Nervous And Cardiovascular system Most Important MCQs

1 - 2nd heart sound is characterized by all except______________?

Has longer duration than 1st heart sound

2 - Abdominal visceral pain is transmitted by ________________?

Sympathetic fibers

3 - Absolute period when whole heart is in diastole is______________?

0.4 seconds

4 - Absolute refractory period in heart______________?

All of the above

5 - Afferent component of corneal reflex is mediated by ________________?

Trigeminal nerve

6 - All the heart valves are open during which stage of cardiac cycle __________________?

None of the above

7 - Aphasia is most likely associated with a lesion in_______________?

Broca's area

8 - Axon hillock is part of the soma of neuron which________________?

Has no Nissl granules

9 - Blood brain barriers is absent in all of the following areas except__________________?

Habenuclear trigone

10 - Blood supply to the brain during moderate exercise________________?

Remains constant

11 - Body temperature is maintained by ______________?

all of the above

12 - Breathing ceases upon destruction of the___________________________?

Medulla oblongata

13 - Broca's area is concerned with______________?

Word formation

14 - Cardiac cycle duration in man is_______________?

0.8 seconds

15 - Cardiac index is related to ______________?

Cardiac output and body surface area

16 - Cardiac output in L/min divided by heart rate equals_______________?

Mean stroke volume

17 - Cardiac output is a measure of______________?

Heart rate X blood volume

18 - Cardiac output is maximum to _________________?


19 - Cardiac output is not affected by __________________?

Systolic blood pressure

20 - Cell bodies of the neurons which carry taste sensation from the anterior 2/3rd of the tongue are located in________________?

Geniculate ganglion

21 - Centre of activity of autonomic nervous system is_________________?


22 - Chromatolysis is______________?

Disappearance of nissel granules

23 - Closure of aortic valve occurs before the following event_______________?

Isovolumetric relaxation

24 - Conduction velocity is least in_______________?

AV node

25 - Consider the following statements________________?

Both A and B

26 - Copious flow of watery saliva is secreted in response to _____________?

Parasympathetic stimulation

27 - Coronary blood flow is usually predominantly controlled by_____________?

Auto regulation

28 - Delta waves of Electroencephalogram have frequency of ______________?

Less than 3.5 cycles per second

29 - Distribution of blood flow is mainly regulated by the________________?


30 - DOPA and 5 – Hydroxytryptophan are clinically important because______________?

They cross Blood Brain Barriers

31 - Effect on force of contraction of heart is_____________?

Ionotropic effect

32 - Epicrritic perception of pain occurs at the level of______________?

Area 3,1,2

33 - Fastest conducting tissue in human heart _________________?

Purkinje fibers

34 - First change to occur after nerve cut is_______________?

Myelin sheath degeneration

35 - First change to occur in the distal segment of cut________________?

Axonal degeneration

36 - First heart sound occurs during the period of________________?

Isovolumetric contraction

37 - Following are extrapyramidal tracts except______________?


38 - Following are the changes during accommodation except_______________?

Dilatation of pupil

39 - Function of GABA on CNS is_______________?

Neuronal inhibition

40 - function of Merkel's cells is_______________?

Tactile sensation

41 - Gag reflex is mediated by _______ cranial nerve ?


42 - Glomerular capillary pressure differ from other capillaries of body in______________?

Higher filtration pressure

43 - Group B fibers are present in_____________?

Autoonomic preganglionic fibers

44 - Heart muscle, true are all except_______________?

Has multiple nuclei

45 - Hunger centre of brain is________________?


46 - Hyper kinetic syndromes such as chorea and athetosis are usually associated with pathological changes in_______________?

Basal ganglia complex

47 - In cerebellar disease, all the statements are correct except______________?

There is pendular knee jerk

48 - In CNS, the myelination is carried out by _____________?


49 - In determining blood pressure by auscultatory method_____________?

The first sound heard is the systolic pressure

50 - In nerve , the magnitude of the action potential overshoot is normally a function of the______________?

extracellular sodium concentration

51 - Increase in carotid sinus pressure produces__________________?

Reflex Hypercapnia

52 - Increased functional demand on the heart produces increased size of the myocardium by _______________?


53 - Intensity of sound is measured in________________?


54 - Intention tremor is a feature of _______________?

Loss of function of cerebellum

55 - Isovolumetric relaxation ends immediately after________________?

When ventricular pressure falls below atrial pressure

56 - Lesions within the basal ganglia produce the following signs except_______________?


57 - Middle ear deafness can be tested by_____________?

Weber's test

58 - Minimum blood pressure is in_____________?


59 - Neurotransmitter in nigrostrial pathway is_______________?


60 - Normally, the rate of the heart beat in a human is determined by _________________?

The sinoatrial node

61 - Pacinian corpuscles are major receptor for______________?


62 - Pain is conducted by_______________?

A-delta fibers

63 - Pain is conducted by________________?

A-delta fibers

64 - Pain producing substance is________________?

Substance P

65 - Pain sensation from the lateral extremities is transmitted by________________?

Spino thalmamic tract

66 - Parasympathetic stimulation of heart causes______________?

SA node decreases firing

67 - Peripheral resistance is maximum in_______________?


68 - Phagocytosis in the CNS is done by _______________?


69 - Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers are_______________?


70 - Receptors for olfactory sensation are present in ______________?

Lateral wall and nasal septum above superior concha

71 - Red colour blindness is called________________?


72 - Respiratory center is situated in_______________?

Medulla oblongata

73 - Resting membrane potential of nerve fiber is_______________?

-70 mv

74 - SA node acts as a pacemaker of the heart because of the fact that it_________________?

Generates impulses at the highest rate

75 - Satiety center in hypothalamus is regulated by ________________?

Blood glucose levels

76 - Sensations of pain from teeth and temperature are carried by_______________?

Lateral spinothalamic tract

77 - Sensory receptors for pain are_______________?

Free nerve endings

78 - Starling's law of the heard________________?

Explains the increase in cardiac output that occurs when venous return is increased

79 - Stimulating mechanoreceptors or nociceptors in mouth triggers the_______________?

Jaw opening reflex

80 - Stimulation of barorceptor leads to ________________?

Decreased B.P , decreased heart rate

81 - Stimulation of baroreceptors results in_______________?

Decrease in blood pressure

82 - Stroke output of each ventricle in normal adult is_____________?

70 ml

83 - Swallowing center is situated in_______________?


84 - Sweat glands are supplied by only_______________?

Sympathetic nerves

85 - Sympathetic stimulation causes ______________?

All of the above

86 - The cell junctions allowing exchange of cytoplasmic molecules between two cells are called________________?

Gap junctions

87 - The dicrotic notch on the aortic pressure curve is caused by_________________?

Closure of the aortic valve

88 - The effects of Adrenaline on heart are all except__________________?

Decreases myocardial irritability

89 - The first heart sound is produced by the_____________?

Closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves

90 - The first physiological response to high environmental temperature is_______________?


91 - The following factors increase the cardiac output except______________?

After load

92 - The function of Carotid body is_______________?

Measures the change in Po2 in arterial blood

93 - The largest function of the total peripheral resistance is due to _________________?


94 - The most outer covering of nerve fibres is called as____________?


95 - The pathway of pain from teeth and temperature is carried by ______________?

Lateral spinothalamic tract

96 - The Sensory receptors serving the stretch reflex are classified as___________?


97 - The temperature of body is controlled by_______________?


98 - The term ‘myopia' refers to ______________?

Near sightedness

99 - The velocity of conduction in the Purkinjie fibers of the heart is__________________?

1 to 4 m/sec

100 - The ventricular repolarization in ECG is best seen in_______________?

“T" wave

101 - Tissues with least regenerative potential is________________?


102 - Tremors are seen in disorder of_________________?

Basal ganglia

103 - Under resting condition the cardiac output is _______ L/ min ?


104 - Unmyelinated fibres differ from myelinated fibers in that they ______________?

Have to nodes of Ranvier

105 - Ventricular muscle receives impulses directly from the_______________?

Purkinje system

106 - Voluntary movement of eye ball is controlled by______________?


107 - Wallenberg degeneration is seen in______________?

Distal cut end of nerve without cell body

108 - What is common between systemic and pulmonary circulation is_____________?

Volume of the circulation per minute

109 - Which of the following acts as a neurotransmitter inhibitor _______________?


110 - Which of the following increases turbulence in blood flow ?

Increase in diameter of blood vessel

111 - Which of the following is not true about axonotmesis ?

Intact neural sheath is not present

112 - Which of the following is not true for myelinated nerve fibers______________?

Impulse through myelinated fibers is slower than non- myelinated fibers

113 - which receptor is responsible for monitoring the rate of muscle stretch ?

Nuclear bag intrafusal fibers

114 - Which sensation is not lost on the side of lesion in brown sequard syndrome ?



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