Enzymes Most Important MCQs

1 - A example of a preventive antioxidant is_______________?


2 - A material that speeds up a chemical reaction without chemically becoming involved is called_____________?

A catalyst

3 - Acetyl Co-A acts as a substrate for all the enzymes except______________?

Malic enzyme

4 - An enzyme that makes a double stranded DNA copy from a single stranded RNA template molecule is known as____________?

Reverse transcriptase

5 - An example of layses is_____________?


6 - Benzidine test is positive with the enzyme______________?


7 - Biotin is required for the activity of_____________?

Pyruvate carboxylase

8 - Coenzyme responsible for single carbon transfer is______________?


9 - Coenzyme, in an enzymatic reaction usually functions to_____________?

Accept one of the cleavage products

10 - Cofactor required for lipoprotein lipase activity is_______________?

Apo C-II

11 - Competitive enzyme inhibition will cause_____________?

Increase of km and Unchanged of Vmax

12 - Dehydrogenase used as coenzymes all of the following, except________________?

Ferro protoporphyrin

13 - Elevated levels of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase in indicative of______________?

Liver disease

14 - Enzyme + coenzyme constitutes_____________?


15 - Enzyme that catalyses the transfer of a molecule group from one molecule to another is_____________?


16 - Enzymes are classified according to_________________?

Action on substrate

17 - Enzymes concerned with the citric acid cycle are found in______________?


18 - Enzymes help by____________?

Lowering the activation energy

19 - Enzymes involved in degradation of epinephrine_____________?

Catechol 0-transferase

20 - Enzymes stored in muscle is________________?


21 - Fraction of CPK is an enzyme that is elevated in a myocardial infarct is____________________?

MB fraction

22 - Hexokinase is a______________?


23 - In mycocarrdial infarction the first enzyme to rise____________?


24 - Inactive precursors of enzymes are known as_______________?


25 - Iron is present in all of the following except_______________?

Pyruvate kinase

26 - Key glycolytic enzymes_____________?


27 - Km of an enzyme is_____________?

Substrate concentration at half maximal velocity

28 - Lactate dehydrogenase is____________?


29 - LDH has following number oflsoenzymes________________?


30 - Megnesium is needed for the activity of which enzymes ?


31 - Michaelis-Menten hypothesis states that_____________?

Enzyme- substrate complex formation is essential in enzymatic reaction

32 - Multiienzyme complex in human_______________?

Fatty acid synthetase

33 - Muscle glycogen cannot contribute directly to blood glucose level because___________?

Muscle lacks glucose 6 phosphatase

34 - Muscle glycogen, which cannot contribute to blood glucose due to the absence of which enzymes ?


35 - Mutation in the oxidative enzymes (peroxisomes) could lead to_______________?

Zellweger's syndrome

36 - One of the earliest symptoms of Vit. A deficiency is________________?


37 - Serum alkaline phosphatase level increase in_______________?


38 - The activity of the following enzyme is affected by biotin deficiency____________?


39 - The activity of this plasma enzyme is responsible virtually for all plasma cholesterol esters in humans_______________?

Lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase (LCAT)

40 - The combination of main supporting enzyme is called______________?


41 - The deficiency of thiamine can be identified by measuring the red cell______________?


42 - The enzyme phosphofructo kinase-1 is strongly activated by_______________?

Fructose 2,6 bis phosphate

43 - The enzyme that is specifically increased in obstructive jaundice is_____________?

Alkaline phosphaase

44 - The enzyme that splits hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen is_____________?


45 - The enzymes that catalyses the same reaction but differ in physical properties are called as_____________?

Iso enzyme

46 - The main site of fluoride inhibition in the Embden Meyerhof pathway of acid____________?


47 - The most common enzyme deficiency in man is___________?

Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase

48 - When the prosthetic group of an enzyme is an inorganic ion, it is called a_____________?


49 - Which of the following is a membrane bound enzyme that catalyzes the formation of cyclic AMP from ATP ?

Adenylate cyclase

50 - Which of the following is correct of the pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme complex ?

Requires TPP as cofactor

51 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic feature of allosteric enzymes ?

Follow Michaelis-Menton Kinetics


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