Pulp Most Important MCQs

1 - A special feature of the periodontal ligament fibroblasts is______________?

Presence of actin fibres and shape change

2 - Age changes in periodeontal ligament include which of the following ?

Increased fibroplasia

3 - Aging process affects pulp tissue by_____________?

Decreasing the size and shape of pulp tissue and cellular component

4 - All of the following are true about functions of dental pulp except______________?

Nerve supply to enamel through fibres

5 - All of the following cells of periodontal ligament are of mesenchymal origin except______________?

Cell rests of malassez

6 - Anchoring fibrills are composed of_____________?

Type V and VII collagen

7 - Bone adjacent to periodontal ligament that contains a great number of sharpey's fibres is known as______________?

Bundle bone

8 - Cells occurring in greatest number in pulp are______________?


9 - Cementicles are found in the_____________?

Periodontal ligament

10 - Centre of the disc in TMJ is_____________?

Avascular & deviod of nervous tissue

11 - Collagen biosynthesis occurs inside the______________?


12 - Collagen molecule exhibits all of the following features except_____________?

Intracellular in nature

13 - Development of supporting tissues of the tooth is initiated by____________?

Cells of dental follicle

14 - Dystrophic calcifiaction is seen most commonly in which of the following oral tissues__________?


15 - Fibres of periodontal ligament embedded in the bone are_____________?

Sharpey's fibres

16 - Group of fibres, which resist the masticatory forces___________?


17 - Histologically the dental pulp most closely resembles______________?

Loose connective tissue

18 - In a dried skull, holes on the lingual aspects of the deciduous teeth are called_____________?

Gubernacular canals

19 - In mammals independent and tough suspension for teeth is provided by____________?

Periodontal membrane

20 - Interdependency of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in bone remodeling is called as_____________?


21 - Intermediate plexus is absent in which of the following principle fibres_____________?


22 - Intermediate plexus is seen in the____________?


23 - Narrowing of periodontal ligament in labially placed mandibular canine with age is due to_____________?

Due to deposition of cementum and bone

24 - Odontoblasts are derived from______________?

Undifferentiated mesenchymal

25 - Pain originate in the pulp due to_________?

free nerve ending at sub odontoblastic layer

26 - Pericytes are found___________?

Around capillaries of pulp

27 - Periodontal fibres joining cemental surface of one tooth, to cemental surface of adjacent tooth are called____________?

Transseptal fibres

28 - Periodontal ligament has predominantly_________?

Type I collagen fibres

29 - Periodontal ligament is made up of____________?

Type I and Type III collagen

30 - Principal fibres of periodontal ligament are attached to_____________?

Bundle bone

31 - Propriceptors are seen in all except______________?


32 - Protein secreted by odontoblast_____________?


33 - Pulp responds to all stimuli by pain because it has only_______________?

Free nerve endings

34 - Pulp tissue contains all except____________?


35 - Regressive changes in pulp include____________?

All of the above

36 - Remnants of the Hertwig's root sheath are found in____________?

Periodontal ligament

37 - Sharpey's fibres are derived from_____________?

Dental follicle

38 - Sharpey's fibres are present in_______________?


39 - Size of pulp chamber____________?

Decreases with age

40 - The 2nd most prominent cells in pulp are______________?


41 - The attached apparatus of tooth is composed of______________?

Peridontal ligament the cementum and the alveolar bone

42 - The average life time of primary pulp in oral cavity is__________?

8.3 years

43 - The calcified mass found in the PDL are_____________?


44 - The cell free zone in pulp lies____________?

Below odontoblast

45 - The cells of the dental pulp which are responsible for the deposition of reparative dentin are_________?


46 - The component of future T.M.J shows development at _____________?

10 weeks

47 - The dental pulp contains nerve endings/receptors for____________?


48 - The dental pulp is derived form____________?

Dental papilla

49 - The development of pulp begins__________?

8th week of IU

50 - The diameter of the largest arterial vessels in the pulp range from_____________?

50-100 μm

51 - The fibroblasts associated with capillaries are__________?


52 - The main function of horizontal fibres of P.D ligament is____________?

Maintains the mesiodistal width

53 - The most abundant group of fibres in the PDL are_____________?


54 - The most abundant principle fibre group in periodontal ligament is____________?


55 - The number of pulp organs in a person in___________?


56 - The odontoblasts killed during cavity preparation are derived from_____________?

Undifferentiated cells

57 - The periodontal ligament is approximately_____________?

0.25 mm in thickness

58 - The periodontal ligament_____________?

Contains epithelial cells

59 - The plexus of Rashkov is present in which of the following zones in pulp ?

Cell free zone

60 - The primary function of the dental pulp is____________?

Production of dentin

61 - The primary response of the pulp to tissue destruction is_______________?


62 - The radicular pulp is continous with tissues of the periapical area via the____________?

Apical foramen

63 - The rest of malassez in the periodontal ligament are derived from_____________?

Odontogenic epithelium

64 - The size of apical foramen of maxillary teeth in adult is______________?

0.4 mm

65 - The total volumes of all permanent pulp organ______________?

0.38 cc

66 - The type of bone present in the labial area of anterior teeth is_______________?


67 - The vascular supply of the periodontal ligament is______________?

A net like plexus that runs closer to the bone than to the cementum

68 - True about osteoclasts_____________?

All of the above are true

69 - Unmyelinated nerve fibres of pulp are____________?

Associated with blood vessels and are sympathetic in nature

70 - Vitality of pulp depends on________________?

Blood supply

71 - Weil's zone of pulp is__________?

cell free zone

72 - Which of the following groups of fibres are not attached to alveolar bone ?


73 - Which of the following is not the principle fibre group of the periodontal ligament___________?


74 - Which of the following structures is not found in a living pulp ?

Haversian fibres

75 - Width of PDL is_______________?

0.25 mm

76 - Width of the periodontal ligament is least at______________?

Fulcrum of rotation


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