Development Disturbances Most Important MCQs

1 - A 15-year old boy shows an inverted pear shaped radiolucency between the upper central incisors. The teeth are normal in all aspects The most likely diagnosis is________________?

Nasopalatine cyst

2 - A 4 year old child with one tooth less than the normal dentition shows large tooth with two crowns and two root canals, the anamoly is______________?


3 - A 4-year old child has a normal complemented of primary teeth but they are gray and exhibit extensive occlusal and incisal wear. Radiographic examination indicates extensive deposits of secondary dentin in these teeth. Most likely this condition is______________?

Dentinogenesis imperfecta

4 - A 4-year old child has less number of teeth and lateral incisors with bifurcated roots with two root canals is called_____________?


5 - A 6 year old patient with extra cusp on maxillary central incisor is associated with all except______________?

Proteus Syndrome

6 - A 7-year old child having yellowish discoloured spot of maxillary central incisor. His mother presents a history of injury to deciduous tooth 3 years back with recurrent infection & swelling. The diagnosis is_______________?

Turners hypoplasia

7 - A bony hard asymptomatic swelling found on the midline of the hard palate that appears radiopaque on a radiograph is most likely a__________________?

Torus palatinus

8 - A child has marked difference of crown, root size, eruption pattern of left & right side of jaw. The condition is______________?

Hemifacial hypertrophy

9 - A deep pit lined by enamel seen in the lingual surface of Maxillary lateral incipor is most likely to be_______________?

Dens in dente

10 - A dens in dente is usually caused by_______________?

A deep invagination of the enamel organ during formation

11 - A developmental abnormality characterized by the presence of fewer than the usual number of teeth is_____________?


12 - A girl suffering from browing of teeth, wearing of enamel but not cavitory, OPG shows obliteration of pulp with narrowing of canal & deposition of secondary dentin, she gave the history that out of her 4 brothers 2 are suffering from the same disease, She is suffering from_______________?


13 - A patient notices a well demarcated area of depapillation on his tongue which has been there for as long as he can remember, The most probable diagnosis_____________?

Median rhomboid glossitis

14 - A permanent tooth with a local hypoplastic deformity in a crown is called_______________?

Turner's tooth

15 - A union of the roots of adjacent teeth through the cementum is referred to as_____________?


16 - Absence of pulp chambers is seen in_______________?

Dentinogenesis imperfecta

17 - According to Veau's classification of cleft lip & palate, isolated cleft palate falls under______________?

Group II

18 - All are true about supernumerary tooth except_______________?

More common in mandible

19 - Amelogenesis imperfecta is a disorder of_____________?


20 - Anodontia affects the growth of________________?

Alveolar bone

21 - Based on the degree to which apical displacement of the pulpal floor is seen, Cynodont is the name given to_____________?

Normal tooth

22 - Bifid tongue a congenital anomaly occurs due to non-fusion of____________?

The two lateral lingual swellings

23 - Bohn's nodules are______________?

Cystic swellings in neonates

24 - Brittle bone syndrome is caused by______________?

Improper synthesis of procollagen

25 - Clinical evidence of dentinogenesis imperfecta is______________?

Defective dentine and obliterated pulp chamber

26 - Complete obliteration of pulp is seen in all except_______________?

Type II dentinogenesis imperfecta

27 - Cysts associated with vital teeth are_______________?

Dentigerous cyst, Globulomaxillary cyst, lateral periodontal cyst, OKC

28 - Delayed eruption of at least part of dentition is a recognized feature of all of the following except_____________?

Congenital hyperthyroidism

29 - Dense in dente is most commonly seen in______________?

Lateral incisors

30 - Dental anomaly of teeth associated with defective bone formation is seen in_______________?

dentinogenesis imperfecta

31 - Dentinal union of two embryologically developing teeth is referred as______________?


32 - Dentinogenesis imperfecta is________________?

Autosomal dominant

33 - Dentinogensis imperfecta differs from amelogenesis imperfecta in that, the former is_____________?

Characterized by calcification of pulp chambers and the root canals of the teeth

34 - Developing Ameloblasts are effected by the ingestion of high fluoride content water resulting in______________?

Hutchinson's teeth

35 - Developmental enamel defects are most commonly seen in_______________?

Permanent incisors

36 - Ectopic sebaceous glands in the mouth are called________________?

Heck's disease

37 - Estein Pearls are________________?

Gingival cyst of adult

38 - Estesin pearls are cysts that arise from_________________?

Dental lamina

39 - Facial edema, cheilitis granulomatosa and a fissured tongue characterize which of the following syndromes ?


40 - Failure of descent of thyroid analage can be seen in the tongue______________?

Near the base of tongue close to foramen caecum

41 - False about anodontia_______________?

In false anodontia tooth doesn't undergo full development

42 - Fordyce granules mostly occurs in all of the following area EXCEPT________________?

Alveolar ridge

43 - Fordyce's spots are________________?

Present on the cheek mucosa lateral to angle of the mouth

44 - Fusion of teeth is more common in_______________?

Primary dentition

45 - Gardner syndrome does not include______________?


46 - Gemination of teeth occur due to______________?

Division of a single tooth bud before calcification

47 - Geographic tongue is of red colour because of________________?

None of the above

48 - Geographical tongue, all are true except______________?

Is a precancerous condition

49 - Ghost teeth is seen in which of the following_________________?

Regional odontodysplasia

50 - Globulamaxillary cyst is______________?

Often present between incisor and cuspid teeth but is a bone cyst

51 - Hairy tongue is characterized by____________?

Hypertrophy of filiform papillae

52 - Heck's disease is another name for_______________?

Focal epithelial hyperplasia

53 - Hutchinson's incisiors are present in________________?

congenital syphilis

54 - Hypodontia is mainly found in all except___________?


55 - Hypoplastic defects in permanent central and lateral incisors are likely to result due to severe illness or other factors during_______________?

First nine month of life

56 - In children the most frequently missing permanent teeth are________________?

Max. lateral incisors

57 - In Hypodontia, the most commonly affected tooth is_______________?

Permanent third molar

58 - In Treacher collin's syndrome there is________________?

Poorly developed or absence of malar bones

59 - Large pulp chambers are characteristic of all the following conditions except_______________?

Dentinogenesis imperfecta

60 - Lingual tonsils arise___________________?

As developmental anomalies

61 - Marked reduction in amount of dentin, widening of predentin layer, presence of large area of interglobular dentin and irregular pattern of dentin is seen in______________?

Odonto dysplasia

62 - Median rhomboid glossits is associated is associated with_________________?

fungal infection

63 - Microdontia is most commonly seen affecting_______________?

Max. lateral incisor

64 - Most common missing tooth in the permanent dentition is_____________?

Mandibular second premolar

65 - Most common site for melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy is (MNTI)_______________?


66 - Most commonly submerged tooth is_______________?

Mand. Primary 2nd moral

67 - Mottled enamel is due to______________?

Excess of fluoride

68 - Mulberry molars are characteristic features of_____________?

congenital syphilis

69 - Multiple osteomas, multiple polyposis, supernumerary teeth are found in _______ syndrome?


70 - Naso Labial cyst is thought to arise from_______________?

Remnants of cell rests of embryonic lacrimalduct

71 - Odontodysplasia is most common in_________________?

Maxillary central incisor

72 - PARULIS is an inflammatory enlargement seen in_______________?

End of sinus tract

73 - Peg-shaped incisors which taper towards the incisal edge are typically seen in all of the following conditions EXCEPT______________?


74 - Pierre Robin syndrome is associated with______________?


75 - Premaxilla-premaxillary cyst_________________?

Globulomaxillary cyst

76 - Prolonged administrator of broad spectrum antibiotics results in the formation of_______________?

Black hairy tongue

77 - Puetz-Jegher syndrome is characterised by_______________?

Multiple intestional polyps

78 - Shell teeth are more common in this variant of dentinogenesis imperfecta________________?

Type II

79 - Static bone cyst is a cyst developing from______________?

None of the above

80 - Submerged teeth are________________?

Ankylosed teeth

81 - Talon's cusp is characteristic of which syndrome_________________?

Rubinstein Taybi syndrome

82 - Taurodontism is characterized by_____________?

Elongated wide pulp canals and short roots

83 - Taurodontism is seen in ________________?

Klinefelter's syndrome

84 - Taurodontism is usually seen in_________________?

Mandibular first molar

85 - Teeth that erupt with in 30 days of birth are called________________?

Neonatal teeth

86 - The 2nd common most supernumerary teeth is________________?

Distal to 3rd molar in maxilla

87 - The cyst located at the junction of medial nasal process, lateral nasal process and maxillary process is________________?

Nasoalveolar cyst

88 - The cyst which is found within the bone at the junction of teh globular process, the lateral nasal process & maxillary process is______________?

Globulomaxillary cyst

89 - The histological appearance of “lava following around boulders in dentin dysplasia suggests_______________?

Cascades of dentin to form root

90 - The inheritance pattern of dentinogensis imperfecta is______________?

Autosomal dominant

91 - The most common congenital defect of the face and jaws is___________________?

Cleft lip and palate

92 - The most common supernumerary tooth form is______________?


93 - The syndrom which consists of cleft palate micrognathia and glossoptosis is known as_____________?

PierreRobin syndrome

94 - The term dilaceration refers to______________?

A deformity of a tooth consisting of a sharp bend bend in the root

95 - The torus mandibularis most commonly seen in the region of______________?

Premolar region

96 - Thistle-tube appearance of pulp chamber is a feature of______________?

Cornal dentin dysplasia

97 - True ankyloglossia occurs as a result of________________?

Union between tongue and floor of mouth

98 - True generalized microdontia is characterized by______________?

Smaller teeth than the normal

99 - Turner's hypoplasia most commonly affects________________?

Permanent maxillary anteriors

100 - Turners tooth is seen in_____________?

enamel hypoplasia due to local infection or local trauma

101 - Which of the following conditions is characterized by abnormally large pulp chambers ?

Regional odontodysplasia

102 - Which of the following dental sequel is likely in child with a history of generalized growth failure (failure to thrive) in the first 6 month of life_______________?

Enamel hypoplasia

103 - Which of the following dentitions shows the highest frequency of ocurrence of supernumerary teeth ?

Maxillary permanent dentition

104 - Which of the following features are of naso alveolar cyst_______________?

Erosion of base above lateral incisor and canine teeth

105 - Which of the following is a soft tissue cyst which do not produce any radiographic changes______________?

Nasolabial cyst

106 - Which of the following is Fissural cyst is_______________?

Nasopalatine cyst

107 - Which of the following is most common development cyst________________?

Nasopalatine cyst

108 - Which of the following is not hereditary________________?

Cleidocranial dysostosis

109 - Which of the following is unlikely to cause enamel hypoplasia ?

Cleidocranial dysostosis

110 - Which of the following lesions does not give blood on aspiration_______________?

Static bone cyst

111 - Which of the following teeth is most likely to be congenitally missing ?

Mand. second premolar

112 - Which one of the following is the cause of dilacerations ?

Trauma to the tooth germ during root development


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