Cell and Health Most Important MCQs

1 - A patient reports with dyspnoea on slight exertion. He also has multiple petechial spots and spontaneous hemorrhage. His RBC count is less than one lakh/mm3 His hematocrit and hemoglobin is low. Most probable diagnosis is______________?

Aplastic anemia

2 - A reduction in the total leucocyte count is called_________________?


3 - Amyloidosis is commonly associated with_____________?

Multiple myeloma

4 - Amyloidosis most commonly occurs in_________________?


5 - Apoptosis is suggestive of_______________?

Coagulative necrosis

6 - Apoptosis is_________________?

Single cell necrosis

7 - Bence jones proteins are associated with__________________?

Multiple myeloma

8 - Both beta chains of haemoglobin are abnormal in_________________?

Thalassemia major

9 - Caseation necrosis is suggestive of________________?


10 - Cellular swelling and fatty change are example of__________________?

Reversible injury

11 - Christmas disease is due to deficiency of________________?

Factor IX

12 - Coagulative necrosis is_______________?

Characteristic of hypoxic death

13 - Diabetic gangrene is caused by____________?


14 - Dytrophic calcification are calcifications seen in__________________?

Dead tissue

15 - Gingiva are enlarged in leukemia because of__________________?

WBC infiltration

16 - Hemophilia is best treated by _____________?

factor VIII concentrate

17 - Hemophilia_______________?

Increased clotting time in all patients

18 - Hydrolytic degeneration is characterised by__________________?


19 - Hyper segmented neutrophils are seen in_________________?

Megaloblastic anemia

20 - Hypoxic death leads to__________________?

Coagulative nacrosis

21 - In hemephilic patient which of the following should not be given_______________?

Platelet factor

22 - In Hodgkin's disease the lymphoa cells seen are__________________?

Reed-sternberg cells

23 - In iron deficiency anemia there is_________________?

Decrease in hemoglobin

24 - In leucopenia, which cell type is predominantly involved ?


25 - In megaloblastic anaemia the cells are___________________?

Macrocytic normochromic

26 - In sickle cell anemia there is substitution of_________________?

Valine for glutamic acid at the sixth position of beta chain

27 - Increase in number of RBC is seen in ____________?


28 - Intrinsic factor for absorption of Vit B12 secreted in ______________?


29 - Liquefation necrosis is commonly seen in________________?


30 - Maltory's degeneration seen in alcoholic liver disease is a form of___________________?

Hyaline degeneartion

31 - Metastatic calcifications are seen in______________?


32 - Normocytic, Normochromic anemia is seen in______________?

All of the above

33 - Pallor, spoon shaped nails, atrophic glossitis, with accompanied dysphagia is typical picture of ______________?

Plummer – Vinson syndrome

34 - Pernicious anaemia is associated with the deficiency of________________?

Vitamin B12

35 - Physiologic programmed cell death is termed as_______________?


36 - Primary amyloidosis occurs in _________________?

Multiple myeloma

37 - Pyknosis is characterized by_________________?

Nuclear shrinkage

38 - Reliable screening test for hemophilia is_______________?


39 - Secondary amylodosis is seen most commonly in_______________?


40 - Severe generalized edema is called as_______________?


41 - Stain used for demonstration of amyloid is______________?

Congo Red

42 - Synthesis of DNA occurs in which phase ____________________?


43 - The activation of caspases is likely to lead to_________________?

Apoptotic cell death

44 - The dominant histologic feature of infarction is__________________?

Coagulative necrosis

45 - The hormone dependent shedding of endometrium is an example of_______________?


46 - The protein found in the amyloid deposits in senile systemic amyloidosis is_________________?


47 - Tigered effect of heart is seen in_______________?

Fatty change

48 - Torniquet test is function of________________?

capillary fragility

49 - True statement about primary amyloidosis _________________?

All of the above

50 - Which of the following is a hemolytic anemia________________?

All of the above

51 - Which of the following is commonly involved in multiple myeloma_______________?


52 - Which of the following is correctly matched_______________?

Fat necrosis Pancreatitis

53 - Which of the following is NOT true of dystrophic calcification ?

Serum calcium levels are high


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