National Income, Planning and Development, Communication and HRM, Wages Rent Interests and Profit, Consumer Behavior MCQs

1 - Rate of growth of population in Pakistan is:


2 - Mobility of labour depends upon:

All of the above

3 - Population census was held in Pakistanh in:


4 - Father of political economy:

Adam Smith

5 - He described economics as a science of material welfare:


6 - Economic laws are:


7 - Economic laws are:


8 - Economics is a science:


9 - Economic problems arise because of:


10 - Which statement relates to macroeconomics:

The government has failed to control inflation

11 - Which statement is true?

Economics is a social and normative science

12 - Ceteris paribus means:

Other things equal

13 - In economics, assumptions:

Enable economists to simplify reality

14 - A positive statement:

Concerns 'what is'

15 - Normative economics:

Involves opinions and interpretations

16 - Basic economic problem is:

ScarcityE.Lack of money

17 - Microeconomics concentrates:

In all countries of the world

18 - Microeconomics concentrates:

Individual economic units

19 - Macroeconomic deals with:

Aggregate economic activity

20 - Three basic economic problems:

What, how and for whom

21 - Economics:

Is a social science

22 - Economic law:

Show economic behaviour of people

23 - Adam Smith was a:

Classical economist

24 - Marshall in his definition of economics:

Uses the concept of material welfare

25 - "Wealth of Nations":

Is a book

26 - Marshall wrote the book:

Principles of economics

27 - Economic theory means:

Principles of economics

28 - Robbins in his definition:

Talks of scarcity of resources

29 - Market system means:


30 - One or more persons living together and having a common budget is called:


31 - "Wealth of Nations" was written in:


32 - Economic principles are also called:

All of the above

33 - "Wealth of nations" was written by:

Adam Smith

34 - Select the correct statement:

All of the above are true

35 - Professor Marshall thinks:

Economics studies material welfare

36 - "Everyone should study economics":

Is a narmative statement

37 - Utility and usefulness are:


38 - Rotten eggs are:

Free good

39 - Scarcity means that:

The good is available but it is not free

40 - The basic economic problem common to all societies is:

Scarcity cannot be totally eliminated

41 - Human wants are:


42 - Scarcity means:

Less supply than demand

43 - Validity of economic theories can never be proved with 100 percent certainty, because:

Ceteris paribus clause

44 - Rotten eggs are:

Free good

45 - Human wants are:


46 - A consumer is in equilibrium when marginal utilities are:


47 - In economics, one or more persons sharing common consumer budget is called:


48 - When marginal is negative, it must be true that:

The total is decreasing

49 - The term 'marginal' in economics means:


50 - Utility is most closely related to the term:


51 - Demand curve slopes downward because of the law of:

Diminishing marginal utility

52 - A consumer's spending is restricted because of:

Budget constraint

53 - Law of substitution is another name for law of:

Law of Equi-MU

54 - Law of Equi-marginal Utlity is a law of:

Consumption of wealth

55 - Utility and usefulness are:


56 - When MU is positive, TU:


57 - Diminishing marginal utility is the basis of:

Law of demand

58 - When MU = 0, TU is:


59 - Quality of a commodity that satisfies some human want or need is called:


60 - Indifference curves are convex to the origin because:

Two goods are imperfect substitutes

61 - Normally a demand curve will have the shape:

Downward sloping

62 - Law of demand shows relation between:

Price and quantity of a commodity

63 - This is an assumption of law of demand:

Income of consumer should not change

64 - If quantity demanded is completely unresponsive to changes in price, demand is:

Perfectly inelastic

65 - Other things equal, if a good has more substitutes, its price elasticity of demand is:


66 - Price of a product falls by 10% and its demand rises by 30%. The elasticity of demand is:


67 - If elasticity of demand is very low it shows that the commodity is:

A necessity

68 - The following are causes of shift in demand EXCEPT the one:

Change in price

69 - When demand is perfectly inelastic, an increase in price will result in:

An increase in total revenue

70 - If demand is unitary elastic, a 25% increases in price will result in:

25% decrease in quantity demanded

71 - Irrespective of price, Sofia always spends Rs. 100 a week on ice cream, we conclude that:

Elasticity of demand is 1

72 - When cross elasticity of demand is a large positive number, one can conclude that:

The good is a substitute

73 - If demand is inelastic, a change in the price:

Will change total revenue in same direction

74 - Which one is the assumption of law of demand?

Prices of substitutes should not change

75 - Which of the following is a demand function?

Q + 4P = 20

76 - Zubair has a special taste for college canteen is hotdogs. The owner of the canteen doubles the prices of hotdogs. Zubair did not respond to the increase in prices and kept on demanding the same quantity of hotdogs. His demand for hotdogs is:

Perfectly inelastic

77 - Price and demand are positively correlated in case of:

Giffen goods

78 - The elasticity of demand of durable goods is:

Greater than unity

79 - The elasticity of demand of durable goods is:

More elastic

80 - Mr. Raees Ahmad bought 50 litres of petrol when his monthly income was Rs. 25,000. Now his monthly income has risen to Rs. 50,000 and he purchases 100 litre of petrol. His income elasticity of demand for petrol is:


81 - When price elasticity of demand for normal goods is calculated, the value is always:


82 - Income elasticity of demand for normal good is always:


83 - Demand is a function of:


84 - If price and total revenue move in the same direction, then demand is:


85 - What does price elasticity of demand measure?

The responsiveness of demand to price changes

86 - Which one is the assumption of law of demand?

Income of the consumer should not change

87 - Which one is increasing function of price:


88 - It describes the law of supply:

All the three

89 - Supply curve will shift when:

Technology change

90 - An increase in demand would cause supply curve to:

No effect on supply

91 - If price changes by 1% and supply changes by 2% then supply is:


92 - If elasticity of supply is greater than one. Supply curve will be:

Touching y-axis

93 - Supply surve:

Is flatter in long run

94 - During a particular year farmers experienced a dry weather, if all other factors remain constant, farmers supply curve for wheat will shift to:


95 - When supply of a commodity increases without change in price it is called:

Rise in supply

96 - In May 2013, firm was supplying 500kg of sugar of market price of Rs. 30/- per kg. During June 2013, firm's supply of sugar had decreased to 450kg at price Rs. 20/- per kg. These changes show that supply of sugar is:

Less elastic

97 - What best explains a shift in market supply curve to the right?

A new technique makes it cheaper to produce the good

98 - Economic problems arise because:

All of the above

99 - Which is not an essential condition for an economic problem to arise?

Use of money

100 - Which is not a central problem of an economy?

How to maximize private profit

101 - Who defined Economics as a 'Science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and means which have alternative uses?

L. Robbins

102 - A mixed economy is characterised by the co-existence of:

Public and private sectors

103 - Which is not an essential feature of a socialist economy?

Freedom of enterprise

104 - Which of the following is incorrect?

A market necessarily refers to a meeting place between buyers and sellers

105 - Microeconomics deals with the:

All of the above

106 - Which of the following is Microeconomics concerned with?

None of the above

107 - Formulation of an economic theory involves:

All of the above

108 - An economic theory is:

A tested hypothesis

109 - Identify the aspect of taxation which is related to normative economics:

Equity of tax

110 - Demand for a commodity refers to a:

Quantity of the commodity demanded at a certain price during any praticular period of time

111 - Contraction of demand is the result of:

Increase in the price of the commodity concerned

112 - All but one of the following are assumed to remain the same while drawing an individual's demand curve for a commodity. Which one is it?

The price of the commodity under consideration

113 - Which of the following pairs of commodities is an example of substitutes?

Tea and coffee

114 - In the case of a straight-line demand curve meeting the two axes, the price-elasticity of demand at the mid-point of the line would be:


115 - The Law of Demand, assuming other things to remain constant, establishes the relationship between:

Price of a commodity and the quantity demanded

116 - Identify the factor which generally keeps the price-elasticity of demand for a commodity now:

Its low price

117 - Identify the coefficient of price-elasticity of demand when the percentage increase in the quantity of a commodity demanded is smaller than the percentage fall in its price:

Small than one

118 - In the case of an inferior good, the income elasticity of demand is:


119 - In respect of which of the following category of goods is consumer's surplus highest?


120 - Total utility is maximum when:

Marginal utility is zero

121 - If the demand for a commodity is inelastic, an increase in its price will cause the total expenditure of the consumers of the commodity to:


122 - If regardless of changes in its price, the quantity demanded of a commodity remains unchanged, then the demand curve for the commodity will be:


123 - In the case of a Giffen good, the demand curve will be:

Backward falling to the left

124 - The budget-line is also known as the:

Consumption possibility line

125 - Which one is not a assumption of the theory of demand based on analysis of indifference curves?

Constant marginal utility of money

126 - The elasticity of substitution between two perfect substitutions is:


127 - The consumer is in equilibrium at a point where the budget line:

Is tangent to an indifference curve

128 - An indifference curve slopes down towards right since more of one commodity and less of another result in:

Same satisfaction

129 - The Revealed Preference Theory deduces the inverse price-quantity relationship from:

Observed behaviour of the consumer

130 - Which of the following statements is incorrect?

The elasticity of substitution between two goods to a consumer is zero

131 - Production is a function of:


132 - An ISO-product curve slopes:

Downward to the right

133 - A vertical supply curve parallel to the price axis implies that the elasticity of supply is:


134 - The supply of a commodity refers to:

Amount of the commodity offered for sale at a particular price per unit of time

135 - Which cost increases continuously with the increase in production?

Variable cost

136 - Which of the following cost curves is never Un-shaped?

Average fixed cost curve

137 - Total costs in the short-term are classified into fixed costs and varibale costs. Which one of the following is a variable cost?

Cost of raw materials

138 - In the short term, when the output of a firm increases, its average fixed cost:


139 - A significant property of the Cobb - Douglas production function is that the elasticity of substitution between inputs is:

Equal to unity

140 - The production techniques are technically efficient:

Between the two ridge lines

141 - Which of the following is not a feature of iso-product curves? Iso-product curves:

Intersect each other

142 - Some economists refer to iso-product curves as:

Production indifference curve

143 - Which one of the following is also known as plant curves?

Short-run average cost (SAC) curves

144 - What is the shape of the average fixed cost (AFC) curve?

Rectangular hyperbola

145 - An increase in the supply of a commodity is caused by:

All of the above

146 - Elasticity of supply refers to the degree of responsiveness of supply of a commodity to changes in its:


147 - The cost of one thing in terms of the alternative given up is known as:

Opportunity cost

148 - According to current thinking, the law of diminishing returns applies to:

All fields of production

149 - Identify the correct statement:

Economies of scale arise only because of indivisibilities of factors of production

150 - With which of the following is the concept of marginal cost closely related?

Variable cost

151 - According to M. Kalecki, the true measure of the degree of monopoly power is the:

Ratio between price and marginal cost

152 - A monopolist is able to maximize his profit when:

His maginal revenue is equal to marginal cost

153 - Which of the following is not an essential condition of pure competition?

Absence of transport cost

154 - What is the shape of the demand curve faced by a firm under perfect competition?


155 - Which is the first-order condition for the profit of a firm to be maximum?


156 - In which form of the market structure in the degree of control over the price of its product by a firm very large?


157 - Which is the other name that is given to the average revenue curve?

Demand curve

158 - Under which of the following forms of market structure does a firm have no control over the price of its product?

Perfect competition

159 - Which one of the following is the condition of equilibrium for the monopolist?


160 - The situation of monopolistic competition is created by:

All of the above

161 - According to Malthus, population increases by progression of kind:


162 - All labour is:

Increasing skills of workers

163 - All labour is:


164 - Mobility of labour:

(a) and (c)

165 - Unemployment due to mechanization of agriculture is:


166 - Labour inpur includes:

The unskilled worker

167 - A skilled worker is an example of:

Labour input

168 - The labour force participation rate is the:

Proportion of skilled workers population

169 - The set of skills and abilities that workers possess for production of goods and serves is:


170 - Jahangir graduated one month ago. He is still unemployed. His unemployment is:


171 - The factor that is LEAST likely to be result of specialization is:

Greater refinement of skills

172 - Every country should have population:


173 - Underemployment of labour means that:

(a) and (c)

174 - An example of labour is:

Computer software engineer

175 - Which of the following is NOT an advantage of division of labour::

Workers become dependent on other workers

176 - Rickshaw has replaced tonga as local transport:


177 - Optimum population is defined by the economists as the level of population of which:

Labour productivity is maximized

178 - The human effort applied to the production of goods is called in economics:


179 - To reduce the level of unemployment the government may:

Increase government spending

180 - They are included in labour EXCEPT:

Office clerk

181 - The set of skills and abilities that workers possesses for the production of goods and serves is:


182 - Which of the following is capital:

Plough of the farmer

183 - Which is true:

Capital depreciates

184 - To the economist, investment refers to:

Creation of a new capital

185 - A factory is an example of:


186 - In an economy government constructed a new water reservoir (e.g Mangla Dam) for purpose of irrigation; this might be taken as:

Increase in supply of capital

187 - Which of the following is 'NOT' capital as economists use the term:


188 - Which of the following is a producer good:


189 - An example of money capital is:

Money in a savings account

190 - It is true:

Capital depreciates

191 - When did the international Monetary Fund (IMF) begin its operations?


192 - What is the present total number of members of the IMF?


193 - Where are the headquarters of the IMF?

Washington, DC

194 - What rate of interest does the IMF charge for providing additional confessional balance of payments assistance, under the structural adjustment facility, to low income countries?


195 - When was the first amendment to the Articles of the IMF made which led to the creation of the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) facility?


196 - Which one of the following is not a function of the IMF?

To promote the development of backward countries

197 - The IMF institute conducts courses, covering a wide spectrum of subjects in financial analysis and policy making for officials from member in Washington. When was it established?


198 - The IMF approves the creation of a given amount of new SDRs. These SDRs are distributed among the participating countries on the basis of their:

Quotas in the IMF

199 - Which of the following currencies is at present not included in the valuation of the SDRs?


200 - In 1974 the IMF changed the basis of valuation of the SDR by calculating the value of the SDR from a basket of currencies of several major countries. What was the number of currencies included in the valuation of the SDR in 1974?


201 - Where are the headquarters of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)?


202 - When was the ILO established as an autonomous part of the League of Nations?


203 - In which year was the ILO awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?


204 - Which is the oldest organisation among the four?


205 - What was the total number of member countries of the Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic Development in South and South-East Asia which was set up in 1950?

Twenty six

206 - One of the following countries was not a member country of the Colombo Plan. Identify it:


207 - In which month of 1945 was the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) set up?


208 - In 1951 the FAO was transferred from its temporary headquarters in Washington, DC to:


209 - The FAO come into formal being in 1945 with the signing of its constitution at a converence held in:

Quebec City

210 - An affiliate of the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) became effective in:


211 - The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), known as World Bank, began its operations in:


212 - The main function of the World Bank is to:

Encourage capital investment for the reconstruction and development of its member countries

213 - At what rate of interest does the World Bank provide loan to underdeveloped countries?


214 - The highest percentage of the World Bank's total loans have been made for the development of:


215 - The World Bank normally gives:

Medium and long-term Loans

216 - In which of the following ways does the World Bank give loans to members?

All of the above

217 - How many governments have contributed to the capital of the World Bank?


218 - An affiliate of the World Bank, the International Development Association (IDA) was set up in:


219 - Where are the headquarters of the IDA?

Washington, DC

220 - The IDA gives development credits to the developing countries for a period of at least:

15 years

221 - How many lending nations formed the 'Aid India Club' to help India out of her foreign exchange difficulties?


222 - Which of the following does not match?

International Fund for Agriculaural Development Geneva

223 - The main function of the IFC is to:

Encourage the growth of productive private enterprises in less developed member countries

224 - Which financial institution is known as the 'soft loan window' from which underdeveloped countries can borrow in hard currencies?


225 - The main function of the IDA is to:

Make loans to less developed countries on flexible terms

226 - An international conference was held in Geneva in 1947 to consider matters relating to common trade and tariff policy which led to the establishment of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in the following year. How many countries attended t


227 - Where are the headquarters of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) organisation?


228 - There have been a series of rounds of negotiations between the signatories of GATT designed to reduce trade barriers on a multilateral basis. The first round took place in 19


229 - When was the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations under the GATT launched?

September. 1986

230 - Including the Uruguay Round, how many multilateral trade negotiations have been held in the GATT to far?


231 - The headquarters of the World Health Organisation are located at:


232 - When was the World Health Organisation (WHO) set up?


233 - Where are the headquarters of the United Nations Fund for Population Activities located?

New York

234 - When was the United Nations Fund for Population Activities set up?


235 - Where is the central secretarial of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) locted?


236 - The aim of the ASEAN is to accelerate economic and social progress and maintain stability in the region. When was it formed?


237 - How many countries are members of the ASEAN?


238 - The International Fund for Agricultural Development is a one billion dollar fund used for raising food production in developing countries and providing employment to poor and landless farmers. What proportion of this fund has been contributed by industri


239 - When was the International Fund for Agricultural Development set up?


240 - The International Fund for Agricultural Development has its headquarters in:


241 - When was the Council of Europe, which aims to protect and promote economic and social progress of its members, set up?


242 - Where are the headquarters of the Council of Europe?


243 - Two organisations were conceived at the Breton Woods conference held in 19


244 - Where are the headquarters of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)?


245 - When was the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) formed?


246 - The headquarters of OECD are located at:


247 - Where are the headquarters of the European Economic Community?


248 - How many countries are the members of the European Economic Community (EEC)?


249 - Identify one of the new members of the European Economic Community?


250 - In which year did the Eropean Economic Community (EEC), popularly known as the European Common Market (ECM), come into existence?


251 - Which one of the following countries attends the sessions of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance as an observer?


252 - The headquarters of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) are located at:


253 - When was the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) founded with the object of co-coordinating and integrating the economies of member-countries?


254 - How many countries joined together to form the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) with a view to ultimately establish a free trade area between member-countries?


255 - Two founder members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) left it in 1972 to join the EEC. One was the UK. Which was the other?


256 - Where are the headquarters of EFTA located?


257 - The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) was formed on the pattern of the EEC as a result of the convention signed by some countries of Europe at Stockholm. When was it formed?


258 - When was the United Nations Environment Programme launched?


259 - Which of the following organisations has its headquarters at Nairobi?

United Nations Environment Programme

260 - When was the 'Group of 77', an economic group of the Third World countries to protect the economic and trade interests of developing countries, formed under the auspices of the United Nations?



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