World Economy Miscellaneous MCQs

1 - Which of the following countries lead in the production of Nickel ?


2 - Which of the following types of coal represents the first stage of formation of coal ?


3 - Which country is the largest oil producer in the world ?

Saudi Arabia

4 - The largest producer of Nuclear energy in the world is____?


5 - What is the currency of Montserrat Antilles ?


6 - The biggest producer of Uranium in the world is ?


7 - Rice is very important food as well as ?

cash crop

8 - Which crops are sown in Rabi season ?

All of them

9 - Kharif crops include ?

All of them

10 - Name the country which has the largest natural gas reserves in the world ?


11 - Which one of the following countries is the largest oil consumer of the world ?


12 - Which country has the largest area in the world ?


13 - Cocoa is a tropical plant and requires heat and moisture. Which of the following countries is leading in cocoa productions in the World ?

Ivory Coast

14 - Which of the following practices of cultivation can be referred to as crop rotation ?

Different crops in different seasons

15 - Statement A: The might of a country consists of gaining surpluses of gold and silver Statement B: A nation's strength is found in economic independence and the maintenance of a favorable balance of trade Statement C: We need to gain colonies both as sourc


16 - The economic policy of mercantilism first developed during the ?

Age of Exploration

17 - Which statement best describes how a command economy functioned in the Soviet Union ?

A central authority determined the type and quantity of goods to be produced

18 - Which statement best explains China's economic shift towards capitalism in the 1980s and early 1990s ?

communist economic policies were not meeting the needs of the society

19 - Economic development in Japan after World War II and in Communist China since the 1980s in similar in that both nations have sought to ?

nationalize most major industries and restrict competition

20 - Since World War II, people in both Africa and Latin America have moved from rural to urban areas, The major cause of this movement has been the ?

expectation of improved economic opportunities

21 - The emergence of Japan as a world economic power has been based mostly on Japan's ?

business enterprise and organization

22 - A study of Japan's economy since World War II would lead to the conclusion that ?

A government support of technological advances can improve a nation's

23 - Which conclusion can be drawn from the infromation in the chart ?

The nations with relatively low birthrates have relatively high per capita incomes

24 - Singapore and Hong Kong have become major economic powers by taking advantage of their ?

favorable location on international trade routes

25 - Which factor contributes most to the recurring food shortages in Africa ?

Poor distribution of agricultural products

26 - Which is the largest cotton producing country in the world ?


27 - Champignons are what type of food ?


28 - Which tropical fruit is Latin named musa ?


29 - Which state is in the US produces the most blueberries ?

New Jersey

30 - For which agricultural produce, Sudan is famous and which comes under Tropical Grassland Region ?


31 - Which of the following is an agricultural produce of Taiwan ?


32 - Tobacco, a product of high commercial value these days and which grows under a wide range of climates is a major plantation of ?


33 - What country had the second largest area of forest ?

United States

34 - Which country produced the third most rubber ?


35 - In which of the crops Russia does not lead ?


36 - Which country produced the most rubber ?


37 - What was the second milk producing country ?


38 - When you add a tomato product to a Hollandaise Sauce it is called ?


39 - Besides tobacco, tea and cotton, which is the agricultural produce of China ?


40 - Which is the most important crop of the Nile delta ?


41 - A Ia Crecy means to be garnished with what ?


42 - What is known as ground black-cherry pits in the Middle East ?


43 - What is the top sheep producing country ?


44 - What is the third sheep producing country ?


45 - What is the third cattle producing country ?

United States

46 - What is the top cattle producing country ?


47 - Which of the following is the Prevalent public health problem has been observed in the country ?

anemia deficiency

48 - Muslim community constitutes _____ of the world's populatin ?


49 - As consequence of rural urban migration ?

Ruralization of Urban areas and ripid growth seem to be the result

50 - Demography is a scientific study of human population with respect to ?

size, structure, and composition of population

51 - Which one of the following was the most important condition for the growth of the early cities ?

Discoveries of new trades

52 - Cities and towns came into existence due to ?

development of commerce and trade

53 - Races are breeding or mating population of people classified according to ?

genetically transmitted characteristics

54 - Which of the following countries is the world's largest producer of coal ?


55 - How much of the total population of the world i percentage is living in South America ?


56 - How much of the total land of the world is occupied by North America ?


57 - Which is the most abundantly found metal on the Earth's surface ?


58 - In which country are diamonds abundantly found ?

South Africa

59 - Which country is the biggest producer of mercury in the world ?


60 - The highest grade of coal whose surface is shining and has the highest calorific value is ?


61 - The low heating capacity of which of the types of coal reduces its value as an industrial fuel ?


62 - Which is the largest cotton producing country in the world ?


63 - Black volcanic soil and tropical climate is most suitable without excess rainfall for which crop ?


64 - Which of the following crops needs maximum water per hectare ?


65 - What kind of soil is treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping ?


66 - Which type of forest covers the highest percentage of forest area in the world ?

Temperate Coniferous forests

67 - Which of the following countries lead in the production of Mica in the world ?


68 - The largest producer of fertilizer in the world is ?


69 - The largest producer of Tobacco in the world is ?


70 - Which of the following countries leads in the production of Zinc ?


71 - The leading producer of sulphur in the world is ?


72 - Which of the following countries lead in the production of chromites in the world ?

South Africa

73 - What is the currency of Georgia ?


74 - The World biggest oil refinery is situated in ?


75 - Which of the following countries lead in the production of tea in the world ?


76 - Which is the most famous waterfall of the world ?


77 - Black volcanic soil and tropical climate is most suitable without excess rainfall for which crop ?


78 - Which country produced the second most rubber ?


79 - The crop most susceptible to frost is ?


80 - Which country leads in production of barley among the following ?


81 - Which country possesses the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world ?


82 - What was the third mild producing country ?


83 - What was the top mild producing country ?

United States

84 - Name the largest synthetic rubber and tyre making centre in the world is ?


85 - Which is the largest continent (population wise) of the world ?


86 - Besides tobacco, tea and cotton, which is the other agricultural produce of China ?


87 - Which is the most important crop of the Nile delta ?


88 - Which country leads in production of barley among the following?


89 - What country is third most covered by forests ?


90 - Which of the following countries is the leading producer of rice ?


91 - Which soil is best suited for deep rooted crops ?

Black soil

92 - What country had the third largest area of forest ?


93 - What was the top buffalo producing country ?


94 - Which of the following countries is known as sugar bowl ?


95 - What country had the largest area of forest ?


96 - Which of the following countries is the leading producer of wheat ?


97 - What was the second chicken producing country ?

United States

98 - What was the third sheep producing country ?


99 - What was the top sheep producing country ?


100 - What was the second cattle producing country ?


101 - The country which leads in the production of rubber is ?


102 - For which agricultural produce Sudan is famous and which comes under Tropical Grassland Region ?


103 - Which of the following is not a Cash Crop ?


104 - Which of the following is an agricultural produce of Taiwan ?


105 - Groundnut crop is the monopoly of ?


106 - Wheat being a plant of temperate zone grows well on plains away from sea and having moderately dry climate. World's maximum production of wheat is obtained from ?


107 - The base of all of the following fuels is organic materials except that of ?


108 - Which of the following countries leads the world in the export of oil ?

Saudi Arabia

109 - Which of the following is a non-metallic mineral ?


110 - Which of the following is the largest producer of cooper ?


111 - What is the currency of United Arab Emirates ?


112 - The leading producer of sulphur is ?


113 - The largest producer of diamond in the world is ?


114 - Second largest uranium producer in the world is ?


115 - Minor crops in Rabi season are pulses potatoes and ?

All of these

116 - What is the period of Rabi season ?

Oct-Dec to April-May

117 - When the period of Kharif crop starts and when ends ?

April-June, Oct-Sept

118 - Name the country which has the largest tin production in the world is ?


119 - Which country is the source of Stilton cheese ?


120 - Trees which are considered the tallest in the world ?


121 - Which country in the World is leading in jute production ?


122 - Which of the following is the correct group of Kharif Crops ?

Rice, Millet Maize Cotton

123 - Which of the following practices of cultivation can be referred to as crop rotation ?

Different crops in different seasons

124 - Which types of forest mostly grow in the below of land lying between 50° N and 70° N ?

Temperate coniferous forests

125 - Which country tops in the production of coconut in the world ?


126 - Which one of the following fertilizers contains a high percentage of nitrogen ?


127 - Which crop is affected by the disease called blast ?


128 - Which one of the following four agricultural resources by way of crops cultivated by man does not belong to the group comprising the remaining three ?


129 - If consumption when young and when old are both normal goods, an increase in the interest rate ?

will increase the quantity of saving if the substitution effect outweighs the income effect

130 - If income where to double and prices were to to double the budget line would ?

stay the same

131 - Refer to Exhibit 4, Suppose that the consumer must choose between buying socks and belts Also suppose that the consumer's income is €100 A pair of socks is ?

a normal good

132 - Refer to Exhibit 4, Suppose that the consumer must choose between buying socks and belts Also suppose that the consumer's income is €100 Suppose that the price of a pair of socks falls from €5 to €2 The substitution effect is represented by the movement f

Z to point X

133 - If an increase in a consumer's income causes the consumers to decrease her quantity demanded of a good, then the good is ?

an inferior good

134 - Suppose we measure the quantity of good X on the horizontal axis and the quantity of good Y on the vertical axis If indifference curves are bowed inward, as we move from having an abundance of good X to having an abundance of good Y, the marginal rate of


135 - The consumer's optimal purchase of any two goods is the point where ?

the consumer reaches the highest indifference curve subject to remaining on the budget constraint

136 - The slope at any point on an indifference curve is known as ?

the marginal rate of substitution

137 - Which of the following is not true regarding the outcome of a consumer's optimization process ?

The consumer is indifferent between any two points on his budget constraint

138 - A change in the relative prices of which of the following pair of goods would likely cause the smallest substitution effect ?

right shoes and left shoes

139 - If leisure is a normal good, an increase in the wage ?

will increase the amount of labor supplied if the substitution effect outweighs the income effect

140 - The change in consumption that results when a price change moves the consumer along a given indifference curve is known as the ?

substitution effect

141 - Refer to Exhibit 4, Suppose that the consumer must choose between buying socks and belts Also suppose that the consumer's income is €100 Suppose that the price of a pair of socks falls from €5 to €2 The income effect is represented by the movement from po

X to point Y

142 - Refer to Exhibit 4. Suppose that the consumer must choose between buying socks and belts Also suppose that the consumer's income is €100 If the price of a belt is €10 and the price of a pair of socks is €5, the consumer will choose to buy the commodity bu


143 - If an increase in a consumer's income causes the consumer to increase his quantity demand of a good, then the good is ?

a normal good

144 - Which of the following is true about the consumer's optimum consumption bundle? At the optimum ?

all of these answers are true

145 - Which of the following statements is not true with regard to the standard properties of indifference curves ?

indifference curves are bowed outward

146 - uppose a consumer must choose between the consumption of sandwiches and pizza. If we measure the quantity of pizza on the horizontal axis and the quantity of sandwiches on the vertical axis and if the price of a pizza is Rs10 and the price of a sandwich i


147 - indifference curves for perfect substitutes are ?

straight lines

148 - The limit on the consumption bundles that a consumer can afford is known as ?

the budget constraint

149 - An export subsidy should have the opposite effect of ?

A tariff

150 - Which of the following groups would not benefit from an EU imports quota on Japanese cars ?

EU farmers who export grain

151 - Which of the following statements about trade policy is true ?

A country's trade policy has no impact on the size of its trade balance

152 - Suppose, due to political instability, Russians suddenly choose to invest in UK assets as opposed to Russian assets Which of the following statements is true regarding UK net foreign investment ?

UK net foreign investment falls

153 - If the EU imposes a quota on the importing of clothing produced in China, so reducing UK imports of clothing Which of the following is true regarding the market for foreign currency exchange ?

The demand for Pounds increases and the pound appreciates

154 - An increasing in Europe's taste for UK produced Hondas would cause the pound to ?

appreciate, but the total value of UK net export stays the same

155 - An increase in the government budget deficit ?

Increases the real interest rate and crowds out investment

156 - Capital flight ?

increases a country's net exports and decreases its long-run growth path

157 - Which of the following groups would be most harmed by a UK government budget deficit ?

BAe Systems wishing to sell aircraft to Saudi Arabia

158 - An example of a trade policy is ?

A tariff on sugar

159 - An increase in Pakistan's private saving ?

increase Pakistan's net exports and Pakistan's net capital outflow the same amount

160 - Suppose, due to political instability, Russians suddenly choose to purchase UK assets as opposed to Russian assets Which of the following statements is true regarding the value of the pound and UK net exports ?

The pound appreciates, and UK net exports fall

161 - If the EU imposes a quota on the importing of clothing produced in China, so reducing UK imports of clothing, which of the following is true regarding UK net exports ?

Net exports will remain unchanged

162 - Which of the following statements regarding the market for foreign currency exchange is true ?

An increase in Pakistan's net capital outflow increase the supply of rupees and the rupees depreciate

163 - Which of the following statements regarding the market for foreign currency exchange is true ?

An increase in Pakistan's net exports increase the demand for rupees and the rupees appreciates

164 - The Phrase "twin deficits" refers to ?

A country's trade deficit and its government budget deficit

165 - An increase in the Pakistan's government budget deficit ?

decreases Pakistan's net exports and Pakistan's net Capital outflow the Pakistan's same amount

166 - Which of the following statement regarding the loanable funds market is true ?

An increase in the government budget deficit shifts the supply of loanable funds to the left

167 - Which of the following statements regarding the loanable funds market is not true ?

An increase in a country's net capital outflow shifts the supply of loanable funds to the left

168 - A dual economy is distinguished from other economies by having ?

a traditional agricultural sector and a modern industrial sector

169 - Dual economies are countries ?

with a modern manufacturing sector as well as traditional agriculture sector

170 - What is the ratio of population density of developing countries to the population of developed countries ?


171 - In low-income countries the average agricultural family produces a surplus ?

enough to supply only a small nonagricultural population

172 - Assume that the real income of developing Island increases from $120,000 to $160,000 from 2005 to 2006 while its population expands from 1000 to 1100 during the same period Real income per capita has increased by about ?


173 - Which one of the following countries is not a high-income country ?


174 - Tradable pollution permits ?

Set the quantity of pollution

175 - The gas-guzzler tax that is placed on new vehicles that are very fuel inefficient is an example of ?

an attempt to internalize a negative externality.

176 - Roberto and Thomas live in a university hall of residence. Reberto values playing loud music at a value of €100. Thomas values peace and quiet at a value of €150. Which of the following statements is true about an efficient solution to this externality pr

Thomas will pay Roberto between €100 and €150 and Roberto will stop playing loud music

177 - Which of the following is not considered a transaction cost incurred by parties in the process of contracting to eliminate a pollution externality ?

costs incurred to reduce the pollution

178 - According to the Coase theorem, private parties can solve the problem of externalities if ?

there are no transaction costs.

179 - When an individual buys a car in a congested urban area, it generates ?

a negative externality

180 - To internalize a negative externality an appropriate public policy response would be to ?

tax the good

181 - A negative externality (that has not been internalized) causes the ?

equilibrium quantity to exceed the optimal quantity

182 - A negative externality generates ?

a social cost curve that is below the supply curve (private cost curve) for a good

183 - Suppose an industry emits a negative externality such a pollution and the possible methods to internalize the externality are command-and-control policies, pigovian taxes, and tradable pollution permits. If economists were to rank these methods for intern

tradable pollution permits, Pigouvian taxes, command-and-control policies

184 - When wealthy alumni provide charitable contributions to their universities to reduce the tuition payments of current students it is an example of ?

an attempt to internalize a positive externality

185 - A pigovian tax on pollution ?

Sets the price of pollution

186 - Which of the following is true regarding tradable pollution permits and Pigouvian taxes ?

Pigouvian taxes and tradable pollution permits create an efficient market for pollution.

187 - Roberto and Thomas live in a university hall of residence Roberto values playing loud music at a value of €100. Thomas values Pease and quiet at a value of €150. Which of the following statements is true ?

It is efficient for Roberto to stop playing loud music regardless of who has the property right to the level of sound

188 - To internalize a positive externality an appropriate public policy response would be to ?

subsidize the good

189 - The most efficient pollution control system would ensure that ?

the polluters with the lowest cost of reducing pollution reduce their pollution the greatest amount

190 - The government engages in a technology policy ?

to internalize the positive externality associated with technology-enhancing industries.

191 - A positive externality (that has not been internalized) caused the ?

optimal quantity to exceed the equilibrium quantity

192 - A positive externality generates ?

a social value curve that is above the demand curve (private value curve) for good

193 - An externality is ?

The uncompensated impact of one person's actions on the well-being of a bystander

194 - The Baker plan (1985) stressed _______ and the Brady Plan (1989) emphasized _______ respectively?

new loans from multilateral agencies and surplus countries; debt reduction or write-downs

195 - Which of the following statement is Not true ?

The ratio of debt service to GNP is very good indicator of the debt burden

196 - Shortly after 1979 World Bank introduced loans that emphasized reforms in trade, agriculture industry public enterprise financial energy education or other sectors and were known as ?

sectoral adjustment loans

197 - With free trade the total value of imports would equal ?

$400,000 units

198 - Concerning import tariffs of the United States empirical studies tend to conclude that these tariffs are ?

regressive and thus bear down on the poor

199 - Concerning a government's trade policy, all the following generally apply except ?

because domestic consumers outnumber domestic producer's policy markers usually enact Free-trade policies to satisfy the consumer majority:

200 - Suppose that the nominal tariff rate on finished computers is 12 percent and that the weighted average of the nominal tariff rates on the inputs used in producing computers is 18 percent. Thus, the effective rate of protection for the computer industry mu

be less than 12 percent and can be negative

201 - Suppose that Pakistan imposes a tariff on ballpoint pens of 25 rupees per pen plus 12 percent of the pen's value, this is an example of a (an) ?

compound tariff

202 - If the world price of steel is $500 a ton a specific tariff $50 is equivalent to an ad valorem tariff of______________?

10 percent

203 - In today's world, most countries impose tariffs ?

only on imports

204 - Domestic producers gain ________ because on the tariff?


205 - With the tariff the government collects?


206 - Suppose there is no tariff on imported inputs and the ratio of the value of imported inputs the value of the final product is 0.5 If the nominal tariff rate on the final product is 10 percent, the effective tariff rate equals ?

20 percent

207 - A tariff can _______ raise a country's welfare?


208 - If a nation fitting the criteria for the large nation model imposes an import tariff ?

The domestic price of the product will increase by less than the tariff

209 - According to the _____ argument for protection, tariffs can shield new industries from import competition until they have grown strong and efficient enough to withstand the competition by foreign producers ?

infant industry argument

210 - A tariff that prohibits imports has only ?

consumption effect and protection effect

211 - The effective rate of protection ?

shows the increase in value added for domestic production that a particular tariff structure makes possible, in percentage terms

212 - Specific tariffs are collected as ?

fixed amount of money per unit traded

213 - If I purchase a stereo from South Korea, I obtain the stereo and South Korea obtains the dollars But if I purchase a stereo produced in the Pakistan I obtain the stereo and the rupees remain in Pakistan, This line of reasoning is ?

deceiving since Koreans eventually spend the dollars on Pakistani goods

214 - For advanced countries such as the United States, tariffs on imported raw materials tend to be ?

lower than tariffs on imported manufactured goods

215 - A tax of 15 percent per imported item would be an example of a (an) ?

Ad valorem tariff

216 - The national security argument for protection is more likely to be valid when ?

The protected industry provides invaluable goods during periods of war

217 - If no imported inputs (hard-disk drive) go into the domestic production of a final product (desktop computer) then the ?

nominal tariff rate on the final product equals the effective tariff rate on the product

218 - Suppose that the offshore assembly provisions (OAP) of the United States are granted to finished computers that are imported and produced domestically This policy will tend to ?

Increase the production of computer components in the United States

219 - A tariff ______ increase a country overall welfare?

can sometimes

220 - If a country an imposes an import tariff, its welfare can improve if ?

its terms of trade improve enough


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