Gypsum Products Most Important MCQs

1 - A rough / Chalky surface of the cast is due to_______________?

All of the above

2 - Accelerators and retarders are used with gypsum products mainly to control_______________?

Setting time

3 - ADA specification number of gypsum products are described under____________?


4 - As per DNA No. 25, minimum amount of setting expansion required for type V gypsum products_______________?


5 - Balanced stone is dental stone_______________?

In which accelerators or retarders have been added according to need

6 - Beta hemihydrate particles absorb______________?

More water

7 - Die is________________?

Replica of single tooth

8 - Finer particle size of silica______________?

Greater the hygroscopic expansion

9 - Gillmore needle is used for_______________?

Evaluating the setting time of plaster of pris

10 - Green strength with reference to plaster means_____________?

The wet strength

11 - Gypsum is used for________________?

Casts and Dies

12 - Gypsum product having least expansion_____________?

Die stone

13 - Impression plaster containing potato starch is called______________?

Soluble plaster

14 - In plaster of paris the setting time is primarily altered by_________________?

Addition of accelerators and retarders

15 - Model plaster (white) used to cast study models before mixing with water, is largely composed of____________?


16 - Modiffiers are added to gypsum mainly to_______________?

Modify setting time

17 - Most commonly used retarder in gypsum_____________?


18 - Placing cast under tap water is to be avoided as______________?

Gypsum is slightly soluble in water and the surface of the cast will be eroded

19 - Plaster mix____________?

All of the above

20 - Plaster of paris _____________?

Has porous and irregular crystals

21 - Plaster of paris is mixed in________________?

Rubber bowl

22 - Powders of dental plaster and dental stone differ mainly in____________?

Particle porosity

23 - Setting of POP is result of______________?

Difference in solubility of CaSo4 ½ H2O + CaSO4+ 2H2O

24 - The function of 2% potassium sulphate in a gypsum product is_____________?

Regulate setting time

25 - The hygroscopic technique is associated with______________?


26 - The main difference between dental stone and dental plaster is______________?

Sharpe and size of particles

27 - The main ingredient in dental plaster in_______________?

Calcium sulphate hemihydrate

28 - The most commonly used accelerator in gypsum product is___________________?

Potassium sulfate

29 - The product, which is obtained by calcining gypsum under steam pressure at 120-130°C or by dehydrating gypsum in the presence of sodium succinate is_______________?

Alpha – hemihydrates

30 - The setting expansion of gypsum products can be reduced by________________?

Adding potassium sulfate

31 - The strength of gypsum prouducts is generally expressed in terms of______________?

compressive strength

32 - The strength of the gypsum specimen when the water in excess of that required for the hydrate of the hemihydrate is left in the specimen is called____________?

Green strength

33 - The β (Beta) hemihydrate of gypsum requires more water to float its powder particles because______________?

They are more irregular in shape and porous

34 - Type I gypsum product is also called_______________?

Impression plaster

35 - Type III Dental gypsum is__________________?

Class I stone or hydrocal

36 - Water of reaction needed to react completely with 100 g of calcium sulphate hemihydrates to convert it to calcium sulphate dihydrate______________?


37 - Water powder ratio of dental stone and plaster is respectively_________________?

0.28 and 0.6

38 - Which is gypsum product_______________?

All of the above

39 - White gold alloy predominantly is______________?

Gold added with palladium


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