General MicroBiology Most Important MCQs

1 - A 30 years old patient developed high fever of sudden onset. Peripheral blood smear showed cresent shaped gametocytes. Malaria pigment was dark brown in colour Which of the following malarial parasites is the causative agent ?

Plasmodium falciparum

2 - A cerebrospinal fluid of a 2 years old child has been sent to the laboratory to detect the presence of capsulated yeast. The staining technique most commonly employed for the purpose is______________?

India ink preparation

3 - A child presents with infective skin lesions of the leg. Culture was done which showed gram positive cocci in chains and haemolytic colonies. Which of the following tests will best identify the organism ?

Bacitracin sensitivity

4 - A darkfield microscope would be useful in examining blood for_______________?


5 - A dentist suffred from Hepatitis B infection 3 months back. His laboratory tests are normal but he is not allowed by the medical board to do surgical practice. He is_____________?

Convalscent carrier

6 - A mother donated a kidney to her daughter having chronic renal failure, which kind of graft it represents________________?


7 - A person working in an abattoir presented with a papule on hand, which turned in to an ulcer. Which will best help in diagnosis______________?

Trichrome Methylene blue

8 - A rise in the anti-HBc immunoglobulin in a patient indicates________________?

Acute infection

9 - A sporangium contains_______________?


10 - A type of immediately occuring reaction in which antigens combine with antibodies already attached to the surface of mast cells and basophils is called_____________?

Type I hypersensitivity

11 - A woman with infertility receives an ovary transplant from her sister who is an identical Twin. What type of graft it is ?


12 - A young pregnant woman presents with fulminant hepatic failure. The most likely aetiological agent is_____________?

Hepatitis E virus

13 - Active artificial immunization is induced by the administration of all of the following EXCEPT______________?


14 - Adjuvant given along with antigens are going to________________?

Increase antigenicity

15 - Aflatoxins are produced by________________?

Aspergillus flavus

16 - All are not true for cultivation of anaerobic organisms except_______________?

anaerobic jar

17 - All are oncogenic except________________?


18 - All are oncogenic except________________?

Herpes simplex virus

19 - All are seen in a cysts of E. histolytica except_____________?

Refractile nucleus

20 - All are true about Entamoeba histolytica except________________?

Cysts are 8 nucleated

21 - All of the following infections may be transmitted be dental instruments except____________?

Hepatitis E

22 - All the following amoeba live in the large intestine except_________________?


23 - Amoebic liver abscess can be diagnosed by demonstratig________________?

Trophozoites in the pus

24 - An example of naturally acquired passive immunity is__________________?

Placental transfer of antibodies

25 - Anaerobic bacteria can be cultured in__________________?

Robertson cooked meat medium

26 - Anaphylaxis refers to the________________?

Severe reaction following the injection of protein solution in a sensitized individual

27 - Anti HBsAB indicates______________?

Good prognosis

28 - Antibiotic sensitivity and resistance of micro organisms is determined by________________?


29 - Antibody to HSV will begin to appear_____________________?

in a week and reach a peak in 3 weeks

30 - Antigen combining site of the antibody is____________________?


31 - Australia antigen is associated with________________?

Hepatitis B surface antigen in acute hepatitis

32 - Australian antigen is_______________?


33 - B.C.G untrue is_____________?

Orally administered

34 - Babu, a 28 year old male comes with compaint of exposure 3 wks back, having cervical Lymphadenopathy, Hepatosplenomegaly. Diagnosis of HIV is done by____________?

P24 antigen

35 - Baby born to mother suffering from AIDS, all are true except________________?

50% chances to have AIDS

36 - Bacteria with tuft of flagella at one end are called_______________?


37 - Bacterial cell does not possess___________________?


38 - Bacterial spores are destroyed by_______________?


39 - Bacteriophage was discovered by_________________?

Twort and d'herelle

40 - Best method of sterilizing disposable syringes_______________?

Gamma rays

41 - Black water fever is caused by______________?

Plasmodium falciparum

42 - Blood agar is________________?

Enriched media

43 - Both intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusions are present in which of the following viruses_____________?

Measles virus

44 - By using phase contrast microscope_______________?

Internal structures are differentiated in living cells

45 - Candida albicans causes all of the following except______________?


46 - Candida is most often implicated in causation___________________?


47 - Candidal hyphae can be stained using_______________?

Periodic acid schiff stain

48 - Causative organism of Kalahazar is_______________?

Leishman donovani

49 - CD4 cells recognize the antigens in association with_____________?


50 - CD4 count in normal healthy adult is_______________?


51 - Cell wall deficient bacteria are_______________?


52 - Certain viruses have been isolated in crytalline form and have been found to be_____________?


53 - Characteristic feature of retrovirus is_____________?

Reverse transcriptase

54 - Characters of exotoxin include all, except_______________?

Protein polysaccharide complex

55 - Chemotactic cytokine is_________________?


56 - Cleavage of IgG molecule by Papin gives rise to:One Fc fragment and two Fab fragments_______________?

One Fc fragment and two Fab fragments

57 - Cold sterilization refers to the process of sterilization by use of______________?

Gamma rays

58 - Cold sterilization refers to the process of sterilization by use of____________________?

Gamma rays

59 - Common name for Trichuris trichura________________?

Whip worm

60 - Commonest site of extra intestinal amoebiasis is___________________?


61 - compared with autoclave, use of a dry heat over for sterilization has the following disadvantages______________?


62 - Complement binding immunoglobin via the classical pathway is_______________?

IgG & igM

63 - Complement factor through which common pathway begins___________________?


64 - Components of innate immunity that are active against viral cells includes______________?

NK Cells

65 - Confirmatory test for HIV infection is a_______________?

Western Blot

66 - Culture media of candida is_________________?

Saboraud's medium

67 - Culture medium for corynebacterium diphtheria_______________?

Loefflers serum slope

68 - Cysticercosis celluosae is caused by_____________?

T. Solium

69 - Cytopathic effect is shown by_____________?


70 - Dark ground microscopy is useful to identify______________?


71 - Delhi boil refer to_______________?

L. Tropica sore

72 - Dematophytes are fungi infecting________________?

Nails, hair and skin

73 - Dengue Hemorrhagic fever is caused by_____________?


74 - Dengue virus belongs to______________?

Flavi virus

75 - Detergents used to disinfect dental instruments in the office kill bacteria by interfering with functional of the cell______________?


76 - Disinfection frees the surface from______________?

Vegetative forms

77 - Disinfection of the rooms can be done by using_______________?

40% formaldehyde vapour

78 - DNA covering material in a virus is called as________________?


79 - Donovanosis, true is___________________?

Caused by Calymmatobacterium granulomatis

80 - Dorset's egg medium is used for cultivation of______________?


81 - Dry heat destroys microorganisms by_____________?


82 - During the Window period of patient with AIDS_______________?

Both are – ve

83 - EBV causes all except_________________?


84 - EBV is responsible for all except______________?


85 - ELISA test when compared to western blot technique is______________?

More sensitive, less specific

86 - Endoscopes are sterilized by using_______________?


87 - Endotoxins are produced by________________?

Gram -ve bacteria

88 - Endotoxins differ from exotoxins in that endotoxins______________?

activate complement by the alternate pathway

89 - Enterically transmitted NANB hepatitis B_____________?

Hepatitis E

90 - Exaltation is________________?

Increased Virulence

91 - Example of immune complex hyper-sensitivity reaction is______________?

Serum sickness

92 - Exotoxins are____________________?

Protein compound

93 - First released immunoglobulin after primary immunization_______________?


94 - Flash pasteurization of milk is done at what temperature______________?

72° for 15 – 20 Sec

95 - Following are the characteristics of Cryptococcus neoformans EXCEPT________________?

Noncapsulated fungus infecting man

96 - Following hepatitis B infection through blood transfusion disease manifests in_____________?

1 week

97 - Following is a retrovirus_____________?

Immunodeficiency virus

98 - Following reaction are produced by heterophil antigens except_____________?

Widal reaction

99 - For the treatment of case of class III dog bite, all of the following are correct except_____________?

Immediately stitch wound under antibiotic coverage

100 - Function of Ig A is________________?

Acts as a mucosal barrier for infection

101 - Fungal infection of human beings is called as_____________?


102 - Fungus capable to forming fungal ball is ________________?


103 - Germ tubes are formed mainly by_______________?

Candida albicans

104 - Glutaraldehyde is preferred more than formaldehyde because______________?

It has got no deleterious effect on the cement and lenses of instruments

105 - Graft versus host reaction is caused by_________________?


106 - Grave's disease is an example of type immunologic response_________________?

Type II

107 - Half-life of free HIV in plasma is________________?

6 hours

108 - Hepatitis A virus is best diagnosed by______________?

IgM antibodies in serum

109 - Hepatitis C virus belongs to which one of the following virus groups ?

Flavi viruses

110 - Herpes virus_____________?

Acquires its envelope from nuclear membrane

111 - Highest incidence of anemia in the tropics is due to______________?

Hook worm

112 - HIV is transmitted by all of the following routes except________________?


113 - Hot air oven cannot be used for sterlisling___________________?

Culture media

114 - Hot air oven is used for sterilization of all EXCEPT__________________?

Rubber tubes

115 - Human immune deficiency virus is ________________ virus?


116 - Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) affets_______________?

Helper T lymphocytes (CD4)

117 - Human immunoglobulins are divided based on_____________?

Structural differences

118 - Hydatid cyst is__________________?

Parasitic in nature

119 - IgG antibodies have a half-life of approximately_______________?

1 Month

120 - IgG has subclasses_______________?


121 - IL-1 and TNF a during inflammation are secreted by______________?

Activated macrophages

122 - IL-1 is produced by_________________?


123 - Immunity that is conferred to the foetus by transfer of IgG and IgA antibodies is called as______________?

Passive natural immunity

124 - Immunoglobulin crossing placenta is_________________?

Ig G

125 - Immunoglobulin implicated in atopy and anaphylaxis is_______________?


126 - Immunoglobulins ar secreted by______________?

Plasma cells

127 - In falciparum malaria, causes of anemia are due to all except__________________?


128 - In HIV, gp 120, envelope glycoproteins bind specifically to______________?

CD4 T-cells

129 - In patients with asthma due to an allergic cause the serum levels of which immunoglobulin increase____________________?


130 - In penicillin allergy, penicillin acts as a_______________?


131 - In transmission of malaria, mosquito bite transfers_______________?


132 - In which of the following immunization is given after infection is started________________?


133 - Incubation pariod of herpes zoster is________________?

7-14 days

134 - Influenza is caused by_____________?

Orthomyxo virus, which is a RNA virus

135 - Injection abscesses due to use of contaminated vaccines occurs in infections caused by_______________?

M. chelonae

136 - Interferon interferes with replication of virus at the time of_____________?

Protein synthesis

137 - Investigation of choice for invasive amoebiasis is________________?


138 - Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) usually occurs when CD4 Lymphocyte counts are_____________?

Below 200

139 - Killer and Helper cells are part of_______________?

T cells

140 - Kolmer test is a screening test done for_________________?


141 - L.D bodies are seen in_______________?


142 - Leishmania is cultured in ________________ media?


143 - Lesions caused by Entameoba histolytica predominantly involve________________?

Caecum and large intestine

144 - Louis Pasteur is not associated with_______________?

Discovery of M. Tuberculosis

145 - Madura mycosis produces______________?

White to yellow granules

146 - Malaria pigment is________________?

Haematin-globin pigment

147 - Man is the only reservoir for_______________?


148 - Mark true in following ?

Hanta virus pulmonary syndrome is caused by inhalation of rodent urine and faces

149 - Medusa lock appearance in X ray is seen in______________?


150 - Megaloblastic anaemia is caused by_________________?

Fish tapeworm

151 - Mesophilic organisms are those that grow best at temperature of______________?

25°C to 40°C

152 - Methods for the diagnosis of superficial fungal infection________________?

All of the above

153 - Moist heat kills all of the following EXCEPT_______________?

Coxiella burnetti

154 - Most antibodies are produced in the________________?

Spleen and the lymph nodes

155 - Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS is_____________?


156 - Most common tumor associated with AIDS is______________?

Kaposi's sarcoma

157 - Most fungi of medical importance belongs to__________________?


158 - Most of the drug resistances occurs due to_____________?


159 - Most sensitive test for antigen detection is_______________?

Radioimmuno Assay

160 - Multiple drug resistance of bacteria depends on which of the following_______________?

Resistance transfer factor (RTF)

161 - Negative phase is seen in ________ immunity?


162 - Noguchi's medium is used for________________?


163 - Normal ratio of CD4 (T4) : CD8 (T8) is_________________?


164 - Oil and Grease are sterilized by________________?

Hot air oven

165 - One of the following staining methods is an example of negative staining_______________?

India ink preparation

166 - One of the following statement about statements about sterilization is not true_______________?

Vaccines → Ethylene oxide

167 - One virus particle prevents multiplication of 2nd virus. This phenomena is____________?

Viral interference

168 - Opportunistic infection is caused by___________________?

All of the above

169 - Opsonisation is by_______________?

Both B & C

170 - Out of the following hypersensitivity reactions, in which type a single dose of the antigen can act as both the sensitizing and shocking dose_______________?

Serum sickness

171 - parasitic inflammation would show predominantly____________________?


172 - patients with organ transplants are most frequently infected with______________?


173 - Phase contrast microscopy is based on principle of__________________?

Different refractive indices of object

174 - Physical sterilization was discovered by__________________?

Joeph Lister

175 - Pigs are important source of_____________?

Japanese encephalitis

176 - Plaque test is used routinely in virology lab's for________________?

Identification of viral disease

177 - Portal of entry of poliovirus in mainly_______________?

Gastrointestinal tract

178 - Portion of immunoglobulin molecule with molecular weight to 50000_________________?

H chain

179 - Post streptococcal acute glomerulo nephritis is an example of________________?

Type III hypersensitivity

180 - Presence of HBe Ag in patients with hepatitis indicates_____________?

High infectivity

181 - Presence of HBe Ag in Patients with hepatitis indicates_______________?

High infectivity

182 - Prions true is____________?

Readily inactivated by autoclave at 121 C

183 - Probiotic organism used_________________?

Bifido bacteria

184 - Prozone phenomenon is due to______________?

Excess antibody

185 - Pseudohphae are seen in____________?

Candida albicans

186 - Purpose of Sterilization is to eliminate________________?

Spore formers

187 - Rabies virus________________?


188 - Rapid evaluation of fungal hyphae/spores can be achieved with_______________?

KOH wet mount

189 - Reynolds Braude phenomenon is shown by ___________________?

Candida albicans

190 - Rh incompatibility is which type of hyper sensitivity reaction ?

Type II

191 - Rideal Walker test is used to determine the efficiency of the_____________?


192 - Robertsons cooked meat medium is best suited for cultivation of_______________?


193 - Salivary protein, which prevents transmission of human immunodeficiency virus via saliva, is____________?

Salivary leukocyte proteinase inhibitor

194 - Same or closely related antigens present in different biological species are known as________________?

Heterophile antigens

195 - Schuffner's dots are seen in infection due to_______________?

Plasmodium vivax

196 - Sclerotic bodies measuring 3-5m in size, multi-septate, chestnut, brown color is characteristic of________________?


197 - Secondary response is mediated by_______________?


198 - Secretory Ig is_______________?


199 - Seroconversion in HIV infection takes place in______________?

4 weeks

200 - Serological study for prevalence of Hepatitis B is best done by______________?

Surface antigen

201 - Serum sickness syndrome is an example of________________?

Systemic arthus reaction

202 - Sleeping sickness is caused by_______________?

Reduvid bug

203 - Smith noguchi's media is used for_______________?


204 - Spores are disinfected by_______________?

Both A & C

205 - Sporozoites of plasmodium falciparum are shaped_______________?


206 - Sporulation occurs in__________________?

Stationary phase

207 - Stain used to make the wetted area of filter paper strip more visible is_____________?

Ninhydrin stain

208 - Steam under pressure in used in ________ sterilization?


209 - Sterilisation control for moist heat is “or" The efficacy of the moist heat sterilization technique commonly used to sterlilize laboratory ware and culture media is tested by using_______________?

using Bacillus stearo thermo philus

210 - Sterilisation is______________?

All pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms killed

211 - Sterilization is a process in which_________________?

Deactivate all spores and dill pathogenic organism

212 - Sterilization of liquid paraffin is done by______________?

Hot air oven

213 - Sunlight acts as sterilizing agent because_________________?

short wave lenght

214 - Synthesis of antibodies in plasma cells occurs in_________________?

Endoplasmic reticulum

215 - T cell matures in______________?


216 - T cells multiplication is stimulated by_______________?


217 - The anaphylaxis should be treated first with_____________?


218 - The antigen used in Weil Felix test is obtained from________________?


219 - The best method of sterilization of dressing powder is_____________?

Hot air oven

220 - The best skin disinfectant is________________?


221 - The best sterilization method for a hand-piece is________________?

Ethylene oxide gas

222 - The best way of detecting the presence of viruses in the infected cell – culture is____________?

Cytopathic changes in culture cells

223 - The binding site for complement on the IgG molecule is in the________________?

CH2 domian

224 - The cell wall deficient bacteria_______________?


225 - The chemotactic factor is______________?


226 - The classic opportunistic infection in acquired immune deficiency syndrome is_____________?

Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

227 - The component that sensitizes bacteria and virus to UV irradiation_______________?

Nucleic acids

228 - The culture media for fungus is__________________?

Sabourauds medium

229 - The culture media used for cultivation of HSV is_____________?

Chorio allantoic membrane

230 - The Dane particle is the______________?


231 - The difference between sterilization and disinfection is that_______________?

Sterilization kills all spores but disinfection does not

232 - The distinguishing characteristic of a positive delayed type hypersensitivity skin test is______________?


233 - The earliest identifiable cells of T-Cell lineage during maturation are_______________?

CD7+ Pro-T-Cells

234 - The following hepatitis virus is transmitted by faeco-oral route________________?

Hepatitis E virus

235 - The following immunoglobulin is not known to fix complement_________________?


236 - The following is not true of Candida albicans______________?

Blastomeres seen in isolates

237 - The following statement is true regarding fungal infection__________________?

Candida infection is usually endogenous

238 - The function of IgD is______________?

Antigen recognition by B cells

239 - The HIV virus can be destroyed invitro by which of the following_____________?

All of the above

240 - The Ig found in exocrine secretions is_____________?


241 - The immediate type of hypersensitivity in which histamine doses not play a major role is______________?

Arthus reaction

242 - The inflammatory type of tinea capitis with superadded secondary bacterial infection leading to a painful, circumscribed, boggy, and indurated lesion, is called_____________?


243 - The interaction of antigens with antibodies on the surface of a mast cel leads to degranulation and anaphylaxis. The mast cell granules produce anaphylaxis because they contain________________?

Vasoactive mediators

244 - The key cell types involved in the acquired immunity include all EXCEPT________________?


245 - The killer cells are associated with immunologic response___________________?

Type II

246 - The major antiseptic value of soap lies in its ability to_____________?

Remove microbes

247 - The Manufacturing unit of surgical needle & sutures are sterilized by ________________?


248 - The mechanism by which most fungi caused disease is ________________?


249 - The mechanism of genetic transfer where a phage serves as a vehicle is_______________?


250 - The medium of choice for culturing yeast from of dimorphic fungi is_________________?

Sabouraud's plus antibiotics

251 - The medium of choice for growing most fungi is_______________?

Sabouraud's agar

252 - The minimum time required for the sterilization of surgical instruments by moist heat at 134°C is__________________?

3 minutes

253 - The only virus, which has double stranded RNA, is______________?

Reo virus

254 - The optimal time and temperature required for sterilization in an autoclave is___________________?

121°C 15 mts. x 15 lbs pr.

255 - The overall effect of HIV is to gradually impair the immune system by interference with______________?

Helper T lymphocytes

256 - The predominant immunoglobulin in saliva is_______________?


257 - The presence of Which of the following factors in viruses makes protective vaccines a possibility ?

Protein coat

258 - The Process of attenuation can be achieved by all except___________________?

Serial passage in an experimental host

259 - The protective effects breast milk are known to be associated with______________?

IgA antibodies

260 - The prototype of Type II hypersensitivity reaction is__________________?

Auto immune hemolytic anemia

261 - The reaginic antibody is________________?


262 - The small nonparticulate protein leading to enhanced replication of HBV as well as HIV is______________?

HBx Ag

263 - The term animalcules to oral microorganisms is given by__________________?


264 - The term epitope refers to________________?

Smallest antigenic determinant

265 - The time gap between appearance of Koplik's spot and cutaneous rash in measles is________________?

3-4 days

266 - The type of immunoglobulin most commonly increased in multiple myeloma is_______________?


267 - The usual concentration of agar used in agar medium is___________________?


268 - The viral action is differentiated from bacterial action by_________________?

Interferon production

269 - The virus which causes Aplastic anemia in chronic hemolytic disease is_______________?

Parvo virus

270 - The Window period in HIV infection means______________?

The time lapse between the infection and detection of viral antibodies

271 - The world german measles is applied for_____________?


272 - Thread worm is______________?


273 - Toxoids are_________________?

antigenic and non-toxic

274 - Transmission of all of the following intestinal parasites takes place by the feco-oral route except______________?


275 - True about HIV are all except______________?

DNA virus

276 - True about immune response of hepatitis B is__________________?

Antibody of HBs Ag is associated with resistance to infection

277 - True about prions________________?

Composed largely proteins without any nucleic acid

278 - True about Toxaplasma gondi is, it is carried by_______________?


279 - Tyndallisation is carried out for________________?

Three successive days

280 - Type I hypersensitivity is mediated by which of the following immunoglobulins ?


281 - Type of Human papilloma virus associated with carcinoma cervix_____________?


282 - Type of receptor present on T-cells are__________________?


283 - Viron is defined as______________?

Extracellular infectious virus particle

284 - Virus are sharply differentiated from bacteria by_______________?

All of the above

285 - Virus infected cell is killed by________________?


286 - Virus is cultured in_______________?

Embryonated egg

287 - Viruses can be cultured in all except_______________?

Blood agar

288 - Viruses can be isolated from clinical samples by cultivation in the following except_______________?

Chemically defined media

289 - What is the sequence which a retro virus follows on entering a host cell ?


290 - When horse serum is injected intravenoulsy in to a rabbit and again in to the skin two or three weeks later, what is the necrotizing reaction that occurs as the site of the second injection________________?

Arthus phenomenon

291 - Which component of the cell wall is responsible________________?

Region III

292 - Which does not have a viral etiology______________?


293 - Which is false about Wucheraria bancrofti_________________?

Man and anapheles mosquito are hosts

294 - Which is type II hypersensitivity ?

Cytotoxic / cytolytic type

295 - Which of the following antibacterial substance is present in eggs and saliva ?


296 - Which of the following belongs to cell fraction derived vaccine______________?

Hepatitis B

297 - Which of the following correctly indicates the infectivity of hepatitis virus in human ?


298 - Which of the following does not go into chronic hepatitis stage ?


299 - Which of the following immunoglobulins has the highest mean serum concentration in humans_________________?


300 - Which of the following is a RNA virus ?

Measles virus

301 - Which of the following is an enrichment medium________________?

Selenite F Broth

302 - Which of the following is most potent antigen for stimulating both humoral and cell mediated immunity ?


303 - Which of the following is not a feature of anaphylaxis ?

Delayed reaction

304 - Which of the following is not a koch's postulate ?

When inoculated in experimental animals bacteria may or may not cause disease

305 - Which of the following is NOT a live attenuated vaccine ?


306 - Which of the following is not a pox virus ?

chicken pox

307 - Which of the following is not transmitted by lice ?

Q fever

308 - Which of the following is not true of boiling water_____________?

Used for sterilizing surgical instruments

309 - Which of the following is not used as disinfectant________________?

100% alcohol

310 - Which of the following is true about amoebic liver disease ?

Trophozoites can be visualized in the pus

311 - Which of the following is true about pasteurization ?

It kills all bacteria except thermoduric bacteria

312 - Which of the following lesions is NOT an infection from human papilloma virus ?


313 - Which of the following methods is adopted for screening HIV infection ?

ELISA followed by western blot technique

314 - Which of the following microbial cell is most resistant to antiseptics & disinfectants ?


315 - Which of the following organisms are arranged in cubical packets of eight cocci________________?


316 - Which of the following organisms does NOT react with gram's stain ?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

317 - Which of the following parasite causes autoinfection_________________?

Taenia solium

318 - Which of the following represents the serologic evidence of recent Hepatitis B virus infection during window period ?

IgM anti – HBc

319 - Which of the following statement about P24 antigen of HIV is Not True ?

It remains during asymptomatic phase

320 - Which of the following viruses appears to be involved in the pathogenesis of Kaposi's sarcoma_____________?

Human Herpes Virus 4

321 - Which of the following viruses are most likely to cross placenta and cause foetal defect ?


322 - Which of the following viruses does not infect salivary glands ?


323 - Which of the following viruses produces both intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies_____________?


324 - Which of the following would you consider to be general properties of viruses______________?

Fall in to the general size range of 200-3000 angstrom unit

325 - Which stage of plasmodium vivax is infective to mosquito______________?


326 - Which worm is longest________________?

T. Saginata

327 - Who first introduced solid media_______________?

Robert koch

328 - Zero growth rate is observed during one of the phase of the bacterial growth curve______________?

Stationary phase


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