Occulusion Most Important MCQs

1 - All are actions of CCK except_______________?

Increased gastric secretion

2 - All of the following muscles are elevators of the mandible except______________?


3 - All the following causes the secretion of gastric juice during cephalic phase EXCEPT______________?

Food in the stomach

4 - Articular disc of TMJ is__________?

All of the above

5 - Articular disc of tmj receives insertion from which muscle______________?

Lateral pterygoid

6 - Basically TMJ is a_____________?

Diartmodal joint

7 - Best stimuli for secretion is______________?


8 - Bile acids are derived from_____________?


9 - Bile color is due to_____________?


10 - Bile salt repeats its cycle in____________?

8 times a day

11 - Bilirubin is conjugated with which of the following ?

Glucuronic acid

12 - Cephalic phase of gastric secretion can be demonstrated by the following experiment____________?

Pavlov's pouch

13 - Cephalic phase of gastric secretion is mediated by ______________?


14 - Cholagogues are the substances, which cause______________?

Contraction of the gallbladder

15 - Curve passing through the buccal and lingual cusp tips of the mandibular buccal teeth is______________?

Wilson curve

16 - Depression of mandible is achieved by_______________?

All of the above

17 - Desmodont is another name for_____________?

periodontal ligament

18 - Distobuccal cusp of 27 falls into ______________?

Embrasure of 37 & 38

19 - Facial occlusal line in the maxillary arch is formed by_______________?

Non- supporting cusps

20 - Fats absorbed with the help of bile salts are_______________?

Higher fattery acids, diglycerides and monoglycereides

21 - Forward moment of mandible is done by_________?

Lateral pterygoid

22 - Gastric secretion is stimulated by all the following except_____________?


23 - Gastrin is produced by _____________?


24 - Gastro – intestinal hormone in the following is_______________?


25 - Group function occlusion is common in_____________?

Above 30 years

26 - Histamine stimulate the secretion of_______________?

HCL by stomach

27 - If a permanent first molar is lost, the permanent second molar drifts to the______________?

Mesial side

28 - In an ideal occlustion buccal cusps of maxillary teeth, occlude with______________?

Grooves and embrasures

29 - In centric occlusion, the cusp tip of the maxillary canine is in alignment with which mandibular tooth_____________?

Facial embrasure of canine and premolar

30 - In jaundice, there is an unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia which is most likely due to __________?

Increased break down of red cells

31 - In normal occlusion , with which grooves / surface of the permanent mandibular first molar does the mesiobuccal cusp of the permanent maxillary first molar occlude______________?

Mesiobuccal surface

32 - In occlusion the teeth have_______________?

Surface to surface contact

33 - IN occlusion, the teeth have______________?

Surface – to- surface contact

34 - In the intercuspal position, the lingual cusp of maxillary 2nd premolar contacts the______________?

Distal fossa of mandibular 2ndpremolar

35 - In which of the following areas is the alveolar process the thinnest_____________?

Buccal to the mandibular central incisors

36 - Lateral movement of condyle is caused by_____________?

Both lateral and medial pterygoid muscle

37 - Maxillary facial and mandibular lingual cusps require sufficient occclusal length and horizontal overlap for_____________?

Soft tissue protection

38 - Maximum absorption of bile occurs at_____________?


39 - Maximum contact between occlusal surfaces, of maxillary and mandibular teeth occur during________________?

Centric occlusion

40 - Maximum secretory glands in stomach are________________?

Fundic glands

41 - Most potent stimulus for secretin is______________?

Acid chyme

42 - Normal dentition in centric occlusion, opposing contact may be expected at_____________?

Buccal slopes of lingual cusps of maxillary posterior teeth

43 - Nutrients are mainly absorbed in______________?

Small intestine

44 - Of the following is a reflex mediated by vagus ?

Cephalic phase of gastric secretion

45 - On opening the mouth , if the jaw deviates to the right side, it indicates the paralysis of__________?

Right lateral pterygoid

46 - Over jet is defined as______________?

Horizontal overlap

47 - Pancreas produce_____________?


48 - Pancreatic juice rich in water and electrolytes but poor in enzymes is secreted in response to ______________?


49 - Parietal cells of gastric mucosa secrete ______________ ?


50 - Pepsinogen is activated by ___________________ ?

Low pH

51 - Peristalsis in the gut is due to ______________?

Mecharical distension

52 - Peristalsis involves coordinated contraction and relaxation______________?

Above and below the food bolus

53 - Pharyngeal phase of deglutition_____________?

A and B

54 - Position and movement of articular disc of TMJ is controlled by fibers of_____________?

Upper head of lateral pterygoid muscle

55 - Production of bile takes place in____________________?


56 - Retrusion of mandible is achieved by _______________?


57 - Secretin does not cause _______________?

Gastric secretion increase

58 - Secretin is secreted by_____________?


59 - Small intestinal peristalsis is controlled by _______________?

Myentric plexus

60 - Stomach accommodates the meal by______________?

Receptive relaxation

61 - Temporo – mandibular ligament is attached to _____________?

Lateral aspect of TMJ

62 - The duodenum secretes a hormone which has following effects except_______________?

Increases gastric motility

63 - The final sugars in intestinal chyme are____________?

Glucose & fructose

64 - The incisal edges and the incisal thirds of facial surfaces of mandibular incisors and canines generally oppose lingual surfaces of maxillary incisor and canines _____________?

Within the incisor thirds

65 - The intrinsic factor for vitamins B12 absorption is produced in the______________?


66 - The key to occlusion is_______________?

Maxillary permanent first molar

67 - The maxillary teeth which have single antagonist are__________?

Third molars

68 - The most important action of Secretin is to_____________?

Cause contraction of pyloric sphincter

69 - The most important function of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is_______________?

Activation of pepsinogen

70 - The only sugar normally absorbed in the intestine against a concentration gradient is_____________?


71 - The premolar alveoli are what shape in cross section_____________?

Kidney shaped

72 - The side towards which mandible moves is called the_____________?

Working side

73 - The zygomatic bone does not articulate with________________?

Nasal bone

74 - Thinnest labial plate is found in the region of____________?

Lower central incisors

75 - Trypsin is an activator of all of the following enzymes EXCEPT_______________?


76 - Urine urobilinogen is absent in_______________?

Obstructive jaundice

77 - Vagal stimulation following intake of food does not affect secretion of_______________?


78 - When a molar has no opposing tooth, it can become_______________?


79 - Which is not produced enteroendocrinally_____________?

Intrinsic factor

80 - Which is the predominant factor in the formation of the alveolar process_____________?

Eruption of teeth

81 - Which muscle is responsible for translation of condyle ?

Lateral pterygoid

82 - Which of the following body secretions is maximum______________?


83 - Which of the following is not a structural element of the temporomandibular joint ?

Sigmoid notch

84 - Which of the following moment are performed by a non- working condyle ?

Down wards forwards and lateral

85 - Which of the following movement (s) is / are involved in the opening of the mouth?

Hinge followed by translation

86 - Which of the following muscle helps in depressing the mandible ___________?

Lateral pterygoid

87 - Which of the following muscles moves the condyle and articular disc anterior and downwards on glenoid fossa______________?

Lateral pterygoid

88 - which of the following secretions has a very high pH________________?

Pancreatic juice

89 - Which of the portions of the intra articular disc is the thinnest ?


90 - Within which parts of a gastric gland are chief cells located_____________?



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