Growth Disorder And Neoplasia Most Important MCQs

1 - A 14 year old boy complains with gingival bleeding oral ulcers, anaemia with hepatomegaly but no lymphadenopathy, total eukocyte count of one-lakh cells per mm3 is suffering from________________?

Acute myeloid leukemia

2 - A 20 year male complains of recurrent attacks of sore tthroat since 2 years. The total leukocyte count was 1000/ul. A differential count revealed severe neutropenia. The diagnosis is________________?


3 - A 3-year old child presented with progressive anaemia, jaundice & failure to thrive. O/E: pallor, splenomegaly are seen Peripheral smear showed normoblasts and small round intensely stained red cells. The likely diagnosis is________________?

Here ditary spherocytosis

4 - A patient with a bleeding disorder with increased bleeding time and normal clotting time is suffering from________________?

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

5 - A patient's urine with a particular protein appears normal, but on standing it becomes dark. The dark colour disappears on heating. The patent is suffering from______________?

Multiple myeloma

6 - A shift to left indicates an increase in number of______________?

immature neutrophils

7 - A simple bacterial test for mutagenic carcinogens is________________?

Ames test

8 - Active hypermia is seen in_______________?

All of the Above

9 - After myocardial infarction all of the following enzyme levels are high except_____________?

Serum ornithine carbamyl transferase (SOCT)

10 - All of the following are typically associated with loss of 40% of the circulating blood volume except_______________?

A decrease in the heart rate

11 - All of the following can be transmitted through blood tranfusion except ______________?


12 - All of the following causes excessive bleeding during tooth extraction except _______________?

Anti thrombin – III deficiency

13 - All of the following differs antemortum thrombus from a postmortem intravascular costs except_____________?

Chicken fat appearance

14 - All of the following statements are true regarding reversible cell injury, except______________?

Formation of amorphous densities in the mitochondrial matix

15 - All of the following viruses are capable of causing human cancers except________________?

Parvovirus B-19

16 - Amyloid material can be best diagnosed by___________________?

Polarized microscopy

17 - An infarct is most frequently is characterized by What type of necrosis ?


18 - Anaplasia is_______________?

All of the above

19 - Anasarca means_____________?

Severe generalized swelling

20 - Aplastic anemia results from______________?

All of the above

21 - Ascites seen in alcoholic liver cirrhosis result form______________?

Decreased protein production by liver

22 - Auto immune hymolytic anemia is seen in_______________?


23 - Basal cell carcinoma occurs on_________________?

Skin and pilosebaceous adnexa

24 - Both Pala or red infarcts are seen in______________?


25 - Burkitt's lymphoma is associated with the proliferation of ______________?

B – cell

26 - Caissons disease is caused by______________?

Air or gas embolism

27 - Carcinogens induce tumours, they are________________?

All of the above

28 - Change in structure and functions of a tissue is called______________?


29 - Chicken-wire appearance of enlarged bone marrow spaces is seen in_______________?

Beta thalassemia majon

30 - Cooley's anemia is also called___________________?

All of the above

31 - Cotton wool appearance is seen ____________________ ?

Pagets disease

32 - Deposition of bile pigment in the basal ganglia is called________________?


33 - Earliest lesion in atherosclerosis is_____________?

Fatty streak

34 - Edema is due to_______________?

Decreased albumin conc. in blood

35 - Epstein Barr virus is associated with ___________________?

All of the above

36 - Erythroblastosis fetalis is a condition seen when there is________________?

Rh -ve mother and Rh +ve foetus

37 - Exfoliative cytology is indicated in___________?

Mass screening of cervical cancer

38 - Extravasation of blood in to the tissues with resulting swelling is called_____________?


39 - Following is the most important factor in the management of shock_________________?

Deficiency of effective circulating blood volume

40 - Gamma gandy bodies are seen in_____________?


41 - Gingiva are enlarged in leukemia because of____________________?

Hemolytic anaemia

42 - Heart failure cells are seen in_______________?


43 - Heart failure cells are____________?

Heamosiderin laden macrophages in alveoli

44 - Hemophilia A is caused due to deficiency of___________________?

Factor VIII

45 - Hemophilics show_________________?

Normal bleeding time and increased clotting time

46 - Hodgkin's lymphoma can be distinguished from non – Hodgkin's lymphomas by_________________?

All of the above

47 - Hypovolemic shock develops after loss of______________?

40% blood

48 - Immune response to tumour is mediated by_______________?

All of the above

49 - In a thrombus, the dark lines of zahn are due to_______________?

Aggregated R.B.C

50 - In dysplasia mitotic figures are seen in_________________?

From basal layer to surface

51 - IN fanconi anemia there is a_______________?

Mutation of DNA repair gene

52 - In hemorrhager lost plasma is replaced by______________?


53 - In hypovolemic shock_____________?

The extremities are pale, cold and sweating

54 - In left ventricular cardiac failure there is_____________?

Passive Congestion in lungs

55 - In sickle cell anaemia there is_____________?

75 to 100% haemoglobins

56 - In Troisiers sign the lymph nodes involved are_________________?

Left supraclavicular nodes

57 - In which one of the following organs the venous emboli are most often iodged ?


58 - Incidence of most common malignant tumours in women is_____________?


59 - Increased bleeding time is seen in all except______________?


60 - Increased iron binding capacity and decreased serum iron is seen in which anemia________________?

Iron deficiency

61 - Increased levels of haemoglobin A2 is characteristic of________________?

b-thalassaemia crait

62 - Increased proliferation of cells is called_______________?


63 - Infarcts are not common in______________?

Both A and B

64 - Keratin pearls with downward proliferation of epithelial masses is characteristic of_______________?

Squamous cell carcinoma

65 - Left side heart failure results in______________?

Oedema of lungs

66 - Lymphatic leukemoid reaction is usually seen in the following EXCEPT________________?

Lobar pneumonia

67 - Major and frequent influence for thrombus formation is________________?

Endothelial damage

68 - Major site of atheroscierosis_______________?

Abdominal aorta

69 - Malignant neoplasms shows all the following features EXCEPT_____________?


70 - Malignant tumour of epithelial origin is_______________?


71 - Malignant tumour of skeletal muscie is__________________?


72 - Most tumours are ___________________?

Monoclonal in origin

73 - Neoplasia of blood vessel is called______________?


74 - Neurologic abnormalities occur with_______________?

Both B and C

75 - Nevus cell are_______________?

Modified melanocytes

76 - Normal adult haemoglobin contains________________?

Two alpha chains and two beta chains

77 - Nuclear cytoplasmic ratio in malignant cells is________________?


78 - Nut meg liver occurs in_______________?

Chronic venous congestion

79 - Oncogenic viruses in human are_________________?

All of the above

80 - One of the following is not a malignant feature____________?


81 - Onion skin appearance is seen in_______________?

Ewing's sarcoma

82 - Osteomalacia is associated with_________________?

Increase in osteoid maturation time

83 - Pale infarcts are seen in all of the following except______________?


84 - Pap smear is used to detect dysplasia, carcinoma insitu and invasive carcinoma of uterine cervix. This is based on the principle of_______________?

Neoplastic cells are are non cohesive

85 - Partial or complete obstruction of some part of the C.V.S by a foreign body transported by the blood stream is termed as_____________?


86 - Philadelphia chromosome is consistently found in_______________?


87 - Primary hemostasis is disturbed in______________?

Platelet disorder

88 - Prothrombin time indicates the integrity of ____________________?

Extrinsic pathway

89 - Reduced number of platelet is found in all the conditions except____________________?

Von willebrand disease

90 - Reed – Sternberg cells are seen in histopathological examination of_______________?

Hodgkin's disease

91 - Risk factor for atherosclerosis_______________?

All of the above

92 - Rodent ulcer is most commonly seen on________________?

Face above alatragus line

93 - Schilling test is performed to find out______________?

B12 malabsroption

94 - Shock is a circulatory disturbance characterized by________________?

Decreased volume of circulation blood

95 - Sickle cell anemia precipitates when______________?

Increased viscosity of blood

96 - Sideroblastic anemia is caused due to______________?


97 - Somatic mutation of PTEN is seen in________________?

Endometrial Carcinoma

98 - Sunburst appearance and codmans triangle are seen in______________?


99 - Syndrome associated with increased risk of leukemia is_____________?

Klinefelter syndrome

100 - Target cells are seen in peripheral blood in_______________?


101 - The cell with increased mitotic rate and resembling the undifferentiated mesenchymal cells of the same origin is______________?


102 - The characteristic finding in chronic myeloid leukemia is______________?

Reduced score of alkaline phosphatase in granulocytes

103 - The common cause of sudden death in myocardial infarction is____________?


104 - The commonest site of thrombosis is_______________?


105 - The fading of cellular chromatin is_____________?


106 - The following are recognized causes of neutropenia Except_______________?

Corticosteroid therapy

107 - The increase in size of individual cells is referred as______________?


108 - The increase in size of uterus during pregnancy is an example of ________________?

Both of the above

109 - The increase in the size of left kidney following the removal of right kidney (vicarious hypertrophy) is due to_______________?

Both of the above

110 - The infarct of the following organs is invariably haemorrhagic_____________?


111 - the lesions of bone which is expansile and eccentrically ballooned out is________________?

Aneurysmal bone cyst

112 - The major factors predisposing to thrombogenesis include all of the following except_____________?

Pattern of blood flow

113 - The most characteristic feature of a neoplasm as opposed to inflammatory over growth is______________?

Progressive growth after removal of causative stimuli

114 - The most common site of metastases of osteosarcoma is_____________?


115 - The most common site of origin for venous thrombi leading to pulmonary embolism is_____________?

Deep leg veins

116 - The most definite feature of a malignant tumour is_____________?


117 - The most reliable post mortem features of left sided cardiac failure is____________?

Chronic venous congestion of lungs

118 - The necrotic tissue and deposits of immune complexes, complement and plasma protein produce a smudy eosinophilic deposit is termed as_____________?

Fibrinoid necrosis

119 - The predisposing factor for squamous cell carcinoma __________________?

All of the above

120 - The process of formation of solid mass in circulation from the constituents of normal flowing blood is called_____________?


121 - The protein that carries iron from the gut to the body tissues is called________________?


122 - The type of acute myelogenous leukemia associated with a high incidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation in________________?

Acute promyelocytic leukaemia

123 - The type of embolism seen in fractures of long bones_____________?

Fat embolism

124 - The wasting syndrome associated in cancer is_____________?


125 - Three days after the onset of myocardial infarction, which enzyme level has the best predictive value____________?

Serum LDH

126 - Thrombocytopenia due to increased platelet destruction is seen in_________________?

Systemic lupus erythematosus

127 - Thrombocytosis is seen in_______________?

Haemolytic anaemia

128 - Thrombosis due to hypercoagulability is seen in____________?

All of the above

129 - Tumour arising from secetory and glandular epithelium are__________________?

Both A and B

130 - Tumour which shows origin from more than one germ layers is known as________________?


131 - Usually metastatic lesions are osteolytic, but osteoblastic secondaries occur in cancer of_______________?


132 - Venous emboli are most often lodged in_____________?


133 - Which of the following being is the most frequent site of thrombus ?

Veins of lower extremities

134 - Which of the following is a nutritional deficiency anemia______________?

megaloblastic anemia

135 - Which of the following is common in all forms of shock ?

Impaired tissue prefusion

136 - Which of the following is correct statement ?

All of the above

137 - Which of the following is correctly matched with the forms of extravasation hemorrhages______________?

All of the above

138 - Which of the following is not an example of massive splenomegaly ________________?

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

139 - Which of the following is not an indicative of hemorrhage_____________?


140 - Which of the following is not true for hemophilia A ________________?

Levels of factor VIII less than 50% are associated with spontaneous hemorrhage

141 - Which of the following predisposes to thrombogenesis ?

All of the above

142 - Which of the following symptomatic atheroscierotic disease is correct_____________?

All of the above

143 - White infarcts occurs in one of the following organs_______________?



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