Osteology Most Important MCQs

1 - ‘Pterion ‘ is_____________?

Is a point of articulation four skull bones

2 - All of the following canals open on the posterior wall of the pterygo palatine fossa EXCEPT_____________?

Greater palatine canal

3 - All the following features of skull of a newborn are true except_____________?

Mastoid process is of adult size

4 - Among all of the following foramens in the base of skull, which is , the most posteriorly present______________?

Forename lacerum

5 - Anterior limit of infratemporal fossa is______________?

Maxillary posterior wall

6 - Bone better described as " bat with extended wings" is________________?


7 - Bregma is the name given to the junction of the_______________?

Coronal and sagittal sutures

8 - Following foramina are found in greater wing of sphenoid except____________?

Optic canal

9 - Foramen caecum is seen in____________?

A and B

10 - Foramen magnum transmits all except_________________?

Spinal cord

11 - Foramen transversarium transmit______________?

Vertebral artery

12 - Highest point on skull_____________?


13 - Joint between two bony surfaces linked by cartilage in the plane of body is called_______________?


14 - Lateral part of middle cranial fossa and posterior cranial fossa are divided by ______________?

Petrous temporal bone

15 - Lingual gives attachment to________________?

Sphenomandibular ligament

16 - Mandibular fossa is a part of_____________?

Temporal bone

17 - Mental foramen is located_______________?

Between roots of premolars

18 - Mental spines provide attachment to_____________?


19 - Muscle, which pulls the disk of TMJ downward________________?

Lateral pterygoid

20 - Number of Bones in adult skull are______________?


21 - Pneumatic bones is all except ?


22 - Structures passing through foramen ovale______________?

A & B

23 - Structures passing through foramen spinosum is_______________?

Middle meningeal artery

24 - Supra meatal triangle extermnally represents_______________?

Mastoid antrum

25 - The first costochondral joint is a_______________?


26 - The hyoid bone lies in the midline at the front of the neck at the level of the_______________?

Third cervical vertebra

27 - The joint between the atlas and axis is_________________?

All ow rotation of the head

28 - The maxilla articulates with all of the following bones, except one. Identify the exception____________?


29 - The orbital opening is smoewhat_______________?


30 - The palatine bone furnishes the link between________________?

Maxilla and the sphenoid bone

31 - The point where the parieto mastoid , occipito mastoid , and lambdoid sutures meet is_______________?


32 - The type of suture represented by sagittal suture of the cranial vault is_______________?


33 - The typical cervical differs from thoracic vertebra in that it______________?

Has a foramen transversarium

34 - What is the number of bones a neonate has in the skeleton ?


35 - Which of the following does not pass through superior orbital fissure ______________?


36 - Which of the following is located meidal to the third molar at the junction of the maxilla and the horizontal plate of the palatine bone_____________?

Greater palatine foramen

37 - Which of the following is present in the posterior cranial fossa in a five year old child______________?

Juglar foramen

38 - Which of the following is the weakest part of the orbit ?

Medial wall

39 - Which of the following is unpaired bone of facial skeleton______________?


40 - Which of the following structures is not present on the internal surface of mandible ?

Mental foramen


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