Permanent Dentition Most Important MCQs

1 - A distinguishing characteristic of a maxillary first premolar that identifies it as right or left is the________________?

Mesial inclination of the lingual cusp

2 - A maxillary right canine may be distinguished from a maxillary left canine because ____________?

The distal half of canine shows more convexity than the mesical half

3 - A pronounced developmental groove is usually present on the mesial marginal ridge of a permanent________________?

Maxillary first premolar

4 - According to Schour & Massler the crown completion of both permanent maxillary and mandibular first molars is________________?

2½ – 3 years

5 - Acute angled cusps in permanent maxillary first molar are_____________?

MB and DL

6 - All are true about calciotraumatic line, except______________?

Due to death of odontoblastic layer

7 - All embrasure spaces are reflection of the______________?

Form of the teeth involved

8 - An 8 – yr old child comes to your clinic with large front teeth having jagged margins, what is the treatment plan for this patient ?

Assure him and send him back

9 - An imaginary occlusal curve that contacts the buccal and lingual cusp tips of mandibular buccal teeth is called the _____________?

Wilson curve

10 - Average of length of maxillary cuspid is______________?

26 mm

11 - Buccal surface of posterior teeth are wider than lingual surface mesiodistally except in______________?

Maxillary first molar

12 - Cervical cross section of maxillary first premolar is_____________?

Kidney shape

13 - Contact areas of anterior teeth which are placed in centre of middle third ____________?

Distal contacts of maxillary laterals and canine

14 - Corner stones of dental arches are:

First molars

15 - Crown formation of all permanent teeth except third molars is completed between_____________?

Birth to 8 years

16 - Cusp of carbelli is present on ________ surface of the permanent maxillary molar ?

Mesial half of the palatal surface

17 - Dentin islands are frequently found in the root canals of which of the following permanent teeth ?

Maxillary 2nd premolar & mandibular canine

18 - Difference between mandibular and maxillary premolars is that in the mandibular premolars ?

The lingual surface rounded and less developed

19 - Distal contact of upper first premolar is________________?

A and B

20 - Divergence from contact area in proximal surfaces causes embrasures____________?

Facially, lingually , cervically & occlusally

21 - Five cusps are present in___________________?

Maxillary and mandibular first molar

22 - Following eruption , the root of the maxillary central incisor completes development at what approximate age ?

10 years

23 - Fourth canal is present in_____________?

Both of the above

24 - Generally , contact areas between posterior teeth are located in which directions from the centr of the proximal surface ____________?

Facially and occlusally

25 - Greater crown bulk distal to the faciolingual bisecting plane of a tooth is most typical of the mandibular_______________?


26 - If a mandibular canine has bifurcated roots, they are most commonly placed_______________?

Facial and lingual

27 - If the pulp of a single rooted tooth canal were triangular in cross section with the base of the triangle located facially and the apex lingually with a longer mesial side than distal side; the tooth most likely is_____________?

Maxillary central incisor

28 - In comparison to maxillary central incisor , Maxillary canine has a height of contour that is______________?


29 - In maxillary 1st permanent molar, the 2 obtuse angles are________________?

Distofacial and mesiolingual

30 - In primates; a tooth with single conical cusp and single root is seen in________________?


31 - In the mandibular arch, in which tooth maximum lingual inclination is present_______________?

1st premolar

32 - In the triangle formed by the projection of the orifices of the canals of a maxillary molar, the_________________?

Line connecting mesial with lingual is longest

33 - In which of the following a nonfunctional cusp is present________________?

Maxillary 1st molar

34 - In which of the tooth is the mesiodistal measurements is greater lingually than facially_____________?

Maxillary 1st molar

35 - In which of the tooth is the mesiodistal measurements is greater lingually than facially________________?

Maxillary 1st molar

36 - Largest cusp in permanent mandibular first molar is__________________?


37 - Largest embrasure lies between______________?

Maxillary canine and first premolar

38 - Largest tooth in the mandibular arch is_________________?

Permanent first molar

39 - Longest tooth of the maxillary arch is_____________?

Permanent canine

40 - Mandibular second premolar 3- cusp type id developed from_______________?


41 - Maxillary first molar has how many roots ?

1 lingual and 2 facial

42 - Mesial concavity making the prognosis poor for a furcation involvement is present in_____________?

Maxillary 1st premolar

43 - Mesial contact area of the permanent canine is at the______________?

Junction of the middle and cedrvical thirds

44 - Mesial slope of buccal cusp is longer than distal slope in_________________?

Maxillary 1st premolar

45 - Mesiolingual grooves may be found on which of the following permanent teeth ______________?

Mandibular first premolars

46 - Most common morpholgical variation is seen in________________?

Maxillary lateral incisor

47 - No. of cusps in mandibular 1st molar_____________?


48 - Number of roots in maxillary 2nd molar is_______________?


49 - Oblique ridge in maxillary first molar joins which of the following cusps____________________?

ML and DB

50 - Occulomotor nerve passes through____________?

Superior orbital fissure

51 - On which of the following permanent teeth is it most difficult to distinguish between mesial and distal aspects ?

Mandibular central incisor

52 - Palatogingival groove is found in______________?

Maxillary lateral incisor

53 - Permanent Mandibular central incisor develops from_____________?

4 lobes

54 - Permanent mandibular first molar is developed from ______ lobes?


55 - Posterior embrasures are generally larger on the lingual than on the facial, with the contact area within the facial moiety, except between maxillary_______________?

First molar and 2nd premolar

56 - Protective crests of contour on buccal and lingual surfaces are found______________?

Both A and C

57 - Ratio of mesiodistal width to height of crown of maxillary canine is______________?


58 - Rounded protuberances on the incisal edges of newly erupted permanent incisors are____________?


59 - Single central pit is formed on occlusal surface of_______________?

Mandibular second premolar

60 - Steepest cusp is seen in_______________?

Maxillary 1st premolar

61 - The biting forces at molar region during mastication is_______________?

90 to 200 pounds

62 - The contact area on the distal side of a maxillary first premolar is located _____________?

Litter cervical to the junction of occlusal and middle third of the crown with wide occlusal embrasure

63 - The contact area on the distal surface of a maxillary first premolar should be placed in________________?

Middle 3rd of proximal surface with lingual embrasure greater than the facial embrasure

64 - The curvature of the cervical line of most teeth will be approximately____________?

1 mm less distally than mesially

65 - The distance from the CEJ to the alveolar crest normally is____________?

1 – 1.5 mm

66 - The embrasure areas in the following areas are contentious______________?

Labial and lingual

67 - The eruption age of maxillary permanent lateral incisor is________________?

8-9 years

68 - The faciolingual angulation of the upper central incisor is approximately___________________?


69 - The geometric outline of the buccal surface of posterior teeth are_______________?


70 - The interdental papilla is located in the______________?

Cervical embrasure

71 - The largest embrasure in posterior teeth is the__________?


72 - The largest permanent tooth in the mouth usually is_____________?

Maxillary first molar

73 - The lingual cusp of lower first premolar is compared to the development of____________?

Cingulam of canine

74 - The maxillary lateral incisor is smaller than the maxillary central incisor on all aspects EXCEPT which one of the following______________?

Root length

75 - The maxillary molar crown of an early fossil primate featured a trigone made of three main cusps, these cusps were_____________?

Mesiobuccal, Distobuccal and Mesiolingual

76 - The maxillary tooth exhibiting the greatest variation in root alignment is______________?

Third molar

77 - The mesial surface of the crown is almost parallel to long axis and the root of a______________?

Mandibular canine

78 - The most common curvature of the palatal root of maxillary first molar is_____________?


79 - The most constant and valuable trait to differentiate among maxillary first, second and third molars i____________?

Relative position of the distolingual grooves

80 - The number of line angles a permanent maxillary central incisor is_____________?


81 - The number of point angles in a permanent mandibular first molar is_____________?


82 - The occlusal surface shape of a 3 cusped mandibular second premolar_________________?


83 - The permanent anterior tooth, which is most 20. Commonly atypical , is_____________?

Maxillary lateral incisor

84 - The permanent mandibular second molar differs from the permanent mandibular first molar in number of ______________?


85 - The premolar with the occlusal groove pattern that may simulate the letter “Y" is________________?

Mandibular second

86 - The primary centre of formation of each lobe is present in_____________?

Tip of the cusp

87 - The root of maxillary lateral incisors if curved is usually in which direction ?


88 - The root trunk of permanent mandibular first molar buccally is______________?

Equal is length to the mesial bifurcation of the maxillary first molar

89 - The shape of the occlusal surface of the permanent maxillary first molar is___________?


90 - The shape of the occlusal surface of the permanent maxillary first molar is_______________________?


91 - The shortest root on a maxillary first molar is_____________?

Disto – buccal

92 - The term " contact point" which is often used to designate the contact of teeth i the same arch is a_____________?


93 - The term diphydont means____________?

Two separate sets of dentition

94 - The tooth that is commonly seen in an abnormal relation and contact with its adjacent teeth of the same arch is ________________?

Maxillary lateral incisor

95 - The total number of cingula in each dentition is_______________?


96 - The two major fossa of permanent maxillary first molar________________?

Central and distal fossa

97 - The widest incisal embrasure is normally found between which of the following permanent maxillary teeth _____________?

Lateral incisor and canine

98 - Tooth with most variable occlusal anatomy________________?

Maxillary third molar

99 - Tooth with smallest root is_______________?

Mandibular central incisor

100 - Tritubercular cusps are_______________?

All of the above

101 - Upper 4 resembles 5 from which aspect ?


102 - Using occlusal morphology as guide , the Mandibular third molar is most similar to______________?

Mandibular permanent second molar

103 - What is the functional form of anterior teeth from the mesial or the distal aspect ?

Wedge- shaped

104 - Which anterior teeth have both mesial and distal contact areas of at the incisal third____________?

Both A and B

105 - Which bifurcation is closet to the cervical line (or) which surface has short root trunk length in a maxillary permanent first molar ?


106 - Which cusp is poorly developed in a permanent maxillary second molar_____________?


107 - Which four mandibular teeth are so aligned that when viewed from the occlusal, a straight line may be drawn bisecting the contact areas_____________?


108 - Which line angle area is most acute when a permanent maxillary second molar is viewed occlusally ?


109 - Which of the following are the unctions of contact areas______________?

All of the above

110 - Which of the following do not contribute to arch stability ?


111 - Which of the following features of a permanent maxillary lateral incisor aids in distinguishing it from a mandibular lateral incisor ?

More pronounced lingual fossa

112 - Which of the following has a bifid root ?


113 - Which of the following has a nonfunctional cusp ?

Mandibular first premolar

114 - Which of the following is a smallest posterior tooth______________?

Mandibular first premolar

115 - Which of the following is the largest root_____________?

The root of a maxillary canine

116 - Which of the following is true for permanent teeth________________?

All of the above

117 - Which of the following is true of permanent first molar's occlusal surface_____________?

All of the above

118 - Which of the following permanent teeth is usually bilaterally symmetric when viewed labially and incissaly ______________?

Mandibular central incisor

119 - Which of the following premolars has a mesial marginal ridge more cervical than the distal marginal ridge________________?

Mandibular 1st premolar

120 - Which of the following teeth have more than one occlusal form____________?

Maxillary 1st molar

121 - Which of the following tooth shows largest Mesio- buccal ridge _____________?

Maxillary 1st premolar

122 - Which of the premolars is usually the smallest____________?

Mandibular first

123 - Which teeth show less curvature on the crown above the cervical line than any other teeth_____________?

Mandibular anteriors

124 - Which teeth the proximal aspect shows rhomboidal appearance________________?

Mandibular posteriors


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