Mouth Anatomy and Diseases Most Important MCQs

1 - Abductors of larynx are_______________?

Posterior cricoarytendoids

2 - All are structures lying deep to the hyoglossus muscle except_____________?

Hypoglossal nerve

3 - All of the following statements regarding pharynx are correct except_____________?

The afferent limb of the gag reflex is 10th cranial nerve; the efferent limb is IX cranial nerve

4 - All the following muscles of larynx are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve except________________?


5 - All the following nerves may be injured while doing excision of submandibular salivary glands except______________?

Spinal accessory nerve

6 - Anterior 2/3rd of tongue arises from____________?

B & C

7 - Base of the tongue is attached to the_____________?


8 - Circumvallate papillae are present_____________?

Front of sulcus terminalis

9 - Correct about right and left main bronchi is_______________?

Right bronchus is more vertical and broader than the left

10 - Cricothyroid is supplied by_______________?

Superior laryngeal nerve

11 - Damage to external laryngeal nerve results in_______________?

Loss of the timbre of voice

12 - Damage to internal laryngeal nerve results in________________?

Anesthesia of larynx

13 - Deep part of submandibular salivary gland is in relation to _____________?

Lingual Nerve

14 - Deep surface of Hyoglossus is related to_____________?

Glossopharyngeal nerve

15 - Duct of parotid gland crosses over masseter muscle and pierces the___________?

Buccinator muscle

16 - During examination of parotid gland, parotid duct can be palpated at the following except____________?

At the opening just opposite to lower second molar

17 - During inferior alveolar nerve block the needle of LA syringe is penetrated into parotid gland which of the following structure is most likely to be penetrated_____________?

External carotid artery

18 - Epithelium in vocal card is_________________?

stratified squamous

19 - First sinus developed ______________?

Maxillary sinus

20 - Hypoglossal nerve supplies to all the following muscles EXCEPT____________?


21 - In which of the following papillae of the tongue are the taste buds predominantly located ?


22 - Inferior thyroid artery arises from_________________?

Thyrocervical trunk of 1st part of subclavian artery

23 - Isthmus of thyroid gland is across tracheal rings_______________?

2nd to 4th

24 - Lacrimal gland is supplied by which of the following ganglion_________________?

Sphenopalatine ganglion

25 - Larynx extends from_______________?

C3 C6

26 - Little's area constitutes________________?

Anastamosis between branch of maxillary artery and branch of facial artery.

27 - Lymph from lower lip – middle part drains directly into _______________?

Submental nodes

28 - Lymph from tonsils drain into the_______________?

Jugulo digastric node

29 - Main arterial supply of the tonsil is from_____________?

Facial artery

30 - Main arterial supply to the tongue is____________?

Lingual artery

31 - Main motor nerve supply to the pharynx is_____________?

Accessory nerve

32 - Main nerve supply of palatine tonsils is_______________?

Glossopharyngeal nerve

33 - Middle conchae of nose are a part of _____________?


34 - Middle thyroid vein drain into _______ vein?

Internal jugular vein

35 - Muscles which open the glottis are________________?

Lateral cricoarytenoid

36 - Nasolacrimal duct is directed_____________?

Downward, laterally, Backwards ‘(DLB)

37 - Nasolacrimal duct opens into________________?

Inferior meatus

38 - Nasopharynx consists of all except_______________?

Pyriform recess

39 - Nerve supply of the mucosa of larynx is__________________?

Internal laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal

40 - Palsy of the right genioglossus causes______________?

Deviation of tongue to right

41 - Parasympathetic nerve supply to salivary gland is by____________?

VII and IX cranial nerves

42 - Parathyroid glands are supplied by _____ artery?

Inferior thyroid

43 - Parotid duct traverses________________?


44 - Posterior boundary of carotid triangle is________________?


45 - Protrusion of tongue is brought out by ______________?


46 - Regarding palatin tonsil , which of the following is an statement___________________?

Has sensory innervation from vagus

47 - Safety muscle of tongue is______________?


48 - Secretomotor supply of parotid comes from______________?

Auriculotemporal nerve

49 - Sensory nerve fibers to posterior one third of the tongue is supplied by ______________?

IX cranial nerve

50 - Sensory supply to soft palate is by all except______________?

Vigus Nerve

51 - Soft palate is made up of________________?

All of the above

52 - Sphenoidal air sinus is supplied by which nerve______________?

Posterior ethmoidal

53 - Structures related to the medial surface of the hyoglossus muscle in include the following EXCEPT_______________?

Hypoglossal nerve

54 - Sub lingual gland is situated between_____________?

Geniglossus and mandible

55 - Sublingual salivary gland lies______________?

Superior to mylohyoid

56 - Submandibular gland is situated in____________?

Digastric triangle

57 - Superior parathyroid glands are derived from________________?

4thbranchial pouch

58 - Surgical excision of parotid gland endangers which of the following structures ______________?

External carotid artery, auriculotemporal nerve, facial nerve

59 - Taste sensations from the posterior one- third of the tongue are carried by _______ cranial nerve?


60 - The action of styloglossus muscle is______________?

Posteriorly retracts the tongue

61 - The arterial supply of trachea is by________________?

Inferior thyroid artery

62 - The carotid artery may be palpated at_____________?

Thyroid cartilage

63 - The esophagus commences at the following level________________?

Lower end of cricoid

64 - The extrinsic muscles that aid in depressing the tongue are the ___________?

Genioglossi and hyoglossi

65 - The facial nerve______________?

Transverses through parotid gland

66 - The frontal paranasal sinus drains into the_______________?

Middle meatus

67 - The left subclavian artery is a branch of_______________?

Arch of aorta

68 - The level of branching of common carotid artery_______________?

Upper border of thyroid cartilage

69 - The lymphatic drainage from the tip of tongue first passes to ____________?

Submental nodes

70 - The maxillary air sinus opens into middle meatus at______________?

Hiatus semilunaris

71 - The mucosa of the posterior third of the tongue is supplied by______________?

Glossopharyngeal nerve

72 - The muscles of the tongue are supplied by_____________?


73 - The narrowest part of GIT is______________?

Pharyngo esophageal junction

74 - The nerve supplying submandibular gland_________________?


75 - The nerve that is related to pyriform recess in pharynx__________________?

Internal laryngeal

76 - The only pharyngeal muscle innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve is the_______________?

Style pharyngeus

77 - The orifice of the parotid duct is located______________?

On the buccal mocosa near the maxillary second molar

78 - The papillae present on margins of the tongue_____________?

Fungiform papillae

79 - The place where the hard palate is continuous with soft palate posteriorly is overlapped by________________?

An aponeurosis

80 - The preganglionic parasympathetic fibers for otic ganglion commence at________________?

Inferior salivatory nucleus

81 - The relation of facial nerve branches to parotid gland is __________________ ?

In the substance of parotid

82 - The second stage of deglutition is characterized by________________?

Elevation of larynx

83 - The secretomotor supply of the parotid gland is through_________________?

Otic ganglion

84 - The structure that does not traverse parotid gland is____________?

Internal carotid artery

85 - The Tongue____________?

Separated from the epiglottis by gloss epiglottic folds

86 - The weakest part of pharynx is______________?

Between thyropharyngeus and crico- pharyngeus

87 - Tongue develops from which branchial arches ?


88 - Tongue movement has its primary effect on______________?

Palatoglossus arch

89 - Trachea bifurcates at the level of_______________?

Sternal angle

90 - Tympanic plexus is formed by________________?

Tympanic branch of IX nerve

91 - Walderyer's lymphatic chain is formed by all except_____________?

Post auricular nodes

92 - What is maxillary air sinus ?

Paranasal air sinus situated close to maxilla

93 - What is true about pharyngotympanic tube ( Eustachian tube) ?

Supplied by IX nerve

94 - When a patient protrudes his tongue, it deviated to the right. Which of the following nerves is damaged ?

Right hypoglossal

95 - Which is true of tonsils_______________?

Drained by jugulo digastric lymph nodes

96 - Which laryngeal cartilage is above glottis_______________?


97 - Which of the following is not present on the medial surface of a submandibular gland ?


98 - Which of the following muscle divides the sub- mandibular gland into a superficial and deep part ?


99 - Which of the following muscle is attached to posterior part of pterygomandibular raphe ?

Superior constrictor

100 - Which of the following muscle of tongue runs from dorsum of tongue to ventral_____________?


101 - Which of the following statements regarding middle constrictor muscle is wrong__________________?

Is a derivative of the second pharyngeal arch

102 - Which of the following structures is not found in parotid gland______________?

Buccal branch of mandibular nerve


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