Biochemistry Most Important MCQs

1 - A balanced diet consists of______________?

20% proteins, 25% fats, 50% carbohydrates

2 - A patient of type 2 diabetes mellitus is given nutrition rich in________________?

Fibre rich diet

3 - A relatively component of the electron transporting respiratory chain is_____________?


4 - All are components of basement membrane except________________?


5 - Bile acids are formed from__________?


6 - Bile contains______________?

All of the above

7 - Bilirubin is produced from________________?

A & B

8 - Calcitonin is antagonist_______________?

Parathyroid hormone

9 - Cell membrane consists of_________________?

Lipids and proteins

10 - Cholesterol levels in abnormal person should be preferably less than_____________?

200 mg/dl

11 - Detoxification of drugs is controlled by_____________?

Cytochrome P450

12 - Detoxification or protective synthesis occurs by____________?

Any of the above

13 - During phagocytosis the metabolic process called respiratory burst involves activation of_____________?


14 - During phagocytosis, the metabolic process called respiratory burst involves the activation of_____________?


15 - Enzyme regulating the conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde________________?

Alcohol dehydrogenase

16 - Free radicals are chemical species which have______________?

Single unpaired electron in an outer orbit

17 - Free radicals can be inactivated by the following enzymes EXCEPT__________________?


18 - FSH, LH, TSH acts through_________________?

Cyclic AMP

19 - Generation of free radicals occurs by all of the following mechanism EXCEPT_____________?

Reperfusion after ischemic injury

20 - Glycemic index of a starchy food is a measure of its________________?

None of the above

21 - Golgi bodies function are______________?

Sorting of glycoproteins

22 - Heme is converted to bilirubin mainly in_____________?


23 - Hyponatremia is defined as a serum Na+ level ____________________?

< 135 mmol/L

24 - If bile acid recycling time is short, then bile salt reservoir pool will be______________?


25 - In Cytochrome p450, P stands for____________?


26 - In ECF main electrolyte is_______________?


27 - In the physiological system, nitric oxide is known to act through_______________?

Cyclic GMP

28 - Iron is present in all, EXCEPT______________?

Pyruvate kinase

29 - Ligant for peroxisome proliferation activating receptor (PPAR) receptors, a group of nuclear hormone receptors that are involved in the regulation of genes related to glucose and lipid metabolism is_____________?


30 - Most importent compansatory mechanism in metabolic acidosis______________?

Increased NH3 excretion by kidneys

31 - Non polar lipid act as______________?

Electrical insulators

32 - Nor epinephrine is converted to epinephrine by______________?


33 - Normal blood bilirubin level is______________?

0.5 – 1 mg%

34 - Normal blood PH is______________?

7.38 – 7.4

35 - Normal serum alkaline phosphatase level is_____________?

1-4 Bodansky units

36 - Oligosaccharide is________________?


37 - Rate limiting step in adrenaline synthesis is conversion of____________?

Tyrosine to dopa

38 - Ribosomes are usually associated with______________?

Endoplasmic reticulum

39 - Somatomedin mediates________________?

Deposition of chondroitin sulfate

40 - Synthesis of protein occurs on_____________?

Poly ribosomes

41 - The abundant glycoprotein in the basement membrane and has binding domain for both ECM and cell-surface receptor is______________?


42 - The amino acid required for the synthesis of haem is______________?


43 - The antibacterial substance present in tears which acts by splitting cell wall components is____________?


44 - The best technique useful for initial viral load estimation is________________?

Real time PCR

45 - The fluid mosaic model of membrane structure was proposed by_______________?

Singer and Nicolson

46 - The following are derived from cholesterol, EXCEPT_____________?


47 - The fuel value of fat is____________?


48 - The immediate precursor of norepinephrine is______________?


49 - The main function of mitochondria is______________?

Electron transfer

50 - The major driving force for formation of membrane lipid bilayer is____________?

Hydrophobic interactions

51 - The most abundant protein present in body is_____________?


52 - The most important buffer in RBC is____________?


53 - The normal range of serum osmolality (in mosm/L) is_____________?

280 to 295

54 - The precursor of testosterone is_____________?


55 - The transmembrane adhesive molecules present in hemi desmosomes which specifically binds to basal lamina glycoprotein laminin are______________?

Integrin a6-B4

56 - To keep blood PH at 7.4 the HCO3 : H2CO3 ratio should be_____________?


57 - Transport form of iron is______________?


58 - True about denaturation of protein is all except______________?

Biological activity is retained

59 - True about G protein couple receptors is _________________ ?

G Proteins act as inhibitory and excitatory because of difference in alpha subunit

60 - Ubiqultin is involved in_____________?

Intracellular proteolysis

61 - Under metabolic conditions associated with a high rate of fatty acid oxidation liver produces________________?


62 - Which cell organelle contains DNA_____________?


63 - Which is the poorest source of calcium among the following______________?


64 - Which of the following about biological membrane is true ?

Lipid moiety is amphipathic

65 - Which of the following has a ketogenic effect on livers______________?


66 - Which of the following is a function of the golgi apparatus ?

Modification of proteins

67 - Which of the following is false about starvation ketoacidosis ?

Benedict's test +ve

68 - Which of the following is inclusion of cytoplasm ?


69 - Which of the following is not a second messenger ?

Phosphatidyl glycerol

70 - Which of the following is precursor of adrenaline and thyroxine synthesis ?


71 - Which of the following is the best site of absorption of calcium ?

Proximal segment of small intestine

72 - Which of the organelles contain DNA_________________?


73 - Which of these is not included in parenteral therapy ?


74 - Which of these organelle functions as the digestive system of the cell ?


75 - Which one of the following human tissues contains the greatest amount of body glycogen ?

Skeletal muscle

76 - Within the RBC hypoxia stimulates glycolysis by which of the following regulating pathways ?

Hypoxia stimulates release of all glycolytic enzymes from Band 3 on RBC membrane


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