Calcification Eruption of Teeth Most Important MCQs

1 - The correct dentition in a 9- years old child is_____________?

12 CDE6

2 - 1st clinical sign of vitamin A deficiency is_____________?

conjunctival xeroses

3 - A child has 12 permanent and 12 decidous teeth, what is his age____________?

8½ years

4 - A mutation that converts an amino acid codon to a stop codon is a_____________?

Nonsense mutation

5 - A new tooth is erupting in the mouth of a one and a half year old child. This tooth is most likely to be a decidous___________?

Maxillary canine

6 - A patient with chronic renal failure and bone pains will have deficiency of which vitamin_____________?

Vitamin D

7 - A radiograph of 4- years old child reveals no evidence of calcification of mandibular second pre molar. This indicates______________?

The teeth may develop later

8 - A six- year molar begins to calcify at______________?

At birth

9 - A small Ca+2 binding protein that modifies the activity of many enzymes and other proteins in response to changes of Ca+2 concentration is known as______________?


10 - Absorption of vitamin K requires normal absorption of_________________?


11 - Active form of vitamin D in kidney is_____________?

1,25 dihydroxy cholecalciferol

12 - Albinism is a genetic disease that results in incomplete metabolism of______________?


13 - ALbumin is synthesized by_____________?


14 - Albumins and globulins are ________ proteins?


15 - Alkaptonuria an inherited metabolic disorder is due to the deficiency of____________?

Homogentisate oxidase

16 - Alkaptonuria, an inherited metabolic disorder of L0tyrosine metabolism is due to lack of_____________?

Homogentisate oxidase

17 - All are genetic amino acid deficiency disease except___________?


18 - All are true about glutathione except ?

It converts hemoglobin to methemoglobin

19 - All of the following are globular proteins except_______________?


20 - All of the following are true about manifestations of vitamin E deficiency except_____________?

Autonomic dysfunctions

21 - Amino acids excreted in the urine in cystinosis______________?

All of the above

22 - Ammonia is detoxified in liver to form____________?


23 - Angular cheilosis is frequently associated with deficiency of______________?


24 - Aniacinosis results in______________?


25 - Argentaffinoma is characterized by excess excretion of_____________?

5- Hydroxy indole acetate

26 - Aromatic ring is present in_____________?


27 - As compared to permanent tooth , root formation in primary tooth______________?

Take less time

28 - Ascorbic acid_____________?

Is a reducing agent

29 - At birth the following teeth are calcifying____________?

Primary incisors & first molar

30 - At PH 7 the binding of 2,3 DPG to hemoglobin occurs at which site ?

Amino terminal

31 - Average daily dose of vitamin C is____________?

50 – 60 mg

32 - Avidin influences which of the following vitamins ?


33 - Before eruption the position of permanent mandibular incisor buds relative to primary incisors is_____________?

Inferior and lingual

34 - Beginning of eruption of permanent tooth starts_____________?

When half of the root is still to be formed

35 - Beri-beri is caused due to the deficiency of______________?


36 - Biological activity of tocopherols has been attributed, in part to their actions as_____________?


37 - Biotin is required for the activity of_______________?

Pyruvate carboxylase

38 - Biuret test is confirmatory test for_______________?


39 - Both Vitamin K and C are involved in______________?

Post translational modifications

40 - Calcification of all teeth except last molars are completed by____________?

8 years

41 - Calcification of permanent first molar usually begins in the_____________?

At birth

42 - Calcification of roots of decidous teeth is completed by_____________?

4 years

43 - Calcification of third molar begins at__________________?

8 years

44 - Cereals are deficient in_____________?

Vitamin C

45 - Coenzyme A contains which of the following vitamins_______________?

Pantothenic acid

46 - Coenzyme forms are correctly matched except_____________?

Vitamin B – ATP

47 - Collagen formation is affected in deficiency of_____________?

Vit C

48 - Collagen is rich in_____________?

Proline and glycine

49 - Colloidal osmotic pressure of plasma is by___________?


50 - Consumption of raw egg white in the diet may result in the deficiency of______________?


51 - Creatine is formed metabolically from______________?


52 - Cytochromes are_____________?

Iron-porphyrin proteins

53 - Daily Vitamin A intake___________?

4000 I.U

54 - Decarboxylation of which of the following amino acids results in formation of a vasodilator ?


55 - Deficiency of nicotinic acid results in____________?


56 - Deficiency of vitamin A causes the following except_____________?


57 - Deficiency of vitamin C causes the following except____________?


58 - Deficiency of vitamin C causes the following except_______________?

Pigeon chest

59 - Deficiency of which vitamin causes glossitis dementia roughed keratotic areas on skin and gastrointestinal symptoms ?


60 - Dentition of humans is_______________?


61 - Digestion of proteins is initiated by________________?


62 - Eruption date of decidous maxillary 2nd molar is ______________?

28 months

63 - False statement about haemoglobin structure________________?

Hb has 2 polypeptide chains

64 - FIGLU excretion test is to estimate deficiency of_______________?

Vitamin folic acid

65 - First evidence of calcification of maxillary permanent central incisors occurs at_____________?

3-4 months

66 - First evidence of initiation of primary dentition is usually around_____________?

4 months in utere

67 - First permanent molars begin to calcify at ______________?

At birth

68 - Following are the essential amino acid______________?

Phenylalanine, Tryptophan lysine

69 - Following is non-essential amino acid_______________?


70 - Generally in majority of children, the sequence of eruption of permanent teeth in mandible is____________?


71 - Glutamine replaced by valine in sckle cell anaemia is characterized________________?

Missense mutation of beta chain

72 - Glycine is present in____________?

All of the above

73 - Growth of all permanent teeth except last molars is completed by___________?

17 years

74 - Heme in haemoglobin is____________?

Protoporophyrin IX

75 - Histidine is converted to histamine by_____________?


76 - Hydroxylation of proline require the following except____________?


77 - In anxious parent calls you that her 5- month -old child has still no teeth in his mouth then you should_____________?

Tell her that it is normal at this age

78 - In Hartnup's disease _______ is excreted in the urine?


79 - In how many years, the central incisors erupt as permanent teeth ______________?

8-9 years

80 - In humans and other primates as well as in guinea pigs, this vitamin cannot be synthesized because of the absence of the enzyme L-gulonolactone oxidase: the vitamin is_____________?

Ascorbic acid

81 - In maple syrup urine disease the amino acids excreted in the urine are______________?

All of the above

82 - In the body, metabolism of 10 g of protein would produce approximately____________?

41 Kcal

83 - In the majority of situations, the first decidous tooth to erupt is the______________?

Mandibular central incisor

84 - In vitamin A deficiency, patient complains of all of the following except___________?

Phophoric calciuria

85 - Indole ring is present in______________?


86 - Iron is complexed in haemoglobin to_______________?


87 - Kalu, a 6- years – old child, received tetracycline. Noticeable discoloration will be seen in______________?

Canines, premolars and2nd molars

88 - Key enzyme in urea synthesis is____________?

Carbamyl synthetase

89 - Major source of ammonia in the kidney is___________?


90 - Malonyl aciduria is seen in deficiency of_____________?


91 - Mannose 6 phosphate containing freshly synthesized proteins are directed to_____________?


92 - Maxillary primary cuspid enamel completion takes place at______________?

9 months after birth

93 - Mineral present in Vit B12 is_____________?


94 - Most common non protein nitrogenous fraction of blood_____________?


95 - Most of vitamin B12 in the body is stored as_____________?

Methyl B12

96 - Niacin & riboflavin help in_____________?

Redox reactions

97 - Non essential amino acids are not_____________?

Required in the diet

98 - Number of teeth seen on X- ray at birth_______________?


99 - Of prime importance in the structure of flavoproteins is____________?

Vit B2

100 - Once the enamel formation is complete, the tooth will erupt after approximately______________?

Three years

101 - One molecule of B-carotene gives rise to______________?

2 unit of Vitamin A

102 - One of the following is nonessential amino acid______________?


103 - One of the following is not an amino acid______________?


104 - Peripheral neuropathy due to deficiency of vitamin is seen with_______________?


105 - Pernicious anaemia occurs in___________?

Vit B12 deficiency

106 - Precursor of melanin is________________?


107 - Primary canine erupts______________?

After D

108 - Proteins are absorbed from GIT as_____________?

Amino acids

109 - Proteins are linear polymers of amino acids, They fold into compact structures Sometimes these folded structures associate to form homo or hetero dimers Which one of the following refers to this associated form ?

Quaternary structure

110 - Quaternary structure of protein is_____________?

The inter relation and arrangement of polypeptides in a protein with more than 2 polypeptide chains

111 - Rhodopsin deficiency is chiefly associated with________________?

Vitamin A deficiency

112 - Root completion of the mandibular first molar takes place by the age_______________?

9-10 years

113 - Scurvy is the result of deficiency of____________?

Vitamin C

114 - Sources of the nucleotide portion of NAD include__________________?


115 - Specific disease caused by vitamin B1 deficiency_______________

Peripheral polyneuritis

116 - Synthesis of protein occurs on__________________?

Poly ribosomes

117 - Tertiary structure of protein is maintained by all except______________?

None of the above

118 - The 3 – D's dermatitis, diarrhoea and dementia are seen in deficiency of____________?


119 - The action of vitamin K in formation of clotting factor is through__________________?

Post translation

120 - The amino acid from which niacin is synthesized is______________?


121 - The amino acid from which niacin synthesized is_______________?


122 - The amino acid residue having animino side chain is____________?


123 - The amino acid, which is used is the estimation of collagen is_____________?


124 - The class of amino acids that contains only non essential amino acids is_______________?


125 - The daily requirement of protein for the adults is_________________?

60 gms

126 - The decidous canine emerges______________?

After first molar

127 - The eruption are of maxillary permanent lateral incisor is_____________?

8-9 years

128 - The fastest moving fraction of protein in serum When subjected to paper electrophoresis is_____________?


129 - The first evidence of calcification of primary anterior teeth begins approximately between ______________?

14 to 17 weeks in utero

130 - The first macroscopic indication of morphologic development of primary incisors approximately at____________?

11 weeks in utero

131 - The first permanent tooth to erupt in the oral cavity is the_____________?

Mandibular first molar

132 - The following is false about tryptophan_____________?

Non-essential amino acid

133 - The following is not a carrier protein________________?


134 - The following vitamin is important in non-oxidative decarboxylation, transamination and transsulfuration reactions_____________?


135 - The function of vitamin A is/are related to which of the following ?

All of the above

136 - The last primary tooth to be replaced by a permanent tooth is usually the_____________?

Maxillary canine

137 - The major fuel for the brain after several weeds of starvation______________?

Beta hydroxy butyrate

138 - The maximum content of vitamin E is found in____________?

Wheat germ oil

139 - The mineral having sparing action on Vitamin E_______________?


140 - The most common sequence of eruption of the permanent maxillary teeth in children is_______________?


141 - The nitrogen content in 50 gm of a typical dietary protein is most likely to be_____________?

8 gm

142 - The nitrogen of the body is supplied by______________?


143 - The number of essential amino acid are______________?


144 - The primary role of chaperones is to help in______________?

Protein folding

145 - The process by which a base sequence of messenger RNA is synthesized (by a RNA polymerase) on a template of complementary DNA is called______________?


146 - The process of exfolitation of primary teeth is between_____________?

Seventh and Twelfth years

147 - The process of transfer of information from the RNA to the proteins is called______________?


148 - The protein rich in basic amino acids, which functions in the packaging of DNA is chromosomes is______________?


149 - The reaction inhibited in thiamine deficiency is_______________?

Pyruvate to acetyl CoA

150 - The reducing end of glutathione, the amino acid is_________________?


151 - The root completion of permanent teeth is achieved after __________ years o eruption?


152 - The teeth that are retained for the longest period of time are__________________?

B & C

153 - The time taken for primary tooth root completion after eruption_____________?

1 years

154 - The tooth bud for the third molar is initiated at about the age of______________?

8th year of life

155 - The usual order of appearance of the primary teeth in the mouth is____________?

Central incisors, lateral incisors, first molars canines, second molars

156 - The vitamin K dependent proteins C and S are characterized by their ability to inactivate factor_____________?

VIII a and V a

157 - The vitamin that facilitates iron absorption____________?

Ascorbic acid

158 - Thiamine deficiency can be diagnosed by measuring________________?

Transketolase activity in RBC

159 - Thiamine deficiency causes decreased energy production because____________?

It is co-enzyme for pyruvate dehydrogenase

160 - Thyroxine and catecholamines are derived from_____________?


161 - Tocopherol is associated with____________?

Vitamin E

162 - Tryptophan load test helps in the evaluation of deficiency of the vitamin______________?


163 - Two Vitamin whose derivatives are involved in transformation of serine to glycine are_____________?

Folic acid and B6

164 - Urea is formed in_____________?


165 - Urea is produced by the enzyme_____________?


166 - Urinary protein is detected by______________?

Boiling test

167 - Vit B12 is absorbed in the_____________?

Terminal ileum

168 - Vitamin A_____________?

Deficiency causes impaired vision

169 - Vitamin also acting as hormones________________?

Vitamin D

170 - Vitamin associated with one carbon transfer is__________?

Folic acid

171 - Vitamin B12 acts as a coenzyme to which one of the following enzyme ?

Homocyteine methyl transferase

172 - Vitamin B12 is_______________?

Extrinsic factor of castle

173 - Vitamin C effects_________________?

Both A and B

174 - Vitamin C is present in largest amount in the body in____________?

Adrenal cortex

175 - Vitamin D_____________?

Along with PTH, increases calcium resorption from bone

176 - Vitamin K antagonizes_____________?

Bishydroxy coumarin

177 - Vitamin K dependent clotting factors are______________?

All of the above

178 - Vitamin K____________?

Helps in formation of prothrombin

179 - Vit-K deficiency is indicated by___________?

Increased prothrombin time

180 - What is the amount of time required by erupting premolar to move through 1 mm of bone as measured on a bite – wing radigraph ?

4-5 months

181 - Which is the by product of the urea cycle_______________?


182 - Which of the following amino acid is involved in gluconeogenesis______________?

All of the above

183 - Which of the following amino acids is quickly converted to tyrosine ?


184 - Which of the following are the sources of Vit C_________________?

Both B and C

185 - Which of the following factors delay wound healing____________?

B & C option

186 - Which of the following gives the best description of erupted permanent teeth typically seen in a 9- years old______________?

1,2,6 in all quadrants

187 - Which of the following is a derived a derived protein_____________?


188 - Which of the following is a precursor of protoporphyrin_______________?


189 - Which of the following is correct about breakdown of hemoglobin (Hb)_____________?

Hb→Heme→Bilverdin→Uro bilinogen

190 - Which of the following is dental formula of a 9 years old child_____________?

6 EDC21/ 6EDC21

191 - Which of the following is not a part of hemoglobin molecule___________?

Ferric ions

192 - Which of the following is not a post transcriptional modification of RNA ?


193 - Which of the following is not true of Vit D_______________?

Its decrease cause phosphate reabsorption from the kidneys

194 - Which of the following is present in the plasma but absent in the serum ?


195 - Which of the following is the poorest source of vitamin C ?


196 - Which of the following is true about calcification of teeth ?

Calcification of primary teeth is almost complete at time of birth

197 - Which of these teeth are highly sturdy and usually the last ones to be lost ?


198 - Which one of the following amino acids is purely ketogenic ?


199 - Which vitamin is related to a co-factor in glycine metabolism is______________?

Folic acid

200 - Which vitamin is synthesized by intestinal bacteria ?

Vit K

201 - Which vitamin is the most indispensable during mitosis______________?

Folic acid

202 - While charting the dentition of a child, the pedodontist finds that the following teeth are present in all the four quadrants; permanent central incisor , permanent lateral incisor , decidous cuspid , decidous first molar, decidous 2nd molar and permanent

7-10 years

203 - Who is known for his work on scurvy ?

James lind

204 - Xerophthalmia is caused by_______________?

Vitamin A deficiency


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