Blood Diseases Most Important MCQs

1 - A 9 year old child's mother comes to dental clinic with the complaint of oral ulceration, fever and shedding of skin of palms and soles: she is giving history of premature shedding of teeth and increased sweating she is also giving one month history of using any new teething gel available in market. The child is suffering form____________?


2 - A boy complains of bleeding gums, swollen, joints with hemorrhage into joints His paternal and maternal uncle complains of same problem It is due to deficiency of factor________________?


3 - A hair on end appearance of the skull is seen in all of the following except_____________?

Pagets disease

4 - A material behaves in certain ways above and below the proportional limit on a stress strin curve, which of the following is correct______________?

Above the proportional limit a material function in a plastic manner, while below the proportional limit it behaves as an elastic

5 - A patient on warfarin sodium following myocardial infarction reports for an oral surgical procedure which one of the following laboratory tests should be preferred to ascertain the fitness_______________?

Prothrombin time

6 - All of the following statements about acute leukemia in children are true except______________?

It characteristically causes gross gingival swelling

7 - All the following are TRUE in Immune thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) EXCEPT_____________?

Associated with normal bleeding time

8 - Antischkow cells are present in all of the following conditions except_____________?

Herpes simplex

9 - Aplastic anaemia is common with_____________?


10 - Bleeding joints is a characteristic feature of_______________?


11 - Bleeding time is prolonged in_____________?

Von Willebrand's disease

12 - Bruxism is characterized by_____________?

All of the above

13 - Burning tongue might not be associated with______________?


14 - Characteristic Tram- line calcifications in skull radiographs is observed in________________?

Sturge – weber syndrome

15 - Chediak- Higashi syndrome is inherited as_________________?

Autosomal recessive

16 - Chemotherapy can be successful during treatment of_____________?


17 - Chronic granulocytic leukemia is due to______________?

Chromosomal translocation

18 - Commonest mode of inheritance of Von Willebrand's disease is______________?

Autosomal dominan

19 - Cooley's anemia is also known as_____________?


20 - Deficiency of all the three components of coagulation factor VIII result in_______________?

Von willebrand's disease

21 - Difference between epithelium of oral cavity and cavity lining of cyst is ___________-?

Stratum germinativum

22 - Endocarditis prophylaxis is recommended during following dental procedures except_____________?

Initial placement of orthodontic brackets

23 - Enzymes which play an important role in calcification are______________?

Alkaline phosphatase & pyrophosphatase

24 - Erythroblastosis fetalis can be prevented if the mother is injected at parturition, with an antibody called_____________?

Rh (D) immunoglobulin

25 - Feature of acanthosis nigricans is______________?

Insulin resistance, obesity, cutaneous hyperpigmentation

26 - For extraction in a leukemic patient________________?

All of the above

27 - For primary herpes simplex, the diagnosis is made by which gene______________?

Flourescent stain for cytology

28 - Forensic Identification utilizes_________________?

Lip prints

29 - Hair-on-end appearance in a skull roentgenogram is seen in_______________?


30 - Hemophilia is associated with____________?

Normal bleeding time prolonged clotting time

31 - HLA – B27 histocompatbility antigen is seen in_______________?

Ankylosing spondylitis

32 - Hypopigmentation, gray streaks of hair, degranulation defect of neutrophils and neuropathy are seen in_____________?

Chediak higashi syndrome

33 - In Radionucide imaging the most useful radio pharmaceutical for skeletal imaging is______________?

Technetium-99m linked to Methylene disphosonate (99m Tc-MDP)

34 - Infectious mononucleosis has______________?

Ulcers which bruise easily

35 - ll of the following statements about idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura are true EXCEPT________________?

It causes more prolonged hemorrhage than hemophilia

36 - megaloblastic anaemia occurs due to________________?

Folate deficiency

37 - Monospot test is used to diagnose_______________?

Infectious mononucleosis

38 - Necrotising ragged ulceration with no apparent inflammatory response is indicative of____________?


39 - One of the following syndrome is characterized by an esophageal web with resulting dysphagia, atrophic changes in the mucous membranes of the mouth and a hypochromic microcytic anemia_____________?


40 - Oral manifestations of infectious mononucleosis is most commonly______________?

Pinpoint petechiae on the palate

41 - Out of syphilitic glossitis, plummer vinson syndrome Mikulicz's syndrome and hepatitis A; which of these predispose to squamous cell arcinoma ______________?

Syphilitic glossitis and plummer vinson syndrome

42 - Paul Bunnell test is positive in______________?

Infectious mononucleosis

43 - Perception of taste even in absence of stimuli is known as_____________?


44 - Pernicious anemia is______________?

Improper maturation of red cells

45 - Petechial hemorrhage is seen in________________?

thrombocytopenic purpura

46 - Pinpoint hemorrhages of < 1cm diameter are known as_______________?


47 - Plummer – vinson syndrome________________?

common in males

48 - Precancerous potential in plummer-vinson's syndrome may be due to change in the epithelium like_____________?


49 - Radiographs of a 40 years old female revealed radiolucent areas around several of her mandibular teeth, all which tested vital on the electric pulp tester, These area represent ?

Periapical osteofibroses

50 - Strawberry gingivitis is seen in_____________?

Wegener's Granulomatosis

51 - Strength of collagen is due to______________?


52 - The disorder characterized by craniosynostoses, craniofacial anomalies, severe symmetrical syndactyly (cutaneous and bony fusion) of hands and feet along with prexial syndactyly and variable soft form syndactyly ?

Carpenter syndrome

53 - The most common coagulation disorders haemophilia A and von Willebrand's disease are due to______________?

Factor VIII deficiency

54 - The most reliable criteria in Gustafson's method of identification is______________?

Transparency of root

55 - The most striking haematological finding in agranulocytosis is______________?

Decreased absolute neutrophil count

56 - The oral findings in erythroblastosis fetalis include______________?

Pigmented teeth

57 - The red blood cells in beta thalassemia are typically____________?

Microcytic and Hypochromic

58 - The Sensitive period for tetracycline induced discolouration in the permanent maxillary mandibular incisors and canines is________________?

3 months postpartum to 7th year of life

59 - To prevent excessive bleeding during surgery a patient with hemophilia A may be given_______________?

Factor VIII concentrate

60 - Tooth discolouration due to high bilirubin secretion is seen in the____________?

Pink tooth of mummery

61 - Virus responsible for infectious mononucleosis is_____________?

Epstein Barr virus

62 - What is the term for the radio opaque area found at the root apex of young permanent teeth involved with chronic pulpitis ?

Apical condensing osteitis

63 - Which is T cell tumor ?

Mycosis fungiodes

64 - Which is the most preferred route for drug administration in the management of chronic pain_____________?


65 - Which of the following blood disease has a racial predilection ?


66 - Which of the following is a non-destructive method of age estimation in adults ?

Pulp to tooth ratio of canines

67 - Which of the following is correct________________?

Type III and Type IV gold can be heat treated and annealed

68 - Which of the following is not a finding in classical hemophilia (hemophilia A)_______________?

Increase prothrombin Time

69 - Which of the following is not true about thalassemia ?

Increased in number of globulin chain

70 - Which of the following is seen in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura_____________?

Increased bleeding time

71 - Which of the following is the most serious and life threatening blood dyscrasias caused with a drug_______________?

Aplastic anemia

72 - Which of the following statement is _____________?

HDL contains the highest cholesterol content

73 - Which of the following statements is true?

All of the above


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