Pharmacology Most Important MCQs

1 - 1st past metabolism effect can be observed with which route______________?


2 - A biological experiment in which one compares the effects of two preparations by means of common biological response is known a_____________?


3 - A child has phocomelia, this impliments his mother had taken which of the following medication during pregnancy______________?


4 - A child is brought with drowsiness, decreased deep tendon reflexes and seizures. On examination the child has a blue line on gums. There is history of constipation. Which will be most appropriate drug that should be used in this child ?


5 - A drug A & B compared, all are true except____________?

Efficacy is not dose dependent

6 - A patient on digoxin should not be given quindine because______________?

Displaces digoxine from its tissue binding sites

7 - A prodrug is____________?

An inactive drug that is transformed in the body to an active metabolite

8 - A side effect of an antithyroid drug is______________?


9 - According to American society of Anesthetists, physical status scale Class III would be_____________?

A patient with severe systemic disease that it not in capacitating

10 - Agents used by local application to control bleeding include all of the following except____________?


11 - All of the following are tocolytic except_______________?


12 - All of the following are true except____________?

Thalidomide is used for the treatment of leprosy

13 - All of the following penetrate the CSF except________________?


14 - All of the following statements regarding biovailability of a drug are true except______________?

Low oral biovailability always and necessarily mean poor absorption

15 - All the following increases drug metabolism by activating cytochrome enzyme, EXCEPT___________?


16 - Allergic reactions depends on all except____________?

Dosage of the drug received

17 - American society of anesthesiologists physical status classification system, P2 is a is a patient who______________?

With mild systemic disease

18 - Blood spills in hospitals are cleaned by_______________?

Sodium hypochlorite

19 - Combination of ampicillin and gentamicin is an example of_____________?


20 - Complete drug elimination occurs after how many hours, if t½ is 4 hrs______________?

20 hrs

21 - Dermatologic manifestation of drug allergy are managed by_____________?


22 - Drug binds to activate the receptor is same fashion, which directly or indirectly brings effect, is_____________?


23 - Drug efficacy refers to_________________?

Maximal intensity of response that can be produced by the drug

24 - Drug injury may be caused by therapeutic drugs or______________?

Nontherapeutic agents

25 - Drug which crosses placental barrier is____________?

All of the above

26 - Drugs exhibiting first pass metabolism are all EXCEPT one______________?


27 - Drugs showing zero order kinetics of elimination_____________?

Have a half – life independent of dose

28 - During administration of NSAIDs in children, the most important of dose administration is______________?

Weight of the child

29 - Elimination after 4 half lives in first order kinetics is____________?


30 - Filgrastin is used for treatment of_____________?


31 - Finasteride is a ?

5 alpha reductase inhibitor

32 - Following drug which undergo most of its metabolism presystemically______________?


33 - For Arsenic poisoning Antidote is_____________?


34 - Gastric secretion has been shown to be most effectively reduced with the use of___________?

H2 histamine receptor antagonist

35 - H antagonists are effective in the therapy of all the following except______________?


36 - Hepatic first pass metabolism is important in____________?

Drugs taken orally

37 - I.V anesthesia is_________________?


38 - Idiosyncracy is known as to have_____________?

Genetic component

39 - IF patient suffered from exaggerated effect of pharmacological effect____________?


40 - Imatinib acts on______________?

Tyrosin Kinase receptors

41 - Immune mediated qualitative drug intolerance is called______________?

Hyper sensitivity

42 - In cirrhoses patients, dose reduction is needed for all the following drugs except_____________?


43 - Intramuscular route is precluded during the medication of________________?


44 - Km value indicates______________?

Half life enzymes drug complex

45 - Loading dose depends on_____________?

Volume of distribution

46 - Majority of drugs are transported across the membrane by____________?

Passive diffusion

47 - Mandibular sublaxation is associated with________________?


48 - Mention the drug causing gynecomastia hirsuitism, menstrual disturbance on long-term use______________?


49 - Neuro adaptation to drug is same as______________?

Physical dependence

50 - Nitrates are not used in______________?

Renal colic

51 - Not true about penicillin G is______________?

More concentrated in prostatic secretions and intraocular fluids

52 - ovidone iodine is the choice of mouthrinse in cases associated AIDS because______________?

It is a topical antimicrobial

53 - Patients tend to exhibit a greater than normal response drugs in each of the following conditions except_______________?

Congestive cardiac failure

54 - Plasma concentration of drug at time 0 is 96g/mL. if t1/2 is 2 hours concentration is plasma at 10 hours will be___________?


55 - Potassium permanganate is used for_______________?

Irrigating cavities

56 - Progestin compound that does not alter lipid profile is______________?


57 - Secretory immunoglobulin is_____________?


58 - Serum sickness is caused by all the following drugs except_____________?


59 - Side effect of antihistaminic is_______________?


60 - Sildenafil is inhibitor of_______________?


61 - Teratogenicity is_______________?

Fetal malformation

62 - Teratogenicity results when drugs are given during____________?

First trimester

63 - The dose of a drug required to produce a specified effect in 50% of the population is_____________?


64 - The drug Amifostine is used in subjects undergoing radiotherapy for cancer as it________________?

Scavanges free radicals

65 - The drug which has an affinity for a receptor site and produces the intrinsic activity of the receptor cell or enzyme system is known as____________?

An agonist

66 - The drug which has an antabusive effect when alcohol is ingested is______________?


67 - The following statements about verapamil are true except_____________?

It is contraindicated in patients with supraventicular tachycardia

68 - The following statements are true about intravenous route of drug administration EXCEPT____________?

Suspensions can be administered

69 - The maximum antiseptic action is seen with which of the following concedntrations of ethanol_____________?


70 - The most common cause of antibiotic – related diarrhea is____________?


71 - The most common type of epilepsy in children is________________?

Petit mal

72 - The phase I reactions of drug metabolism include The following except_____________?


73 - The ratio of the median lethal dose of the median effective dose is the_____________?

Therapeutic index

74 - The vulnerable period of pregnancy for the causation of foetal malformation is_____________?

19 – 55 days

75 - Therapetic index indicates____________?

Drug safety

76 - Therapeutic index is____________?

LD 50/ED500

77 - Therapeutic uses of calcium salts include the following except_________________?

Disorders of coagulation

78 - Toxic optic neuropathy can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT____________?


79 - Toxic optic neuropathy can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT_______________?


80 - Untrue about vitamin D is_______________?

25-hydroxycholecalciferol is used in treatment of renal failure

81 - Use of morphine is contraindicated in the following conditions except_______________?

Acute myocardial infarcation

82 - What is the advantage of sublingual route of administration of drugs_____________?

prevents or bypasses first pass effects

83 - When a drug creates an effect that is unpredictable and unique it is termed as____________?

Idiosyncratic effect

84 - When allergic manifestations occur pursuant to use of antimicrobial agents, what of the following is seen____________?

Both A & B

85 - When given together, the ability of two drugs to produce a response greater than either administered alone is termed as_____________?


86 - Which among the following anti-histamines, is Least likely to cause sedation_____________?


87 - Which among the following is a cell cycle specific anti-neoplastic drug ?


88 - Which antisialagogue is contraindicated in glaucoma_____________?


89 - Which drug is not acetylated ?


90 - Which drug is present in ledermix paste ?


91 - Which drugs had high first pass effect_____________?


92 - Which is a prodrug ?


93 - Which of the following can cause seizure ?


94 - Which of the following drugs cannot reduce the salivary secretions ?


95 - Which of the following drugs is used in the morning sickness_____________?


96 - Which of the following drugs to not require a change in their dosage in patients with renal failure_______________?


97 - Which of the following histamine blockers has no effect on muscarinic receptors______________?


98 - Which of the following is a leukotriene antagonist ?


99 - Which of the following is a mismatch ?

Naloxone-Tricyclic antidepressant

100 - Which of the following is not a potassium sparing diuretic______________?


101 - Which of the following is NOT a systemic effect of corticosteroid ?

Increase in IL-1

102 - Which of the following is not true for histamine ?

causes bronchodialtion

103 - Which of the following is true for carbonic anhydrase inhibitor ?

It is used as an adjunct in epilepsy

104 - Which of the following is used in the prophylaxis of migraine ?


105 - Which of the following statements about Azoles is false ?

They affect the metabolism of drugs such as cyclosporine necessitating an increasing in dosage

106 - Which statement is true about carbamazepine ?

Used in trigeminal neuralgia

107 - Zero order kinetics is seen with_______________?



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