Mucous Membrane Most Important MCQs

1 - After the eruption of crown, reduced enamel is known as_____________?

Primary attachment epithelium

2 - All of the following is lined by stratified squamous epithelium, except ?

Roof of the soft palate

3 - Basement membrane________________?

consists of lamina densa and lamina lucida

4 - Biomechanism that unites the epithelium to the tooth surface is_____________?

Junctional epithelium

5 - Buccal mucosa is_______________?


6 - Bulk of lamina propria of the gingiva is made of collagen type_______________?


7 - Cells of the spinous layer are generally_______________?

Larger than the basal cells

8 - Color of the normal gingiva is_____________?

Coral pink

9 - Dendritic cell located in the stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium of the oral cavity include_____________?


10 - Difference between the skin and mucosa of cheek is_______________?

Thin lamina and non keratinized mucosa of cheek

11 - Elongated rete pegs are seen in______________?

Attached gingiva

12 - Epithelial attachment is_____________?

All of the above

13 - Epithelial cells which ultimately keratinize are known as_____________?

Keratinizing cells

14 - Epithelium of oral mucous membrane is_______________?

Ortho, para and non keratinized

15 - Epithelium of the inner surface of the gingival sulcus______________?

Has no rete pegs

16 - In the tongue bitter taste is more perceived at_____________?


17 - In which of the following papillae of the tongue are the taste buds predominantly located ?


18 - Jacobson's organ is________________?

All of the above

19 - Keratohyaline granules are found in________________?

St. granulosum

20 - Keratohyaline granules are more evident in_______________?


21 - Lamina densa of the gingival basement membrane is rich in_____________?

Type IV collagen

22 - Long connective tissue papillae and keratinized epithelia are a feature of these parts of oral mucosa____________?

Hard palate and gingiva

23 - Masticatory mucosa in the oral cavity covers the_______________?

Gingiva and hard palate

24 - Masticatory mucosa is____________?

Ortho keratinised

25 - Membrane coating granules may_____________?

Originate from golgi system

26 - Merkel cells are found in which of the following tissue ______________?


27 - Minor salivary glands are present in the submucosa through out the oral mucosa except for the______________?

Gingiva and anterior part of hard palate

28 - Non keratinized epithelium is found over___________?

Gingival sulcus

29 - Partially keratinized papilla is_______________?


30 - Protein making up the bulk of keratohyaline granules in stratum granulosum of keratinized epithelium is______________?


31 - Stippling's______________?

All of the above

32 - Stratum Germinativum of the oral epithelium is the term given to_______________?

Basal cells and parabasal spinous cells

33 - Stratum germinatum is_______________?

Stratum basale and parabasal spinous cells

34 - Stratum granulosum is not present in_____________?

Hyper parakeratosis

35 - Supporting cells of taste buds are called as_____________?

Sustenticular cells

36 - The anatomic crown is shorter than the clinical crown of a tooth in which of the following instances___________________?

Gingival recession

37 - The connective tissue of the gingiva is known as the______________?

Lamina propria

38 - The function of merkel cells is_______________?

Neuro sensory

39 - The high level clear cell present in the oral epithelium is_____________?

Langerhans cell

40 - The major cells seen in gingiva are______________?

Fibro blast

41 - The mucous membrane of cheeks and lips_____________?

A & B are correct

42 - The oral epithelium is attached to the enamel via_______________?


43 - The position of mucogingival line____________________?

Constant throughout the life

44 - The range of level of fluoride secreted by the glands into the mouth is_____________?

0.007-0.005 ppm

45 - The red zones of lips have_____________?

very small number of sebaceous glands, if any

46 - The thinnest epithelium of oral cavity is found in the____________?

Sublingual mucosa (floor of mouth)

47 - The vermilion border requires frequent moistening because_____________?

It contains less number of sebaceous glands

48 - Vonebilers glands open into which papilla_____________?


49 - Which of the following has immune function in the oral mucous membrane_______________?

Langerhan cell

50 - Which of the following is correct_______________?

All of the above

51 - Which of the following is non-keratinocyte ?

Langerhans cell

52 - Which papillae are completely keratinized______________?



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