Nerve Supply of Head and Neck Most Important MCQs

1 - 7th,9th ,10thcranial nerves ends in____________?

Nucleus tractus solitarius

2 - A person has inability to look downwards and laterally. The nerve injured is_____________?


3 - Afferent sensation from the lower molar teeth is carried by____________?

Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve

4 - All are branches of the posterior division of the mandibular nerve except ________________?

Deep temporal nerve

5 - All are sensory to the palate except_____________?

Hypoglossal nerve

6 - All are true of mandibular nerve except________________?

Muscles of mastication are innervated by branches of main trunk

7 - All cranial nerve are confined to the head and neck with exception of_______________?


8 - All of the following are features of an injury to the cerival sympathetic trunk EXCEPT_____________?


9 - All of the following are supplied by the ansa cervical is except_____________?


10 - All of the following carry proprioception from head and neck except______________?

Cranial accessory nerve

11 - All of the following is true of facial nerve except_______________?

It has no sensory component

12 - All of the following muscles are supplied by the facial nerve except_______________?

Anterior belly of digastric

13 - All of the following muscles are supplied by the mandibular nerve except_______________?


14 - All of the following nerves are related to the mandible except_____________?

Chorda tympani

15 - All of the following structures are associated with branches of the trigeminal nerve EXCEPT the______________?

Stylomastoid foramen

16 - All of the following structures are in lateral wall of cavernous sinus except______________?


17 - All of the following structures are related to cavernous sinus except______________?

2nd optic nerve

18 - All the cranial nerves provide innervations for the structures in the head and neck EXCEPT one, the additionally supplies the thorax and abdomen_____________?


19 - All the following are true about upper eyelid EXCEPT______________?

Muscles which open the eyelid are supplied by the branch of trigeminal nerve

20 - All the following muscles are innervated by the facial nerve except_____________?

Anterior belly of digastric

21 - All the following nerves are related to the mandible except_____________?

Chorda tympani

22 - Angle of jaw ( or) skin over angle of mandible is supplied by______________?

Great auricular nerve

23 - Anterior belly of digastric is supplied by ____________?

Branch of mandibular nerve

24 - Anterior belly of digastric is supplied by_______________?

Mylohyoid nerve

25 - Anterior ethmoidal nerve supplies all except______________?

Maxillary sinus

26 - Branches of facial nerve are_______________?

All of the above

27 - Celiary ganglion is located______________?

Apex of orbit between optic nerve and lateral rectus

28 - Chorda tympani contain_______________?

Preganglionic parasympathetic fibres

29 - Cranial accessory nerve supplies_____________?

Soft palate

30 - Cricothyroid is supplied by______________?

External laryngeal nerve

31 - Damage to internal laryngeal nerve results in_____________?

Anesthesia of the larynx

32 - Damage to occulomotor nerve causes all except_____________?


33 - Facial nerve has________________?

Motor and sensory root

34 - Facial nerve supply all except_______________?

Parotid gland

35 - Facial nerve_______________?

Mixed nerve

36 - Gag reflex is lost due to paralysis of______________?

IX nerve

37 - Ganglion associated with locrimal gland_______________?

Sphenopalatine ( pterygo palatine)

38 - Glossopharyngeal nerve supplies posterior part of tongue because it develops from_____________?

Hypobranchial eminence

39 - Horner's syndrome is produced due to the pressure on____________?

Stellate ganglion

40 - Hypoglossal nerve is ______________?

Purely motor

41 - If the seventh nerve is damaged on the right side of the face______________?

the muscles of facial expression would be denervated

42 - In a patient it is noticed that when he protrudes his tongue it deviates to the left. The nerve damaged is_______________?

Left hypoglossal

43 - In right facial nerve damage ________________?

There is paralysis of facial muscles

44 - Inferior alveolar nerve runs______________?

Lateral to medial pterygoid

45 - Injury to the median nerve occurs frequently when following artery is used for taking an ABG sample _____________?

Brachial artery

46 - Injury to the motor division of the mandibular nerve will cause paralysis of the following except ______________?


47 - Injury to the right mandibular nerve as it passes though foramen ovale produces the following effects______________?

Loss of general sensation to anterior 2/3 of tongue

48 - Lacrimation does not occur when facial nerve injury is at_____________?

Geniculate ganglion

49 - Lacrimation is affected when facial nerve is injured at _____________?

A & B

50 - Main nerve supply of palatine tonsils is_______________?

Glossopharyngeal nerve

51 - Mandibular anterior division nerve has______________?

One sensory and all motor branches

52 - Mandibular nerve supplies ________________?

Anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid , tensor tympani , tensor palati

53 - Masseteric nerve is a branch of_______________?

Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve

54 - Maxillary nerve innervates all of the following except______________?

Temporomandibular joint

55 - Motor division of trigeminal division comes out via_______________?

Foramen ovale

56 - Motor supply of infrahyoid muscle is______________?

Branches of cervical plexus

57 - Nerve of pterygoid canal is formed by______________?

Symphatetic and greater superficial petrosal nerve

58 - Nerve supply of mucosa of larynx is_______________?

B & C

59 - Nerve supply of temporalis muscle______________?

V cranial nerve

60 - Nerve supply to vocal cords is by_____________?

Internal and recurrent laryngeal nerve

61 - Nerve which hooks around wharton's duct is_______________?

Lingual nerve

62 - Palatine aponeurosis is______________?

Tendon of Tensor veli palatine muscle

63 - Paralysis of upper eyelid is due to paralysis of________________?


64 - Parasympathetic ganglion in head are_______________?

Four pairs

65 - Parasympathetic nerve supply to salivary gland is by_______________?

IX & VII cranial Nerves

66 - Preganglionic parasympathetic fibres travel to otic ganglion from_____________?

Glossopharyngeal nerve

67 - Pregarglionic parasympatnetic fibres to the Otic ganglion are carried in the______________?

Lesser petrosal nerve

68 - Pterygopalatine ganglion is functionally connected to_______________?

Facial nerve

69 - Ptosis is due to damage of _____________?

Occulomotor nerve

70 - Ptosis may occur due to damage to_______________?


71 - Recurrent laryngeal nerve has close relation to______________?

Inferior thyroid artery

72 - Root value of phrenic nerve_____________?


73 - Secretomotor fibers to the submandibular salivary gland are carried in all the following except_____________?


74 - Sensory innervation of larynx as far as the vocal folds is by ________ nerve?

Internal laryngeal

75 - Sensory supply of pinna is by _______ nerve?


76 - Skin over the prominence of the cheek is supplied by _______________?


77 - Smiling and frowning are actions produced by the following nerves _______________?

Facial expression; facial ( VII cranial)

78 - Somatic efferent does not include______________?

Facial nerve

79 - Sphenoidal air sinus is supplied by ________ nerve?

Posterior ethmoidal nerve

80 - Sphenopalatine ganglion does not supply_________________?

B & C

81 - Structure which course through abdomen is____________?

Vagus nerve

82 - Structures passing through the sigmoid (mandibular ) notch are_____________?

Masseteric nerve and vessels

83 - The auriculotemporal nerve supplies which gland_____________?


84 - The branch of facial nerve that conveys the secretomotor impulse involved in lacrimation is_____________?

Greater petrosal nerve

85 - The cranial nerves which are part of parasympathetic card via_____________?


86 - The facial nerve _____________?

Transverses through parotid gland

87 - The fifth nerve innervates the following________________?

Mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, and tensor tympani

88 - The following statements concerning chorda tympani nerve are true except that it_____________?

Contains postganglionic parasympathetic fibers

89 - The hypoglossal nerve is the motor nerve to all of the muscles of the tongue except, the____________?


90 - The hypoglossal nerve provides______________?

Motor innervation to all of the muscles of the tongue both intrinsic and extrinsic

91 - The innervation of the tensor tympani muscle is_____________?


92 - The largest ganglion in the neck is___________?

Superior ganglion

93 - The lower lip gets its sensory supply though the__________________?

Mental nerve

94 - The maxillary nerve exits the cranium through which foramen ______________?


95 - The muscle arising from the outer surface of the alveolus at the region of the molars is supplied by which nerve _____________?


96 - The muscle of tongue not supplied by the hypoglossal nerve is_____________?


97 - The nasal septum is supplied by all the following except_____________?

Posterior ethmoidal nerve

98 - The nerve supply for motor action of buccinator______________?

Facial nerve

99 - The nerve supply of stapedius muscle is______________?

VII cranial nerve

100 - The nerve that emerges from the two superficial heads of lateral pterygoid muscle is______________?

Buccale nerve

101 - The occulomotor nerve supplies all the muscles of eye except_____________?

A & B

102 - The optic nerve terminates in the________________?

Medulla oblangata

103 - The Otic Ganglion_____________?

Sends postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to auriculotemporal nerve

104 - The psterior belly of the digastric muscle is supplied by the_______________?

Facial nerve

105 - the special visceral afferent fibres of the facial nerve are located in which nuclei___________?

Nucleus of tractus solitarius

106 - The structure that is closely related to the posterior end of the mylohyoid ridge is_______________?

Lingual nerve

107 - The tip of nose is supplied by _________ nerve?


108 - TMJ is supplied by _______________?

Auriculotemporal nerve

109 - TMJ is supplied mainly by ______________?

Masseteric and auriculotemporal nerve

110 - Trigeminal nerve has how many nuclei in CNS______________?


111 - True about occulomotor nerve are all except____________?

Passes through inferior orbital fissure

112 - Tumor infiltrating into the formen ovale will cause all EXCEPT_______________?

Paranesthesia of lips

113 - Unilateral supranuclear lesion of facial nerve involves______________?

Only contra lateral lower part of the face

114 - When a patient is asked to say " ah" if the uvula is drawn upwards to the left, the cranial nerve likely to be damaged is____________?

Rt accessory

115 - Where is cillary ganglion located in the orbit______________?

Apex of orbit between optic nerve & lateral recuts

116 - Which nerve is in close relation with the root of the lower 3rd molar ___________?

Lingual nerve

117 - Which of the following does not pass through cavernous sinus ?

Medial cerebral artery

118 - Which of the following is false about otic parasympathetic ganglion ?

Has parasympathetic , sympathetic and sensory fibres

119 - Which of the following is innervated by the vagus nerve ?

The levator velti palatine ( levator palatini)

120 - Which of the following is not a branch of ophthalmic nerve ?

Medial ethmoid

121 - Which of the following is not true regarding trigeminal nerve ?

The trigeminal ganglion contributes to the sensory root only

122 - Which of the following is supplied by the glossopharyngeal nerve_____________?


123 - Which of the following is the normal arrangement of lingual nerve and vessels in the tongue from medial to lateral____________?

Artery , Nerve and vein

124 - Which of the following muscles is supplied by mandibular nerve?

Tensor veli palatine

125 - Which of the following nerves are branches of mandibular nerve ?

Lingual and inferior alveolar nerves

126 - Which of the following structures is least likely to be damaged during mandibular 3rd molar extraction___________?

Lingual artery

127 - Which of the following supplies structures in head, neck, thorax and abdomen ?

Vagus nerve

128 - Which one of the following is a branch of facial nerve__________?

Greater superficial petrosal nerve

129 - Which structure does not pass through the jugular foramen ?

Internal carotid artery

130 - Which structure passes through infra orbital fissure______________?

Zygomatic nerve


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