Renal System Most Important MCQs

1 - A decrease in the urine output is called_____________?


2 - Ammonia in the kidney tubules is excreted in exchange for______________?


3 - Amount of glucose absorbed in proximal convoluted tubule_______________?


4 - Brush border is seen in________________?

Proximal convoluted tubule

5 - Carbonic anhydrase in the kidney tubular cells is known to be associated with_____________?

Bicarbonate ion

6 - Diuresis is caused by______________?

All of the above

7 - Each kidney contains about ______ nephrons ?

One million

8 - Formation of a small volume of concentrated urine in dehydration is associated with____________?

All of these

9 - Functional unit of kidney is______________?


10 - GFR is increased when________________?

Increased renal blood flow

11 - In osmotic diuresis there is_______________?

Decrease in reabsorption of Na Cl

12 - In renal glycosuria, the renal threshold for glucose is_______________?


13 - In the human kidney, a renal papilla project directly into the_______________?

Minor calyx

14 - In which segment of the nephron does tubular fluid has the highest osmolarity ?

Henle's loop

15 - Inulin clearance closely resembles_____________?


16 - Macula dense in kidney is located in relation to______________?


17 - Major portion of glomerular filtrate is absorbed in__________________?

Proximal segment

18 - Maximum amount of glucose absorption occurs at_______________?


19 - Most of the sodium is reabsorbed in_____________?


20 - Proximal renal tubule is most permeable to _______________?


21 - Renin is released from the kidney in all except________________?

Decrease in the concentration of sodium ions in the proximal tubules

22 - Renin secretion is stimulated by all except_____________?

High Na+ in proximal tubule

23 - Site of ADH action is______________?

Collecting tubule

24 - Test for estimating kidney function is_______________?

Inulin test

25 - The glomerular filtration rate of the human kidney may be determined by measuring the plasma clearance of______________?


26 - The hyperosmolarity of the renal medulla is due to increased content of_____________?


27 - The kidney secrete all of the following hormones except_____________?


28 - The normal adult value of urine output________________?

1.5 l/day

29 - The part of nephron" least permeable to water" is______________?

Ascending limb of loop of Henle

30 - The reabsorption of sodium chloride is increased in proximal convoluted tubules by hormones secreted from______________?

Adrenal cortex

31 - The renal blood flow in (in ml/mt) is______________?


32 - The renal clearance of _______________?

PAH continues to rise as the plasma concentration of PAH increases

33 - The renal threshold for glucose is_______________?

180 mg / dl

34 - To measure renal plasma clearance compound should be_________________?

Completely filtered by glomerulus

35 - True about nephron is_____________?

60 to 70% of GFR is absorbed in proximal tubule

36 - Tubular maximum for glucose is_____________?

375 mg/dl

37 - Tubuloglomerular feedback occurs in______________?

Constant solute load on distal tubule

38 - Two substances that can probably be used to determine filtration fraction are_______________?

Inulin and PAH

39 - What is the glomerular filtration rate ?

125 ml/min

40 - Which of the following is important in renal excretion of hydrogen ion ?

Trapping H+ by NH3+


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