Human Diseases Most Important MCQs

1 - “Fothergill's disease" is one of the synonyms of_______________?

Trigeminal neuralgia

2 - “Xerostomia" is seen in all of the following EXCEPT in_______________?

Oral sepsis

3 - A 10-years-old child presents with anemia and recurrent fractures. The X-ray shows diffuse hyper density of bone The diagnosis is most likely to be______________?


4 - A 15 years old boy reports with a rapidly growing swelling of the mandible with intermittent pain patient history is that the swelling occurred after an episode of trauma Radiographs reveal formation of new subperiosteal bone producing Onion skin appearance The patient also has lip paresthesia elevated white blood cell count Based on the clinical and radiographic picture, one of the following condition could be considered in the provisional diagnosis_________________?

Ewing's sarcoma

5 - A 25 year old male patient reports with bony expansile swelling of the right body of the mandible & mild paresthesia of the right IDN. OPG shows a multi locular radiolucency without root resorption. What would be your choice of next investigation?

Aspiration Cytology

6 - A 36 year old man with an asymptomatic swelling in the body of the mandible with radiographic features of radiolucency with radiopaque flecks in suffering from:

Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT)

7 - A 3-year old patient reports of painless progressive bilateral facial swellings. The tentative diagnosis is______________?


8 - A 40 year old woman has meloblastoma, the histomorphologic features will be:___________?

Peripheral palisading cellular strand with central loose stellate reticulum

9 - A child with Down's syndrome has Moon facies, retarded mentally and which of the facial characteristic________________?

Maxillary hypoplasia

10 - A condition of the mouth with increase the caries activity in the oral cavity is_________________?


11 - A cyst occurs under the tongue, caused by obstruction of a salivary gland. Such a cyst is called_______________?


12 - A multilocular cyst of the jaw is more likely:__________?


13 - A neuralgia with trigger zones in the oropharynx and pain in the ear pharynx, nasopharynx, tonsils and posterior tongue is most likely_______________?

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia

14 - A non-neoplastic hereditary bone lesion, histologically similar to central giant cell granuloma affects children and shows, a bilateral involvement of the jaws with eye to heaven appearance clinically is_______________?


15 - A painful crater like 1.5 cm ulcer develops within one week on the hard palate mucosa of a 40 year old female The most likely diagnosis is_______________?

Necrotizing sialometaplasia

16 - A patient 18 years of age with sebaceous cysts on the scalp and back of the neck an osteroma on the right mandible: Radiographs reveal multiple impacted supernumerary teeth in both jaws. These findings suggest_______________?

Gardner's syndrome

17 - A patient aged 50 years presented with a history of jaw expansion and enlargement of maxilla_____________?

paget's disease

18 - A patient complains of loss of visual acuity, deafness and enlargement of maxilla_______________?

Paget's disease

19 - A patient showing brownish pigmentation and with normal laboratory findings may be suffering from______________?

Neuro fibromatosis

20 - A patient shows inability to close the right corner of the mouth is most probably suffering form_______________?

Bell's palsy

21 - A patient with ameloblastoma of the jaw can best be treated by:_____________?

Surgical removal followed by cauterization

22 - A patient with emotional problems, increased salivation; pallor of oral mucosa and a grayish blue discoloration of the gingiva. These findings are most consistent with a clinical impression of____________?

Lead poisoning

23 - A patient with fibrous dysplasia can be treated by________________?

Conservative surgery

24 - A patient with multiple impacted supernumerary teeth and can bring his shoulders together is suffering from______________?

Cleidocranial dysostosis

25 - A salivary gland tumour, which histologically shows a double layer of epithelial cells based on a reactive lymphoid stroma is_______________?

Warthin tumour

26 - A six year old child patient has blue-dome shaped swelling in posterior mandibular region, what will be the treatment plan?

Reassure the patient without any treatment

27 - Acinic cell carcinomas of the salivary gland arise most often in the_______________?

Parotid salivary gland

28 - Acquired, symmetric hyper pigmentation of the sun exposed skin of the face & neck which is strongly associated with pregnancy & use of oral contraceptives is called as_______________?


29 - Acute non-suppurative sialdenitis is seen in______________?


30 - Adamantinoma is:_____________?

All of the above

31 - Adeno lymphoma refers to_______________?

Warthin's tumour

32 - Adenoid cystic carcinoma is also known as_______________?


33 - Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour is characterized histologically by:___________?

Tubular / duct like cells

34 - Adenomatold odontogenic tumour is most commonly found in:

Anterior maxilla

35 - After entering radiolucent lesion in a 30 years old man hollow cavity without epithelial lining is seen, the most probable diagnosis is:__________?

Memorrhagic bone cyst

36 - Albera-Schonberg's disease is______________?


37 - All are desirable in the union of the fracture site except____________?

Formation of fibrous joint or pseudoarthrosis

38 - All cells do not divide at the same rate. Events in which phase of the cell cycle determine when a cell is going to replicate ?

G1 phase

39 - All of the following are seen in lead poisoning except_____________?


40 - All of the following are true about trigeminal neuralgia EXCEPT______________?

it is of throbbing nature

41 - All of the following events are common to primary and secondary wound healing except_____________?

Wound contraction

42 - All of the following is the extraglandular manifestation of primary sjogren's syndrome except________________?


43 - All of the following promotes wound healing except_________?


44 - Amber coloured tooth traslucency, blue sclerae and bone fragility and a history of pervious bone fractures are characteristic findings in_____________?

Osteogenesis imperfecta

45 - Ameloblastoma most frequently occurs in:___________?

Mandibular moral region

46 - An attack of cluster headache can be aborted by _____________?

Breathing oxygen

47 - Angular stomatitis_____________?

can be a concomitant of any candidal infection

48 - Anti-convulsants frequently used in management of trigeminal neuralgia are_______________?

All of the above

49 - Basal layer in primordial cyst is arranged in the form of:_________?

Picket fence

50 - Bell's Palsy is characterized by_____________?

Inability to whistle

51 - Bell's palsy is triggered by_______________?

Any of the above

52 - Bifid ribs, multiple radiolucent lesions of the jaws multiple basal cell nevi and flax cerebri calcification are found in:_____________?

Basal cell nevus syndrome

53 - Bimanual palpation technique is carried out for____________________?

Submandibular gland

54 - Biochemical abnormality associated with osteogenesis imperfecta is increase in______________?

Phosphorylase enzyme

55 - Bismuth intoxication is manifested as______________?

pigmentation is areas of inflammation

56 - Bony union taking place with formation of medullary callus without periosteal callus formation is______________?

Primary union

57 - Botryoid odontogenic cyst is a variant of:___________?

Lateral periodontal cyst

58 - Break up time (BUT) test is done in_______________?

Sjogren's syndrome

59 - Burning Mouth Syndrome describes pain associated with_____________?

No detectable oral disease

60 - Cafe-au-lait spots on the skin are characteristic of____________?

Von recklinghausen disease

61 - Carbamazepine has been utilized to successfully diminish attacks in trigeminal neuralgia. During this therapy which of the following is indicated ?

Clinical observation and complete blood and platelet counts prior to and at frequent intervals during therapy

62 - Chemical mumps' is synonymous with_____________?

Iodine mumps

63 - Chocolate-coloured fluid is seen in the cystic space of_______________?

Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum

64 - Class III malocclussion is seen in all of the following except___________________?

pierre robinson syndrome

65 - Clavicle is absent is______________?

Cleidocranial dysostosis

66 - Clear cells are commonly seen in which of the following lesions?


67 - COC is now called as:___________?

Dentinogenic ghost cell tumor

68 - Commonest salivary gland tumour in children______________?

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma

69 - Commonest site for ectopic salivary gland tumour is_______________?


70 - Commonest site for ectopic salivary gland tumour is____________________?


71 - Complication of Rheumatoid arthritis of condyle is______________?

Fibrous ankylosis

72 - Compound odontoma shows on a radiograph as:____________?

Distinguishable tooth – like structures

73 - Compound odontoma shows:______________?

Numerous tooth like structure with denticles commonly found in maxillary lateral incisors

74 - Conjoint tendon is formed by _________?

Internal oblique and transversus abdominis

75 - Correct sequence of cell cycle ?

Go – G1 – S – G2 – M

76 - Corticosteroids are useful in treatment of TMJ arthritis because they have_____________?

An anti-inflammatory effect

77 - Cotton-wool appearance is seen in______________?

Peget's disease

78 - Cyst arising from dental lamina:___________________?

Glandular odontogenic cyst

79 - Cyst without lining is______________?

Hemorrhagic / Traumatic bone cyst

80 - Delayed dentition with multiple supernumerary teeth is seen in________________?

Cleidocranial dysplasia

81 - Delayed eruption of teeth occurs in_________________?

Cleidocranial dysostosis

82 - Dentigerous cyst is associated with the following

All of the above

83 - Dentigerous cyst is likely to cause which neoplasia?


84 - Dentigerous cyst is suspected if the follicular space is more than:

>5 mm

85 - Destructively invasive locally malignant with rare metastasis, the lesion is:


86 - Disease which increase oral melanin pigmentation_______________?

addison's disease

87 - Down's syndrome is associated with all except__________________?


88 - During a routine checkup a 70 year old male is found to have Serum Alkaline Phosphatase three time the upper limit of normal. Serum Calcium, Serum Phosphorous and liver function tests are normal. The most likely diagonsis is______________?

Paget's disease of the bone

89 - Each of the following cyst is associated with an impacted tooth except:___________?

Primordial cyst

90 - Easy fatigability of muscles seen in______________?

Myasthenia gravis

91 - Eighty percent of all salivary stones occur in___________?


92 - Enlargement of lip occured with in seconds to 24 hours is_______________?


93 - Eruption cyst:______________?

Regresses after eruption of the tooth

94 - Eruption fails in this bone disease, as there is no bone resorption_______________?


95 - Essential granulation tissue constituents include all except_____________?


96 - Facial nerve paralysis is common with:___________?

Lymphoepithelial carcinoma

97 - Facial pain due to elongated styloid process is called_________________?

Eagle's syndrome

98 - Facial paralysis is tested by_______________?


99 - Factors influencing wound healing are the following_______________?

All of the above

100 - Factors inhibiting wound healing____________?

All of the above

101 - False about cherubism________________?

Unilocular lesion

102 - Frey's syndrome results from surgery of the ______________?

Parotid gland

103 - Generalised hyper cementesis is seen in_______________?

Pagets disease

104 - Generalised thickening of cortical and cancellous bones is seen in_______________?

Infantile hyperostosis

105 - Geniculate neuralgia is caused in the nerve______________?


106 - Ghost (shadow) cells are seen in:___________?

All of the above

107 - Granulation tissue contains_____________?

B & C

108 - Green discoloration of teeth is seen in_______________?

Erythroblastosis fetalis

109 - Green stains which occur frequently in children are due to_________________?

Chromogenic bacteria

110 - Ground glass appearance in bone is seen in_____________?

Hyper parathyroidism

111 - Histopathologically reversal lines are seen in_____________?

Paget's disease of the bone

112 - Horner's syndrome Does NOT include_____________?


113 - Hyperpigmentation is seen in all except______________?

cushing's syndrome

114 - If a patient with Raynaud's disease puts his hand in cold water, the hand appears_______________?


115 - Immature bony trabeculae are found in_____________?

Fibrous dysplasia

116 - Important components of collagen synthesis, wound strength and contraction include all of the following EXCEPT ?

Vitamin D

117 - In a 2 year old child, a bluish dome shaped swelling on the inner side of the lip is mostly_____________?


118 - In a 60 year old adult, which of the following diseases causes expansile maxillary lesions ?

Paget's disease

119 - In a middle – aged man the radiograph shows cotton-wool appearance and blood investigation reveal an elevated alkaline phosphatase levels. The tentative diagnosis is____________?

Paget's disease

120 - In an acute attack of migraine, the during of choice______________?

Ergontamine tortrate

121 - In Cleidorcranial dysostosis, sometimes the roots of the permanent teeth are_____________?

thin and short

122 - IN MPDS which muscle is most apt to exhibit tenderness________________?

Lateral pterygoid

123 - In peutz-Jeghers syndrome, the oral lesions are_____________?

None of the above

124 - In the clinical evaluation, the most significant, finding of the parotid mass may be accompanying_____________?

Supramental and preauricular lymphadenopathy

125 - In which one of the following salivary gland tumors, the tumor is composed of " intermediate cells" histologically?

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma

126 - In Xerostomia the salivary pH is_______________?


127 - Incomplete fractures of the bone are called___________?

Green stick fracture

128 - Increase in height of mandible with increase in interdental spaces in elderly man______________?


129 - Internal resorption is characterised by_____________?

Slow dull continuous pain

130 - Intra Oral pleomorphic adenoma usually occurs in_______________?


131 - Keratocyst has all of the following features except:___________?

Low recurrence rate

132 - Large open wounds that are characterized by tissue loss and repaired by formation of granulation tissue in the floor of the wound is characteristic of______________?

Secondary healing

133 - Leafless fruit laden tree or cherry-blossom appearance on a sialogram indicates_____________?

Sjogren's syndrome

134 - Leisegang rings are found in:___________?

Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor

135 - Lesion of facial nerve at level of stylomastoid foramen leads to____________?

Paralysis of orbicularis oculi muscle

136 - Lesions associated with vital tooth?


137 - Loss of tooth surface because of chemomechanical action is known as________________?


138 - Mask-like appearance of face with narrowing of aperture and rigidity of the mucosa is characteristic of______________?

Progressive systemic sclerosis

139 - Melanin pigmentation in pregnancy is known as______________?


140 - Mikulicz's disease is____________?

An autoimmune disease

141 - Mixed tumour of the salivary glands are_______________?

Most common in parotid gland

142 - Mosaic pattern of bone is seen in radiographic features of_____________?

paget's disease

143 - Most common primary malignant bone tumor is_______________?

Multiple Myeloma

144 - Most common tumor of parotid gland is______________?

Plemorphic adenoma

145 - Mucocele most commonly arise as a result of_____________?

Rupture of a salivary duct

146 - Mucocutaneous circumoral pigmentation is found in_____________?

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

147 - Mucooceles are rarely seen in the_______________?

Buccal mucosa

148 - Multiple bilateral dentigerous cysts are seen in:___________?

Maroteaux lamy syndrome

149 - Multiple fractures are seen in______________?

Osteogenesis imperfecta

150 - Multiple odontogenic keratocyst are associated with:____________?

Gorlin-Goltz syndrome

151 - Multiple periapical radiolucencies are seen in:_________?

Jawcyst basal cell Nevus Syndrome

152 - Mutation in GNAS 1 gene is associated with________________?

Fibrous dysplasia

153 - Nodular growth of alveolus is seen in:___________?

Cementifying fibroma

154 - Normal serum, Ca nd alkaline PO4 are in________________?


155 - Odontogenic keratocyst has the following feature:____________?

Is developmental in origin

156 - Of the following which is most common disorder causing pain about the masticatory apparatus including the TMJ_____________?

Myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome

157 - One of them is not a true cyst:__________?

Nemorrhagic cyst

158 - Orange peel and Ground glass radiographic appearance is observed in case of______________?

Fibrous dysplasia

159 - Osteogenesis imperfecta_____________?

manifests with blue sclera which are pathognomonic of this diease

160 - Osteosarcoma characteristically may develop in some causes of______________?

Osteitis deformans

161 - Osteosclerosis of bone occurs due to______________?

Increased host response

162 - Paget's disease of bone is a chronic disease of the________________?

Adult skeleton

163 - Pain, muscle tenderness, clicking or popping noise in T.M joint and limitation of jaw motion are the four cardinal signs and symptoms of_____________?

Myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome

164 - Parotid fatty change is sign of_____________?


165 - Patient comes with pain pharyngeal region and is having carcinoma of nasopharynx. The diagnosis is _____________?

Trotter's syndrome

166 - Patient reports with discolored teeth bearing brown stains. The teeth glow fluorescent in UV light. The most likely diagnosis is____________?

Tetracycline staining of teeth

167 - Patient suffering form Eagle's syndrome complains of__________________?


168 - Peripheral nerve regenerates at the rate of ________ mm per day?


169 - Perleche is caused by_____________?

increased interdental space

170 - Pindborg tumor arises from:_________?

Both B & D

171 - Pink's disease is due to_______________?

Toxicity of Mercury

172 - Pleomorphic adenoma arises from______________?

Myoepithelial cells

173 - Pleomorphic adenoma is______________?

a neuroendocrine cell tumour

174 - Polydactyly, craniosynostosis, late closure of fontanelles is a feature of_______________?

Apert's syndrome

175 - Port wine stains are seen in______________?


176 - Preauricular pain, grating sensation and partial trismus are the symptons of______________?

TMJ pain dysfurction symdnome

177 - Precocious puberty is most characteristic of which of the following ?

Abright's syndrome

178 - Primordial cyst develops:______________?

In place of missing teeth

179 - Radiographic finding in pindborg tumour is:___________?

Driven-snow appearance

180 - Reduction in flow of saliva is not generally seen in______________?

Patients suffering from parkinsonism

181 - Regeneration by sprouting of axons takes place in which end of transaction of nerve_____________?

Proximal end

182 - Robinson's classification of ameloblastoma does not include:___________?


183 - Saliva is increased by_____________?

Cholinergic drugs

184 - Salivary duct calculi______________?

produce pain on eating

185 - Salivary gland aplasia is seen in_________________?

All of the above

186 - Salivary gland stone most commonly involves___________?

Submandibular gland

187 - Serum alkaline phosphatase levels are increased in________________?

Paget's disease

188 - Severe pain which arise after injury to or sectioning of a peripheral sensory nerve is called as____________?


189 - Sialography is used to detect anomaly of_______________?

Salivary gland & duct

190 - Sialolith in the excretory duct, will result in______________?

Mucous retention cyst

191 - Sialoliths are stones found in the salivary duct and gland and are primarily composed of_____________?


192 - Silver tatoo is due to_____________?

deposition of Ag Amalgam in Mucosa

193 - Sjogren's syndrome affects_____________?

Exocrine glands

194 - Sjorgen's syndrome includes all except____________?


195 - Sloughing of necrotic epithelium is characteristic of_________________?

Aspirin burn

196 - Spindle cell carinoma is a variant of_____________?

Squamous cell carcinoma

197 - Standard treatment of ameloblastoma:

Segmental resection with 1 cm of normal bone

198 - Synthesis of DNA occurs in Which phase of cellAcycle________________?

Synthesis – S phase

199 - Tender submandibular swelling is mostly due to________________?

Enlarged lymph nodes

200 - TENS therapy is useful in ______________?


201 - Tetracycline stains appear as______________?

Yellow and brown stains in enamel and dentin

202 - The cells which do not undergo mitotic divisions___________?


203 - The cells which have the capacity to multiply through out their life_____________?

Labile cells

204 - The characteristic alarm clock headache is a feature of_______________?

Sphenopalatine Neuralgia

205 - The common site for narcotizing sialometaplasia____________?


206 - The common site of melanoma on the orofacial skin is_____________?

Malar region

207 - The cyst with highest recurrence rate is:_____________?


208 - The epithelium of a dentigerous cyst is:___________?

6-10 cell thick

209 - The etiology of angioedema is____________?

All of the above

210 - The factor which gives strength in wound healing_____________?


211 - The first even in primary wound healing__________?

Formation of blood cloth

212 - The following are the high grade salivary gland malignancies, EXCEPT________?

Basal cell adenocarcinoma

213 - The following are the high grade salivary gland malignancies, EXCEPT______________?

Basal cell adenocarcinoma

214 - The following site is the common involvement in case of Myositis ossificans_______________?


215 - The granulomatous tissue that is responsible for destruction of articular surfaces of TMJ in rheumatoid arthritis is known as________________?


216 - The histopathology of osteopetrosis shows_______________?

Endosteal bone formation and lack of normal bone resorption

217 - The latest drug of the choice in the management in trigeminal neuralgia is______________?


218 - The most aggressive and destructive cyst is:_____________?

Dentigerous cyst

219 - The most common cause of TMJ ankylosis is______________?


220 - The most common complication following rheumatold arthritis of the TMJ is____________?


221 - The most common complication of mumps is______________?


222 - The most common intraoral location for a pigmented nevi is the_______________?

Hard palate

223 - The most common odontogenic cyst is:____________?

Radicular cyst

224 - The most common odontogenic tumour which occurs in relationto an unerupted tooth in the anterior maxilla:____________?

Odontogenic adenomatoid tumour

225 - The most common salivary gland malignant neoplasm in bones______________?

Muceopidermoid carcinoma

226 - The most ideal expianation for recurrence of odontogenic keratocyst is:____________?

Presence of satellite cysts or daughter cysts

227 - The most likely diagnosis in a 23 year old, mentally alert, male dwarf with disproportionate arm and leg to body growth, prominent forehead and retruded maxilla is_______________?


228 - The Pathogenesis of Periapical Cyst is___________?

Proliferation of epithelium

229 - The persistence of epithelial cells after wound healing give rise to_______________?

Implantation cyst

230 - The pigment associated with hemochromatosis is_______________?


231 - The primary causative factor for myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome of the TMJ is_______________?

Muscular overextension and over contraction

232 - The recurrence of pleomorphic adenoma is attributed to____________?

Presence of an incomplete capsule

233 - The treatment for a child with cherubism is______________?

cosmetic surgery after puberty

234 - Transformation into osteosarcoma is seen with________________?

pagets disease and polyostotic fibrous dysplasia

235 - Treacher collins syndrome is______________?

Mandibulofacial Dysostosis

236 - Treatment for cementoma?

No treatment

237 - Trigeminal heuralgia (tic doulourex) is characterized by______________?

Sharp, excruciating pain of short duration

238 - Trigeminal neuralgia_______________?

Does not disturb the patient during sleep

239 - Trotter's syndrome involves_____________?


240 - Unicentric, non-functional, anatomically benign, clinically persistent tumor is:___________?


241 - Venous malformation involving the leptomeninges of the cerebral cortex is salient feature of_____________?

Sturge weber syndrome

242 - Warthins tumor is_____________?

An adenolymphoma of the parotid gland

243 - Wernick's encephalopathy is caused by deficiency of______________?


244 - What is non characteristic of Eagle's syndrome_______________?

Excessive lacrimation

245 - Which histopathological type of odontogenic keratocyst is commoner, more invasive & has a greater tendency for recurrence ?


246 - Which of the following are a triad of the sign and symptoms of osteogenesis imperfecta________________?

Blue sclera, brittle bones opalescent dentin

247 - Which of the following are characteristic feature of cherubism______________?

A + C

248 - Which of the following diseases of the bone characteristically exhibits (in contrast to the other three conditions) a single lesion in a single bone ?

Central giant cell granuloma

249 - Which of the following drugs is not effective in case of Trigeminal Neuralgia ?


250 - Which of the following has least capacity for regeneration_________________?

All of the above

251 - Which of the following has the potential of undergoing Spontaneous malignant transformation _____________?

Paget's disease of bone

252 - Which of the following is a true neoplasm of functional cementoblasts:

Benign cementoblastoma

253 - Which of the following is an odontogenic tumor?


254 - Which of the following is correct?

All of the above

255 - Which of the following is NOT a clinical feature of Pierre-Robin syndrome ?

Coloboma of lower eyelid

256 - Which of the following is of salivary gland origin ?

Acinic cell carcinoma

257 - Which of the following is the most common lesion of the mandible?


258 - Which of the following is wrong about keratocyst:

Haw low recurrence rate

259 - Which of the following Orofacial pain is not associated with vascular origin ?

Anaesthesia dolorosa

260 - Which of the following parotid malignancy shows perineural spread_______________?

Adenoid cystic carcinoma

261 - Which of the following salivary gland tumors has highest rate of malignant transformation?


262 - Which of the following shows the presence of cholesterol crystals:___________?


263 - Which of the following statement is false in relation to myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome ?

The perioral musculature becomes hypotonic

264 - Which of the following statement is FALSE?

The sublingual salivary gland is the most common site of salivary gland neoplasia

265 - Which of the following statements about sjogren's syndrome is incorrect______________?

Lacrimal gland enlargement is common

266 - Which of the following structures are associated with bells palsy______________?

Seventh cranial nerve

267 - Which of the the following is not correct ?

Carotid sinus acts as a chemoreceptor

268 - Which syndrome consists of flushing, warmness and perspiration over the cheek and pinna of the ear on the side following the ingestion of highly seasoned food ?


269 - Which tumour does not occur in minor salivary gland ?

Warthin's tumour

270 - Wounds which are clean uninfected and surgically incised, with edge of wounds approxiamated by sutures heal by____________?

Primary intention

271 - Xerostomia, enlargment of salivary and lacrimal glands is seen in______________?

Mickulicz's disease

272 - Yellowish discoloration of teeth is seen in children fed on_____________?


273 - Yellowish discolouration of oral mucous membrane, skin and sclera of eye is______________?



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