Bacteriology Most Important MCQs

1 - A 6 year old boy comes with abdominal pain, vomiting after consuming mild products within 6 hours. The most likely organism responsible is______________?

Staph. aureus

2 - A diabetic patient developed cellulitis due to staphylococcus aureus, which was found to be Methicillin resistant on the antibiotic sensitivity testing. All of the following antibiotics will be appropriate EXCEPT________________?


3 - A full course of immunization agianst. Telanus with 3 doses to Tetanus toxoid, confers immunity for how many years ?


4 - A protoplast is best characterized as a bacterial cell______________?

Free of a cell wall and a capsule

5 - A veterinary doctor had pyrexia of unknown origin His blood culture in special laboratory media was positive for gram negative short bacilli which was oxidase positive. Which one of the following is the likely organism grown in culture ?

Brucella spp

6 - About Psedomonas. All are true except________________?

Infection is mostly due to endogenous source

7 - Actinomycetes is______________?

Gram positive bacteria

8 - Actinomycosis is a_________________?

Anaerobic bacterial disease

9 - Actinomycosis is caused by______________?

Anaerobic, gram positive, non-acid fast bacteria.

10 - All are true about bordetella pertussis except______________?

Presence of antibodies in serum in diagnostic of the disease

11 - All are true about legionella pneumophilia except______________?

Person to person transmission

12 - All are true about widel test except________________________?

O antibodiest last longer and hence is not indicative of recent infection

13 - All of the following are true of streptococcus except_____________?

It's group of lactic acid production bacteria

14 - All of the following lab tests can be used to distinguish streptococcus mutans from other oral streptococci, except______________?

Gram staining

15 - All of the following organisms are known to survive intracellularly except_____________?

Streptococcus pyogenes

16 - Among The infectious diseases transmitted by food, one is___________________?

Typhoid fever

17 - An oxidase-positive, gram-negative rod which produces a bluish-green pigment has been grown in culture from a swab obtained from an infected burn wound. This organism is susceptible to gentamicin, ticarcillin and tobramicin, but resistant to all the other

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

18 - Anaerobic bacteria grow_______________?

in the absence of oxygen

19 - Antigen used in Weil-Felix reaction______________?


20 - ASO (Antistreptolysin 0) test is uesd for the diagnosis of________________?

Rheumatie fever

21 - Bacteria acquire characteristics by all of the following except___________________?

Incorporating part of host DNA

22 - Bacteria acquire characteristics by all the following except_______________?

Incorporating part of host DNA

23 - Bacteria reproduce mainly by______________?

Binary fission

24 - Bacteria with potent exotoxin is_______________?

Clostridium tetani

25 - Black pigmented anaerobes include all of the following except______________?


26 - Borelia vincenti is a______________?


27 - Borrelia vincenti is always associated with______________?

Fusiform bacilli

28 - cAMP reaction is shown by which streptococci ?

Group B

29 - Causative agents of Vincent's angina_____________?

Borrelia vincenti and fusobacterium fusiformis

30 - Causative organism for gas gangrene_______________?

Clostridium welchii

31 - Chlamydia causes all of the following except________________?


32 - Common inhabitant of throat and tonsils is______________?

Alpha hymolytic streptococci (S. viridans)

33 - Commonest mycobacterial infection in tropical countries_______________?

M. tuberculosis

34 - Cough plate method is used to identify________________?


35 - Culture medium for corynebacterium diphtheria______________?

Loefflers serum slope

36 - Culture medium used for Bordatella pertussis is_________________?

Bordet Gengou medium

37 - Diphtheria is pathogenic only when infected with______________?

Beta phage

38 - Drumstick appearance is seen in______________?

Cl. tetani

39 - Each of the following can cause food poisoning except________________?

Cl. difficile

40 - Each of the following viruses possesses an outer lipoprotein envelope except_____________?

Papilloma Virus

41 - Electron microscopic examination of the bacterial flora of necrotising ulcerative gingivitis indicates the presence of microorganisms within non-necrotic tissues in advance of other bacteria. The organisms involved are______________?


42 - Encapsulation in bacteria helps in__________________?

Prevent their phagocytosis

43 - Endotoxin have all but one of the properties given below_______________?

Produced by gram positive bacteria

44 - False +ve for VDRL is seen in______________?

All of the above

45 - Fimbriae are demonstrated by ___________________?

Haemagglutination test

46 - Following are the characteristics of Vincent's angina EXCEPT_______________?

Caused by leptospira interrogans

47 - For uniform staining reaction, morphology and biochemical activity it is advisable to study bacterial cultures during the_____________?

Logarithmic phase

48 - Gram -ve bacteria stain during gram staining____________?

Red color

49 - Granules in the corynebacterium diphtheria are called by following names, except______________?

Refractile granules

50 - Grape bunch shaped colonies are seen in______________?


51 - Group A B-hemolytic streptococcal infection of the pharynx may be followed in some by_____________?

Rheumatic fever

52 - Group A carbohydrate of Str. pyogenes cross reacts with human_________________?

Cardiac valves

53 - Growth factor needed for Salmonella_________________?


54 - In a patient with typhoid, diagnosis after 15 days of onset of fever is best done by_____________?

Widal test

55 - In initial stages of tyhoid, salmonella can be detected in________________?


56 - In small intestine, cholera toxin acts by______________?

ADP – ribosylation of the G regulatory protein

57 - In T.B cell mediated immunity is by_______________?

CD 4*

58 - Inactivated microorganisms are used in the manufacture of which of the following________________?

Salk vaccine

59 - Lancefields classification of B hemolytic streptococcus is based on______________?

Polysaccharide C antigen

60 - Lepromin test is useful for________________?


61 - Leprosy bacilli are transmitted from person to person by all except______________?

Through breast milk

62 - Leprosy bacilli can be grown in_________________?

Foot paid on nine branded armadilo

63 - Leptospirosis, all are true except______________?

Onset of IgM in 2 days

64 - Loss of capsule in bacteria is generally associated with______________?

Decease in virulence

65 - Malignant pustule is referred to_________________?

Cutaneous anthrax

66 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis is differentiated from other atypical mycobacteria by______________?

Niacin test

67 - Nagglers reaction detects________________?


68 - Nagglers reaction is used in the diagnosis of______________?

Gas gangrene

69 - Negative staining is used to demonstrate________________?

Bacterial fimbriae

70 - Neurotoxin of tetanus acts on______________?

Spinal card

71 - On a stained slide, clostridium tetani has the appearance of a__________________?

Drum stick

72 - One of the following is a treponemal test for diagnosis of syphilis_____________?


73 - One of the following is a zoonotic disease_____________?


74 - One of the following is an agglutination test in the diagnosis of typhoid___________?

Widal test

75 - Opacity around colonies of Clostridium perfringens is due to_________________?


76 - Organ of locomotion in bacteria is________________?


77 - Organism most frequently associated with urinary tract infections is_________________?

Escherichia coli

78 - Pasteur developed the vaccine for_______________?

All of the above

79 - Pathogenesis of diphtheria is attributed to__________________?


80 - Pathogenic treponemas can be maintained in________________?

Rabbit testis only

81 - Phage conversion is required for________________?


82 - Phospholipid used to investigate syphilis by the reagin test is________________?


83 - Pneumococus can be differentiated from streptococcus by________________?

Bile solubility

84 - Pseudomonas aeruginosa_________________?

Causes Shangai fever

85 - Rapid diagnosis of Tuberculosis is possible with_______________?

Auramine-Rhodamine stain

86 - Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus is due to ________________________?

Elaboration of an enzyme that destroy penicillin

87 - Rickettsiae__________________?

All of the above

88 - Salivary peroxidise system is known to be effective agianst________________?

Lactobacillus acidophilus

89 - Salmonella typhi can be isolated at different times from______________?

All of the above

90 - Signs of tyhoid fever is/are_____________________?

All of the above

91 - Silver impregnation method of staining is useful to demonstrate_____________?

Both of the above

92 - Staphylococcal food poisoning includes the following features_______________?

Common with dairy products

93 - Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome (SSS syndrome) is due to______________?

Enterotoxin F

94 - Staphylococci typically occur in_________________?

Irregular clusters

95 - Staphylococcus does not causes_______________?

Scarlet fever

96 - Streptococcus is classified based on__________________?

Cell wall carbohydrate

97 - Subacute bacterial endocarditis is caused by_____________?

Streptococcus viridans

98 - Teichoic acid is present in cell walls of_________________?

Gram positive bacteria

99 - Test for differentiating virulent form non-virulent tubercular bacilli_____________?

Neutral red test

100 - The bacterial cell wall has all of the following properties except______________?

It is a unique flexible plastic structure

101 - The causative organism of syphilis is___________?

Treponema pallidum

102 - The commonest method of detection of diptheria carriers is_______________?

Schick test

103 - The commonly used fluorescent dye in the detection of tubercie bacilli________________?

Auramine and Rhodamine

104 - The diagnosis of gonorrhea is established by_____________?

All of the above tests

105 - The diagnostic investigation for syphilis is__________________?

Both B & C

106 - The difference between gram positive and negative bacteria lies in their_______________?

cell wall

107 - The facultative anaerobic bacteria are those who are_______________?

Able to grow in the presence of absence of oxygen

108 - The following are applicable to bacterial genoms except________________?

Its DNA has both introns and extrons

109 - The genetic ability of a bacterium to grow in the presence of several antibiotics is passed in vivo from one bacterium to another by_____________?


110 - The major intestinal pathogens which are non-lactose fermenters are_________________?


111 - The mechanism of genetic transfer where a phage serves as a vehicle is_______________?


112 - The most common pathogens responsible for nosocomial pneumonias in the ICU are______________?

Gram negative organisms

113 - The most common site where organisms are present in a typhoid carrier is______________?

Gall Bladder

114 - The most frequently encountered clostridial species in gas gangrene is______________?

Clostridium welchii

115 - The most primitive mode of gene transfer occurs by____________?


116 - The single most important laboratory test for determining the virulence of staphylococci is___________?

Detection of coagulase

117 - The specific test for Treponema pallidum is___________?


118 - The structure in involved in bacterial attachment to cell surface is_______________?


119 - The temperature required for cultivating mycobacterium________________?

37 degrees

120 - The urine sample of a patient has been sent to the laboratory to look for Leptospira. The specimen is to be screened by use of the__________________?

Dark ground microscope

121 - The virulence factors of Neisseria gonorrhea include all of the following except____________?


122 - Thumb print appearance in culture film smear is seen______________?

Bordetelia pertussis

123 - Toxic shock syndrome is due to the following virulence factor_____________?

Pyrogenic exotoxin

124 - True about VDRL test________________?

All of the above

125 - Tuberculin test screens for_____________?

Cell mediated immunity

126 - Vibrio cholera was discovered by_________________?


127 - Virulence of Gonococcus is due to___________________?


128 - Wasserman test test is diagnostic of__________________?


129 - What is the transport medium for cholera___________________?

B & C

130 - Which is not true about vibrio cholera_________________?

Cannot survive in extracellular environment

131 - Which of the following are non-spore forming anaerobic bacteria that asume major significance in disease processes________________?

All of the above

132 - Which of the following characteristics of bacteria is not true?

Having either DNA or RNA

133 - Which of the following enzyme is required to induce the formation of a plasma clot pathogenic staphylococci_____________?


134 - Which of the following fulfil all the criterias of kich's postulates ?

None of the above

135 - Which of the following have the capability to produce extra cellular polysaccharides______________?

Strep. Mutans

136 - Which of the following is an acid-fast bacillus_____________?

Mycobacterium bacilli

137 - which of the following is anaerobic_______________?


138 - Which of the following is obligate aerobe ?

Pseudomonas aerogenosa

139 - Which of the following is true about tetanus acquired through traumatic wound ?

Clostridium tetani travels via the nerves to the anterior horn dells in spinal cord

140 - Which of the following structures, found external to the bacterial cell wall, are involved in bacterial attachment to cell surfaces?


141 - Which organism causes prosthetic valve endocarditis within 60 days of surgery________________?

Staphylococcus epidermis

142 - Which regards to temperature requirement, most pathogenic bacteria are_____________?


143 - Widal test is specific for____________?



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