Dental Ceramics Most Important MCQs

1 - 1st formed dental tissue______________?


2 - A suitable fixative for a routine biopsy specimen is_____________?

10% formalin

3 - A supernumerary tooth results from a deviation during_____________?


4 - About zinc oxide eugenol all are true except_______________?

Dehydrated ZnO reacts with dehydrated eugenol

5 - Accentuated incremental lines in dentin are______________?

Contour lines lines of owen

6 - Accentuated incremental lines in dentin due to disturbances in matrix and mineralization process is_____________?

Contour lines of owen

7 - Accessory canals result from____________?

Break in Hertwig's root sheath

8 - Acellular cementum is typically found in_____________?

Coronal half of root

9 - Advantage of zinc phosphate over GIC is______________?

High modulus of elasticity

10 - Age hardening is a process done at______________?

Heating up to 200 – 450°C for 15 – 30 min and quenching in water

11 - All factors govering dentine permeability EXCEPT_______________?

Fluid convection

12 - All of the following are true for traditional solution liner, except_________________?

Have Film thickness of 1 – 50 microns

13 - All of the following is true about dentinal tubules except______________?

The diameter of dentin tubules ranges from 5 to 7μm

14 - All of the following is used as accelerator in zinc oxide eugenol cement except_____________?


15 - All of the following is used as accelerator in zinc oxide eugenol cement except_______________?


16 - All of the following statements are true for zinc oxide eugenol cements except______________?

Both B & C

17 - Among the difference between teeth in the decidous and the permanent dentition is that_____________?

Crowns of decidous incisors are wider mesiodistally than their cervico incisal lengths

18 - Any insult to cells in apposition stage result in______________?

Enamel hypoplasia

19 - At the CEJ cementum overlaps enamel about____________?

60 to 65%

20 - At the cemento enamel junction, which of the following occurs_____________?

All of the above

21 - Atypical or osteodentin is formed due to disturbance during____________?


22 - Average particle size of powdered gold is________________?

15 um

23 - Best marginal seal is provided by____________?

Zinc oxide eugenol

24 - Blood supply of ameloblast for most of its life cycle comes form_______________?

Dental Sac

25 - Bundle bone is part of____________?

Alveolar bone

26 - Butt joint in cementoenamel junctions seen is _________% of cases?


27 - Calcified tissue is absent in______________?


28 - Cavity varnishes have_____________?

No bonding to tooth

29 - Cellular cementum and compact bone contain____________?

Canaliculi and incremental lines

30 - Cellular cementum is____________?

Less calcified than acellular type

31 - Cementum formation is seen_______________?

After dentin formation

32 - Cementum is_____________?


33 - Cementum that forms in conjunction with root end formation and eruption_____________?

Cellular cementum

34 - Cementum_____________?

Often overlaps the enamel

35 - Ceramics fired to metals are processed by_______________?


36 - Cervical bulge. True is____________?

Is characteristic of decidous teeth

37 - Chemical method of strengthening porcelain involves_________________?

Exchange of sodium and potassium ions

38 - Chemical tempering in porcelains is done to interrupt crack propagation by______________?

Inducing residual compressive strength

39 - Chronic periapical inflammation is usually associated with____________?

Hyperplasia of cementum

40 - Clogging of an abrasive wheel with debris causing reduction of abrasive action is called________________?


41 - Coefficient of thermal expansion of metal-ceramic alloys is________________?

More than or equal to porcelain but not less

42 - Cohesion of gold foil is an example of______________?

Atomic attraction and welding

43 - Compared to the inter tubular dentin, peritubular dentin is characterized by which of the following ?

greater content of inorganic salts

44 - Compared with dental alloys, CERAMICS show____________________?

Susceptibility to brittle fracture

45 - Condensation shrinkage of porcelain during firing depends on__________________?

Shape and size of particle

46 - Crocus cloth is________________?


47 - Cusp of carbaelli can be considered a normal finding on____________?

Decidous maxillary 2nd molar

48 - Dead tracts in ground section appears as_____________?

Black in transmitted light and white in reflected light

49 - Dehydration of specimen is carried out by____________?

By using increasing percentages of alcohol

50 - Dental lamina is active up to_______________?

4 years

51 - Dental papilla gives rise to_____________?

Pulp & Dentin

52 - Dental porcelains are crystalline materials of________________?


53 - Dentin formed through out the life is______________?

Secondary dentin

54 - Dentinal tubules are calcified in_______________?

Sclerotic dentin

55 - Dentinal tubules are______________?


56 - Dentinogenesis by odontoblasts first begins at_____________?

Cusp tip

57 - Dicor restoration is_______________?

Castabel ceramic

58 - Difference between primary and permanent enamel is_______________?

In prism arrangement

59 - Direct filling gold formed by electrolytic precipitation is called by all the terms EXCEPT______________?

Granular gold

60 - Dispersion of crystalline phase to strengthen ceramics results in_________________?

aluminium porcelain

61 - Disturbance during the morphodifferentition stage of tooth development will result in______________?

Change in form and shape of the teeth

62 - During the development of a tooth, sound coalescence of the lobes results in_____________?


63 - During the formation of primary teeth_______________?

Dentin forms faster than enamel

64 - Ectodermal cells in tooth bud are responsible for_______________?

Determination of shape of crown and root

65 - Electralloy is an alloy of________________?

Gold and Calcium

66 - Electrolyte used for plating copper dies is________________?

Acidic copper sulphate

67 - Enamel pearls are found in_____________?

Furcation areas of permanent molars

68 - Epithelial attachment is derived from____________?

Reduced enamel epithelium

69 - Ethoxy benzoic acid increases the strength and solubility of the cement______________?

Zinc oxide eugenol

70 - Eugenol may be replaced in the zinc oxide eugenol cement by______________?

Ortho-ethoxy acid

71 - Excess deposition of calcium in the dentinal tubules is referred to as______________?

Sclerotic dentin

72 - Extracted teeth should be preserved in_____________?

10% Formalin

73 - First appearance of tooth formation occurs in____________?

6th week IU

74 - Fluid flow, in or out of the dentinal tubules is proportional to the tuble diameter by______________?

Fourth power of the diameter

75 - Fluoride rich materials include ?

All of the above

76 - Flux used in dental ceramic is________________?

Boric oxide

77 - Following is derivative of dental lamina____________?

Rests of serrae

78 - For porcelain fused to metal crown, the porcelain should have ______________?

Linear coefficient of thermal expansion less than that of metal

79 - Formula of hydroxyapatite crystal is____________?

3Ca (Po4)2 Ca(OH)2

80 - Frozen sections can be used for the demonstration of_____________?


81 - Frozen slab technique is applicable to_____________?

Zinc phosphate cement

82 - Frozen slab technique of mixing zinc phosphate is used for_______________?

Cementing crowns

83 - Glass ionomer cements are composed of______________?

Aluminosillicate powder and polyacrylate

84 - Greening occuring when porcelains are fired on silver free alloys may be attributed to________________?

Vaporization of silver from the walls of contaminated furnaces

85 - Gubernacular canal and gubernacular cord are seen in relation to____________?

Succedaneous teeth

86 - Gubernacular canal guides the eruption of_____________?

Permanent teeth

87 - Hammock ligament is present_______________?

As a part of deep cervical fascia

88 - Hardness of fully mineralized cementum is_____________?

Less than dentin

89 - Hertwig's epithelial root sheath is made up of_______________?

Outer and inner enamel epithelium

90 - High levels of albumin is present in____________?

Stellate reticulum

91 - How many cusps does the crown of the maxillary first primary molar have ?


92 - How many pulpal horns are there in the mandibular second primary molar ?


93 - How many roots does a primary maxillary first molar have ___________?


94 - If cementum is not formed______________?

Exforliation of teeth occur

95 - If overgrowth of cementum does not improve the functional qualities of cementum, it is termed as_____________?


96 - In adult teeth, the type of dentin present underlying dentin-enamel junction is_______________?

Mantle dentin

97 - In cap stage, regulating factor for cusp shape formation is present in____________?

Enamel Knot

98 - In considering the process of eruption, the pre-functional eruptive stage of a tooth begins when the_____________?

Dental lamina begins forming

99 - In method of firing: A shorter firing period at a higher temperature is considered better_______________?

A long firing period at a very high temperature is preferred

100 - In mineralization which one of the following is known as Epitaxy ?

Seeding theory

101 - In multirooted teeth, formation of multiple roots is due to presence of_____________?

Epithelial diaphragm

102 - In non-eugenol pastes the constituents are mixed in______________?

Benzoic acid

103 - In porcelain metal elements are embedded in the matrix of________________?


104 - In resorption of roots of the primary teeth, the dental pulp_____________?

Plays a passive role

105 - In the majority of situations, that first decidous tooth to erupt is the____________?

Mandibular central incisor

106 - In type II gold alloys _______ Karat gold is used?

18 K

107 - Increased amount of powder in zinc phosphate cement mixture will cause_______________?

Decreased solubility

108 - Inorganic content of cementum is_____________?

Less than bone

109 - Inorganic content of cementum is______________?

45 to 50%

110 - Inter globular dentin results due to_____________?

Failure of coalescence of calcospherities

111 - Intermediate cemental layer_____________?

All of the above are correct

112 - Intermediate cementum is___________?

Found at dentinocemental junction

113 - Intermediate cementum is____________?

Poorly defined zone near cemento-dentinal junction

114 - Korffs fibres are seen in______________?

Mantle dentin

115 - Lip furrow band is______________?

Vestibular lamina

116 - Machineable glass ceramic is________________?

Decor MGC

117 - Matrix vesicles_______________?

Are found in mantle dentin

118 - Maximum fluoride content is seen in_____________?

Dental cementum

119 - MEchanism of adhesion of GIC restoration with tooth surface is by mean of ______________?

Carboxyl group

120 - Membrana performative is seen in_________________?

Bell stage

121 - Mesiodistal width is more than cervico- incisal length of crown in_____________?

Decidous maxillary central incisors

122 - Minimum thickness for type I zinc phosphate cement should be_______________?

25 microns

123 - Mirgration of odontoblasts into dentinal tubules occurs during ________________?

Cavity preparation

124 - Mode of failure during dislodgement of prosthesis cemented with zinc poly carboxylate cement is usually seen at the_____________?

Cement prosthesis interface

125 - Morphological stages of tooth development are explained based on_____________?

Shape of tooth germ

126 - Most preferable cement for temporary restoration______________?


127 - Movement of tooth to close the intermaxillary gap during eruption is due to____________?

Active eruption

128 - Nutrition for ameloblasts after 1st layer of enamel is laid is______________?

Dental sac

129 - One of the following statement is unique about circumpulpal dentine______________?

Contain phosphophoryn

130 - Opaque porcelain________________?

Contains opacifier like zirconium and titanium oxide

131 - Oral tissue for microscopic examination is prepared by_______________?

All of the above

132 - Order of development of tooth germ is____________?


133 - Organic portion can be separated from the mineral by_____________?

Incineration/organic chelation

134 - Osteoblasts appear basic gram staining due to______________?

Increased ribonucleic acid

135 - Outer and inner enamel epithelium first seen in____________?

Cap stage

136 - Percentage of zinc in ZOE cement is__________________?


137 - pH of fully set zinc phosphate______________?


138 - PH of polycarboxylate liquid is____________?


139 - PH of which cement remain below 7 even after 1 month after insertion into the cavity ?

Silicate cement

140 - Phenomenon in which porcelain appears different under varying light condition is______________?


141 - Physically and chemically, the dentin is closely related to______________?


142 - Pitting of direct filling old restoration usually results from_________________?

Improper stepping of condenser point

143 - Polycarboxylate cement is used for_____________?


144 - Porcelain binds to metal in PFM crown by_________________?

B and C

145 - Porcelain denture teeth________________?

Have a higher abrasion resistance than gold

146 - Porcelain is best fired__________________?

Under air compression

147 - Porosity in porcelain at condensation stage depends on_________________?

Shape and size of particle

148 - Porosity in porcelain can be prevented by_______________?

Thoroughness of condensation

149 - Powdered gold is___________________?

Made by a combination of chemical precipitation and atomization

150 - Primary dentition period is______________?

From 6 months to 6 years

151 - Primary teeth differ from permanent teeth in following aspects ?

All of the above

152 - Pulp chambers and roots canals in decidous teeth______________?

Shallow and wide

153 - Pyroplastic flow of porcelain is due to___________________?

High temperature during glazing

154 - Quartz is Dental porcelain is______________?


155 - Reestablishing the former outline of the root surface is_____________?

Anatomic repair

156 - Regarding teeth which statement is wrong ?

Ameloblast secrete enamel and dentine

157 - Resorption of dental tissue is caused by_____________?


158 - Resorption of root of primary incisors starts at_____________?

4 yrs

159 - Root lengthening is contributed by____________?

Cellular cementum

160 - Roots of primary and secondary teeth are different in that the primary roots are more divergent and flaring. The other difference _____________?

Primary roots show less a accessory and lateral canals

161 - S shape of dentinal tubules is due to______________?

Crowding of odontoblasts

162 - Sclerotic dentin has following features_____________?

Resistant to caries

163 - Secondary caries is least likely seen with_______________?

Silicate cement

164 - Secondary cementum is generally confined to_____________?

Apical third of the root

165 - Shape of crown and the size of the roots is determined by______________?


166 - Silicate cement is indicated in________________?

Patients with high caries index

167 - Specific stain for fat cells is___________?

Sudan III

168 - Stage recognized in the firing of dental porcelain given below. Which of state is not correct ?

Cold stage bisque

169 - Stellate reticulum is seen in______________?

Enamel organ

170 - Strength of zinc phosphate is effected by_______________?

P:L ratio

171 - Super abrasive is________________?


172 - Teeth with out antagonist if erupt is called____________?

Supra erupted

173 - Temporary structures in enamel organ are (before enamel formation) ?

Both A and B

174 - The addition of which of the following can accelerate the setting time of zinc oxide cement_____________?

Zinc acetate

175 - The apical foramen of a fully developed permanent tooth is usually lined by_____________?


176 - The average diameter of coronal dentinal tubules near the pulp is____________?

2-3 microns

177 - The average life of silicate cement restoration is______________?

4 years

178 - The best tissue tolerated material for crown and bridge_______________?

Highly glazed porcelain

179 - The bud, cap and bell stage of the developing tooth are based, on growth of the______________?

Enamel organ

180 - The cap stage in tooth development is characterized by_____________?

Increased mitotic activity

181 - The carat for Au foil used for restorations is_______________?


182 - The cavity varnish applied reduces post operative sensitivity in amalgam restoration by____________?

Minimize marginal leakage around restoration

183 - The cells of the enamel organ which differentiate into future ameloblasts are_____________?

Cells of inner enamel epithelium

184 - The cells that form secondary dentin are_______________?


185 - The cells, which are responsible for removal of bone matrix in bone resorption, are_____________?


186 - The cement Which is least soluble in oral cavity______________?

Resin cement

187 - The cementuoenamel junction is approximately at the level at which the root canal becomes_____________?

Pulp chamber

188 - The chief advantage of zinc phosphate cement is its___________?

Film thickness

189 - The cohesive gold used as bulk filler is_____________?

Mat gold

190 - The components of future TMJ shows development at_____________?

10 weeks

191 - The crowns and roots of primary molar at their cervical portions are more____________?

Slender mesiodistally

192 - The deciduous teeth can be differentiated from permanent teeth by_____________?

Enamel prismatic arrangement

193 - The dentin adjacent to the dentinoenamel junction is called the______________?

Mantle dentin

194 - The dentin receptors are unique because_____________?

Elicit only pain as a response

195 - The direction of enamel rods in decidous teeth is_____________?

Inclined in an occlusal direction in the cervical third of crown

196 - The disturbances occurred during Calcification stage of tooth development is seen in_____________?

Interglobular dentin

197 - The dual cure cements should not be used with light transmitting prostheses thicker than____________?

2.5 mm

198 - The effect of zinc oxide-eugenol on the pulp ?

Is sedating

199 - The first porcelain tooth material was introduced by______________?


200 - The first sign of future deciduous teeth as a thickening of oral ectoderm appears at about_____________?

56th day of Intra uterine life

201 - The formation of the dental lamina is initiated by______________?

Neural crest cells

202 - The formation of which of the following does not represent normal physiologiacl process of dentin formation_______________?

Tetiary dentin and sclerotic dentin

203 - The hertwig's epithelial root shealth is essential to development of the root because it_______________?

Moulds the shape of roots and stimulates differentiation of odontoblasts

204 - The highest ( longest ) and sharpest cusp on the decidous mandibular first molar is____________?


205 - The ideal temperature of water bath for softening fluid wax is about________________?

51 to 54 degree C

206 - The largest mesiodistal diameter in primary dentition is____________?

Mandibular2nd molar

207 - The logical explanation for the unique anticariogenic property of most silicate cements is______________?

The reduction in enamel solubility due to fluoride uptake by enamel

208 - The main bulk of dentin is formed by______________?

Inter tubular dentin

209 - The main components is sillicophosphate cement________________?

Zinc phosphate and SIlicate

210 - The main purpose of adding metallic oxides in ceramic is________________?

Colour matching

211 - The major component of zinc phosphate cement is_____________?

Zinc oxide

212 - The malleting force is directed______________?

45° to the wall

213 - The material used in its pure form in dentistry is______________?


214 - The maximum rate of eruption, as the tooth cusps reach the surface epithelium is around ________ μm/day?


215 - The maximum shrinkage during firing proces in ceramic occurs in__________________?

Medium Bisque stage

216 - The melting point of titanium is __________ degree celsius?


217 - The microhardness of dentin is about____________?

1/4 that of enamel

218 - The most accepted theory for dentin sensitivity is: or Which of the following is the most accepted theory of transmission of dental sensation_____________?

Hydrodynamic theory

219 - The most accepted theory of tooth eruption is____________?

Periodontal ligament traction theory

220 - The most commonly used, most biocompatible and adhesive cement is______________?

Glass ionomer

221 - The most toxic form of mercury is_________________?

Methyl and ethyl mercury

222 - The opacity in ceramics is achieved by adding_______________?

Titanium oxide

223 - The organic lining of the calcified dentinal tubules is known as_______________?

Lamina limitans

224 - The pain transmission through dentin is______________?

All of the above

225 - The preferred material for repair of fractured denture base is______________?

Chemically cure resin

226 - The primary lateral incisors begin to calcify about the_____________?

41/2 month in utero

227 - The primary teeth that present the most outstanding morpholgic deviations from permanent teeth are______________?

Mandibular first molar

228 - The principal constituent of set silicate cement matrix is_______________?

Hydrated Aluminium phosphate crystal, CAF2 alluminosiliate gel

229 - The principle application of zinc phosphate cement is_____________?

In final cementation

230 - The pulp of first primary molar contains________________?

Four pulp horn and three root canal

231 - The pure form of gold used in dentistry is known as___________________?

Cohesive gold

232 - The region in which cementum formation is most rapid is_____________?


233 - The relationship between the pulpal and periodontal tissue complex begins during dental development at_____________?

Embryonic stage

234 - The setting of zinc phosphate is accelerated by_____________?

Adding a drop of water

235 - The setting of zinc phosphate may be retarded by ?

Decrease the addition of powder to liquid

236 - The setting time of ZnPO4 cement can be retarded by_____________?

slower addition of powder to liquid

237 - The sharpest cusp of primary first molar tooth is____________?


238 - The successors of deciduous teeth develops form_______________?

Successional lamina

239 - The temperature (in °F) of the mixing slab for silicate cements should be_____________?

65 – 75

240 - The tow cements which hold with the tooth are_______________?

GIC and polycarboxylate

241 - The type of dentin that is formed prior to root completion______________?

Circum pulpal dentin

242 - The type of tertiary dentin which contains cellular inclusions is found in_____________?


243 - The zone of dentin most recently formed and uncalcified is known as____________?


244 - Thermal conductivity of which material is close to dentin____________?


245 - Thickness of luting cement is_____________?


246 - To prevent porosity in dental porcelain it should be backed________________?

In vacuum

247 - Tome's firbres are____________?

Odontoblastic processes in dental tubules

248 - Tooth buds of permanent mandibular incisors are situated_____________?

A and B

249 - Tooth develops from_______________?

Ectoderm, mosoderm

250 - Tooth eruption is due to______________?

Eruptive force

251 - Torsional force is_______________?


252 - Transmission of stimulus across dentin is______________?

Stimulus induced fluid flow

253 - Transverse ridge is prominent on occlusal surface of which of the following decidous teeth ?

Mandibular first molar

254 - Trauma or excessive occlusal forces causes_____________?

Resorption of cementum

255 - What is the thickness of the layer of primsless enamel found in primary teeth_____________?

25 μm

256 - What is the working time of zinc polyacrylate cement ?

3 Minutes

257 - When Gold fused with porcelain is fired at very high temperature greenish discoloration of cervical margin is due to________________?

Presence of copper

258 - When porcelain is basked against metal, it should possess a________________?

linear coefficient of thermal expansion less than but close to that of metal

259 - When selection the colour of cement to use for cementing a porcelain jacket crown, the powder being tested is best mixed with______________?

Glycerin-water solution

260 - When viewed occlusally, a primary mandibular second molar closely resembles which of the following mandibular teeth ?

Permanent first molar

261 - Which among the following is NOT a common finding of the decidous dentition ?

Tight contacts, absence of spacing

262 - Which cement base has the highest modulus of elasticity ?

Zinc phosphate

263 - Which cement is irritating to the pulp ?

Zinc phosphate

264 - Which component of zinc oxide-eugenol cement gives its strength ?

Zinc oxide

265 - Which dental tissue doesn't contain nerves ?


266 - Which enzyme is associated with the mineralization_____________?

Alkaline phosphatase

267 - Which glass ionomer cement develops early resistance to water intake on setting ?

Resin modified glass ionomer cement

268 - Which is not present in porcelain________________?

Amorphous material

269 - Which is the cement with adhesive properties ?

Both B & C

270 - Which of the areas of the tooth is most sensitive during cavity preparation ?

Dentinoenamel junction

271 - Which of the following acts as accelerator in Zinc oxide eugenol______________?

ZnCl2 + ZnSO2

272 - Which of the following anomalies occur during the initiation and proliferation of tooth development ?


273 - Which of the following bur is used in the preparation of cavity restored with porcelain fused to metal ?

Diamond but for porcelain and carbide bur for metal

274 - Which of the following cements bonds to tooth structure, which has an anticariogenic effect, has a degree of translucency and does not irritate the pulp ?

Glass ionomer cement

275 - Which of the following cements have anti cariogenic properly________________?

Zinc silicophosphate

276 - Which of the following cements is contraindicated in mouth breathers_______________?


277 - Which of the following cements is most biocompatible with pulp ?

Zinc oxide eugenol cement

278 - Which of the following cements is most irritant to pulpal tissues ?


279 - Which of the following cements is most kind to pulp ?


280 - Which of the following characterizes the silicate cement______________?

It is pulpal irritant

281 - Which of the following decidous molars bears the greatest resemblance to a premolar _____________?

Maxillary first

282 - Which of the following dentinal layers is more mineralized______________?

Peritubular dentin

283 - Which of the following do polycarboxylate and GIC have in common ?

Polyacrylic acid

284 - Which of the following factors are primarily contributory to the shedding of deciduous tooth ?

Masticatory pressure

285 - Which of the following has the maximum faciolingual diameter of the crown__________?

Decidous maxillary 2nd molar

286 - Which of the following is a rare occurrence______________?

Enamel overlaps cementum

287 - Which of the following is common to both zinc eugenol cement and polycarboxylate cement?


288 - Which of the following is correct ?

All of the above

289 - Which of the following is correct?

All of the above

290 - Which of the following is correct?

All of the above

291 - Which of the following is correct?

Cementum is more resistant to resorption than bone

292 - Which of the following is correct?

All of the above

293 - Which of the following is correct?

All of the above

294 - Which of the following is least mineralized ?


295 - Which of the following is most important in strength ZOE_____________?

Liquid powder ratio

296 - Which of the following is not an ecto-mesenchymal derivative ?


297 - Which of the following is not correct ?

None of the above

298 - Which of the following is not correct?

False denticles contains many dentinal tubules

299 - Which of the following is not true___________?

They are thickest in anterior portion of jaw

300 - Which of the following is the main constituent of porcelain__________________?


301 - Which of the following is true about direct filling gold______________?

Whatever may be the type voids are inherent

302 - Which of the following is true of cellular cementum ?

Forms after the eruption of the tooth

303 - Which of the following is true?

All of the above

304 - Which of the following is true?

All of the above

305 - Which of the following is true___________?

All of the above

306 - Which of the following is true_____________?

All of the above

307 - Which of the following is true______________?

All of the above

308 - Which of the following is wrong?

Bundle bone contains a lesser amounts of calcium salts than other types of bony tissue

309 - Which of the following releases single wavelength of energy ?

Argon lasers

310 - Which of the following show chemical bond with enamel (Calcified tissues)______________?

Polycarboxylate cements

311 - Which of the following statement is correct?

Enamel cannot form in absence of dentin

312 - Which of the following statement is true______________?

All of the above

313 - Which one of the following dental cement accelerates the formation of reparative dentin ?

Calcium Hydroxide

314 - Which one of the following dental cements does not contain water as part of the composition of the liquid component ?

Zinc oxide equgenol cement

315 - Which one of the following restorative materials is having coefficient of thermal expansion close to that of tooth enamel and dentin ?

Type II Glass ionomer cement

316 - Which statement is correct about decidous dentition?

Mandibular first molar erupts at one and half years of age

317 - Which type of collagen fibers demonstrates Chicken wire configuration ?

Type IV

318 - Why GIC is best restorative material in children_____________?

It can bond enamel & dentin

319 - With respect to their permanent successors the sum of the mesidodistal diameters of the first and second decidous molar is generally ____________?



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