Muscles Most Important MCQs

1 - A motor unit is made up of______________?

A single motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates

2 - Abduction of eyeballs is by the action of_______________?

Lateral rectus, superior oblique and the inferior oblique

3 - Accessory meningeal artery enters cranial cavity through______________?

Foramen ovale

4 - Al are structures lying deep to the hyoglossus muscle except_______________?

Hypoglossal nerve

5 - All are features of skeletal muscle except______________?

Centrally placed nuclei

6 - All of the following are digastrics, except ?


7 - All of the following muscles are attached to oblique line of thyroid cartilage except_______________?

Superior constrictor

8 - All of the following muscles are elevators of the mandible EXCEPT_______________?


9 - All of the following muscles are grouped together as “muscles of mastication" except_______________?


10 - All of the following muscles are supplied by accessory nerve except__________________?


11 - All of the following muscles take their origin from the outer surface of the mandible EXCEPT______________?


12 - Among the muscles of TMJ the following muscle opposing stabilizing and antagonistic muscle force as far as the disc is concerned_____________?

Lateral pterygoid

13 - Anterior and posterior belly of digastric form an intermediate tendon that attaches to_______________?

Hyoid bone

14 - Calcium ions triggers muscle contraction by binding to ___________________?


15 - Cardiac muscle contracts due to______________?

Extracellular Ca+2

16 - Contractile element in myofibril is_______________?


17 - Depression and Protrusion of the mandible_______________?

Lateral (EXTERNAL) Pterygoid muscle

18 - Electromyography is used for________________?

To study muscle activity

19 - Facial muscles are derived from_________________?

2ndbranchial arch

20 - Floor of mouth is made by which muscle ___________________?


21 - Genioglossus Muscle is attached in the posterior surface of symphysis menti in the________________?

Superior genial tubercle

22 - Hyperacusis is due to the damage to which of the following muscles ________________?


23 - Hypolossal nerve is________________?

Purely motor

24 - In an isotonic contraction of the muscle________________?

The muscle moves a load through a distance

25 - In excitable cells, repolarization is closely associated with, one of the following events_______________?

K efflux

26 - In facial palsy the muscle which is paralysed is_________________?

Orbicularis oculi

27 - In myasthenia gravis_______________?

Lack of acetyl choline receptors

28 - IN relation to the occlusal plane following muscles are in descending order _____________?

Genioglossus, cculomoto, cculomot, anterior belly of digastric

29 - Increase in threshold level on applying subthreshold, slowly rising stimulus is known as ___________?


30 - Ligamentum denticulaum is________________?

Only a pair of pial extension

31 - Medial pterygoid muscle is attached to ________________?

Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate

32 - Middle constrictor of pharynx has attachment from________________?

Body of hyoid bone

33 - Muscle involved in the rotation and protrusion of the mandible_______________?

Medial pterygoid

34 - Muscle of palate , which works around hamular notch and forms a tendon is____________?

Tensor palatine

35 - Muscle originating from scaphoid fossa is _____________?

Tensor cculo

36 - Muscle that attaches to zygomatic process of maxilla______________?


37 - Muscles of mastication are supplied by_________________?

Second part of maxillary artery

38 - Muscles spared by complete transaction of cranial part of accessory nerve_______________?


39 - Mylohyoid muscle________________?

Elevates the hyoid

40 - Non true regarding Na/K pump is______________?

5 Na+ exchanged for 2K+

41 - Oral diaphragm is formed by_________________?

Mylohyoid muscle

42 - Passavent's muscle is formed by________________?


43 - Posterior belly of digastric is attracted to__________________?

Mastoid notch

44 - Potassium is maximum in_____________?


45 - Retraction of mandible is achieved by_________________?


46 - Rigor mortis results after death is due to________________?

Failure of ATP supply

47 - Skeletal muscles_____________?

Contraction is initiated by calcium binding to troponin

48 - Skeletal muscles______________?

Contraction is initiated by calcium binding to troponin

49 - Small packets of acetylcholine released randomly from the nerve cell membrane at rest Produces_______________?

Miniature end plate potential

50 - Stapedius muscle is supplied by _________ nerve ?


51 - Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius are supplied by__________________?

Spinal accessory

52 - Succinyl choline acts to block neuromuscular transmission by_______________?

Depolarizing the motor end plate of skeletal muscle

53 - Superior moment of eye ball is by _______________?

SR and 10

54 - Temporalis muscle is inserted into_______________?

Levator palpebrae superioris

55 - Temporalis muscle is inserted into_________________?

Coronioid process

56 - Temporalis muscle originates from________________?

side of the skull

57 - Tendon (or) ligament is attached to a bone through ____________?

Sharpey's fibers

58 - The absolute refractory period of an action potential is due to _______________?

Voltage inactivation of the Na+ channel

59 - The action of digastric muscle is__________________?

Depression of mandible

60 - The ansa cervicalis innervates which muscle_______________?


61 - The antagonistic muscle to superior rectus ______________?

Inferior rectus

62 - The contractile element in a skeletal muscle is present in______________?


63 - The disc of the tempero mandibular joint moves forward principally by________________?

Lateral pterygoid muscle

64 - The end plate potential is characterized by_____________?


65 - The following electrodes are used to detect the muscle activity without pain_________________?

Surface electrode

66 - The following ligaments are present in temporomandibulai joint except________________?

Alar liqament

67 - the infrahyoid muscles are innervated by the_______________?

Ansa cervicalis

68 - The lacrimal gland is located in a groove which is overlap by_______________?

Levator palpebrae superioris muscle

69 - The main types of muscle cells are______________?

All of the above

70 - The neuromuscular transmitter released at neuromuscular junction is_______________?


71 - The number of muscle fibers in a motor unit are least in______________?

Laryngeal muscles

72 - The occipital bone provides attachment to all except ________________?


73 - The occulomotor nerve supplies all the muscles of eyeexcept________________?

A & B

74 - The palatal muscle that ends in a tendon that hooks around the hamulus and is inserted in the palate is the_________________?

Tensor veli palatini

75 - The posterior bellies of digastric muscle are especially active during________________?

Swallowing and chewing

76 - The skeletal muscle action potential______________?

Spreads in ward to all parts of the muscle via the t- tubule system

77 - The study of the electrical activity of the muscle is_______________?


78 - Two major types of muscle fibres are found in humans_____________?

White and red

79 - Upstroke of action potential would lead to________________?

Cell interior becomes less negative

80 - When the jaw is opened________________?

Lateral pterygoids contract

81 - Which is caused by acetylcholine through nicotinic receptors_____________?

Contraction of skeletal muscle

82 - Which is not anterior triangle of neck_______________?


83 - Which muscle divides the neck into anterior and posterior triangles?


84 - Which muscles make up the pterygomandibular raphae______________?

Buccinator anterior and superior constrictor

85 - Which of the following is / are fan shaped_______________?

Both of the above

86 - Which of the following is correctly matched_______________?

All the above

87 - Which of the following is not an intrinsic muscle of eye ?

Levator palpebrae superioris

88 - Which of the following muscles elevates the mandible ?


89 - which of the following muscles separates the carotid triangle from the digastric triangle ?

Posterior belly of the digastric

90 - Which one of the following is a regulatory protein of the muscle ?



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