Endocrinology Most Important MCQs

1 - A child is below the third percentile for height. Growth velocity is normal, but chronologic age is more than skeletal age. The most likely diagnosis is______________?

Constitutional delay in growth

2 - A child with stunted growth with a stuffed – belly, and short stature with mental retardation is suffering from the deficiency of which of the following______________?


3 - A diet deficient in calcium will result in_____________?

Production of parathyroid hormone and bone resorption

4 - A phaeochromocytoma is a tumour of the____________?

None of the above

5 - Acromegaly is a disorder of____________?

Excess growth hormone secreting

6 - Adrenal gland has two parts; cortex and medulla. Which of the following is correct______________?

Cortex is under the control of ACTH

7 - Adrenaline used for controlling of bleeding during surgery may result in________________?

Cardiac arrhythmias

8 - Aldosterone production is controlled by _____________?

Anterior pituitary gland

9 - Aldosterone secretion is increased when there is a fall in____________?

Plasma Na+

10 - Aldosterone______________?

Increases retention of sodium

11 - All are seen in Cushing ‘s syndrome except_______________?


12 - All of the following are adverse effects of long- term corticosteroids EXCEPT____________?


13 - All of the following hormones have cell surface receptors except_____________?


14 - All the following hormones are secreted by adrenal cortex except_______________?


15 - All the following hormones bind to cell surface receptors of the target tissues EXCEPT_____________?


16 - Blood coagulation is impaired in___________?


17 - Bone metabolism is controlled by ____________?

All of the above

18 - Calcitonin is released by ___________________?

Parafollicular cells of thyroid

19 - Changes in biological activity occurring daily are referred as _________ rhythm?


20 - Contraceptive action of combined pill is mainly due to_______________?

Inhibits ovulation

21 - Cortisol levels are maximum during____________?

Early morning

22 - Cortisol______________?

Secretion increases following injury

23 - Deficiency of cortisol causes_______________?

Addison disease

24 - Due fear which of the following hormones increases rapidly _______________?


25 - Endocrine disorder is the primary cause of______________?


26 - Endocrine glands that are not influenced by the pituitary gland include the____________?

Adrenal medulla, parathyroids, and the islets of langerhans

27 - Enzymes, which play an important role in calcification are______________?

Alkaline phosphatase and pyrophophatase

28 - Epinephrine is most closely related in structure to ____________________?


29 - Excess of cortisol causes______________?

Cushing ‘s syndrome

30 - Features of hypothyroidism does not include______________?

Increased risk of infections

31 - Fertilized ovum usually gets attached to the uterus wall in ____________?

1 week

32 - Following are local hormones except___________?


33 - following are the features of cretinism, except_____________?

Normal intelligence

34 - FSH is secreted by_____________?


35 - Function of ADH is________________?

Water reabsorption

36 - Glucagon is secreted by ____________?

Alpha cells of pancreas

37 - Glucocorticoids decrease inflammatory reaction by reducing_______________?

Release of histamine

38 - Glucocorticoids have all the following actions except_______________?

Decrease in glucose uptake by the heart

39 - Glucose tolerance test is usually done to assess_____________?

Endocrine Dysfunction of Pancreas

40 - Hormone released during increased stress is_____________?


41 - Hormone responsible for milk ejection______________?


42 - Hormones FSH & LH of anterior pituitary gland acts on___________________?

Both Testis and ovaries

43 - Hormones, which stimulate spermatogenesis, are______________?

Testosterone and F.S. H

44 - Human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone ( HCG)______________?

Can be identified in the urine of pregnant women by immunological technique

45 - Hypercalcemia associated with malignancy is most often mediated by _____________?

Parathyroid hormone related protein (PTHrP)

46 - Hyperthyroidism can be caused by____________?


47 - Hypothyroidism should be treated with daily administration of which of the following thyroid hormone preparations ?

Thyroxine (T4)

48 - In children, hypothyroidism causes_____________?


49 - In conn's disease, there is an excess of______________?


50 - IN the adrenal gland, androgens are produced by the cells in the____________?

Zona reticularis

51 - In thyrotoxicosis , there is______________?

Potentiation of catecholamine action

52 - Inhibit b hormone has effect on_______________?


53 - Insulin facilitates glucose uptake in____________?

Skeletal muscle

54 - Insulin increases the activity of___________?

HMG. CoA reductase

55 - Iodine is primarily important in the biochemical synthesis of______________?


56 - Low calcium level will cause_____________?

All of the above

57 - Menopausal hormonal relations are______________?

Gonadotropins increase , estrogens decrease

58 - Negative BMR is observed with______________?

Thyroid disturbance

59 - Noradrenaline is differentiated from adrenaline by increasing___________?

Peripheral resistance

60 - Not a glycoprotein_______________?


61 - Not true about T3 and T4 is______________?

T4 binds to prealbumin

62 - Osteoclasts are inhibited / modified and regulated by____________?


63 - Ovulation is associated with sudden rise in______________?


64 - Oxytocin causes all accept_______________?


65 - Paneth cells secrete which of the following ?

Antibacterial substance

66 - Posterior pituitary insufficiency leads to______________?

Diabetes insipidus

67 - Progesterone production in the ovary is primarily by______________?

Corpora lutea

68 - Regarding myxedema the following are true except______________?

B.M.R increased by 30 -45%

69 - Removal of parathyroid gland produces the following changes EXCEPT_________________?

Decrease in plasma phosphate level

70 - Reverse T3 is__________________?

Isomerisation product of T3 and inactive

71 - Steroid hormones are believed to enter target cells via_______________?

Simple diffusion

72 - Tetany is characterized by ________________?

Hypertonicity of muscles

73 - The blood glucose level in diabetes mellitus is decreased by removal of the______________?

Anterior pituitary

74 - The catecholamines secreted by adrenal medulla______________?

Increases the blood glucose level by favoring glycogenolysis in blood and muscle cells

75 - The decreased phosphate level seen in hyper parathyroidism is due to ________________?

Decreased renal phosphate absorption

76 - The effect which is seen due to decrease in serum calcium concentration is_______________?

Excitability of the muscle

77 - The following hormones increase the blood glucose level except_____________?


78 - The hormone , which stimulates uterus contraction and lets down milk, is_____________?


79 - The hormone having the maximum effect on granulation wound healing is____________?


80 - The hormone whose deficiency causes diabetes insipidus is released from which nucleus of pituitary ________________?


81 - The most significant immediate result of lowered serum calcium is_______________?

Decalcification of bones

82 - The primary effect of calcitonin is__________________?

Bone deposition

83 - The primary site of action of antidiuretic hormone is on the_______________?

Distal tubules and collecting ducts in the kidney

84 - The receptors for parathyroid hormone are present in______________?


85 - The supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus is believed to control secretion of which of the following hormones ?

Antidiuretic hormone

86 - There absorption of sodium chloride in kidneys is controlled by the hormones____________?


87 - Thyroxine causes all the following except______________?

Decreased cell metabolism

88 - Trousseau's sign and chovstek's sings are positive in___________?


89 - Vasopressin is synthesized in the_____________?


90 - Which amongst the following is the gold standard for demonstrating hcG____________?

Radio immune assay

91 - Which hormone , together with the catecholamines enhances the tone of vascular smooth muscle and assists in elevating blood pressure ?


92 - Which hormone does not have corresponding release hormone produced in pituitary ?


93 - Which hormone is released when serum calcium decreases ?


94 - Which is false regarding insulin______________?


95 - Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones is primarily under inhibitory control of hypothalamus ?


96 - Which of the following hormones act via cAMP ?


97 - Which of the following hormones does not affect growth ?


98 - Which of the following hormones exerts the least effect on calcium metabolism of bone tissue ?

Nor epinephrine

99 - Which of the following hormones increase the sensitivity of heart to epinephrine________________?


100 - Which of the following hormones is released from the posterior pituitary ?

Antidiuretic hormone

101 - Which of the following is associated with a low concentration of ionized calcium in the serum ?


102 - Which of the following is called hunger hormone______________?


103 - Which of the following results due to excessive parathormone secretion_______________?

Increased serum calcium

104 - Which of the following statements about the action of the somatomedin is true ?

They promote growth of bone and cartilage

105 - Which of these following is not an effect of insulin ?

Increased glycogenolysis

106 - Which one of the following is a precursor of both gonadal and adrenocortical hormones_____________?



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