Market and Non-Teriff Trade Barriers MCQs

1 - A tariff-rate quota ?

is a two-tier tariff system intended to restrict imports?

2 - A specification of a maximum amount of a foreign produced good that will be allowed to enter the country over a given time period is referred to as a (an) ?

import quota

3 - Export subsidies levied by foreign governments on products in which the Pakistan the comparative disadvantage ?

lead to increases in Pakistani consumer surplus

4 - With free trade, suppose that the rest of the world can supply calculators to Canada at a price of $30. Canada's imports would now equal _____ and its consumer surplus would ____ relative to what occurred in the absence of trade. What is the change in consumer surplus? Refer to the figure that you have plotted ?

30 calculators increase

5 - The reason for dumping is that the demand curve for ABC Co's computers is _______ because ________ are available from other nations?

more elastic in Japan, more substitutes are available from other nations

6 - From the perspective of the American public as a whole, export subsidies levied by overseas governments on goods sold to the United States ?

help more than they hurt

7 - With free trade suppose that the rest of the world can supply computers to Norway at a price of $1,500 Norway's imports will now equal. Compared to What occurred in the absence of trade, Norway's consumers surplus will _____ and its producer surplus will ____. Can you calculate these amounts? Try plotting the information of this table on a sheet of graph paper ?

1,600 computers, increase, decrease

8 - By practicing price discrimination, the firm would realize profits totaling ?


9 - Suppose that the domestic government allows a specific number of goods to be imported each year, but it does not specify from where the product is shipped or who is permitted to import Such a trade barrier is known as ?

a global quota

10 - Under a tariff- rate quota ?

the over-quota tariff rate exceeds the with-quota tariff rate

11 - The firm would maximize profit by selling computers in the United States at a price of __________ and _________ computers in Japan at a price of __________?

500, $1,400, 400 $800

12 - Buy national policies ?

result in government purchase policies favoring domestic over foreign producers

13 - What type of trade barrier was used to protect U.S auto firms from foreign competition during 1981 – 1984 ?

export quotas imposed by the Japanese government

14 - ________ occurs when a firm disposes on foreign markets a temporary increases in inventories caused by unforeseen changes in supply and demand conditions in the home economy?

sporadic dumping

15 - The form of international price discriminations (dumping) normally associated with economic recession or excess inventories in the exporting nation is known as ?

sporadic dumping

16 - A tariff-rate quota is essentially a ?

two tier tariff applied to a country's imports

17 - Nontariff trade barriers could include all of the following except ?

antidumping/countervailing duties applied to imports

18 - A(n) ________ is n example of a quota where foreigners hold quota licenses ?

export quota

19 - The home country government can confiscate the revenue effect of an import quota if ?

quota licenses are auctioned to the highest bidding importing company

20 - The welfare effects of a quota depend to a considerable extent upon ?

All of the above

21 - ___________ are quotas that lead to a complete abolishment of trade?


22 - In certain industries Japanese employers hesitate to lay off workers Therefore they sometimes have excess supplies of goods that they cannot sell on the home market without lowering prices. To hold down losses they sell goods in overseas markets at prices well beneath those in japan This practice is best referred to as ?


23 - Throughout the world, governments tend to auction quota licenses to their highest bidder ?


24 - To maintain that South koreans are dumping their DVDs in the United States is to maintain that ?

Koreans are selling DVDs in the U.S below their production cost

25 - Import quotas tend to result in all of the following except ?

domestic producers of the imported good being harmed

26 - If imports licenses are auctioned off to domestic importers in competitive market their scarcity value (revenue effect) accrues to ?

The domestic government

27 - To aid its calculator producers, suppose that the government provides them a subsidy of $10 for each calculator produced The amount of imports now equals _____ and the deadweight loss of the subsidy to the Canadian economy equals _________?

20 calculator, $50

28 - In the absence of trade, Canada's equilibrium price and quantity equal ?

$45 and 25 calculators

29 - During periods of growing domestic demand, an import quota ?

Is more restrictive on a country's imports than a tariff

30 - To reduce imports, suppose that the government of Norway's imposes a quota equal to 800 computers, Compared to what occurred under free trade, Norway's consumers surplus will ________ and its producer surplus will _______ Can you calculate these amounts? Try plotting the information of this table on a sheet of graph paper ?

decrease, increase

31 - In the absence of traded, Norway's equilibrium price and quantity equal ?

$2,500 and 2,000 computers

32 - Antidumping duties are used to ?

offset the margin of dumping

33 - In a tariff and import quota lead to equivalent increase in the domestic price of steel, then ?

They have identical impact on how much is produced and consumed

34 - If a tariff and import quota lead to equivalent increases in the domestic price of steel, then ?

They have different impacts on how income is distributed

35 - Foreign aid________________?

has been used as an instrument of foreign policy by the U.S

36 - Which is NOT a theoretical perspective on international relations_______________?

scientific democracy

37 - The balance-of-power system in which four of more major powers competed and formed shifting alliances to avoid any one becoming stronger than any other was called the________________?

multipolar system

38 - Which is NOT a common objective of states ?

Cultural diversity

39 - Before the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) political organization around the world had been_________________?

universal and local

40 - Historically nations are impacted by_______________?

BOTH fluctuations in the distribution of power and technological progress

41 - It is most accurate to say that_____________?

the global social system differs considerably from a societal social system

42 - One conclusion that may be drawn regarding American foreign policy is that________________?

Americans do not always act according to their ideology

43 - Which of the following nations can be trusted NOT to explode atomic bombs on the surface of the earth ?

none of these

44 - The foreign alliances the U.s has entered into have resulted in__________________?

help in the Middle East

45 - According to French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau the state emerged_______________?

after the establishment of private property

46 - Another term for nationalism might be________________?

national ethnocentrism

47 - Recent events vividly demonstrate that nationalism is_______________?

the source of wars and atrocities

48 - Nation states emerged in Europe in the historical period of______________?

the Renaissance

49 - Latent functions of government include_______________?

the rise of administrative elites

50 - Ideology________________?

underlie all social movements

51 - Politics may be defined as_______________?

the process by which individuals and groups acquire power

52 - In order for power to be legitimate a government must have_____________?

legitimate authority

53 - "My country right or wrong" is an example of_______________?


54 - Conflict theorists see the states functions as________________?

protecting the interest of the ruling elite only

55 - Hitler led the German people by emotional speeches He derived his authority from________________?

personal charisma

56 - The Pope,s leadership of the Catholic Church is based on which kind of authority ?


57 - Government is characterized by a(n)_______________?

all of the above

58 - Political power_______________?

is power exercised by the state through its government

59 - In essence people need government because________________?

they live in groups and need a degree of order

60 - The oldest form of power rests on_______________?

traditional authority

61 - Charismatic leaders_______________?

may appear in societies with either a traditional or a legal-rational base of authority

62 - The basic components of the state include ALL BUT WHICH of the following ?

Armed services

63 - Antarctica is occupied by several nations together because no one nations has________________?

sovereignty over it

64 - The manifest functions of government include________________?

the protection of the interests of the power elite

65 - Moral control________________?

is insufficient to maintain social order in complex societies

66 - Power is legitimate if_________________?

a majority of societal members accept its use as right and proper

67 - The government is_______________?

BOTH ultimate and institutionalized social control

68 - Legal-rational authority is characteristic of________________?

urban industrial developed societies

69 - Prejudice and discrimination______________?

have been a part of the relationships among diverse religious groups

70 - Which perspective assumes that the state speaks with one voice and has one policy ?


71 - The widest sphere of human interaction on an international scale is_______________?

international relations

72 - For neo-realists the international order is one of________________?

centralized power

73 - A 44-nation survey regrading religions found that_________________?

59 percent of Americans said that religions played an important role in their lives

74 - Since state and nation are not the same thing the preferred term for individual political entities is_______________?

nation-sates or national states

75 - A nineteenth-century model of rote education which imitated the assembly line was called the______________?

Lancaster system

76 - The most important determinant of scholastic success is________________?

a family's values regarding education

77 - Which of the following is an unintended function of education ?

Reinforcement of society's stratification system

78 - What kind of individual is valued in industrial and postindustrial societies ?

manual workers

79 - Credentialism opens jobs _______________?

to members of skilled professions

80 - Latent functions of schools include_________?

allowing the formation of a subculture and keeping children in school for a period of time

81 - In preindustrial societies education was intended for_______________?

a small elite

82 - Religiosity refers to_______________?

depth of religious feelings

83 - Cults differ from sects in that______________?

all of the above

84 - Theology is_______________?

the rational system of ideas that explains a belief system

85 - The transition from a charismatic religious leaders direct example to routine procedures and observances is called______________?


86 - The Protestant denomination emphasized in Max Weber,s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism was_______________?


87 - Liberation theory is______________?

a fusion of Christianity and Marxism

88 - From the point of view of Catholicism Protestantism began as a(n)________________?


89 - According to functionalism the fundamental human needs are_____________?

survival and expressiveness

90 - Durkheim,s analysis suggests that so-called primitive people__________________?

projected their human ideals and personified them as gods

91 - In animism_______________?

all of the above

92 - Which religion includes a hierarchy of gods?


93 - An example of polytheism is________________?


94 - Religious beliefs are often contained in_______________?

all of the above

95 - Secularization will_______________?

stimulate new sects and cults to overcome the secularization process

96 - The reality that lies beyond human perception is called__________________?

transcendent reality

97 - Religion has the function of________________?

supporting societal norms

98 - Marx believed religion was used to_______________?

support the exploitation of the masses

99 - The perpetrators of fatal child abuse have these traits in common________________?

all of these

100 - Studies have found that__________________?

all of the above

101 - Child abuse___________________?

only A B and C

102 - Cohabitation_______________?

only A and B

103 - Factors in the decline of the marriage rate include__________________?

all of the above

104 - Conditions associated with long-term marriages include_________________?

all of the above

105 - Which method of child care is best for children ?

We do not really know

106 - Cohabiting couples__________________?

represent an example of premarital life

107 - The noncustodial parent______________?

is often a "deadbeat dad"

108 - There is a growing realization that divorce______________?

may bring devastating economic and emotional consequences

109 - The "real revolution" of the last twenty years according to one sociologist refers to_______________?

women,s lack of interest in marriage

110 - Among the leading causes of divorce are______________?

only b and c

111 - A perspective that focuses on power relations between spouses is called_______________?

resource theory

112 - Among the leading causes of divorce are_______________?

none of the above

113 - Women after divorce_______________?

experience a 45 percent drop in income

114 - Young couples who have children very soon after marriage_______________?

spend very little time together

115 - The first years of marriage_____________?

all of the above

116 - The family into which you were born is called_________________?

the family of orientation

117 - Mistreatment or abuse of children________________?

occurs less frequently in extended families

118 - The most fundamental function of the family is_________________?

ensuring the reproduction of the species

119 - The nuclear family form is also called________________?


120 - Which is NOT a new alternative to the traditional family ?

Extended family

121 - The teenage birthrate_______________?

has declined in the past several years

122 - Female-headed families have_______________?

all of the above

123 - Divorced men as compared to married men are subject to_______________?

all of the above

124 - The high divorce rate in industrial societies related to______________?

the stress on values of individualism and personal goals

125 - The ethnic groups among whom arranged marriages are common include______________?

All of the above

126 - Romance as a reason for marriage________________?

is a modern invention

127 - In rural Pakistan a person must marry within his or her caste This custom is called______________?


128 - The most common form of marriage today is_______________?

none of these

129 - In some cultures a women a can have several husbands at one time. This custom is called____________?


130 - A kinship system is based on______________?

common descent

131 - The family-and particularly marriage-binds its members through_______________?

legal and economic bonds

132 - An example of a basic pivotal institution is_____________?

the family

133 - Social institutions________________?

are ingrained patterns of behavior representing solutions to universal human needs

134 - The Micropolitan Statistical Area consists of_______________?

one urban cluster of at lest 10,000 but less than 50.000 population

135 - Metropolitan areas with a population of 1 million or more are called_______________?

CBSAs (Core Bases Statistical Areas)

136 - Which two factors have engendered problems that threaten the environment ?

overpopulation and urban life

137 - Before ecological problems can be resolved what will probably need to happen ?

Cultural values will have to change

138 - The ecosystem is__________________?

the way living things interact and interrelate with each other and their environments

139 - Zero population growth______________?

means that the number of births equals the number of deaths in country in any given year

140 - Death rates are______________?

defined as the number of deaths per 1000 people per country per year


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