Chemotherapy Most Important MCQs

1 - 1st generation cephalosporin is________________?


2 - A child with permanently stained teeth reports, He was most probably administered_____________?


3 - A diabetic patient developed cellulitis due to Staphylococcus aureus, Which was found to be Methicillin resistant on the antibiotic sensitivity testing. All the following antibiotics will be appropriate except_____________?


4 - A distinict advantage that tetracyclines have over penicillins is that tetracyclines_____________?

Have a wider range of antibacterial activity

5 - A patient has seasonal allergic rhinitis and is on terfenadine, He develps cardiac arrhythmias after a course of antibiotics. Which of the following antibiotic could have been given_____________?


6 - A patient suffering from syphilis is given pencillin He may develop_____________?

Jarish – Herxheimer reaction

7 - A patient taking which of the following drug should not eat cheese, etc_____________?


8 - A potent non-texic anti-herpes drug is_______________?


9 - Agent used in oral thrush_____________?


10 - AIDS is a disease if the immune system primarily affecting_____________?

T lymphocytes

11 - All are macrolide antibiotics EXCEPT______________?


12 - All except one are centrally acting muscle blocks___________?

Dantrolene sodium

13 - All of the following antibacterial agents acts by inhibiting cell wall systhesis except________________?


14 - All of the following are features of streptomycin drug except______________?

It can be given orally

15 - All of the following are therapeutic uses of penicillin G, except_____________?

Rickettsial infection

16 - All of the following are topically used sulphonamides except____________?


17 - All of the following cephalosporines are active against Pseudomonas Except_____________?


18 - All of the following drugs are components of the MOPP cancer Chemotherapy regimen EXCEPT______________?


19 - All of the following drugs are contraindicated in patients with G-6-PD deficiency, except____________?


20 - All of the following drugs are primarily bacteriostatic except______________?


21 - All of the following statement about antimalarial drugs are correct except_____________?

Mefloquine may safely be given to air pilots

22 - Amino glycosides_______________?

All of the above

23 - Among the drugs given below, which is LEAST likely to be implicated in drug induced hepatitis ?


24 - Amphotericin B is given for what etiology_______________?


25 - An aminoglycoside that is often combined with polymyxin and bacitracin for the treatment of topical infection is____________?


26 - Antibiotic that achieves high concentration in Hard tissue, because of its molecular size is______________?


27 - Antibiotic that interferes with DNA function is_____________?


28 - Antifungal drug not used in the treatment of imtestinal candidiasis______________?


29 - Bacitracin is a_______________?

Topical antibiotic

30 - Best treatment of candidiasis of_____________?


31 - B-lactam antibiotics are_____________?

All of the above

32 - Cell wall synthesis is inhibited by all except____________?


33 - Cephalosporin active against pseudomonas aeruginosa______________?


34 - Cephalosporines have all of the following interactions except_____________?

Are penicillinase resistant

35 - Chloramphenicol can cause_____________?

B & C

36 - Clavulanic acid added to ampicillin causes_____________?

Inhibition of B-lactamases

37 - Clavulanic acid is given in combination with amoxicillin in order to____________?

Extend amoxicillin's antibacterial spectrum

38 - Colour of teeth stained by tetracycline appear _________ under UV light?


39 - Combination chemotherapy is used in tuberculosis in order to reduce____________?

Development of drug resistance

40 - Concurrent administration of tetracyclines is most likely to impair the action of_____________?


41 - Cross resistance of isoniazid is seen with_____________?


42 - Cyclosporin is used an______________?


43 - Desfuroxamide is a drug used for____________?


44 - Disseminated candidiasis requires intensive therapy with_____________?


45 - Drug chemically related to penicillins is_____________?


46 - Drug of choice in Amoebic liver abscess besides metronidazole is_____________?


47 - Drug of choice to treat fungal infection in AIDS is_____________?


48 - Drug to be avoided in a patient allergic to penicillin is_____________?


49 - Drug which is most unsafe during pregnancy is____________?

B & C

50 - Drugs producing ototoxicity and Nephro toxicity are______________?


51 - Drugs which cause ototoxicity and circumoral paraesthesia are______________?


52 - Each of the following statement is correct about metronidazole EXCEPT that it_______________?

An effective alternative for infection caused by aerobic gram positive cocci

53 - Erythromycin is_______________?

Cidal in high concentration

54 - First line of antitubercular drug is_____________?


55 - Fluconazole is used for the treatment of______________?


56 - Following antimicrobials are termed as type I calcimimetics that mimic the stimulatory effect of calcium, on the calcium sensing receptor to inhibit PTH secretion by the parathyroid gland EXCEPT______________?


57 - Granesetron, the antiemetic properties because of____________?

Serotonin receptor – blocking action

58 - Identify the drugs useful against pseudomonanas infection______________?

All of the above

59 - IF a bacteria were susceptible to both penicillin and Erythromycin, then it would not be appropriate to treat the patients with both antibiotics at the same time because_______________?

Penicillin is only effective against growing cells

60 - In the treatment of intestinal of intestinal and extraintestinal amoebiasis which of the following drug is useful____________?


61 - INH induced neuropathy is treated with______________?


62 - Ivermectin is indicated in_____________?

All of the above

63 - Jerisch-Heximer reaction is treated by administering______________?


64 - Ketoconazole______________?

Antifungal agent

65 - Mechanism of action of beta-lactam antibiotics would be______________?

Inhibition of cell wall peptidoglycan synthesis by competitive inhibition of transpetidases

66 - Mechanism of action of chlortetracycline_____________?

Inhibition of protein synthesis

67 - Mechanism of action of quinolones is______________?

Inhibits DNA gyrase

68 - Metronidazole is a type of___________?

Imidazole derivative

69 - Metronidazole______________?

Is used in management of ANUG

70 - More potent and non toxic drug against herpes virus is_____________?


71 - Nevirapine is a______________?

Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor

72 - Not true about piperacilline is_______________?

Inhibits Beta-lactamase

73 - Not true about PnG is______________?

More concentrated in prostatic secretion and intraocular fluids

74 - One of the below mentioned penicillin is NOT given orally______________?


75 - One of the drug is betalactamase inhibitor_____________?


76 - One of the following is not penicillinase susceptible______________?


77 - Optic neuritis is a side effect of______________?


78 - Oral contraceptive failure occurs in a patient on Rifampicin because of____________?

Rifampicin induce the metabolism of contra ceptive

79 - Oral infection by penicillinase producing organisms should be treated with____________?


80 - Ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity is caused by______________?


81 - Penicillin is effective against_____________?

All of the above

82 - Peripheral neuritis is a complication of_______________?


83 - Phototoxicity is the side effect of_____________?


84 - Povidine iodine is used for_____________?

All of the above

85 - Prolonged administration of streptomycin may result in damage to the____________?

Auditory nerve

86 - Redman syndrome is side effect of______________?


87 - Roxithromycin is______________?

A long acting macrolide

88 - Slufonamides mainly interferes with the bacterial______________?


89 - Stepwise mutation for drug resistance is seen with_____________?


90 - Tetracycline acts on______________?

30S ribosomes

91 - Tetracycline chelates with______________?

All of the above

92 - Tetracycline in children causes____________?

Discolored teeth

93 - Tetracycline is contraindicated in_____________?

All of the above

94 - Tetracycline is more preferred in periodontics because______________?

All of the above

95 - Tetracycline when given to pregnant woman can cause_______________?

Discoloration/ staining of hard structures of foetus

96 - Tetracyclines act by__________________?

Inhibiting the binding of aminoacyl tRNA to the ribosomal complex

97 - The administration of penicillin G along with probenicid result in_____________?

Decreased renal excretion of penciling G

98 - The aminoglycoside with least toxic effect is_____________?


99 - The antibiotic of choice in patients sensitive to penicillin is___________?


100 - The bacterial resistance to tetracycline is due to___________?

Inactivation of drug by enzymes

101 - The drug for choice for treatment of infection involving non-penicillinase producing staphylococcus is___________?

Penicilling G

102 - The drug for choice for treatment of infection involving non-penicillinase producing staphylococcus is______________?

Penicilling G

103 - The drug of choice for treatment of tyhoid is____________?


104 - The drug which gives orange colour to the urine is______________?


105 - The following adverse effect of penicillin is dose related___________?


106 - The following are the indications for Metronidazole except_____________?

Streptococcal sore throat

107 - The group of antibiotics which possess additional anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities is_____________?


108 - The incidence of allergy to penicillin among various population ranges from______________?

1% to 10%

109 - The mechanism of action of chloramphenicol is inhibition of synthesis of_____________?


110 - The most common side effect of the oral administration of ampicillin is_______________?


111 - The most preferred acute emetic for emesis induced by anticancer drugs is______________?


112 - The most serious side effect of drug chloramp henicol is______________?

Bone marrow depression

113 - The oral microblal fiora of a patient on prolonged broad spectrume antibiotic therapy is predominantly____________?

Yeast and fungi

114 - The oropharyngeal and oesophageal candidiasis following long-term therapy with a broad spectrum antibiotic can be best treated with____________?


115 - The therapeutic advantage that pencillin V has over pencillin G is____________?

More reliable oral obsorption

116 - Topical Antifungal agent in candidiasis is______________?


117 - Traces of which of the antibiotics can be found in the gingival fluid after administration___________?


118 - True about aminoglycoside is all except______________?

Are bacteriostatic

119 - True about amoxycillin in comparison to ampicillin is_______________?

Higher oral biovailability

120 - When broad spectrum antibiotics are administered with coumarin anticoagulants, the anticoagulant action may be____________?

Increased because of reduction of vitamin sources

121 - Which among the drugs given below, does Not act by protease inhibition ?


122 - Which among the following anti-HIV drugs in an inhibitor of viral fusion ?


123 - Which among the following anti-HIV drugs is also used to treat viral hepatitis B ?


124 - Which among the following is the drug of choice for clostridium difficile induced colitis ?


125 - Which anti tubercullar drug will cause transjent memory loss ?


126 - Which antibiotic is effective against pseudomonas and indole +ve proteus ?


127 - Which drug can be safely used in lactating mothers ?


128 - Which drug causes photosensitivity______________?


129 - Which of the following antibiotics is effective in treating oral candidiasis ?


130 - Which of the following antibiotics is found at much higher concentrations in cervicular fluid than in serum ?


131 - Which of the following antibiotics is most frequently associated with pseudomembranous colitis ?


132 - Which of the following antibiotics is not used in the treatment of infectious mononucleosis ?


133 - Which of the following can be given as a single dose antimalarial for P.vivax malaria______________?

Pyrimethamine + Sulfadoxime

134 - Which of the following drug control lepramin reaction____________?


135 - Which of the following drug does not show renal toxicity_____________?


136 - Which of the following drugs in likely to damage the eighth cranial nerve when administered for a long period of time ?


137 - Which of the following is a 4th generation cephalosporin______________?


138 - Which of the following is a characteristic of tetracycline stains ?

Stained teeth fluoresce light yellow under U.V light

139 - Which of the following is a first generation oral cephalosporin_____________?


140 - Which of the following is associated with neutropenia ?


141 - Which of the following is beta-lactam antibiotic ?


142 - Which of the following is caused by Amphotericin B____________?

Hypo Kalemia

143 - Which of the following is not a broad spectrum antibiotic ?


144 - Which of the following is not uridopenicillin ?


145 - Which of the following is primarily a bactericidal drug?


146 - Which of the following is the main difference between penicillin V and penicillin G____________?

Penicilline-V is more stable gastric acid

147 - Which of the following is third generation cephalosporin ?


148 - Which of the following penicillins can be given by IV route ?


149 - Which of the following penicillins has the best gram negative spectrum ?


150 - Which of the following penicillins is given by oral route ?

Penicillin V / Phenoxymethyl penicillin

151 - Which of the most effective for drug asymptomatic amoebic cysts ?

Diloxanide furoate

152 - Which on of the following is penicillinase resistant penicillin_______________?


153 - Which one of the following antibacterials should not be used with d-tubocuraine ?


154 - Which one of the following antibiotics chelates with calcium ?


155 - Which one of the following drugs is an antipseudomonal penicillin ?


156 - While performing a procedure, a resident doctor injures herself with a suture needle that has been used to stitch a patient with HIV infection for 11 years. He has been complaint with therapy for several years and has recently changed tablets because of a

Ziduvidine and Lamivudine and Indivair


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