Oral Diseases Most Important MCQs

1 - 65 year old man who is anaemic, complaints of back pain multiple radiolucencies in panaromic view______________?

Multiple myeloma

2 - A 20yr old patient reports with multiple swelling of the jaws. Clinical examination reveals multiple hard swellings involving the jaws and intra orally several missing teeth are noticed. Panoramic radiograph reveals multiple radio opaque lesions in the maxilla and the mandible with multiple impacted teeth and supernumerary teeth indicative of Gardeners syndrome: The above mentioned condition is______________?

Autosomal dominant disease

3 - A 3 cm squamous cell carcinoma of the retromolar trigone and invading the mandible and the medial pterygold muscle is at what TNM stage____________?

Stage IV

4 - A 50 year old obese man complains of several recent abscesses in the gingiva with loosening of teeth. He also suffers from itching of skin and polyuria. The most probable etiology is______________?

Diabetes mellitus

5 - A 9 year old child has increased horizontal anterior bone loss, cementum and on test shows excretion of phophoethanolamine in the urine. The child is suffering from________________?


6 - A blue nodular mass on the lateral border of the tongue is soft, smooth and blanches upon pressure It is most likely to be_____________?


7 - A disease which only affects the formation and eruption of tooth but does not cause hypoplasia is______________?


8 - A five-year old child presents with chronic bed wetting and bilateral loose deciduous first molars. His mother says that she want to drink of water several times during each night. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis ?

Hand-Schuller Christian disease

9 - A histologic evidence of widespread formation of globular hypocalcified dentin and pulp horns reaching the dentinoenamel junction, absence of lamina dura around the tooth in radiograph are the characteristic features of_____________?

Vitamin -D resistant rickets

10 - A lesion composed of microscopic vessels is called as ______________?

Heamangioma and Angioma

11 - A man who had suffered from displaced fracture of mandible complains of pain in-old fracture site near mental foramen. There is a movable tender mass on palpation in the area The best preoperative diagnosis is_______________?

Traumatic neuroma

12 - A median round lesion in front of circumvallate papilae, with epithelial hyperplasia diagnosis is___________?

Median rhomboid glossitis

13 - A patient complains of numbness of lower lip. There is no history of tooth extraction. It could be______________?

Metastatic neoplasia

14 - A patient is diagnosed of oral cancer or stage T,N,M_____________?

Surgery +radiotherapy

15 - A patient with carinoma cheek has tumor of 2.5 cms located close to and involving the lower alveolus. A single mobile homolateral node measuring node measuring 6 cm is palpable. Based on these clinical findings TNM stage of the tumor is______________?

T2 N2 Mo

16 - A progressive increase in mandibular length and in mandibular interdental spacing in an adult patient is characteristic of_______________?


17 - A rhabdomyoma is a tumour origination from______________?

Striated muscle

18 - Abtropfing affect is seen in_____________?

Junctional nevus

19 - Acanthosis is_____________?

Increase in thickness of spinous layer

20 - Acrodermatitis enteropathica is due to deficiency of_______________?


21 - Addison's disease is related to________________?

Adrenal cortex

22 - Addison's disease typically_____________?

Is an autoimmune disease

23 - All of the following are precancerous conditions except _________________?


24 - All of the following malignancies metastasize except____________?

Basal cell carcinoma

25 - All the following affects absorption of calcium EXCEPT_____________?

Retinoic acid

26 - Ammonia causes______________?

Decrease in plaque formation

27 - Among pre-malignant oral lesions ______________?

Erythroplakia has a higher risk for malignancy than leukoplakia

28 - An abnormal resorption pattern in primary teeth, delayed eruption of permanent teeth and a large tongue are the feature of_____________?


29 - An epithelial lining is typically found in all of the following except_______________?

Aneurismal bone cysts

30 - An etiological factor for macroglossia is_____________________?

Hurler's syndrome

31 - An Inflammed capillary hemangioma of the oral cavity looks similar to a _____________?

Pyogenic granuloma

32 - Animals maintained in germ free environmental did not develop caries even when fed on a high carbohydrate diet is given by_____________?

Orland and Fizgerald

33 - Antoni type A and type B are seen in ______________?


34 - Arecanut chewing is aetiological factor in______________?

Oral dubmucous fibrosis

35 - Asymmetric widening of the periodontal ligament around two or more teeth is seen in_______________?


36 - Bacteria responsible for initiation of caries is _________________?

Strep. mutans

37 - Beefy red and painful tongue is characteristic of_______________?

Acute nicotinic acid deficiency

38 - Bence- Jones are laboratory finding of____________?

Multiple myeloma

39 - Benign tumor which shows metastasis_____________?


40 - Benign tumour of voluntary muscle __________________?


41 - Best results are obtained in oral submucous fibrosis is by______________?

Intralesional cortisone therapy. with hyaluronic acid

42 - Bone changes in hyperparathyroidism include________________?

All of the above

43 - Bone pain, bone, cyst, fractures and renal stones are characteristics of_____________?


44 - Bowen's disease is_____________?

Intro epithelial carcinoma

45 - Brachytherapy means ___________?

Radiation administered interstially through catheters

46 - Brown tumours are seen in_____________?


47 - Burning sensation of the tongue is called_____________?


48 - Cancer which most commonly metastasizes to jaw bone is______________?


49 - Carcinoma of lip____________?

occurs mostly in the lower lip

50 - Carcinoma of the cheek____________?

Has a recognized association with chewing betel nut

51 - Caries, all are true except______________?

Lactobacillus is main acusative organism in plaque

52 - Chemico-parasitic theory of dental caries is proposed by______________?


53 - Clear cells are seen in__________________?


54 - Commonest site of carcinoma of tongue____________?

Lateral margin

55 - Commonly involved lymph nodes during metastasis from carcinomas of oral cavity is______________?

sub mandibular and servical lymph nodes

56 - Consider the following statements giant cells are a characteristic histopathologic finding in______________?

Brown tumor of hyper parathyroidism

57 - Deficiency of which of the following will cause enamel hypoplasia ?

Vitamin B and C

58 - Definitive diagnosis of oral cancer is made by________________?


59 - Delayed eruption of at least part of the dentition is a recognized feature of all of the following EXCEPT____________?

Congenital hyperthyroidism

60 - Diabetes insipidus, bone lesions lesions and exophthalmos is seen in________________?

Hand-Schuller-Christian disease

61 - Diffuse erythema (pinpoint petechiae) and white patches in smoker's palate occur due to________________?

Keratinization with partially occluded minor salivary glands

62 - Dinesh, a 24-year old male, complains of loose teeth in a single quardrant. His radiograph shows irregular bone loss and histopathology reveals eosinophils and histiocytes. The most probable diagnosis is______________?

Hand- Schuller-Christian disease

63 - During oral examination of a 57-year old man a large keratotic patch that covers the entire palate is noted some Red Spots are also seen in the patch The patient most likely is a____________?

Pipe smoker

64 - Early invading bacteria in carious lesions are called___________?

Pioneer bacteria

65 - Eosinophilic granuloma results from the proliferation of____________________?


66 - Etiology of multiple neurofibromatosis is_______________?


67 - Features characteristic of leukoplakia include all except_____________?

Plasma cell infiltration within the dermal papilae

68 - Firbroma combined with glandular tissue is_______________?


69 - Following a general examination and a biopsy of a firm, pale nodule in the tongue, a diagnosis of primary amyloidosis has been reached What underlaying disease is this patient likely to have_____________?

None of the above

70 - For a bacterium to be seriously considered in the etiology of dental caries, it must______________?

Exist regularly in the dental plaque

71 - Frequent bouts of epistaxis are a conspicuous features of______________?

Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia

72 - Gingiva is most commonly affected by deficiency of_____________?

Vitamin C

73 - Glossodynia is_____________?

Pain in the tongue

74 - Granular cell myoblastoma of tongue is____________?

Benign tumor

75 - Hairy laukoplakia is associated with all of the following EXCEPT_____________?

Filiform to flat patch on lateral tongue

76 - Hairy Tongue is a condition in which certain structures become enlarged_______________?

Filiform papillae

77 - Hamartoma is _____________?


78 - Hemosiderin pricticles are seen histologically in case of_____________?

Peripheral giant cell granuloma

79 - Hemosiderin pricticles are seen histologically in case of______________?

Peripheral giant cell granuloma

80 - Hepatolenticular degeneration is seen with deposition of_____________?


81 - Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is seen commonly on_______________?


82 - Histochemical demonstration of glycogen in the cells can help in the diagnosis of_________________?

Ewing's sarcoma

83 - Hodgkin's disease is considered to be________________?

A malignant neoplasm

84 - Hyperparathyroidism radiological features seen are_____________?

All of the above

85 - Hypogonadism developmental delay, loss of taste and smell is due to deficiency of_______________?


86 - In a caries-free individual the saliva has_____________?

High buffering capacity for acids

87 - In a patient with reduced salivary flow the carious incidence is_______________?

More than the patient with normal salivary flow

88 - In amyloidosis of the tongue, The amyloid is deposited primarily in the______________?

Stromal connective tissue

89 - In the earliest stages of carious lesion. There is loss of______________?

Interprismatic substance

90 - In which of the following conditions pulsations or murmur may be detected ______________?

Capillary hemangioma

91 - In which of the following type of tumour the HPV-6 can be detected ?


92 - In which one of the following perineural invasion in head and neck cancer is most commonly seen ?

Adenoid cystic carcinoma

93 - Increased incidence of carcinoma is observed with_______________?

Nodular leukoplakia

94 - Increased incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is due to all except____________?

None of the above

95 - Initiation of caries by streptococcus mutans is by the production of______________?

Insoluble dextan and glucosyl transferase

96 - Intestional absorption of calcium is decreased by________________?

phytic Acid

97 - Intitation of dental caries depends upon_______________?

Localization of acid over tooth surface

98 - Kaposi's sarcoma is a tumour of_____________?

Blood vessels

99 - Kaposi's sarcoma is more commonly seen in patient with __________________?


100 - Keratocanthoma is found most commonly on ?


101 - Lactobacilli are numerous in caious lesions because they______________?

Are secondary invaders

102 - Lamina Dura is lost of partially lost in_____________?


103 - Lateral skull view of palatal tori is used to know______________?

Bone pattern

104 - Least cariogenic among these______________?

Raw starch

105 - Leiomyoma is a tumor of ______________ ?

smooth muscle

106 - Letterer seiwe disease is a disturbance of______________?

histiocytic disorder

107 - Leukoplakia with the worst prognosis is seen on the_____________?

Dorsum of tongue

108 - Leutic glossitis can occur in connection with_____________?


109 - Macrodontia is associated with______________?

Pituitary gigantism

110 - Magenta tongue and cracks at corner of mouth are seen is deficiency of______________?


111 - Magenta tongue is found in the deficiency of the vitamin_____________?


112 - Median rhomboid glossitis is associated with____________?

Absence of filiform papillae

113 - Median rhomboid glossitis is due to____________?

Persistence of tuberculum impar

114 - Melanoma is_____________?

Malignant tumour of skin and mucous membrane

115 - Metastases from carinoma of tongue by blood stream is more likely when the carcinoma involves the__________?

posterior third

116 - Metastatic disease to the oral region is most likely to occur in which of these locations ?

Posterior mandible

117 - Miller put forth the acidogenic theory of dental caries in the year______________?


118 - Mobility of teeth in carcinoma of Maxillary sinus is due to involvement by tumor of_________________?

Floor of the sinus

119 - MOst common route for metastasis of oral cancer is by_______________?


120 - Most common site of oral leukoplakia is______________?

cheek mucosa

121 - Multiple punched out lesion are seen in__________?

Multiple myeloma

122 - Neoplastic transformation in leucoplakia is seen most commonly in _____________?

Floor of mouth

123 - Normal serum calcium level is______________?

9 to 11 mg%

124 - Numbness of lip seen with no previous dental treatment ______________?

Meta static carcinoma

125 - On biopsy report of CGCG on the basis of histologically & morphological similarities differential diagnosis is made between____________?


126 - On clinical examination a 60 years old female had a tumor in the right buccal mucosa. The size of the tumor was about 2 cm in diameter. There was no involvement of regional lymph nodes and also had no distant metastasis The TNM stage of the tumor is____________?

T1 No Mo

127 - On stretching the cheek the lesion disappears in___________?


128 - Onion Skin appearance of radiographs is seen in______________?

Ewing's sarcoma

129 - Oral foci of miller's are seen in_______________?

Dental caries

130 - Oral hairy leukoplakia is seen in AIDS patients. The most likely site of appearance is_______________?

Lateral borders of tongue

131 - Oral lesions on the tongue and other mucosal surfaces of the oral cavity is caused by the deficiency of_______________?


132 - Oral submucous fibrosis is diagnosed by____________?

All of the above

133 - Oral ulceration resembling Apthae are encountered in____________?

Gluten enteropathy

134 - Ossifying fibroma manifests as______________?

Both A & B

135 - Osteosarcoma of the jaw______________?

Highly malignant tumour which shows early metastasis

136 - Osteosarcoma presents a radiographic picture resembling____________?

Sun-brust appearance

137 - Papillomatous tongue is observed in____________?


138 - Peripheral giant cell granuloma occurs most commonly on the_______________?


139 - Persons with the greatest risk of oral cancer_______________?

Are old, chronic alcoholics and regularly and regularly use tobacco

140 - Phleboliths are seen in___________________?

Cavernous Hemangiomas

141 - Pigmentation occurs in oral cavity and skin in all of the following except_______________?

Cushing syndrome

142 - Pioneer bacteria in dental caries are in_____________?


143 - Plasma cell tumour of bones with B-lymphocytic origin is ______________?

Both A & B

144 - Port wine stain in characteristic feature of __________________?

Sturge Weber Syndrome

145 - Premature exfoliation of deciduous teeth is seen in_____________?


146 - Presence of epithelial Pearls in spinous layer of epithelium is characteristic of______________?


147 - Presence of Epstein Barr virus in hairy leukoplakia can be demonstrated using following methods EXCEPT_____________?

Tzanck smear

148 - Presence of Verocay bodies and having predeliction for occurrence in the tongue are seen in _______________?


149 - Red fluorescent fluid is seen in_____________?


150 - Reed-sternberg cells are characteristically seen in______________?

Hodgkin's disease

151 - Reilly bodies are inclusion bodies seen in hurler's disease within___________?


152 - Ressell's bodies are found in______________?

Plasma cells

153 - S. mutans is involved in dental caries initiation Other bacteria also involved is______________?

S. sanguis

154 - Satellite lesion with locally invasive property is seen in __________?


155 - Small palpable mass elevated above the epithelial surface is_____________?


156 - Smooth surface caries is characterized by spread of caries in enamel and dentin as cones. These alignment in enamel and dentin is____________?

Apex to base

157 - sOsteomalacia is______________?

normal osteoid + defective mineralization

158 - squamous cell carcinoma on tongue most common site is_____________?

Lateral borders

159 - Squamous papiloma is induced by ________________?


160 - Starry sky appearance is seen in____________?

Burkitts lymphoma

161 - Steriform pattern of fibrous tissue is seen in _______________?

Malingant fibrous histiocytoma

162 - Streptococcus mutans is considered to be principle etiologic agent of caries because it produces organic acids and it ________________?

Forms a gelatinous matrix

163 - Sturge Weber syndrome is characterized by all EXCEPT_________________?

Facial hematoma

164 - Sunlight is one of the etiological causes of_______________?

Basal cell arinoma

165 - Swelling and redness of the orifices of minor salivary glands of the palate occurs in_________?

Nicotinic stomatitis

166 - Swollen joint, anemic, loose teeth & dentin dysplasia are because of deficiency of___________?

Vitamin C

167 - Teratoma is best describad as______________?

Namartous developmental manifestation consisting of three different layers

168 - The condition involved with an unerupted tooth or impacted tooth is _________________?

All of the above

169 - The deficiency of which of the following vitamins does not effect on tooth development______________?

Vit – K

170 - The enzyme glucosyl transferase secreted by Streptococcus mutans sythesizes glucans from_____________?


171 - The extra – cellular polysaccharide sythesized by cariogenic streptococci in the presence of excess sucrose are best described as_______________?

Dextran-like glucan

172 - The following lesion is a doubtful premalignant lesion for oral malignancy________________?

Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis

173 - The histiocytosis X is a spectrum of disorders, Which include the following condition ?

All of the above

174 - The lateral spread of dental caries is facilitated mostly by the_______________?

Dentinoenamel junction

175 - The most common benign tumor occurring in oral cavity is ______________?


176 - The most common bone cancer is______________?

Multiple myeloma

177 - The most common bone tumor that occurs in children is_____________?

Ewing's sarcoma

178 - The most common malignancy of the oral cavity is______________?

Squamous cell carcinoma

179 - The most common malignant tumor of the gingiva is _____________?

squamous cell carcinoma

180 - The most common precancerous lesion for oral malignancy is____________?


181 - The most common site for metastasis from carcinoma of cheek_____________?

Regional lymph nodes

182 - The most common site of metastasis from the mandibular sarcoma is________________?


183 - The most pronounced effect on the oral microflora of a reduction in rate of salivary flow is a_____________?

Shift towards more acidogenic microflora

184 - The most reliable single histologic criterion for diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma is____________?


185 - The number of dentinal zones in dentinal caries is_____________?


186 - The prbable reasons for a high incidence of dental caries in the teenage population relates most directly to______________?

Frequency of sucrose intake

187 - The syndrome of geographic tongue should be treated by_____________?

Routine observation at recall time

188 - The term poikilokaryosis refers to______________?

Division of nuclei without division of cytoplasm

189 - The tissue of which lesion has been described as resembling a blood sponge with large pores_____________?

Aneurysmal bone cyst

190 - Tobacco usage has been associated with_____________?


191 - Treatment for verrucous carcinoma is_______________?


192 - Tumor represented T2 N2 M0 is classified as_______________?

Stage IV

193 - Tumors metastatic to the jaw bones are most likely to be found in the _________________?

Posterior moral region

194 - Tumour that doesn't show spontaneous regression______________?


195 - Turbid dentin in carious tooth is all EXCEPT_____________?

Zone that need not be removed before restoration

196 - Vitamin “D" deficiency causes all except____________?


197 - Warty or Cauliflower like growth is_____________?


198 - What could be the most appropriate provisional diagnosis for multiple nodular exophytic reddish lesions of oral mucosa in an AIDS patient ?

Kaposi's sarcoma

199 - Which among the following shows pesudo-epitheliometous hyperplasia_______________?

Granular cell myoblastoma

200 - Which of the following conditions is characterized by cafe-au-lait spots, non-encapsulation and potential for malignant transformation___________?


201 - Which of the following conditions is least likely to present as an eccentric osteolytic lesion ______________?

Simple bone cyst

202 - Which of the following conditions is not considered as premalignant______________?


203 - Which of the following deficiencies are associated with the disorders of hyperplasia of salivary gland and keratinisation of the salivary gland______________?

Vit – A

204 - Which of the following does not have a viral etiology ?

Hodgkin's lymphoma

205 - Which of the following epithelial changes commonly signify precancerous condition______________?


206 - Which of the following has been implicated due to sunlight_____________?

Basal cell carcinoma

207 - Which of the following is a pseudo cyst ?

Aneurysmal bone cyst

208 - Which of the following is a reactive lesion of the gingiva that may demonstrate bone radiographically and often even microscopically_____________?

Peripheral ossifying fibroma

209 - Which of the following is a true cyst ?

Gingival cyst of the newborn

210 - Which of the following is an oral precancer ?

Speckled Leukoplakia

211 - Which of the following is associated with a low concentration of ionized calcium in the serum ?


212 - Which of the following is benign in nature_______________?


213 - Which of the following is carcinoma of the skin spreads by local invasion and has no tendency to metastasise ?

Basal cell carcinoma

214 - Which of the following is false about ossifying fibroma ?

Maxilla affected more than the mandible

215 - Which of the following is least affected in Vit – C deficiency______________?

Epithelial lining of the mucosa

216 - Which of the following is most likely to be fatal ?

Multiple myeloma

217 - Which of the following is most malignant ?


218 - Which of the following is not a feature of torus mandibularis ?

Present on the lingual surface of mandible below the mylohyoid line

219 - Which of the following is not a type of leukoplakia______________?


220 - Which of the following is NOT true of sturge Weber syndrome ?

Mostly bilateral

221 - Which of the following is related to an enzyme deficiency and involves periodontal destruction around primary teeth______________?


222 - Which of the following is the diagnostic characteristic of peripheral giant cell granuloma ?

Multinuclear giant cells

223 - Which of the following is the most likely (among them) to turn malignant ?

Junctional nevus

224 - Which of the following is untrue about malignant melanoma ?

occurs with equal frequency in both se*es

225 - Which of the following lesions are seen in van recklinghausen's disease of skin______________?


226 - Which of the following may be a feature of acromegaly ?


227 - Which of the following may be a feature of acromegaly ?

Large tongue

228 - Which of the following occurs most commonly on tongue ?

Lymphangioma and granular cell myoblastoma

229 - Which of the following organisms is found in deep carious lesions rather than in incipient lesions ?


230 - Which of the following produces osteoblastic secondaries_____________?

Carcinoma prostate

231 - Which of the following statement is true ?

Kaposi sarcoma is found in HIV positive subjects

232 - Which of the following statements is true for MEN type ?

All of the above

233 - Which of the following tooth structure during formation is most effected due to Vit – A deficiency_____________?


234 - Which of the following viruses are not implicated in human malignancies______________?

Herpes simplex virus type I

235 - Which of the following vitamin in associated with manifestations of neurological problem________________?


236 - Which of the is the most common site for the occurrence of a basal cell carcinoma ?

Skin of the lower lip

237 - Which on of the following is a connective tissue tumour _______________?


238 - Which tooth in the permanent dentition is the most susceptible to dental caries ?

Mandibular 1st molar

239 - White rough pedunculated lesion on palate is most likely_______________?


240 - White, spongy, folded thick mucosa is seen in____________?

White spongy nevus


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