A police office follows a speeding car and when the car finally stops she is horrified to discover her husband at the wheel in giving him a ticket she experiences______________?

role conflict

94 - Achieved status would be especially important in_______________?

none of the above

95 - Statuses are based on______________?

all of the above

96 - A mother preparing lunch for her child is an example of a(n)______________?


97 - Social structure refers to_________________?

norms roles and group in a social system

98 - Studying the interaction between government and the economy would occur on a______________?

microsocial level

99 - The allocation of tasks to particular individuals who specialize in performing them is referred to as_______________?

division of labor

100 - Which of the following is a group ?

softball players performing in a playoff tournament

101 - Role conflicts tend to occur______________?

because we must fulfill several demanding roles simultaneously

102 - Which is NOT an element of social structure ?


103 - A reference group is a(n) ?

formal or informal organization to which one belongs

104 - Faulty role performance ?

all of the above

105 - If the daughter of a factory worker wants to become the president of the company for which her father works we may assume that______________?

she has a different reference group than her social class would indicate

106 - Cultural change is always________________?

both of the above

107 - Countercultures are_______________?

groups whose values are in explicit opposition to those of the wider societal culture

108 - An example of a temporary subculture would be_______________?

the MTV generation

109 - Similarities common to all cultures are called_________________?

cultural universals

110 - In one sense of the term everyone is ethnocentric This is because______________?

it is virtually impossible not to view people and situations in terms of some of the norms and categories derived from one,s own cultural experiences

111 - The five pivotal institutions are__________________?

the economy government religion family and education

112 - Official sanctions usually entail________________?

public recognition

113 - Violation of a folkway is considered ?

a slight to one,s group but not a punishable offense

114 - The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis ?

emphasizes the difficulty of understanding another culture as its participants understand it

115 - Language gestures and music are________________?

symbol systems

116 - Culture______________?

is arguably possessed to some degree by nonhuman primates as well as humans

117 - The creation of culture unlike playwriting ?

all of the above

118 - If culture is comparable to a script for a play then______________?

society may be compared to a troupe of actors

119 - The attitude of some Americans toward the minorities in their midst shows_______________?

the importance of culture

120 - When we refer to how people really behave we________________?

use statistical norms

121 - Humans depend on others for full development and generally live in groups They are________________?


122 - "Personal space is defined differently in different societies Therefore we can say that_____________?

culture shapes both verbal and nonverbal behavior

123 - The cognitive component of culture__________________?

includes knowledge beliefs and technology

124 - The most essential element of culture is______________?


125 - Most animal behavior is determined by_________________?

biology and instinct

126 - Which is an example of a subculture ?

Kiwi culture

127 - To say that American music is the best in the world is an example of__________________?


128 - Institution are_________________?

traditional habits centering around fundamental human needs

129 - Americans proclaim the need for honesty but cheat on their tax returns This situation indicates that_____________?

Americans often follow a covert culture in actual behavior

130 - People often accept social control based on________________?

positive sanctions

131 - In the United States an example of a taboo is_______________?

marrying sister

132 - Love of money peace and God are American ?


133 - Norms are__________________?

all of the above

134 - Material culture________________?

illustrates the evolution of tools and includes all objects made by humans

135 - Sapir and Whorf believe that______________?

the structure of a language shapes a people view of the world

136 - Culture is based on______________?

learning thorough symbols

137 - The most important differences among humans are based on ______________ ?


138 - Systems of beliefs and behavior designed to meet basic human needs are called ?


139 - Which of the following is an example of a culture trait ?

BOTH rings and exchanging wedding vows

140 - Norms are essentially ?

rules for behavior

141 - Some American Indians cannot express the idea of time in their tribal languages This fact shows that_____________ ??

time is not an important value in their culture

142 - Americans are likely to experience culture shock_______________?

when they come in contact with an unfamiliar culture

143 - The discipline that studies such disparate subjects as the environment religion politics criminality organization and so on is______________?


144 - Anthropologists have developed ?

a number of theories

145 - The first step in the scientific method is____________?

selection of area to be researched

146 - All but WHICH of the following characteristics of humans led to the development of science ?

The use of reason

147 - Scientific observation in the social sciences differs from that in the natural sciences because___________?

the social sciences deal with the behavior of people

148 - The study and comparative analysis of preliterate societies is one of the chief concerns of______________?


149 - The scientific method contains all but one of the following techniques ?

selecting data to prove a point

150 - Skepticism refers to________________?


151 - Experiments are_______________?

based on controlling a variable and observing the results

152 - An intensive study of an individual or a small group is made by using the following research method ?

case study

153 - Scientific research relates to________________?

all of the above

154 - A theory is a______________?

set of concepts and generalization

155 - The study of human group behavior is the definition of________________?


156 - Political science stresses the study of_______________?

all of the above

157 - The social science that deals with human use of the natural environment is______________?


158 - Anthropology is restricted to the study of_______________?

none of the above

159 - During the Enlightenment of the 18th century_______________?

a number of scholars believed human social life could be studied scientifically

160 - The social sciences have_____________?

problems with studying people in laboratories

161 - Scientific conclusions are_________________?

relative to time and place of study and subject to revision

162 - Human beings are born into a social world that is_______________?

the result of cultural development over previous generation

163 - The research method in which the researcher controls one variable and observes and records the results is called_____________?


164 - The economic participant who decides how to use the factors of production and for what purpose in called a________________?


165 - In an open or class society_________________?

status is both achieved and ascribed

166 - The objective approach to determine social class membership is based on________________?

all of the above

167 - Among the factors that favor individual mobility are_________________?

late marriage

168 - Open stratification systems are associated with__________________?


169 - The mechanism of the market system provides for________________?

all of the above

170 - Which of the following groups determine market transactions ?

Households firms and central authorities

171 - Power is_________________?

all of the above

172 - Martin Luther king,s status was based on his_____________?

social influence

173 - Max Weber believed that_______________?

class is closely related to life chances

174 - Marx,s view of social class is that______________?

private ownership of the means of production perpetuates class divisions

175 - The structural functionalist explanation of social stratification asserts that________________?

there is a limited number of skilled talented people thus they should be rewarded

176 - Social Darwinists believed that________________?

only the strongest persons should control the resources of a society

177 - In stratified societies categories of people are ranked by______________?


178 - Social ranking is based on________________?

all of the above

179 - "The ability of one individual or group to control the actions of another individual or group without the latter's consent" is a definition of____________?


180 - All systems of stratification display the following characteristics except_________________?


181 - Among the reason for overturning death penalty verdicts on appeal are______________?

all of the above

182 - According to criminologists_______________?

the death penalty does not act as a deterrent

183 - The high cost of fighting crime is due in large part to_______________?

an increase in prison inmates

184 - illegal acts that are characterized by deceit concealment or violation of trust is the FBI,s definition of_______________?

white-collar crime

185 - A low incidence of crime is more characteristic of________________?

only and b

186 - Drug addiction has been characterized as a victimless crime meaning ?

addicts choose to be addicted and hurt no one but themselves

187 - Gambling and prostitution are included in the category of______________?

social order crimes

188 - Howard Becker,s term for the process whereby individuals are accused sermonized and punished is_______________?


189 - Criminologists Cloward and Ohlin Classified delinquent gangs into which of the following categories ?

Criminal realist conflict

190 - A medical model of deviance assumes that it is caused by_________________?

all of the above

191 - Serious mental disorders that often require periods of hospitalization or institutionalization are called____________?


192 - Biological explanations of deviance________________?

were popular during the first half of the 20th century

193 - According to the differential association theory deviant acts are_________________?

learned through interaction with others

194 - Which of the following acts does NOT constitute a crime if committed by an adult ?


195 - The exchange system is based on_______________?

supply and demand

196 - Which of the following is an index crime ?


197 - Aggregate demand is defined as_________________?

the total demand in a society or on a world level for goods and services

198 - Labeling theory has been criticized because_________________?

an undiscovered teller who steals from his bank is still a deviant

199 - Deviance that has not been discovered is called ?

primary deviance

200 - The middle- and low-income nation are located mostly in_______________?

the southern regions of the world

201 - What percentage of the earth's people live in low-income areas ?


202 - The largest of the world regions containing 44 countries is_____________?

Sub-Saharan Africa

203 - The desert and semi-arid regions of the Middle East are resource-poor except for_______________?


204 - The most advanced form of regional cooperation is exhibited by______________?


205 - When a state experiences a foreign policy crisis_______________?

both general and administrative personnel are involved

206 - The Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan and NATO are characteristic of which period ?


207 - When President Kennedy told the Soviet leader to withdraw Russian missiles in Cuba it was an illustration of one of the following types of foreign policy ?


208 - An example of a state that has had to worry about and defend its very physical existence is_______________?


209 - Political scientist Morgenthau and the realist school believe that foreign policy is based on_______________?

exercise of power

210 - In the present national power is based on________________?

specific combinations of attributes

211 - The type of foreign policy decisions made by the governmental bureaucracy fall into the category of_______________?

administrative foreign policy

212 - Which perspective looks at the world-wide context and emphasizes economic factors ?


213 - An ideology or doctrine spread through persuasion is______________?


214 - "The capacity of a nation to use its resources to affect the behavior of other nations" is a definition of________________?

power in the context of international relations

215 - If the GNP increases by 8% and prices increase by 3% the actual growth rate is_______________?


216 - When the government must pay for fighter planes based on commitments made five years previously the spending the spending is called________________?


217 - Manipulation of taxation and spending levels is______________?

fiscal policy

218 - What is the Phillips curve ?

a graphic representation of conflict between full employment and inflation

219 - Engineers lawyer's investment bankers' top CEOs entertainers and so on are described as_____________?

symbolic analysts

220 - Economic policies do not work as well as they should because of obstacles posed by______________?

all of the above

221 - During and after a depression the government can use fiscal policy through its powers of_____________?

spending and taxation

222 - A demand-side theory that focuses on the role of money to finance aggregate demand is termed__________?


223 - The Keynesian revolution acknowledged_________________ ?

that the market was inherently unstable

224 - One of the functions of public policy is to________________?

mediate among conflicting economic goals

225 - In economic growth it is important to consider________________?

all of the above

226 - A way of calculating the total output of the economy and all incomes earned within the Pakistan regardless of whether the resources are Pakistan or foreign is_______________?

the GDP

227 - Income distribution according to productive contribution is____________?

efficient but inequitable

228 - Congestion pollution urban decay and similar side effects of the market system are termed_____________?


229 - The public sector_________________?

all of the above

230 - "Laissez-faire" is a policy that appeals to_______________?

political conservatives

231 - Participant observation_________________?

may compromise the objectivity of the researcher

232 - The main function of organized labor is to_______________?

bargain collectively

233 - A professional trained in a narrow abstract field is a________________?


234 - Capitalisms roots can be found in_________________?

machine-based production

235 - The price system_______________?

only B and C

236 - The more consumers are willing to pay for a product_____________________?

the more of the product will be produced

237 - NAFTA binds which three countries into a single commercial entity ?

United States Canada Mexico

238 - The condition of an increase in prices NOT triggered by an increase in demand is called_______________?


239 - The marginal productivity of labor_________________?

all of the above

240 - Which of the following is NOT a predominant goal of American society ?

none of the above are dominant goals

241 - Income received by firms that is not returned to households or other firms is called________________?


242 - Income received by firms from sources other than households is called_________________?


243 - The behavior of an individual firm is part of_______________?


244 - The participants in a market economy cannot pursue their goals freely because they are affected by_________________?

prices and incomes

245 - Inflation results when_________________?

demand exceeds supply

246 - Which is NOT a socioeconomic goal _______________?

Low prime interest rate

247 - When supply and demand are essentially equal the economy is said to be in________________?


248 - Public government agencies are________________?

central authorities

249 - Professionalization means________________?

having theoretical knowledge in addition to training

250 - What kind of a system is the economic institution ?

Cultural and social

251 - The following factors are important in production_______________?

technology time efficiency

252 - Today most workers in the United States are employed in the_________________?

tertiary sector

253 - When the American Cigar Co buys a pizza chain the process is called________________?


254 - When a few powerful corporation dominate as industry the condition is called_____________?


255 - The Industrial Revolution shifted the emphasis in ownership from land to______________?

the means of production machines tools materials

256 - Socialism and communism both call for________________?

government controlling parts of the economy for the common good

257 - Consumer sovereignty means that________________?

all of the above

258 - A member of a Navajo tribe can graze his sheep on clan land but he cannot sell it Navajo land is what kind of property ?


259 - The production possibilities frontier refers to_______________?

the amount of each commodity that can be produced given available resources

260 - Material objects found in nature are called_______________?


261 - In industrial societies consumption ?

maintains and fuels demand

262 - Professionalization means__________________?

a combination of theoretical knowledge and training

263 - What does one call property owned by the state in the name of the people ?


264 - A society's economic system is largely determined by its concept of________________?


265 - Resources are defined as___________________?

everything that is needed for the production of goods and services including human energy

266 - The primary function of the economy as a social institution is to________________?

Provide a blueprint showing people how to survive

267 - Political activists_______________?

are moving outside the Democratic party to achieve some of their political goals

268 - If we add the numerical values of all our cases together and divide by the number of cases we get the_______________?


269 - The current transitional period in which there is uncertainty as to what will happen to political parties is termed ?


270 - A symbiotic relationship exists between__________________?

all of the above

271 - "Soft "money is_________________?

none of the above

272 - C.Wright Mills wrote that the "power elite" controls_________________?

the major issues like war and peace

273 - Third parties arise when_____________?

a large portion of the electorate is dissatisfied with the other candidates

274 - The leaders of interest groups tend to be_________________?

more liberal than the rank and file

275 - Shortcomings of interest groups include______________?

the dissemination of biased information

276 - According to Robert Salisbury the crucial factor in turning awareness of an issue into an organized movement is_______________?


277 - Public policy is________________?

all of the above

278 - The process of circulating petitions in order to place specific issues before the legislators is called____________?


279 - The factors influencing the political behavior of American voters include ?

all of the above

280 - Public policy according to elitists tends to reflect______________?

the values of the elites

281 - According to the "broker rule" school of though________________?

power is diffused among numerous interest groups who compete and compromise on the decision-making process

282 - The relationship of the mass media and politicians can be described as_________________?

symbiotic and adversarial

283 - A predisposition toward certain points of view is called_______________?


284 - The current Palestinians are a_____________?

nation without a state

285 - The negative functions of interest groups include_______________?

none of the above

286 - Interest groups have the following traits They_______________?

are only accountable to themselves

287 - The nation with the longest political campaign period is_______________?

the United States

288 - The unique two-party system in the United States is based on______________?

broad agreement on basic principles

289 - The main purpose of a political party in a democracy is to________________?

gain power

290 - Advocates of the elitist approach believe that the ruling elite maintains its power by____________?

manipulation of the masses

291 - The elitist school of thought asserts that______________?

the elite is not always against the masses

292 - C.Wright Mills maintains that the nation is really ruled by_______________?

a power elite

293 - The American democratic system is based on________________?

all of the above

294 - Political scientists Dye and Zeigler maintain that____________?

the elite may be influenced by the masses but it is more likely that it influences the masses

295 - Which of the following is identified with the elitist view _____________?

BOTH Mills and Marx

296 - Supervising and investigating the manner in which the legislative bureaucracy carries out and implements the laws Congress passes is a function called_____________?


297 - The second function of the legislative branch is to______________?

ensure a system of representation

298 - The major function of the legislative branch is_______________?

to enact legislation

299 - Which of the following programs are particularly dependent upon state resources ?

Public education

300 - In a confederacy________________?

all political power ultimately belongs to the states

301 - Government based on the rule of either the landed gentry the educated and privileged or the hereditary nobility is called_______________?


302 - When politicians refer to the intention of the framers of the Constitution of the United States they are making recourse to_____________?

traditional authority

303 - The federal system is contrasted with a (n)_______________?

BOTH unitary and confederate systems

304 - Some state powers are inferred from the power specifically delegated by the Constitution to the central government These are Called ___________?

reserved powers

305 - One of the most powerful committees in the House of Representatives is the_____________?

Rules Committee

306 - It may be said that the three branches of government________________?

undergo checks and balances among one another

307 - It is the function of Congress to_______________?

vote funds for conducting foreign affairs

308 - The powers held by the states include those that are________________?


309 - Constitution are_________________?

instruments for limiting governmental power

310 - What models did the frames of the Constitution use for the office of the presidency ?


311 - Most autocratic regimes have constitutions based on the principle of the_________?

rule of men

312 - When did the United States government begin to function as a cohesive unit ?

Both B and C

313 - The principle of the separation of powers________________?

is prescribed by the Constitution

314 - The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to_________________?

restrict the power of the government

315 - The favorable evaluation of presidents is based on______________?

dynamic political leadership

316 - Congressional representation is based on______________?

BOTH single-member constituency and proportional representation

317 - Which is NOT a restraint imposed on the United States government ?

Presidential supremacy

318 - The system of distributing political power between a central national government and the governments of the geographical regions of the nation is called ?


319 - The "invisible hand" refers to_______________?

a feature of Adam Smith,s Wealth of Nations

320 - Smith wrote that private ownership of the means of production would ?

stimulate economic growth as each individual tried to maximize profits

321 - The unraveling of soviet communism can be traced to______________?

all of the above

322 - The difference in the three most prevalent economic systems lies in how ?

much the government interferes in the economy

323 - The cause of freedom is served according to democratic capitalists when__________________?

everyone has the chance to become a millionaire

324 - Democratic socialism is an ideology that______________?

seeks to provide essential services to all

325 - The democratic state is based on the social contract theories of Locke and Rousseau These theories maintain that ?

the people allow themselves to be governed for their own good

326 - In theory communism calls for______________?

abolition of private property

327 - Communism has a history of attracting Third World nations because of the fact that_____________?

it promises to give more power to the masses

328 - The history of the world according to Marx could be interpreted through ?

dialectic materialism

329 - The concept of human inequality ?

underlies fascism

330 - Fascism first emerged ?

in Italy under the leadership of Benito Mussolini

331 - Totalitarian regimes_____________?

control the individual socially and politically

332 - ideologies may be______________?

all of the above

333 - Most ideologies consist of________________?

a body of doctrines beliefs and symbols

334 - Political ideology deals with______________?

matters of rule selection and principles of rule

335 - Ideologies____________?

direct people to act in a certain way

336 - A number of social commentator's fear that having become a nation of hyphenated Americans ?

we may begin to our national identity

337 - When a new nation is formed ?

all of these

338 - From a sociological viewpoint to say that deviance has functions means that ?

deviance may contribute to group cohesion

339 - Deviance is relative because ____________?

the definition of social norms varies by culture and subculture

340 - According to the labeling theory which of the following concepts explains why a labeled individual becomes deviant ?

Self-fulfilling prophecy


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