Stock and Surplus, National Income and Money Values MCQs

1 - If government increases taxes, private savings:


2 - If C = 200 and I = 40 then Y will equal to:


3 - Corporate tax is levied on:

Joint stock companies

4 - If we deduct direct taxes from personal income, we get

Disposable income

5 - The largest part of national income goes to:


6 - We measure national income by this method:

Any of the above

7 - Transfer payments mean:

The payment without work

8 - Direct taxes are not included in:


9 - When national income is estimated by expenditure method, we include:

All of the above

10 - Which statement is true?

Nationl Expenditure = National income

11 - Which statement is true?

NI = NNP - indirect taxes

12 - There are methods of measuring national income:


13 - If we compare GDP and GNP, then:

GNP = GDP + net income from abroad

14 - It is deducted from GNP to get NNP:


15 - It is added to GDP to get GNP

Net income from abroad

16 - Select the correct statement:

Depreciation allowance is a part of GNP

17 - Which is the largest figure:


18 - Which is a flow concept:

My monthly income

19 - To avoid double counting when GDP is estimated, economists:

Calculte value added at each stage of production

20 - A TV set purchased from a retail store is an example of:

Final good

21 - Undistributed profits are considered:

Income earned but not received

22 - Total value of all final goods and services produced in a country during one year is:


23 - Which measure has the larger value (for Pakistan):


24 - In equilibrium position of national income:

S = 1

25 - Personal income includes:

Direct taxes

26 - Personal income includes:

Transfer payments

27 - If savings exceed investment then:

National income falls

28 - If we include it, national income will be over-estimated:

Transfer payment

29 - It is avoided to make correct estimate of national income:

Double counting

30 - Rupee is a coin:

Token money

31 - Cash cannot be directly drawn from a bank against:

Cross cheque

32 - Money material should be:


33 - In Pakistan money of account is:


34 - If no money is used to exchange goods, it is called:


35 - Which is not the function of money:

Make demand and supply equal

36 - Which is money:


37 - Convertible money means:

Govt. can give gold against it

38 - Barter has the defect:

Lack of common measure of value

39 - Legal money is called so because:

It is official medium of exchange

40 - It is the medium of exchange:


41 - The govt. can control inflation by:

Increasing supply of goods

42 - Government of Pakistan issues currency on the basis of:

Demand for money in the country

43 - Quantity of money has relation with value of money:


44 - Commercial banks create:

Credit money

45 - Cheque is:

Not money

46 - The most important feature of money:

General acceptability

47 - It can change money supply:

State Bank

48 - Which of the following increases money supply in the country?

Purchase of bonds by State Bank

49 - Paper money came into use:

200 years ago

50 - Which property the paper money does not possess:


51 - A saving account in a bank represents the function of money:

Store of value

52 - A student records her income and spending for past month, she uses the funtion of money

Unit of account

53 - It implements monetary policy of the country:

Central bank

54 - Which property paper money does NOT Possess


55 - Anything used as money must be:

Readily acceptable

56 - What will promote savings?

Increase in personal incomes

57 - Treasury Bill is a document used for:

A short-term loan to the government

58 - Which does NOT represent a method of payment?

Saving certificate

59 - Which is NOT a desirable characteristic of money?

Easily duplicated

60 - Speculative demand for money depends upon:

Rate of interest

61 - If money supply in a country decreases:

Prices will fall

62 - In the equation MV = PY, V represents:

Velocity of circulation of money

63 - In the equation MV = PY, M represents:

Money supply

64 - Accourding to Keynes, motives for holding money are:


65 - Quantity Theory of Money explains that:

Value of money depends upon quantity of money

66 - Cross cheque has a cross sign (X) in the:

It does not have cross sign (X)

67 - Cross cheque means:

(b) and (c) of above

68 - It is true to say about kinds of inflation:

Demand pull and cost push inflation

69 - Liquidity of a monetary asset means:

Ready acceptability of monetary asset

70 - Barter means:

Trade without use of money

71 - With reference to currency system of a country token money means:

The money which has higher face value

72 - Ten-rupee note is:

(a) and (c) of above

73 - Paper money in Pakistan is:


74 - Government securities:

(b) and (c) of above

75 - Which is the characteristic of a good money:

Is readily accepted by people

76 - This is NOT money

Prize bond

77 - Cross cheque:

None of the above

78 - This is a characteristic of good money:


79 - This is a characteristic of good money:

General acceptability

80 - It is a kind of money:

Credit money

81 - It is included in kinds of money:

All of the above

82 - In payment of debt, people can use this kind of money:

(a) and (b) of the above

83 - Purchasing power of money during deflation is:


84 - Velocity of circulation of money means the number of times a unit of money

Changes hands annually

85 - The equation of exchange PT = MV was given by:


86 - Value of money in Pakistan is determined by:

General price level

87 - When value of money falls, they benefit more:


88 - When the nation's money supply is Rs. 1200 billion and GDP is Rs. 4800 billion, velocity of circulation money is:


89 - Which one is equation of exchange?


90 - If quantity of money is doubled, then according to Quantity Theory, value of money is:


91 - Inflation can be controlled by applying:

Monetary and fiscal policies

92 - Inflation is a situation when :

General price level rises continuously

93 - Under normal circumstances, the velocity of circulation of money in a country is:

Less than 10

94 - In Pakistan, in the year 2007-08, money supply was about

Rs. 3400 million

95 - Banks discount it and advance loans:

Bill of exchange

96 - Paper money is called fiat money because

It is issued with authority of government

97 - According to Keynes, demand for money is affected by:

Both (a) & (b)

98 - During inflation:

Lenders lose, borrowers gain

99 - The quantity demanded of money rises:

As the interest rate falls

100 - Which people are most likely to gain during inflation?

Those who are repaying borrowed money

101 - If quantity of money increases 100%, other things remaining constant, value of money changes by:

Decreases by 100%

102 - For the economy, prices are beneficial:

Rising slowly

103 - According to Keynes people demand money for purposes (motives):


104 - Value of money means:

General purchasing power of money

105 - Value of money and supply of money are related:


106 - They are not affected badly by rising prices:


107 - Inflation:

Makes distribution of income unequal

108 - It is assumption of quantity theory of money:

Velocity of circulation of money constant

109 - If we put this letter in the blank space, we get quantity theory of money PY = M


110 - In the equation PY = MV showing quantity theory of money. Y represents:

National income

111 - Profit and loss-sharing is an element of this system:


112 - Cash cannot be obtained from bank against:

Cross cheque

113 - Commercial banks accept deposits and provide:


114 - The banks can give loans:

More than deposits

115 - Banks discount it and advance loans:

Bill of exchange

116 - Banks prepare their balance sheet:


117 - Balance sheet of a bank has two parts:

Assets and liabilities

118 - When banks prepare their balance sheets, they show the money lent in:


119 - The power of a bank to create credit is affected by:

Both (a) & (b)

120 - Demand deposits are:

Money (they can be used to make payments)

121 - An asset is liquid when it is:

Is money or easily converted into money

122 - A bank has Rs. 5 million in cash. The minimum reserve ratio is 20%. What is maximum potential increase in total deposits:

25 m

123 - The following is not a bank liability:


124 - When a commercial bank creates credit, it immediately raises:

(a) and (b) of above

125 - Which is the source of interest for a bank:

All of the above

126 - Commercial banks are able to create money by:

Making loans

127 - Which is a function of a commercial bank:

Making loans

128 - When a commercial bank creates credit, its immediate effect is that it raises:

The money supply

129 - Total number of bank branches in Pakistan is:

More than 5000 but less than 10,000

130 - Demand deposits mean:

Chequeable deposits

131 - Which is considered liability by a bank:

Time deposit

132 - Demand deposits are money because:

They can be used to make payments

133 - Credit money is created by:

Commercial bank

134 - Credit money is created by:

Commercial bank

135 - Select the correct statement:

Both legal money and credit money are equally useful

136 - Select the correct statement:

Central bank creates legal money

137 - Select the correct statement:

None of the above is true

138 - Which type of cheque is more safe for transfer of money

Cross cheque

139 - Which type of cheque is least safe for transfer of money:

Bearer cheque

140 - If a person is more interested to earn income, he should deposit his money in:

Time deposit

141 - If a person is interested that his amount should be readily available as soon as he needs he should deposit his money in:

Demand deposit

142 - Which type of card is not issued by commercial banks:

Green card

143 - Which type of card is not issued by central banks:

None is issued y it

144 - Market rate of interest is:

Always higher than discount rate

145 - Most important source of income of commercial banks is:

Interest charged on loans

146 - Select the true statement:

None is true

147 - If you borrow from a bank the amount which the bank charges is called:

Interest rate

148 - The rate charged by a central bank on loans is called:

Discount rate

149 - Changes in discount rate are brought about by State Bank to:

(a) and (b) of above

150 - Short term loans can be obtained in:

Money market

151 - Long term loans can be obtained in:

Capital market

152 - Functions of commercial bank are:

Accept deposit, create deposit money and provide loans

153 - This is a difficulty of barter:

All of the above

154 - Velocity of circulation of money means:

The average number of times a unit of money changes hands

155 - Nationalisation of banks ws done in:


156 - National Bank of Pakistan is:

Commercial bank

157 - Total number of branches of Pakistani banks is approximately:


158 - National Bank of Pakistan was established in:


159 - The bank established for loans to very small enterprises is called:

Micro Finance Bank

160 - Pakistan has a banking system:


161 - Commercial banks in Pakistan are supervised by:

State Bank

162 - National Bank is a:

Public sector bank

163 - First Women bank is:

Govt. Bank

164 - Bank rate in Pakistan is:


165 - State Bank was established in:


166 - 10-rupee note is issued by:

State Bank

167 - Acting as lender of last resort, a central bank lends to:

Commercial banks

168 - Which statement is true of the relationship between bond prices and bond yields?

They vary inversely

169 - Which is the most widely used of monetary policy:

Open-market operations

170 - When the State Bank wants to decrease money supply in the country, it:

(b) and (c) of above

171 - Monetary policy consists of:

Changing total money supply

172 - State Bank of Pakistan has departments:

Issue, research and banking department

173 - Central bank's rate of lending to commercial banks is called

Discount rate

174 - When a central bank wants to increase money supply in circulation:

(a) and (b) of above

175 - State Bank of Pakistan is run by:

Board of directors

176 - Credit money is controlled by:

Central bank

177 - Every country establishes central bank to:

(a) and (b) of above

178 - It is NOT an instrument of monetary policy:

Issue notes

179 - It creates credit:

Commercial bank

180 - Which is a monetary measure to increase employment:

Reducing interest rate

181 - In order to reduce consumer borrowing this is raised:

Interest rate

182 - Treasury bill is used for:

Getting short term loans

183 - Out of the following the only recognised legal tender is:

Bank notes

184 - Open Market Operation is:

Buying and selling govt. securities

185 - Discount rate of State Bank of Pakistan is:

More than 5% but not more than 15%

186 - State Bank was established in:


187 - 10-rupees note is issued by:

State Bank

188 - Acting as lender of last resort, a central bank lends to:

Commercial banks

189 - Which statement is true of the relationship between bond prices and bond yields?

They vary inversely

190 - Which is the most widely used tool of monetary policy:

Open-market operations

191 - When the State Bank wants to decrease money supply in the country, it:

Sells govt. securities

192 - Monetary policy consists of:

Changing total money supply

193 - State Bank of Pakistan has departments:

Issue, research and banking department

194 - Central bank's rate of landing to commercial banks is called:

Discount rate

195 - When a central bank wants to increase money supply in circulation:

(a) and (b) of above

196 - State Bank of Pakistan is run by:

Board of directors

197 - Credit money is controlled by:

Central bank

198 - Every country establishes central bank to:

(a) and (b) of above

199 - It is NOT an instrument of monetary policy:

Issue notes

200 - It creates credit:

Commercial banks

201 - Which is a monetary measure to increase employment

Reducing interest rate

202 - In order to reduce consumer borrowing this is raised:

Interest rate

203 - Which organisation controls the banking system in most countries?

Central bank

204 - Treasury bill is used for

Getting short term loans

205 - Out of the following the only recognised legal tender is:

Bank notes and coins

206 - Open market operations is:

Buying and selling govt. securities

207 - Monetary policy has the objective:

Decrease inflation rate

208 - Every country establishes central bank to:

Issue currency

209 - It is a monetary employment:

Reducing interest rate

210 - In order to reduce consumer borrowing:

Interest rate is increased

211 - Which organistion controls the banking system:

Central bank

212 - The money called legal tender includes:

Currency notes and coins

213 - Open market operations refer to:

Buying and selling govt. securities

214 - If SLR (statutaory liquidity ratio) is 20% and a bank gets a new deposit of 10 million, the total increase in its deposits can rise up to:

50 millions

215 - State Bank policy of regulating interest rate is called:

Monetary policy

216 - Taxes are levied to:

Provide general benefits for the people

217 - Whom of the following propounded principles of taxation:

Adam Smith

218 - Taxes on commodities are:

Indirect taxes

219 - Govt. prepares its budget:


220 - One of the following is NOT a feature of private finance:



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