Amalgams Most Important MCQs

1 - A patient who has had a recent amalgam filling in the upper teeth has a gold filling in the lower teeth, the patient complains of pain. The reason for this can be mainly_____________?


2 - A purine which is found in saliva is_______________?


3 - Absorption of mercury in the human body occurs least from_____________?


4 - According of ADA specification No or number 1, the minimum compressive strength for silver amalgam filling aftr one hour should be________________?

80 Mpa

5 - Acid neutralizing substance in saliva_____________?


6 - Adequate mixing of mercury is indicated by_______________?

Shiny Mix

7 - Admixed high copper alloy powder contains_________________?

9-20% copper

8 - Advantage of minimum mercury technique or Eames technique is all Except________________?

Greater plasticity and adapts well to cavity walls

9 - Advantage of zinc containing amalgam is_______________?

Better handling property

10 - Ag-Cu eutectic alloy has a characteristic Property of that fusion temp of_____________?

The resultant alloy is lesser

11 - Alveolar bone proper is also known as: or Which of the following is seen as lamina dura in an IOPA radiograph ?

Lamina dura

12 - Alveolar process helps in providing_____________?

Support the natural teeth

13 - Amalgam achieves 70% of the strength by____________?

8 hours

14 - Amalgam achieves 70% of the strength by____________?

8 hours

15 - Amalgam means_____________?

An alloy of two or more metals one of which is mercury

16 - Amalgam restorations give the best clinical service when the residual mercury content is_______________?


17 - Among various glands, salivary gland secretion is unique in that, its secretions is unique in that, its secretion are controlled by___________?


18 - An enzyme present in saliva which causes cell wall lysis____________?


19 - Bartholins duct is the name of_______________?

Sublingual duct

20 - Basal bone is____________?

That part of the bone embracing apices of root of teeth

21 - Basic metabolic unit of bone is_______________?


22 - Bone at forming stage has_________________?

Osteoclasts, osteoblasts, osteoid

23 - By increasing the percentage of which metal, the strength and hardness of amalgam increases_____________?


24 - Calcium content of lamina dura is______________?

More than the other parts of alveolar bone

25 - Carmalt's glands are______________?

Minor salivary glands (Retromolar)

26 - Cause of expansion in zinc containing amalgam is_____________?


27 - Cavo surface angle for amalgam resoration is butt joint as____________?

It increases compresssive and tensile strengths

28 - Chronic mercury toxicity results from_____________?

All of the above

29 - Co-efficient of Thermal exansion of amalgam is______________?

25.0 a (ppm k-1)

30 - Compare to conventional amalgams, spherical amalgams_______________?

None of the above

31 - Copper content in low copper amalgam is________________?


32 - Creep value of which of the following is the highest ?

Low copper amalgam alloy

33 - Decrease in creep occurs in_______________?

Increase with condensation pressure

34 - Discolouration of silver alloy is due to_____________?

Tarnish and corrosion

35 - During amalgamation, trituration is done to_____________?

Coat the alloy particle with mercury

36 - Dynamic creep is the______________?

Deformation of set amalgam during function

37 - Fibres which continue from bone to ligament are_____________?

Sharpey's fibres

38 - Fibres which continue from bone to ligament are_______________?

Sharpey's fibres

39 - Finishing and polishing of Amalgam make the restoration______________?

Increase in tarnish and corrosion resistance

40 - For dental amalgam, the elastic modulus and tensile strength is______________?

21 Gpa and 27 – 55 Mpa

41 - Functional importance of maxillary sinus is______________?

All of the above

42 - Gallium and indium added to Amalgam replace______________?


43 - Haversion systems (osteons) are found primarily in the_________________?

Alveolar bone proper

44 - High copper amalgam can be produced_____________?

From irregular and spherical particles

45 - High copper dental amalgams are superior to other amalgams because high copper dental amalgems______________?

Have less marginal breakdown

46 - High strength amalgam is achieved by_____________?

Minimum matrix and maximum alloy phase

47 - How soon after a moisture contamination does a zinc containing amalgam alloy start expanding________________?

3-5 days

48 - If a child's teeth do not form, this would primarily effect the growth of the_____________?

Alveolar bone

49 - In a high copper amalgam the phase, which is eliminated is_______________?

Gamma 2

50 - In amalgam alloy which acts as oxygen scavenger_____________?


51 - In non zinc containing dental amalgam alloy the percentage of zinc present is______________?

Less than 0.01%

52 - In spherical alloys as compared to lathe cut____________?

Less condensing force is required

53 - Increase in the residual mercury in silver amalgam filling can_____________?

Cause fracture of the filling

54 - Main function of salivary duct is_______________?

To convey the saliva secreted by the terminal secretory units to oral cavity

55 - Mandible develops by______________?

Both of the above

56 - Mature bone is otherwise called as______________?

Lamellar bone

57 - Maxillary sinus is described as a four sided pyramid containing base, apex, roof and floor. The apex of maxillary sinus extends________________?

Laterally into zygomatics process of maxilla

58 - Mercury intoxication in dental office mainly results from____________?

Inhalation of mercury vapours

59 - Mercury is toxic because it_____________?

Binds to sulfhydryl groups

60 - Mercury rich condition in a slow setting amalgam alloy system in a resoration in______________?

All of the above

61 - Moisture contamination of amalgam can lead to_____________?

Delayed expansion

62 - Mucin in mucous cells usually demonstrated by______________?

Mucicarmine stain

63 - Myoepithelial cells are present in________________?

Intercalated & terminal duct

64 - Normal interincisal distance is____________________?

48 mm

65 - Of the total amount of saliva secreted by all the salivary glands, about 60% is secreted by the_____________?

Submandibular glands

66 - Once triturated, the Dental amalgam should be condensed with in_____________?

3 minutes

67 - Organ of chievity is seen near the______________?

Medial surface of the mandible

68 - Outstanding clinical performance of dental amalgam restoration is related to its____________?

Compressive strength

69 - Over-trituration of silver alloy and mercury_______________?

Increases the strength of lathe cut alloy but reduces the strength of spherical alloy amalgam

70 - Percentage of tin in low copper alloy is______________?


71 - Pure mucous glands are_____________?

Glosso palatine & palatine glands

72 - Reversal lines which may be seen on the cribriform plate (alveolar bone proper) of the alveolar process indicate the cessation of____________?

Osteoclastic activity

73 - Role of meckel's cartilage in development of mandible__________________?

It does not have any role

74 - Saliva is secreted by____________?

Major & minor salivary glands

75 - Second arch derivatives are all except_________________?

Malleus and incus

76 - Serous demilunes are seen in______________?

Salivary glands

77 - Setting time of Amalgam is best controlled by _______________?

Trituration time

78 - Sublingual gland is a_____________?

Mixed gland

79 - The ADA specification No 1 for composition of amalgam alloy recommends______________?

65% silver, 29% tin and 5-6% copper

80 - The articular cartilage is characterized by all of the following features except_____________?

It has a rich nerve supply

81 - The condyle of mandible is composed of____________________?

Cancellous bone covered by thin layer of compact bone

82 - The content of saliva include all except____________?


83 - The dental amalgam is most resistant to________________?

Compressive stress

84 - The duct(s) of gland(s) opening into the floor of the mouth is (are)_______________?

Submandibular and sublingual

85 - The effect of trituration on strength in an amalgam restoration depends on______________?

All of the above

86 - The function of myoepithelial cells may be______________?

All of the above

87 - The glands of Blandin and Nuhn are_____________?

The anterior lingual glands located near the apex of tongue

88 - The higher the Hg alloy ratio in dental amalgam________________?

More matrix matrial formed

89 - The highest mercury concentration in amalgam filling is found_____________?

At the margin of the restoration

90 - The intimal B cells of synovical memrbane of temporomandibular joint are_______________?

Fibroblast like

91 - The largest component of amalgam alloy is_____________?


92 - The marrow found in the mandible is____________?

A combination of fatty and fibrous marrow

93 - The maxillary sinus______________?

Has the 1st molar projecting into its floor

94 - The muscle which is commonly involved in myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome______________?

Lateral ptergoid

95 - The neutralization of saliva is due to______________?


96 - The normal pH of the saliva is about_____________?


97 - The percentage of copper in high copper alloy is______________?


98 - The process of recesses formation in maxillary sinus is most frequently seen with________________?

Alveolar process

99 - The solid solution of silver and mercury is called_______________?


100 - The tarnished layer of silver amalgam consists of________________?

Sulphides of silver

101 - The term trituration means____________?

Mixing of amalgam alloy and mercury

102 - The threshold limit value of mercury exposures is_______________?

0.05 mg / m3

103 - The tooth present close to maxillary sinus is_________________?

1st molar

104 - The type of bone present in the labial area of anterior teeth is_________________?


105 - The type of epithelium lining maxillary sinus is_______________?

Pseudo stratified columnar and cilliated

106 - Total volume of saliva secreted by submandibular gland daily is______________?

450 ml

107 - True about myoepithelial cell______________?

All of the above

108 - Vonebners gland are_______________?

Posterior lingual serous glands

109 - Well premeasured capsules of amalgam can release mercury vapour during_______________?


110 - Wharton's duct drains the_______________?

Submandibular gland

111 - What fraction of inhaled mercury vapors retained in the body ?


112 - What is common in amalgam and ceramics ?

More compressive strength and tensile strength

113 - What is the most frequently used restorative material ?


114 - What is the recommended for condensation of dental amalgam ?

3 pounds

115 - What is the working time of amalgam?

Three to four minutes

116 - When osteoblast lay new bone from outside to inside in a osteon, the active formation area is called________________?

Filling cone

117 - Which is not true about high copper amalgam alloys______________?

Low tensile and compressive strength

118 - Which is true regarding lathe cut silver alloy_______________?

Achieves lowest compressive strength at 1 hr.

119 - Which of the following are characteristic feature of high copper amalgam alloy ?

Less marginal

120 - Which of the following constituents of amalgam alloy decreases expansion____________?


121 - Which of the following does not occur in High Copper Amalgam ?

Penetrating Corrosion

122 - Which of the following enzymes are involved in bone formation________________?

Alkaline phosphatase and phosphorylase

123 - Which of the following is correct about serous glands_____________?

All of the above

124 - Which of the following is not present in saliva________________?


125 - Which of the following phases of dental amalgam has minimum strength____________?

Gamma 2

126 - Which of the following silver amalgam alloy have the maximum strength________________?

Single composition

127 - Which of the following statement is true regarding lathe cut low Copper silver alloy ?

Has tensile strength both at 15 minutes and 7 days is comparable to high copper, unicompositional alloys

128 - Which of the following statements about high copper silver alloy compared to conventional alloy is not true ?

It has poor tarnish and corrosion resistance

129 - Which one of the following is not an objective of trituration ?

Keep the amount of gamma-1 or gamma-2 matrix crystals to maximum

130 - Which phase provides maximum strength in hardened mercury/silver alloy ?

Silver / Tin phase


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