National Income, Economical Growth, Economical and Commercial Geography MCQs

1 - Who coined the phrase 'demonstration effect'?

James Duessenberry

2 - To achieve full economic growth, Malthus laid special emphasis on the proper combination of:

Production and distribution

3 - What according to Malthus puts a stop to the growth process?

Deficiency in effective demand

4 - Identify the main factor which according to Malthus makes an economy move downwards in the long run to the subsistence level:

Population pressure

5 - Which of the following measures, according to Malthus, would be helpful in raising and maintaining demand at a higher level?

All of the above

6 - Which of the following statements is not correct in the light of the Malthusian theory of growth?

There can be no general glut or overproduction in the market

7 - Which of the following statements is not in agreement with the Malthusian view on economic growth?

The process of economic growth is automatic

8 - Which sector was emphasised most by Ricardo in the context of economic growth?


9 - In the Ricardian scheme of things, savings are provided by:


10 - Whichone of the following, according to Ricardo, would form a bottleneck to economic growth?

Shortage of land

11 - Which one of the following statements is not in tune with the Ricardian theory of growth?

Profits tend to rise

12 - Which one of the following is not an assumption of the Ricardian theory?

Rising real wages

13 - Which of the following policy-prescriptions for economic growth was suggested by Ricardo?

Free trade in commodities

14 - In the Ricardian system, a crucial role in development was assigned to:


15 - The stationary state according to Malthus and Ricardo, is characterised by:

All of the above

16 - Which of the following is not a part of the classical theory of economic development?

Government interference

17 - Which of the following had the approval of the classical economists (particularly J.S. Mill) as an aid to development?

Imposition of temporary duties on imports to develop particular industries

18 - The classical theory of economic development is of relevance for the less developed countries today because it lays emphasis on:

All of the above

19 - According to the neo-classical theory, economic development is:

All of the above

20 - Unemployment created by some long-term change in demand or technological conditions in an economy is known as:

Structural unemployment

21 - Arrange the following Rostow's stages of economic growth in their proper sequence: I, Traditional society; II. Take-off stage; III. Age of mass consumption; IV. Drive to maturity


22 - How many stages of economic growth were defined and analysed by Rostow which all economies are supposed to pass through in the course of their development?


23 - What causes development in terms of Rostow's theory?

All of the above

24 - Identify the country which was the first to move to the stage of high mass consumption:


25 - The take-off stage is characterised by:

All of the above

26 - Under the 'big-push' strategy of development, large investments are to be directed towards:


27 - The basic logic behind the 'big-push' strategy of development is related to:

External economies

28 - In the context of which region was the 'big push' strategy of development formulated?

Eastern Europe

29 - The 'big-push' strategy of development was first advocated by:

Paul N-Rosenstein-Rodan

30 - The justification of the 'big-push' strategy, which involves concentrated efforts in the form of investments on a large scale, is based on:

All of the above

31 - The capital-output ratio in developed countries is:

Fairly stable

32 - The incremental capital-output ratio (ICOR) refers to the:

Ratio of investment to change in output

33 - The capital-output ratio is determined by:

All of the above

34 - Which growth model inspired the use of capital-output ratio for development planning?

The Harrod-Domar model

35 - The capital-output ratio in a country during the different phases of growth:

Changes within narrow limits

36 - As an aid to development planning, much use is being made today of the input-output analysis. Who first used it?


37 - Which of the following statements is incorrect?

The thesis of development with unlimited supplies of labour was originally formulated by R. Nurkse

38 - Balanced growth implies:

Simultaneous development of a variety of activities, which support one another

39 - Development with unlimited supplies of labour hypothesis was originally formulated by:


40 - Which of the following is not correctly matched?

Balanced growth theory: R. Nurkse

41 - If the capital-output ratio is 4:1 and the annual growth rate of population is

5%, what will be required rate of investment in the economy in order to achieve 3% growth per annum in per capita income?

42 - With economic growth, the proportion of labour-force engaged in agriculture:


43 - A strategy of heavy industry is sometimes preferred for a developing economy because it can:

Provide a strong base for rapid industrialisation

44 - In which sphere are shadow prices particularly useful?

Project evaluation and cost-benefit analyses

45 - Identify the economist who first advocated a rolling plan for developing countries?


46 - Which of the following is inconsistent with the Schumpeter's theory of development?

The course of growth is continuous

47 - According to the Schumpeter's model, the innovating entrepreneurs get the necessary finance from:

Bank credit

48 - Which one of the following was given a central place by Schumpeter in his theory of development?

Role of innovations

49 - With which of the following kinds of dualism is H. Myint particularly associated with?

Financial dualism

50 - Who formulated the theory of circular and cumulative causation which explains the perpetuation of underdevelopment through growing inequalities between developed and the underdeveloped countries?

Gunnar Myrdal

51 - The second stage of the theory of demographic transition is characterised by:

High birth-rate and falling death-rate

52 - Which of the following concepts, which are now extensively used in growth economics, was first formulated by Keynes?

All of the above

53 - According to Keynesian economics, saving and investment are brought into equilibrium by variations in:


54 - Two economists have been particularly associated with the formulation of development with surplus labour hypothesis. One is R. Nurkse. Who is the other?

James S. Duessenberry

55 - Perspective planning refers to:

Long-term planning

56 - J.F. Meade pointed out three principles means of growth. Which of the following is not on the list?


57 - The Harrod-Domar model is one of the well known models of growth. Which of the two authors of this model wrote earlier and in which year?

Harrood in 1939

58 - Which of the following models formed the basis of India's Second Five Year Plan?

Mahalanobis model

59 - Which of the following models makes the assumption of constant saving-income ratio?

Harrod-Domar model

60 - Identify the model which is concerned with the 'golden age' equilibrium:

Joan Robinson model

61 - Some models focus their attention on the maximum rate of growth at which the economy can grow. Which of the following models is of this type?

Von-Neumann model

62 - Identify the model, which analyses the contribution of technological progress to the overall growth rate:

Solow model

63 - Which of the following; is a two-sector model?

Solow model

64 - There is a model of inter-industrial relations where technological relations between industries are assumed to remain constant. Which one is it?

Leontief model

65 - India's First Five Year Plan was based on:

Harrod-Domar model

66 - Which of the following models uses three distinct concepts of stages of growth?

Harrod model

67 - Marx refers to the concept of organic composition of capital. Which of the following ratios stands for this capital? Constant capital = C; Variable capital = V; Surplus value = S


68 - Marx had given a concept of unemployment in the context of the capitalist system which keeps wages down or prevents wages from rising even as demand for labour increases. What is that concept called?

Reserve army of labour

69 - Marx attributed the capitalist crisis to:

Falling rate of profit

70 - According to R. Nurkse, the inducement to invest in the context of an underdeveloped economy is limited mainly by the:

Size of the market

71 - Which is the smallest continent?


72 - Asia is the largest continent in the world. Roughly what percentage of the earth's area is covered by it?


73 - Which country in Europe has the largest area?


74 - Identify the world's largest island:


75 - Which is the highest waterfall in the world?


76 - Which is the world's largest river?


77 - Which is the biggest ocean in the world?

Pacific Ocean

78 - Which two continents are complementary to each other?

Africa and South America

79 - Which of the following is a block mountain?


80 - Which is the world's smallest independent country?

Vatican city

81 - Which place is known as the Land of Thousand Lakes?


82 - Which country is the leading producer of wood pulp in the world?


83 - Which of the following resources is inexhaustible?

Solar energy

84 - Identify the country, which is the largest among coal producing countries in the world:


85 - Brazil leads in the production of:


86 - Identify the country, which is known as the sugar bowl of the world:


87 - Which country has the highest dam?


88 - Two countries produce about 40% of the world's wine. France is one of them. Which is the other?


89 - Which is the largest producer and exporter of palm oil in the world?


90 - What is New Zealand's extent of dependence on waterpower as a source of electricity?


91 - Two countries lead the world in bauxite production. Guinea is one. Which is the other?


92 - Which country is the leading producer of silver in the world?


93 - Which of the following minerals does not contain any metal?

Mica ore

94 - Identify the country, which is the leading iron ore producer in the world?


95 - Which of the following prevents deserts from spreading further?


96 - Where are Savana grasslands found?


97 - Identify the country, which leads in world fish production:


98 - Which country is the largest producer of nuclear power in the world?


99 - Which country has the largest share in cotton production?


100 - Which one of the following cities is known as the 'city of skyscrapers'?

New York

101 - Which of the following fertilisers is used after sowing seeds?


102 - Which is the world's largest producer and consumer of synthetic rubber?


103 - Which is the leading country in pipeline transportation of crude petroleum?


104 - The Richter scale is used for measuring:

Earthquake's magnitude

105 - Identify the first metal used by man:


106 - The Duncan Passage is between:

Andaman Islands and Nicobar Islands

107 - Which is the world's largest city?


108 - What was the earlier name of Zimbabwe?


109 - The economy of Brazil is mostly dependent on


110 - Where is the headquarters of the European Economic Community?


111 - The first railway line in India was laid between:

Bombay and Thane

112 - The National Rural Employment Programme focuses particularly on:

Reduction of unemployment

113 - Which of the following is the currency of Nepal?


114 - The law of demand states that other things being equal there is:

An inverse relationship between the rate of change in the quantity demanded and the price of the commodity

115 - Elasticity of Demand explains the relationship between

Price of a commodity and quantity demanded.

116 - Devaluation means

Decrease in the value of money in terms of foreign currency

117 - What is the complete name of the World Bank?

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

118 - With which activity is the Wall street in New York, U.S.A. associated?

Banking and Finance

119 - Changes in the standard of living of the people in a country are indicated best by changes in the

Per capita income

120 - When prices are rising, one of the ways of bringing about reduction in prices would be to:

Increase the availability of goods

121 - The currency of Bangladesh is the


122 - The largest automobile manufacturing centre in the world is at:


123 - The theory of 'surplus value' is associated with

Guild socialism

124 - Which of the following world be a 'fixed cost' to a manufacturing firm?

Machinery and plant

125 - Which of the following is a non-economic activity?

Mother tending her sick child

126 - The Law of Diminishing Returns applies to


127 - The cause of high inflation is

High prices

128 - Banks charge higher rate of interest on the score of

Risk involved

129 - Economics is

The science of planning and arranging the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services for the material welfare of mankind

130 - Supply usually lags behind in the case of


131 - The entrepreneur

Organizes and takes all responsibility for the business bearing the risks it entails

132 - The worker's real wage depends on

The purchasing power of his earningsE.The net amount he gets after deductions

133 - In Poland the demand of 'Solidrity' is for

Holding of price level for common people

134 - Who among the following is a famous economist?

Gunnar Myrdal

135 - What is the main function of money?

To serve as a medium of exchange

136 - The price of a commodity is fixed

By demand and supply of a commodity

137 - The sum of money paid on shares to a shareholder by a public limited company out of its profits is called


138 - What is the currency of Bangladesh?


139 - What is the currency of Myanmar?



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