Hematology and Physiology Most Important MCQs

1 - Plasma factor present in both serum & plasma is____________?


2 - _________ is an example for rapidly acting neurotransmitter?


3 - A patient with A – ve blood group can receive blood from_______________?

A negative donor

4 - A reliable screening test for platelet function is_______________?

Clot retraction time

5 - AB blood group antigen are known as ________ factors?


6 - AB group has following agglutinins_______________?

Neither anti A nor anti – B

7 - Activation of which one of the following coagulation factors is not essential for hemostasis________________?


8 - Acute bacterial pyogenic infection manifests as_________________?


9 - Albumin is_____________?

Simple protein

10 - At what temperature blood is stored______________?


11 - Bacteria are most commonly ENGULFED by _________________?

Neutrophilic leukocytes

12 - Biconcave shape of RBC helps by___________________?

Passing easily through smaller capillaries

13 - Bleeding time is prolonged in a person who_______________?

Takes large quantities of aspirin

14 - Blood cells arise in bone marrow and are subject to______________?

Regular renewal

15 - Christmas factor is_____________?


16 - Citrate is a useful anticoagulant because of its ability to_____________?

Chelate calcium

17 - Clotting factor common to extrinsic and intrinsic pathway is_____________?

Factor V

18 - CO2 is carried in the blood________________?

All of the above

19 - CO2 is transported in plasma as_____________?


20 - Decreased basal metabolic rate is seen in_______________?


21 - Decreased MCHC is found in_____________?

Microcytic hypochromic anemia

22 - Delay in blood coagulation results from________________?


23 - Differential white blood cell counts in the laboratory are useful in the diagnosis of_______________?


24 - Drumstick is found in_______________?


25 - During exercise_____________?

Body temperature increases

26 - Embryonic hemoglobin is composed of________________?

Gamma and alpha

27 - Erythropoietin is produced in the_______________?


28 - ESR depends on_______________?

All of the above

29 - False about blood brain barrier is_______________?

There are gaps between tight junctions at the active sites

30 - Fluid content of the blood is______________?


31 - For heparin which of the following is ?

Is released by macrophages

32 - Gut associated lymphoid tissue ( GALT) is primarily located in______________?

Lamina propria

33 - Hematocrit relates to which of the following______________?

Total RBC volume

34 - Hemoglobin has______________?

One heme and one globin molecule

35 - Hemoglobin is the major buffer in blood, bicarbonate ions diffuse out of erythrocyte into plasma in exchange of_______________?

Chloride ion

36 - Hemostasis depends upon all the following, EXCEPT_______________?

Vitamin B

37 - Histamine is present on surface of_______________?

Mast cells

38 - Histiocytes are_____________?

Scavenger cells

39 - Immune complexes are removed from blood by _____________?

Kupffer cell

40 - Immunologically active cells are_____________?

Plasma cells

41 - In a blood sample antiserum A and antiserum B and Rh+ ve factor is added. No agglutination is seen. This is_______________?

O group and Rh- ve

42 - In a DNA molecule adenine always forms a linkage with______________?


43 - IN acute infection which of the following is found_______________?


44 - In human the Hb is_______________?


45 - In peripheral tissues which of the following contains substance P______________?

Nerve terminal

46 - In PHC, which anticoagulant is used to send the blood sample for blood glucose_____________?

Potassium oxalate+ sodium fluoride

47 - Increased blood viscosity and slow circulation causes______________?

RBC rouleax formation

48 - Infants acquire adult hemoglobin level at_____________?

End of 1st year

49 - Intracellular and interstitial body fluids have similar______________?

Total osmotic pressure

50 - Ions participating in clotting mechanism are________________?


51 - Iron is stored in_______________?

Reticule endothelial system

52 - Life cycle of RBC is_______________?

120 days

53 - Lymphocytes are located in each of the following tissues or organs EXCEPT one. The one exception is______________?


54 - Lysis of RBCs are seen in all of the following except__________?

Obstructive jaundice

55 - Major basic protein is an important constituent of which leucocyte_____________?


56 - Megaloblasts are precursors of_____________?

Norm oblasts

57 - Meiotic division of male germ cells commence_______________?

by around 16 years

58 - Mineral essential for Hb synthesis_______________?


59 - Most important function of albumin in body is_______________?

Oncotic pressure

60 - Normal adult person's blood contains_____________?

30% lymphocytes

61 - Normal myeloid / erythroid ratio is______________?


62 - Normal prothrombin time is____________?

10-20 sec

63 - Open faced nucleus in a cell signifies______________?

that the cell is active

64 - Patient with anemia tends to have all, except________________?

A low PO2 in arterial blood

65 - Persons having anti- A and anti- B is agglutinins in their serum belong to which blood group_____________?


66 - Plasma cells are constituent of_____________________?

Connective tissue

67 - Plasma ceruloplasmin alpha 2 globulins is a______________?

alpha 2 globulin

68 - Plasma colloid osmotic pressure is due to________________?


69 - Plasma thromboplastin antecedent is______________?

Anti-hemophiliac – C factor

70 - primary cause of bleeding disorder in liver damage is due to______________?

Decreased level of prothrombin

71 - Prothrombin time is useful for_______________?

For evaluation in a patient taking anticoagulant drugs

72 - Regarding Golgi tendon organ true is ______________?

Sense muscle tension

73 - Regulated bone growth through puberty occurs through__________________?

Ectophyeseal plates

74 - Secondary granules of neutrophils contain______________?


75 - Serum is blood plasma without_____________?


76 - Serum is______________?

Plasma- fibrin

77 - Site of RBC formation in 20 years old healthy male is____________?

Flat bones

78 - Small lymphocyte is _____________?

Smaller than RBC

79 - Survival time of platelet is approximately______________?

10 days

80 - T- lymphocytes function to______________?

Lymphokine production and delayed hypersensitivity

81 - T- lymphocytes play a primary role in_________________?

production of lymphokines and delayed hypersensitivity

82 - the acrosome reaction occurs, when the sperm_____________?

Comes in contact with zone pellucida

83 - The anticoagulant of choice used in the blood bank is_______________?

Acid citrate dextrose solution

84 - The best screening test for hemophilia is_____________?


85 - The biological anticoagulant is________________?


86 - The conversion of prothrombin to thrombin, the factor participate along with calcium is______________?

Labile factor

87 - The eosinophil count in the peripheral blood smear is increased in________________?

Allergic conditions

88 - The function common to neutrophils, monocytes & macrophages is______________?


89 - The function of plasma cell______________?

Antibody formation

90 - The function of vitamin K is______________?

Prothrombin formation

91 - The half-life of plasma Albumin is approximately___________________?

20 days

92 - The hemoglobin % of a normal newborn is______________?


93 - The largest fraction of the total body fluid is_______________?

Intracellular fluid

94 - The major functional difference between DNA and RNA is_____________?

DNA carries the information in all organizations

95 - The most common problem with blood trans fusion_______________?

Hemolytic reaction

96 - The normal A/G ratio in blood is______________?


97 - The normal absolute eosinophil count is_____________?

40 to 440 cells/C.mm

98 - The normal brown red color of feces results from the presence of_______________?


99 - The only fixed cell of the connective tissue_______________?


100 - The oral and pharyngeal phases of swallowing take place very rapidly and last about______________?

1-1.5 seconds

101 - The percentage of body water is greater in_______________?

Male than in females

102 - The principal site for granulocytic hemopoiesis in the adult human is________________?

Red bone marrow

103 - The processing of short-term memory to long term memory is done in_______________?


104 - The tissue macrophages are derived from the________________?


105 - The universal blood recipient group is_________________?

AB+ Ve

106 - Thrombopoietin is produced by_________________?


107 - Thromboxane is produced mainly by _______________?


108 - To check objective pain response, which is best used method_______________?

Facial pain scale

109 - To preserve blood for transfusion later______________?

Add solution of sodium citrate

110 - True statement regarding hematopoiesis includes______________?

RES plays a role

111 - Universal blood donor ill be a blood group of_______________?


112 - Valve of Hasner is present at________________?

Naso lacrimal duct

113 - What is the normal PH of human blood_____________?

7.35 to 7.4

114 - When a person lies down_______________?

There is immediate increase in venous return

115 - Which among the following is also called" peak less" insulin analog ?

Insulin glargine

116 - Which of the following agents in not likely to be found in plasma ?


117 - Which of the following causes lysis of clot______________?


118 - Which of the following cell type is not a precursor of erythrocyte____________?


119 - Which of the following clotting factor is involved only in extrinsic pathway ?


120 - Which of the following coagulation factors is deficient in classical hemophilia ?


121 - Which of the following events DO NOT occur in rods in response to light_______________?

Opening of Na+ channels

122 - Which of the following is not a cause of secondary polycythemia ?

Myeloproliferative changes

123 - Which of the following is not a marker of bone formation_________________?

Hydroxy proline

124 - Which of the following is not a vitamin K dependent procoagulant ?

Factor XI

125 - Which of the following is not involved in blood clotting ?


126 - Which of the following is not useful for coagulation______________?


127 - Which of the following is one for a patient on coumarin (warfarin) therapy_______________?

Prothrombin time (PT)

128 - Which of the following represents most dangerous situation_____________?

Rh+ ve mother, bearing her 2nd + ve child

129 - Which of the following vitamins is necessary for maturation of blood precursor cells________________?

Cyano cobalamine

130 - Which of them is not affected by vitamin K deficiency_____________?

Factor VIII


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