Metobalism Most Important MCQs

1 - 1 molelcule of glucose forms _______ molecules of pyruvate?


2 - A fatty acid that is not synthesized in man is_____________?

Linoleic acid

3 - Acetyl CoA is produced from which fuel sources_____________?

All of the above

4 - Adipose tissue releases free fatty acids in the________________?

Fasting state

5 - Adrenaline acts on which enzyme in glycogenolysis ?


6 - All are derived of cholesterol except________________?


7 - All are true of the genetic code except____________?


8 - All are true regarding glucose 6 phosphate deficiency except______________?


9 - All of the following are substrates for gluconeogenesis except_______________?

Oleic acid

10 - All these reactions take place inside the mitochondria except____________?

EMP pathway

11 - Ammonia produced by brain is trapped as_____________?


12 - An enzyme not involved in glycolysis is______________?

Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase

13 - An essential for the conversion of glucose to glycogen in liver is____________?


14 - Blood glucose level cannot be augmented by mobilization of muscle glycogen due to lack of_____________?

G-6-P phydrogenase

15 - B-oxidation of odd-chain fatty aids produce_______________?

Propionyl CoA

16 - Cane sugar is____________?


17 - Chargaff rule states that___________?


18 - Codons are present on_____________?


19 - Daily requirement of iron in man is_____________?

10 mg

20 - Denaturation of double stranded DNA involves_______________?

It becomes single stranded reversibly

21 - Dietary fibre is rich in_____________?


22 - DNA double helix is bound by_____________?

Hydrogen bond

23 - During conversion of glycerol to pyruvic acid, the first glycolytic intermediate to form is_______________?

Dihydroxy acetone phosphate

24 - End product of purine metabolism is______________?

Uric acid

25 - Endogenous triglycerides in plasma is maximally bound to________________?


26 - Enzymes concerned with the citric acid cycle are found in the____________?


27 - Enzymes increase reaction rates by______________?

Decreasing the energy of activation

28 - Examples of monounsaturted fatty acids are______________?

Oleic acid

29 - Fat provides ______% of body's calories?


30 - Fatty acid oxidation occurs in______________?


31 - Fatty aids help in synthesis of all except____________?


32 - Ferritin – an inactive form of iron is stored in_____________?


33 - Fructose intolerance is to_____________?

Fructose and sucrose

34 - Galactosemia commonly is due to deficiency of_____________?

Galactose 1 phosphatase uridyl transferase

35 - Genes are_____________?

Deoxy ribonucleic acid

36 - Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver and _______?


37 - Glucose 6 phosphatase deficiency is seen in______________?

Von Gierke's disease

38 - Glucose can be synthesized from all except_____________?


39 - Glycogen breakdown leads to formation of______________?

Glucose & Lactic acid

40 - Glycogen synthesis is increased by_____________?


41 - High content of cholesterol is present in_______________?

Egg yolk

42 - Highest binding of iron in plasma is seen with___________?


43 - HMG CoA reductase is inhibited by_____________?


44 - HMG-CoA is formed during metabolism of all except______________?

Bile acids

45 - HMP shunt is of great importance in cellular metabolism because its produces_____________?


46 - In all the following RNA participates directly except________________?

Post translation modification

47 - In glycolysis ATP is produced by the following enzyme______________?

Phosphoglycerate kinase

48 - In human body which of the following trace element is next to iron_______________?


49 - In molecular cloning, Blue White screening is used for_______________?

To identify desired chromosomal DNA insert in plasmid vectors

50 - In Niemann-Pick's disease the following substrance accumulate in CNS in excess______________?


51 - In prolonged starvation the main nergy source of brain is_____________?

Ketone bodies

52 - In TCA cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle, which is first formed________________?


53 - In TCA cycle substrate level phosphorylation occurs at____________?


54 - In TCA cycle, citrate is converted in to after losing a molecule of H2O_____________?


55 - In TCA, substrate level phospherylation takes place in______________?

Succinyl CoA to Succinate

56 - In which type of glycogen storage disease is hyper uricemia a feature ?


57 - Increase in lactate and pyruvate is seen in deficiency of_____________?


58 - Increase in pyruvate and lactate is seen in which of the following deficiency ?


59 - Inhibition of glycolysis by O2 is known a_____________?

Pasteur effect

60 - Inside the cell, the substance, which contributes to most of the osmolality, is________________?


61 - Insulin acts on which enzyme in glycolysis ?


62 - Insulin caused lipogenesis by all except____________?

Inhibits Pyruvate dehydrogenase

63 - Insulin increase the following pathways in liver EXCEPT____________?

Glucose synthesis

64 - Iron absorption is decreased in presence of all except____________?

Ascorbic acid

65 - Ketone bodies are by products of metabolism of_____________?


66 - Ketone bodies are normally synthesized from______________?


67 - Ketone body formation takes place in_______________?


68 - Kinase requires_______________?


69 - Kreb's cycle does not occur in______________?


70 - Kreb's cycle occurs in _________ conditions?


71 - Limiting factory for fatty acid synthesis_________________?

Acetyl CoA carboxylase

72 - Lipid from tissue is carried to liver by_____________?


73 - Lipid is required in the average diet because it________________?

Provides essential fatty acid

74 - Major contribution towards gluconeogenesis is by____________?


75 - McArdles disease is due to the deficiency of_____________?


76 - Most lipogenic____________?


77 - Mutations are due to changes in_________________?

DNA nucleotide sequence

78 - NADPH is generated by the action of____________?

Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase

79 - NADPH is required for________________?

Fatty acid synthesis

80 - Nonsense codons bring about__________________?

Termination of protein synthesis

81 - Normal level of serum phosphorous is_____________?

2.5 – 4.5 mgm%

82 - Normal serum calcium level is_______________?

9-11 mg/dl

83 - Number of ATP molecules generated in the conversion of glycogen of lactate is_____________?


84 - On complete hydrolysis of DNA we will get all the following except______________?


85 - One molecule of acetyl Co-A gives rise to ________ ATP molecules?


86 - Peroxidase enzyme contain______________?


87 - Phosphofructokinase is the key enzyme of______________?


88 - Prostaglandin synthesis is partially switched off by______________?

Cyclo-oxygenase inhibition

89 - Rate limiting step in cholesterol synthesis is_______________?

HMG CoA reductase

90 - Renal threshold for glucose is______________?

180 mg/ dl

91 - Restriction endonuclease cleaves______________?

Double stranded DNA

92 - R-RNA is mainly produced mainly in___________?


93 - Saponification means hydrolysis of fats by________________?


94 - Serum creatine kinase-3 (CK-3) is elevated in_______________?

Muscular dystrophy

95 - Sites where HMP shunts can occur include_______________?

All of the above

96 - Step in HMP pathway requiring TPP_____________?


97 - The citric acid cycle is the final pathway for oxidation of______________?

None of the above

98 - The compound that can give rise to glucose by gluconeogenesis is_____________?


99 - The conversion of glucose 6-P to fructose 6-P is an example of which of the following reactions___________?


100 - The end product of glycolysis under anaerobic conditions is_______________?

Lactic acid

101 - The enzyme involved in the first committed step of glycolysis is____________?


102 - The first product of glycogenolysis is_____________?

Glucose 1- phosphatase

103 - The following is not a phospholipid______________?


104 - The human plasma lipoprotein containing the highest percentage of triacylglycerol by weight is______________?


105 - The initiation codon for protein synthesis is_____________?


106 - The ketone bodies, which are excreted in diabetic ketoacidosis ?

Acetoacetic acid and beta hydroxyl butyric acid

107 - The key enzyme of gluconeogenesis is______________?

Pyruvate carboxylase

108 - The lipid, which acumulates in fatty liver, is_______________?


109 - The lipoprotein particles that have the highest percentage concentration of cholesterol is_______________?

LDL (Low density lipoprotein)

110 - The main enzyme responsible for activation of xenobiotics in (detoxification)____________?

Cytochrome P-450

111 - The main function of HDL is____________?

None of the above

112 - The main pathway for De – Novo synthesis of fatty acids occurs in_______________?


113 - The main pathways of metabolism in brain are______________?

Glycolysis and citric acid cycle

114 - The major lipids that make up the cell membrane are_______________?


115 - The monsaccharide glucose is best described by which one of the following statements ?

It formspart of the disaccharide sucrose

116 - The most important role of cholesterol is_____________?

It is a component of cell membrane

117 - The normal level of serum cholesterol is_______________?

150-250 mgs/100 ml

118 - The normal value of serum potassium level is____________?

3.8-5 meq/L

119 - The patient suffered from hypogondism, failure to thrive, lose of taste and unable to maintain stability. This shows the deficiency of_____________?


120 - The portion of DNA in Which RNA polymerase binds and starts transcription is called______________?

Promoter region

121 - The precursor of cholesterol synthesis is________________?

Acetyl CoA

122 - The precursor of steroid is_______________?


123 - The product of oxidation of odd chainfatty acids is______________?

Propionyl CoA

124 - The rate of absorption of sugars by the small intestine is highest for_______________?


125 - The reducing equivalent for fatty acid synthesis is derived form____________?

Pentose phosphate pathway

126 - The sigma subunit of prokaryotic RNA polymerase_______________?

Specifically recognizes the promoter site

127 - The substance essential for transfter of fatty acids across mitochondrial membrance_____________?


128 - The sugar component of cerebrosides is_____________?


129 - The tissue with the highest glycogen content (mg/100gm)_____________?


130 - The total blood concentration of ketone bodies in well fed individual is__________?

1 mg%

131 - The uptake of glucose by the liver increase following a carbohydrate meal because____________?

There is increase in phosphorylation of glucose by glucokinase

132 - Transcription is the synthesis of____________?

Single stranded complimentary copy of DNA

133 - Translation occurs at______________?


134 - Triglyceride synthesis synthesis is increased by______________?


135 - Triglycerides in serum are transported by_______________?


136 - True about prostaglandins is______________?

All are true

137 - Type II glycogen storage disorder is due to deficiency of______________?

Alpha -Glucosidase

138 - Unsaturated fatty acids are converted to______________?


139 - Unwinding of DNA is done by____________?

Topo isomerase

140 - What high energy phosphate compound is formed in the citric acid cycle through substrate level phosphorylation______________?


141 - Which acid is formed in the citric acid cycle ?

Oxaloacetic acid

142 - Which base is not found in DNA________________?


143 - Which is not a oligosaccharide sugar ?


144 - Which is not seen in HMG CoA pathway ?


145 - Which metabolite of TCA cycle is used in detoxification of ammonia in brain_____________?

Alpha ketoglutarate

146 - Which of the following enzymes use NADP as coenzyme ________________?

Glucose 6-Phosphate dehydrogenase

147 - Which of the following fatty acids are not syntehsised in human body_____________?

Arachidonic, linolenic and linoleic acid

148 - Which of the following is a non-reducing sugar____________?


149 - Which of the following is a phospholipid________________?


150 - Which of the following is abnormal constituent of urine_____________?


151 - Which of the following is correctly matched ?

Succinyl CoA to succinate -1 ATP is formed

152 - Which of the following is most important content of diet ?


153 - Which of the following is not a ketone body______________?

Acetic acid

154 - Which of the following is not a polymer of glucose?


155 - Which of the following is not a product of HMP shunt_____________?

D sedoheptulose 5 phosphate

156 - Which of the following is used in recombinant DNA technology ?

Restriction endonucleases

157 - Which of the following organs cannot use ketone bodies_______________?


158 - Which of the following process in involved in conversion of DNA to RNA___________?


159 - Which of the following statement is TRUE? The hydrolysis of lactose yields glucose and galactose_____________?

The hydrolysis of lactose yields glucose and galactose

160 - Which of them is multienzyme complex_____________?

Both A & B

161 - Which one of the following enzymes provides a link between glycolysis and the citric acid cycle ?

Pyruvate dehydrogenase

162 - Which one of the following is a monosaccharide______________?


163 - Which one of the following is the correct sequential order in which the given enzymes of kreb's cycle are formed after a molecule of acetyl CoA______________?

Citrate, Oxalocetate, Ketoglutarate


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