Monopoly and Competition, Industrial Development, Factors of Movements, Modern Trade Theory, Labour Market and Macroeconomics Issues MCQs

1 - The opportunity cost of one DVD in Japan is ?

One ton of steel

2 - Unions tend to increase the disparity in pay between insiders and outsiders by ?

Increasing the wage in the Unionized sector which may create an increase in the supply of workers in the non-unionized sector

3 - Union might increase efficiency in the case Where they ?

Offset the market power of a large firm that is the dominant employer in a region

4 - Which of the following is an example of a reason why firms might pay efficiency wages ?

All of these answers

5 - Which of the following government policies would fail to lower the unemployment rate ?

Raising the minimum wage

6 - If, for any reason the wage is held above the competitive equilibrium wage?

The quantity of labour supplied will exceed the quantity of labour demanded and there will be Unemployment

7 - A minimum wage law tends to ?

Create more unemployment in low-skill job markets than in high-skill job markets

8 - Refer to Figure 1. The unemployment rate is ?

5.8 Percent

9 - According to the Office of National Statistics UK, a husband who chooses to stay home and take care of household is ?

Not in the labour force

10 - TO reduce cyclical unemployment the government might ?

Reduce government expenditure

11 - Reducing involuntary unemployment ?

Helps the economy move on the to Production Possibility Frontier

12 - Occupational immobility of labour occurs if ?

People do not have the right skills to work

13 - If the real wage is too high in the labour market ?

The quantity demanded of labour equals the quantity supplied

14 - Supply side policies are most appropriate to cure ?

A fall in aggregate demand

15 - If the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage rate, then another thing unchanged ?

There will be equilibrium in the labour market

16 - In a perfectly competitive labour market firms are wage takers and the marginal cost of labour equals?

The total cost of labour

17 - Demand for labour is more likely to be wage inelastic if ?

Wages are a small proportion of total costs

18 - A decrease in the supply of labour is likely to lead to ?

A higher equilibrium wage and lower quantity of labour

19 - The Marginal Revenue Product is likely to be wage inelastic if ?

There are many substitutes for the final product

20 - IF Unemployment insurance were so generous that it paid laid off workers 95 percent of their regular salary ?

The official unemployment rate would probably overstate true unemployment

21 - Which of the following types of unemployment will exist even if the wage is at the competitive equilibrium ?

Frictional Unemployment

22 - Which of the following statements about efficiency wage theory is true ?

Paying above the competitive equilibrium wage may improve worker health lower worker turnover improve worker quality and increase worker effort

23 - Some frictional Unemployment is inevitable because ?

There are changes in the demand for labour among different firms.

24 - Sector shifts tend to raise which type of unemployment ?

Frictional Unemployment

25 - A reservation wage is the ?

minimum wage the worker is willing to accept

26 - Which one of the following types of Unemployment results from the wage being held above the competitive equilibrium wage ?

Structural unemployment

27 - A miner who has been unable to find work for so long that he has stopped looking for work is considered to be ?

Not in the labour force

28 - Refer to Figure 1. The labour force participation rate is ?

70.2 Percent

29 - Refer to Figure 1 The labour fouce is ?

98.0 million

30 - The amount of unemployment that the economy normally experiences is known as ?

The natural rate of unemployment

31 - Less demand in the economy may increase unemployment; this may lead to less spending which may reduce demand further. This is called ?

The downward multiplier

32 - Which of the following is not a supply side measure ?

Helping individuals to move location to find work

33 - If there is cyclical unemployment in the economy the government might ?

Encourage savings

34 - The natural rate of unemployment is likely to fall if ?

unemployment benefits increase

35 - If people are made unemployed because of a fall in aggregate demand this is known as ?

Seasonal unemployment

36 - If employees cannot accept a job because of the costs of moving this is known as ?

Cyclical unemployment

37 - A profit maximising firm will employ labour up to the point where ?

Marginal cost = marginal product

38 - The Marginal Revenue Product is ?

Upward sloping due to the law of demand

39 - A fall in demand for labour is likely to lead to ?

A lower equilibrium wage and higher quantity of labour

40 - An increase in the wage rate ?

will cause a shift in the demand for labour

41 - All of the following are benefits of the single market except ?

it is easier to book holidays in member countries

42 - In the ERM, each country fixed participant Collectively the group ________ against the rest of the world?

a nominal exchange rate, floated

43 - If one country, with floating exchange rates, has higher inflation than its competitors we would expect its exchange rate to ?


44 - Under floating exchange rates, expectations of higher interest rates are likely to cause an ____ of the exchange rate?


45 - A fixed exchange rate, plus perfect capital mobility ________ the scope for monetary policy ?


46 - With fixed exchange rates and no private currency flows, when the central bank buys domestic currency the domestic money supply is ?


47 - perfect international capital mobility suggests that international funds will be responsive to ________ differentials?

interest rate

48 - A rise in the real exchange rate will ________ the competitiveness of the domestic economy?


49 - A current account deficit means that a country may ?

reduce its stock of foreign assets

50 - If British residents want more French francs to purchase more French cloths other things equal, then the equilibrium value of the pound against the French franc will ?


51 - If the economy is in the recessionary phase of the business cycle, aggregate demand ___ unemployment ____ inflation ___ and the current account of the balance of payments is likely to move towards ____?

falls; rises; falls; surplus

52 - If the economy is in the expansionary phase of the business cycle, aggregate demand ____ unemployment ____ inflation ____ payments is likely to move towards ____?

rise; falls; rises; deficit

53 - If the US economy is forecast to come out of recession because military expenditure has increase then the exchange value of the UK pound will tend to ?


54 - If currency dealers expect the value of the pound to fall, the exchange value will tend to ?


55 - If the Pakistan receives larger than expected revenues from exports then the exchange value of its currency will tend to ?


56 - If a nation's interest rates are relatively low compared to those of other countries. then the exchange value of its currency will tend to ?


57 - The price of one country's currency in terms of another country's currency is the ?

exchange rate

58 - The record of country's transfers of land inter-government payments and money sent by migrants to and from abroad is called its ?

capital account of the balance of payments

59 - The record of a country's imports and exports of of goods and services plus net investment incomes and current transfers of money to and from abroad, is called its ?

balance of payments on current account

60 - The record of country's imports and exports of goods is called its ?

visible trade balance

61 - If VAT rates rise, then costs are likely to ___ and demand is likely to ____?

rise; fall

62 - Government policies that focus on changing interest rates are called ?

monetary policies

63 - Government policies that focus on increasing production rather than demand are called ?

supply-side policies

64 - As prices rise. People will want to keep more money as cash and in bank accounts This is called ?

real balance effect.

65 - The demand for ice-cream is lower outside of summer causing lower demand for ice-cream salesman if they cannot find other work, this is called _______ unemployment?


66 - Unemployment resulting from imperfect information in the labour market is called ____ unemployment?


67 - Aggregate supply is the total amount ?

of goods and services produced in an economy.

68 - Cyclical unemployment is the ?

Unemployment that occurs during recessions and depressions.

69 - An individual who is not working and who has given up looking for work is classfied as ?

a discouraged worker:

70 - The labour force can be defined as ?

Those of working age who are seeking work and are available to for work at current wage rates.

71 - Reducing inflation is a more important objective than economic growth is an example of ?

Objective economics

72 - Which of the following is a possible government objective as opposed to a policy ?

Lower interest rates

73 - Which of the following can the government not use directly to control the economy ?

Pay rates within the private sector

74 - Which does the government not control directly ?

Firms investment decisions

75 - What is meant by an objective ?

A strategy

76 - In the EMU a country's competitiveness can change because of ?

domestic wage and price adjustment

77 - The Maastricht criteria for entry to the EMU are that applicants should have ?

all of the above

78 - A monetary union means ________, ________ and ________?

permanently fixed exchange rates, free capital movements, a single interest rates

79 - The single European Act committed ________ governments to a ________ in 1992?

European union, single market

80 - The main features of the European Monetary system are ?

all of the above

81 - Fiscal policy is weak under floating exchanges rates as fiscal expansion ?

crowds out exports

82 - Floating exchange rates are ____ in the short run?


83 - In the short run the level of floating exchange rates is determined mainly by ?


84 - The competitive advantage from a devaluation is likely to be offset by _______ and ________?

higher import prices, higher wages increases

85 - In the absence of international capital controls, central banks set ________ to provide the correct incentive for speculators?

interest rates

86 - Which fixed exchange rates and no private capital flows, to correct a balance of payments deficit, the central bank will _______ and ________ ?

sell foreign exchange buy domestic currency

87 - When capital mobility is perfect interest rate differentials will tend to be offset by ?

expected exchange rate changes

88 - Within the circular flow of income, an increase in domestic income will tend to increase ?


89 - Starting from a position of internal and external balance a reduction in aggregate demand will cause a current account ?


90 - In a fixed exchange rate regime, the central the exchange rate ?

B and C

91 - When the $/£ exchange rate rises the pound _____ and when the $/£ rates falls the pound ________?

appreciates, depreciates

92 - If the economy is in the though phase of the business cycle, aggregate demand ____ unemployment ______ inflation ______ and the current account of the balance of payments is likely to move towards ________?

falls; falls; falls; surplus

93 - If the economy is at the peak of the business cycle, aggregate demand ____ unemployment _______ inflation _______ and the current account of the balance of payments is likely to move towards _______?

is static; low; rises; deficit

94 - If a large car importer in the Pakistan wants to import many cars, then the exchange value of the Pak rupees will tend to ?


95 - If Pakistan's incomes rise faster than those in most other countries the the exchange value will tend to ?


96 - If the Pakistan takes part in a war in the Middle East, then the exchange value of its currency will tend to ?


97 - If the exchange rate between the UK and Japan changes from £1 = 100 yen to £1 = 150 yen then ceteris paribus, the price of UK goods in Japan ?

will increase

98 - The situation when a country imports more than it exports is ?

a trade deficit

99 - The record of a county's transfers of shareholding property and bank deposits to and from abroad is called its ?

financial account on the balance of payments.

100 - The record of country's imports and exports of goods and services is called its ?

balance of trade

101 - An economy that trades with and has financial dealing with other countries is called a/an ________ economy?


102 - If interest rates rise then costs are likely to _______ and demand is likely to _________?

rise, fall

103 - Government policies that focus on changing taxes and government spending are called ?

fiscal policies

104 - As prices rise, there will be costs of constantly changing price-tags and reprinting price-lists This is called ?

menu costs of inflation

105 - The natural rate of unemployment is generally thought of as the ?

sum of frictional unemployment and structural unemployment.

106 - Unemployment resulting from changes in the pattern of demand or supply in the economy is called _______ unemployment?


107 - Unemployment resulting from real wages being above their equilibrium level is called _________ unemployment?


108 - Aggregate demand is the total demand for all goods and services in an economy from ?

all sectors of the economy including the rest of the world.

109 - Classifying discouraged workers as unemployed would ?

increase the unemployment rate

110 - Since 1998 many government have defined unemployment using ?

the ILO/OECD standardised unemployment measurement

111 - The percentage of the labour force that is unemployed is the ?

Unemployment rate

112 - Which of the following is not likely to be government objective ?

Increasing employment

113 - Which of the following is a policy instrument as opposed to a government objective ?

Lower unemployment

114 - Which of the following is not a macroeconomic issue ?

Economic growth

115 - Which of the following is not involved with fiscal policy ?

Income tax

116 - Which of the following is macroeconomic issue ?

Your decision to work or stay at home

117 - Satellite television subscription and television detection devices are ways in which broadcasting companies address the ________ problem?

free rider

118 - A good example of a public good is ?

national defence

119 - Market failure may arise because of ?

all of the above

120 - If my neighbour burns garden waste causing my house to fill with smoke this is an example of ?

a consumption externality

121 - A competitive equilibrium is Pareto-efficient because ?

All of the above

122 - In the insurance industry, high-risk customers are more likely to take out insurance. This is an example of ?

adverse selection

123 - In Nash equilibrium each player chooses the best strategy ?

given the strategies of other players

124 - When a market is contestable, incumbent firms must __________ to avoid the entry of new competitors?

behave like competitive firms

125 - All of the following are types of imperfect competition except ?

unfair competition

126 - Tax shifting ?

occurs when house hold can alter their behaviour and do something to avoid paying a tax.

127 - Which of the following is the government most likely to subsidies ?

Positive externalities

128 - The government is considering placing a tax on cigarettes to raise revenue to finance health-care benefits. The demand for cigarettes is price inelastic Which of the following statements is True ?

The tax on cigarettes may not raise as much revenue as anticipated in the years to com because the demand for cigarettes is likely to become more elastic over time.

129 - An example of an indirect tax is ?


130 - If a government were to fix a minimum wage for adult workers, economists would predict ?

the costs and prices of firms employing cheap labour would increase

131 - In a free market system rationing occurs when there are increases in ?


132 - Economics say that there has to be some from of rationing whenever ?

there is excess demand

133 - If a maximum price is set below equilibrium there will be ?

Excess supply

134 - A public good ?

Has the properties of being non-excludable and non-diminishable

135 - Agricultural prices tend to be unstable because ?

Demand and supply are price inelastic

136 - If the price in a market is fixed by the government above equilibrium ?

There is excess supply

137 - A positive externality occurs when ?

The social marginal costs are higher than the private marginals costs

138 - Income inequality can be high in the free market and should be reduced This is an example of What ?

Normative economic statement

139 - A decrease in demand for a products should ?

Decrease equilibrium price and quantity

140 - A shift in demand will have more effect on price than quantity if ?

The price elasticity of supply is + 2

141 - The price mechanism does not act as a ?

Indicator of income

142 - The price mechanism cannot ?

shift the demand curve

143 - A subsidy paid to producers ?

Shifts the supply curve

144 - If the price was fixed below the equilibrium price there would be ?

Excess demand

145 - A shift in supply will have a bigger effect on price than output if demand is ?

Price inelastic

146 - An increase in income will ?

Shift the demand curve

147 - An inferior good is one for which an increase in income causes a(n) ?

decrease in demand

148 - Suppose consumer tastes shift toward the consumption of apples Which of the following statements is an accurate description of the impact of this event on the market for apples ?

There is an increase in the demand for apples and an increase in the quantity supplied of apples.

149 - Which of the following statements is true about the impact of an increase in the price of lettuce ?

The equilibrium price and quantity of salad dressing will fall

150 - Suppose there is an increase in both the supply and demand for personal computers. In the market for personal computers, we would expect?

the equilibrium quantity to rise and the change in the equilibrium price to be ambiguous.

151 - An increase (rightward shift) in the demand for a good will tend to cause ?

a decrease in the equilibrium price and quantity.

152 - If the price of good is below the equilibrium price ?

there is a shortage and the price will rise

153 - All of the following shift the supply of watches to the right except ?

an increase in the price of watches

154 - A monopolistic market has ?

only one seller

155 - The law of supply states that an increase in the price of a good ?

increases the quantity supplied of that good

156 - If an increase in the price of blue jeans leads to an increase in the demand for tennis shoes, then blue jeans and tennis shoes are ?


157 - The problem posed by a natural monopoly is that it faces a _____ This means that _______?

decreasing average cost curve, marginal cost lies below average cost

158 - If two firms doing the same thing in the same industry join together, this is known as a ?

horizontal merger

159 - The social costs of monopoly power arises because ?

there is too little output at too high a cost

160 - The effect of a tax to offset a negative externality will be to ____ price and ______ quantity?

increase, reduce

161 - Taxes creates a wedge between the sales price and purchase price that prevents the price system equating ____ and ______?

marginal costs, marginal benefits

162 - Except for taxes to offset ______ taxes are ______?

externalities , distortionary

163 - If the consumption of good by one person does not reduce the quantity available by others and nobody can be easily excluded from consumption, we are referring to a ?

public good

164 - Markets sometimes fail to exist because of________?

a and b

165 - Externalities arise because there is a divergence between ________ and _________?

private costs, social costs or benefits

166 - The allocation of resources is not efficient if ?

the marginal cost of production does not equal society's marginal benefit

167 - We cannot say whether one allocation of resources is better than another allocation because ?

We can't make value judgments to compare different people's welfare

168 - An allocation is Pareto-efficient if no reallocation of resources would make some people _______ without making others ________?

better off; worse off

169 - Moral hazard means that the act of insuring ____ that the desired outcome will occur?

increases the likelihood

170 - A dominant strategy is ?

a player's best strategy whatever the strategies adopted by rivals

171 - The prisoners Dilemma Game demonstrates that ?

players are better off if they co-operate

172 - The reason for the kinked demand curve is that ?

The oligopolist believers that competitors will match price cuts but not price rises

173 - A natural monopoly has a declining _______ over a large range of output?

long run average cost

174 - A monopoly may be self-perpetuating because profits may be used for ?

all of the above

175 - Comparing a monopoly and competitive firm, the monopolist will ?

produce less at a higher price

176 - Where a tax can be shifted, the incidence depends on ?

elasticities of demand and supply

177 - Tax incidence is the ?

ultimate distribution of a tax's burden.

178 - VAT is a good example of which kind of tax ?

Ad valorem

179 - Economists use the term Black Markets for situations where ?

goods are sold at prices above legal or official price.

180 - If the market price is below the equilibrium price ?

quantity demanded will be greater than quantity supplied

181 - It is necessary to ration a good whenever ?

demand exceeds supply

182 - A price ceiling is ?

a maximum price usually set by government that sellers may charge for a good

183 - Nationalisation occurs when ?

The government takes control of an industry

184 - With a positive externality ?

There is under-consumption in the free market

185 - When supply increase in an agricultural market farmer's earning might fall because ?

Demand is price inelastic

186 - Merit goods are ?

Under provided in the free market economy

187 - If the price in a market is fixed by the government below equilibrium ?

There is excess demand

188 - A public good will ?

Not be provided in the free market

189 - An increase in demand for a product should ?

Decrease equilibrium price and increase quantity

190 - A shift in supply will have more effect on price than quantity if ?

The price elasticity of supply is – 3

191 - A shift is demand will have more effect on price than quantity if ?

The price elasticity of supply is infinity

192 - Which best describes consumer surplus ?

The difference the price a consumer pays for an item and the price he/she is willing to pay

193 - A movement along the supply curve may be caused by ?

A shift in demand

194 - A movement along the demand curve may be caused by ?

A shift in supply

195 - Assuming a downward sloping demand curve and upward sloping supply curve a higher equilibrium price may be caused by ?

An increase in demand

196 - A reduction in the costs of production will ?

Shift the supply curve

197 - If demand increase in a market this will usually lead to ?

A higher equilibrium price and output

198 - Suppose both buyers and sellers of wheat expect the price of wheat to rise in the near future. What would we expect to happen to the equilibrium price and quantity in the market for wheat today ?

price will increase, quantity is ambiguous.

199 - Suppose a frost destroys much of the Florida orange crop. At the same time, suppose consumer tastes shift toward orange juice, What would we expect to happen to the equilibrium price and quantity in the market for orange juice ?

price will increase, quantity is ambiguous.

200 - Suppose there is an increase in the both the supply and demand for personal computers Further, suppose the supply of personal computer increase more than demand for personal computers In the market for personal computers i the market for personal computer

the equilibrium quantity to rise and the equilibrium price to fall

201 - A decrease (leftward shift) in the supply for a good will tend to cause ?

an increase in the equilibrium price and quantity

202 - If the price of good is equal to the equilibrium price ?

the quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied supplied and the price remains unchanged

203 - If the price of a good is above the equilibrium price ?

there is a surplus and the price will fall

204 - Which of the following shifts the demand for watches to the right ?

none of these answers

205 - If an increase in consumer incomes leads to a decrease in the demand for camping equipment, then camping equipment is ?

an inferior good

206 - The law of demand states that an increases in the price of a good ?

decreases the quantity supplied of that good

207 - A perfectly competitive market has ?

many buyers and sellers.

208 - Which company in the United States would likely be most concerned about Brazil's dumping of steel in the U.S market ?

Tennessee Mining Co. an iron-ore mining company

209 - A _______ allows a specified number of goods to be imported each year, and it not specifies from where the product is shipped and who is permitted to import ?

selective quota

210 - According to the cost-based definition of dumping, dumping occurs when a firm sells a product abroad at a price that is less than ?

average total cost

211 - The form of dumping that represents the greatest potential net welfare loss the for importing national is ?

predatory dumping

212 - A attempts to limit outsourcing of jobs to foreigners by requiring that a minimum percentage of a product's value must be produced domestically if that good is to be sold in the domestic market ?

domestic content requirement

213 - A production subsidy that is granted to a producer of an import-competing good ?

has only a protective effect deadweight loss

214 - international dumping may involve ?

All of the above

215 - Governments around the world tend to auction quota licenses ?


216 - ________ are profits that accrue to whomever has the right to import the good that is restricted by the quota?

quota rents

217 - Similar to import tariffs import quotas tend to result in ?

higher prices and reduced imports

218 - Quotas are government-imposed limits on the _________ of goods trade between countries?


219 - For year the U.S government levied quotas on inexpensive oil imported from the Middle East The quotas led to cost increases for U.S consumers totaling $3 billion for oil products. An apparent justification of this policy was that ?

one should not be too dependent on foreign suppliers of crucial resources

220 - If the home country government grants a subsidy on a domestically produced good domestic producers tend to ?

Increase their level of production


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