Drugs Most Important MCQs

1 - A 50 year old female with end stage renal disease (ESRD) develops pulmonary tuberculosis. Which one of the following drugs should be used in a reduced dose ?


2 - A common side effect associated with all NSAID drugs is_______________?

Gastric irritation

3 - A Hemophiliac patient has rheumatold arthritis. Which drug might be prescribed to relieve the pain ?


4 - A paralyzing dose of succinylcholine initially elicits______________?

Muscle fasciculation

5 - A patient is having bronchodilation, increased temperature, constipation and tachycardia. The tentative diagnosis is_______________?

Atropine poisoning

6 - A patient on 300 mg of aspirin will show all the following except________________?

Irreversible inhibition of cyclooxygenase path way

7 - A patient taking beta-blocker preoperatively, at induction of anaesthesia with fentanyl. Which muscle relaxant should be avoided ?


8 - A patient with grand mal epilepsy would likely be under treatment with_____________?


9 - A patient with grandmal epilepsy would likely be under treatment with_______________?


10 - A person with glaucoma should not receive________________?


11 - A young lady talking rifampicin and OCP together become pregnant, most probable cause is____________?

Rifampicin causes hepatic enzyme induction and increase metabolism of OCP's

12 - About heparin true is_____________?

Half-life is 90 min

13 - Action of Nitroglycerin is______________?

Direct action on smooth muscle

14 - Activation of which of the following receptors would be expected to decrease anxiety_____________?

GABA receptors

15 - Acute Barbiturate poisoning results in_______________?

Respiratory failure

16 - Adrenaline is used in following EXCEPT______________?

Both B & C

17 - Agents/Drugs which help in rapid coagulation of Blood_______________?

All of the above

18 - All are symptoms of opiate withdrawls except______________?

Excessive speech

19 - All are true about metformin except_____________?

Used in decompensated heart failure

20 - All are true about nitric oxide, EXCEPT____________?

Acts via cAMP

21 - All are true of diazapenes except____________?

Benzodiazepam is used in the long term treatment of psychic disorders

22 - All NSAIDs block cycloxygenase and____________?

Prostaglandin synthesis

23 - All of the following are endogenous corticosteriods released by all adrenal cortex EXCEPT______________?


24 - All of the following are predominant arteriolar dilators except____________?


25 - All of the following are true about tolbutamide except____________?

It is used in type-I diabetes mellitus

26 - All of the following decrease skeletal muscle tone by CNS effects except____________?


27 - All of the following drugs are useful in treatment of hypertension except______________?


28 - All of the following glucocorticorticoids can be given by inhalation EXCEPT_______________?


29 - All of the following have receptors which are transcription factors except____________?


30 - All of the following statements about opioids is correct except_____________?

Partial agonists are free from classic opioid adverse effects

31 - All of the following statements about pain are correct except_____________?

Naloxane is a non-competitive antagonist and irreversibly opposes the opioids

32 - All of the given drugs are positive inotropes EXCEPT_____________?


33 - All of the given drugs may be useful in acute exacerbation of bronchial asthma EXCEPT_____________?


34 - All the following about antiemetic drugs are correct except_______________?

Ondastran may cause vomiting by effecting the cytotoxic antige receptors

35 - All the following drugs reduced the gastric acid secretion EXCEPT____________?


36 - Alpha blocker used as anti hypertensive agent_____________?


37 - Amitryptyline is a____________?

Tricyclic antidepressant

38 - Amyl nitrate is most commonly administered _________________?

Sub lingually

39 - An antiepileptic drug used in petitmal epilepsy is______________?


40 - An anxiolytic, not interacting with GABA ergic system and used in generalized anxiety is______________?


41 - An attack of bronchial asthma is most likely to be triggered by________________?

Both A & B

42 - An attack of migraine can be easily terminated by___________?


43 - An oral hypoglycemic agent is______________?


44 - An untoward effect of that is common to all phenothiazines is______________?

Rigidity and tremor at rest, particularly with prolonged use

45 - Antagonist of morphine is_______________?


46 - Aspirin acts on which part of brain ?

Substantia gelatinosa

47 - Aspirin causes___________?


48 - Aspirin is avoided in children with influenza infection because of association______________?

Reye's syndrome

49 - Aspirin is contraindicated in______________?

All of the above

50 - Aspirin is contraindicated in_______________?

Peptic ulcer

51 - Aspirin is used in treatment of Myocardial Infarction___________?

It inhibits thromboxanes

52 - Aspirin produces all of the following effects except_____________?


53 - Aspirine cause_____________?

Increase BT

54 - Aspirine is useful in all the following conditions EXCEPT_____________?


55 - Atropine is used in______________?

Organophosphate poisoning

56 - Atypical Antipsychotic are all except______________?


57 - B- blocker with additional a-blocking property is____________?


58 - Benzodiazepine antagonist is________________?


59 - BEnzodiazepines are true in___________________?

More safe than other sedatives when take in larger amounts

60 - Best and most effective drug to control convulsions in toxicity cases is______________?


61 - Beta blockers are contraindicated in___________?

Cardiac failure

62 - Beta2 adrenergic receptor stimulating drugs are used in_______________?

Bronchial asthma

63 - Birbiturates in pediatrics is_____________?

Low safety

64 - Bleeding from the oral mucosa can be reduced by topical use of_______________?


65 - Blockers are used in all except_____________?


66 - Bradycardia is most commonly treated with which of the following drugs_____________?


67 - Bronchospasm can be precipitated by______________?


68 - Buprenorphine acts by following mechanism________________?

Mu receptor partial agnoist

69 - Carbamazepine is a type of___________?


70 - Cloidogrel is an______________?


71 - Clotting time is most like to be prolonged by the administration of____________?

Acetyl salicylic acid

72 - Curare poisoning is characterised by________________?


73 - Delay in blood coagulation results from_____________?


74 - Diuretics cause loss of_______________?


75 - Doalin pectrose is_____________?

Anti diarroheal

76 - DOPA and 5-Hydroxytryptophan are clinically important because_____________?

They cross blood Brain Barriers

77 - Drug not requiring dose adjustment in renal disease is___________?

Calcium channel blocker

78 - Drug that does not cause sedation________________?


79 - Drug which causes gingival hyperplasia_____________?

Both A & C

80 - Drug which is used to control status epilepticus is______________?


81 - Drugs causing hyperglycemia_______________?


82 - Drugs like barbiturates precipitate symptoms of prophyria because______________?

They depress ALA synthase

83 - Dry mouth during antidepressant therapy is caused by blockade of______________?

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors

84 - D-tubocurarine blocks the neuromuscular transmission by___________?

Blocking acetylcholine receptors

85 - Each of the following is correct for the treatment of Diarrhoea except_______________?

Diphenoxylate may cause respiratory depression on administration

86 - Excessive bleeding due to heparin overdose is controlled by______________?

Protamine sultate

87 - Fellypressin is a_______________?

Vaso constrictor

88 - Folic acid deficiency occurs in______________?


89 - Following analgesic combination should be avoided ?

Ibuprofen and DIclofenac

90 - Following inhibits Cytochrome P450_____________?


91 - Gastric irritation is minimum with one of the following non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs_____________?


92 - Heparin, apart from releasing lypoprotein lipase in the blood exerts its anti-coagulant action by____________?

Inhibiting thrombin synthesis

93 - Heroin, an addict drug contains______________?

Acetyl morphine

94 - Hypokalemia is seen in therapy with____________?


95 - Ibuprofen is contraindicated in_______________?

patients having asthma

96 - Identify the factors which decrease the effect of Oral anticoagulants_______________?

Both A & B

97 - If patient is given Noradrenaline what will happen_______________?

Cause increase in B.P, due to its action on Beta receptors only

98 - In treating Xerostomia, Which of the following might be prescribed ?


99 - In which of the following categories are ephedrine, tyramine and emphetamine classified________________?

Indirect acting sympathomimetics

100 - Indirect sympathomimetics can_______________?

Both of the above

101 - INFLIXIMAB (systemic) is used in_____________?

All of the above

102 - Ipratropium bromide is used for_____________?

Bronchial asthma

103 - Isosorbide 5 – mononitrate is preferred because____________?

Longer duration of action

104 - IV ultrashort acting barbiturate_____________?


105 - Less gastrointestinal bleed is seen in the following NSAID_______________?

C0X2 specific inhibitors

106 - Long acting beta – 2 agonist ?


107 - Magnesium and Aluminium are added in Antacid because_____________?

Mg Causes Diarrhoea, Al Causes Constipation

108 - Mechanism of action of nifidipine is_____________?

It has a prominent smooth muscle relaxant action causes arteolar dilation leading to fall in blood pressure

109 - Mode of action of sulphonyl ureas includes all the following except______________?

Decreasing Glucose absorption from the qut

110 - Morphine a powerful opioid analgesic drug should be avoided in all the following conditions except____________?

A & C

111 - Morphine is a_____________?

Both A & B

112 - Morphine is contraindicated in all of the following except_______________?

Pulmonary oedema

113 - Morphine withdrawal is characterized by all EXCEPT_____________?


114 - Narcotic overdose can be antagonized by______________?


115 - Neuromuscular blocking agent with duration of onset of action less than 2 minutes is_________________?

Succinyl choline

116 - Neusea and vomiting that are associated with administration of opioid analgesic is the result of stimulation of the_____________?

Chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ)

117 - NSAID which undergoes enterohepatic circulation______________?


118 - NSAID's have adverse effect on________________?


119 - Omeprazol is used in the treatment of____________?

Peptic Ulcer

120 - Omeprazole is a_____________?

Proton pump inhibitor

121 - One of the benzodiazepines (BDZ) comparatively safe in pregnancy is (Category-B) ?


122 - One of the following is not an antiemetic_____________?


123 - One of the obious consequences of alchol ( ethenol), ingestion in many individual is facial flushing and increased heart rate triggered off by alcohol getting metabolized to______________?


124 - Paracetamol is contraindicated in_______________?

A & B

125 - Phenothiazines are used to____________?

Alter psychotic behaviour

126 - Phenytoin is associated with_____________?

Folic acid deficiency

127 - Platelet aggregation in inhibited by all except_______________?


128 - Pregnant patient can be safely given______________?


129 - Prolonged use of aspirin causes_______________?


130 - Prolonged use of aspirin leads to______________?

A & B

131 - Quindine is used to treat______________?

Atrial fibrillation

132 - Quinine is obtained from CINCHONA________________?


133 - Rebound phenomenon is most commonly seen with use of_________________?


134 - Respiratory depression is seen with_____________?

Synthetic narcotics

135 - Role of Heparin_____________?

Prevents prothrombin conversion to thrombin

136 - Salbutamol is used in_____________?

Bronchial asthma

137 - Salicylate administration is contraindicated in pregnancy because_______________?

All of these

138 - Salicylate overdose in children causes_______________?

Rye's syndrome

139 - Scopolamine helps in________________?

A & C

140 - Short-acting non-depolarising muscle relaxant is________________?


141 - Shortest acting opioid analgesic is______________?


142 - Sialogouges are______________?

Increases salivary secretions

143 - Steroids________________?

Steroids reduce the rate of repair of tissues thus delays the healing

144 - Succinylcholine is a/an______________?

None of the above

145 - Succinylcholine prevents bronchospasm by______________?

Depolarising block

146 - The anticoagulant action of Warfarin is potentiated by all except_____________?

B & C

147 - The anticogulant of choice during pregnancy is______________?


148 - The anti-inflammatory analgesic drug the causes least gastrointestinal symptoms is______________?


149 - The beneficial effect of drug neostigmine in the treatment of Myasthenia gravis is due to the action____________?

It inhibits the action of cholinesterase

150 - The drug which activates plasma antithrombin -III for its anticogulant action is____________?


151 - The drug which is contraindicated in haemophilla is_________________?


152 - The Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol) is more effective when mixed with water and used as_____________?

60 to 70 percent

153 - The first choice of drug for patitmal seizure is________________?

None of the above

154 - The following drugs are useful in hypertension except_____________?


155 - The highest risk associated with use of oral contraceptives in________________?

Thromboembolic disorders

156 - The intramuscular administration of 0.6 mg of atropine sulphate to a 50 kg adult may produce all of the following effects except________________?


157 - The mechanism of action of sodium nitroprusside is_____________?

Direct Vasodilator

158 - The most prominent toxic effect associated with acetominophen use is______________?

Hepatic necrosis

159 - The muscle relaxant effect of succinylcholine lasts for______________?

3-5 min

160 - The potent anti arrhythmic drug which has little negative ionotropic effect valuable in patients with poor left ventricular function_____________?


161 - The principle central action of caffeine is on the________________?

Cerebral cortex

162 - The principle therapeutic action of the glucocorticoid is________________?


163 - The rate of injection of intravenous Valium is_______________?

1 ml / min

164 - The statement Not true of Selective Cox – 2 inhibitor is________________?

Safe in patients with renal insufficiency

165 - The toxic effect of Beta receptor antagonists includes all the following EXCEPT____________?

Precipitate migrainic effect

166 - Therapeutic uses of a – adrenoceptor blockers include all of the following EXCEPT______________?


167 - Thiopentone action is terminated by______________?


168 - Thyroid storm can be treated by all the following drugs EXCEPT______________?


169 - Triflusal is a___________________?

Antiplatelet drug

170 - True about use of midazolam over diazepam is sedation in all except ?

Binds to benzodiazepine receptors with 3-4 time more avidly

171 - various insulin preparations useful in the treatment of diabetes mellitus differ primarily in______________?

Onset and duration of action

172 - Verril's sign is seen in_________________?

Diazepam administration

173 - Warfarin therapy is prolonged by all except______________?


174 - Which among the following is a pure antagonist of opioid receptors ?


175 - Which among the following may be used as a sedatives hypnotic ?


176 - Which among the following Not a pharmacological action of opioids______________?


177 - Which is NOT a 2nd generation antihistaminic ?


178 - Which is not antiemetic ?


179 - Which of the following anti inflammatory drug is a COX-2 inhibitor_____________?


180 - Which of the following anti-epileptic agents causes the reversible side-effect of gingival hyperplasia ?

None of the above

181 - Which of the following antihypertensive agents in most likely to cause an exaggerated response to an injected catecholamine_____________?


182 - Which of the following can be given safely to a patient of congestive heart failure________________?


183 - Which of the following cardiac depressants is contraindicated in a patient with cardiac arrhythmia____________?


184 - Which of the following combination of iron can be given both IM and IV____________?

Iron dextran

185 - Which of the following drug induces parkinsonism ?


186 - Which of the following drug is used to counter act the gastric irritation produced by administration of NSAID_______________?


187 - Which of the following drugs can be given safely to a patient with renal disease ?


188 - Which of the following drugs causes extra pyramidal symptoms_____________?


189 - Which of the following drugs is currently widely used in treating opioid dependent individuals?


190 - Which of the following drugs is least efficacious in the treatment of cemporal lobe epilepsy ?


191 - Which of the following drugs is not hypoglycemic?


192 - Which of the following drugs is used therapeutically during allergic conditions ?


193 - Which of the following drugs is used to treat both diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus_____________?


194 - Which of the following drugs undergoes “Hoffmann elimination" ?


195 - Which of the following general anesthetics is given by intravenous route ?


196 - Which of the following is a muscle relaxant_________________?


197 - Which of the following is a non steroidal anti inflammatory agent with a tendency to produce blood dyscrasias ?

B & C

198 - Which of the following is a nonsteroldad anti inflammatory agent with a tendency to produce blood dyscriasis ?

Indomathecin (indocin)

199 - Which of the following is a peripherally acting muscle relaxant______________?

Succinyl choline

200 - Which of the following is a protective drug in the management of gastric and duodenal ulcers ?


201 - Which of the following is a short acting barbiturate ?


202 - Which of the following is a vosoconstrictor______________?

None of the above

203 - Which of the following is an ACE inhibitor ?


204 - Which of the following is an irreversible side enact resulting from long term administration of phenothiazline antipsychotics__________________?

B & C

205 - Which of the following is antiasthmatic_____________?


206 - Which of the following is not a contraindication in the therapy with opioids_____________?

Use in severe constant pain

207 - Which of the following is not an antimigraine agent ?


208 - Which of the following is NOT an important/frequent/well-known manifestation of an adverse drug reaction ?


209 - Which of the following is not caused by Frusemide____________?


210 - Which of the following is not true about ACE inhibitors ?

Postural hypotension is seen

211 - Which of the following is true about parasympathetic nervous system ?

Ach is transmitter at both pre & post synaptic junction

212 - Which of the following opioids is not given intrathecally ?


213 - Which of the following receptors is activated by acetylcholine and blocked by atropine______________?


214 - Which of the following statements is not correct regarding warfarin_____________?

In a racemic mixture the R form is four times more active than the S form

215 - Which of the following statements regarding nitroglycerin is true ?

All of the above

216 - Which of the following sympathominetic agents is the most bronchodilator_____________?


217 - Which of the following synthetic sterioid shows predominantly mineralocorticoid action ?


218 - Which one is not converted to an active metabolite ?


219 - Which one of the anti hypertensives is contraindicated in pregnancy ?


220 - Which one of the following agents/ drugs is of no value in the post operative care of the hemophiliac patient ?


221 - Which one of the following can be blocked by atropine ?

Decreased blood pleasure caused by hexamethonium

222 - Which one of the following does NOT act by increasing insulin secretion______________?


223 - Which one of the following drugs has been shown to offer protection from gastric aspiration syndrome in a patient with symptoms of reflex ?


224 - Which one of the following drugs is most commonly employed in an attack of angina pectoris ?


225 - Which one of the following drugs is not a non depolarizing competitive neuromuscular blocker ?


226 - Which one of the following drugs is not a reversible anticholinesterase drug ?


227 - Which one of the following drugs is not contraindicated in bronchial asthma ?


228 - Which one of the following is NOT an ergot alkaloids_____________?


229 - Which one of the following is Not true of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor____________?

Contraindicated in diabetic nephropathy

230 - Which one of the following muscle relaxant has the maximum duration of action ?


231 - Which one of the following NSAIDs has adverse effects on liver ?



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