Respiratory System Most Important MCQs

1 - A decrease in the arterial PO2 is seen in______________?

High altitudes

2 - Alveolar O2 tension is______________?

Increased by hyperventilation

3 - An important non- respiratory function of lungs is_____________?

Sodium balance

4 - Arterial O2 content is reduced in one of following ______________?

Anemic hypoxia

5 - Arterial PO2 is reduced in_____________?

Pulmonary hypoventilation

6 - At high altitudes the following changes takes place except_______________?

Increase in partial pressure of CO2

7 - Bronchial circulation is associated with__________________?

Gaseous exchange

8 - Carbon monoxide poisoning causes_______________?

Oxygen dissociation curve shifts to left

9 - Carotid body function in an organ work as_______________?

Differential pressure of oxygen in arterial blood

10 - Cyanosis or bluish coloration of skin and mucus membrane depends upon______________?

The absolute amount of reduced hemoglobin

11 - During inspiration when the diaphragm contracts, the intrapleural pressure becomes_____________?

More negative

12 - During the initial part of inspiration, which of the following does not occur ?

Intra thoracic pressure rises

13 - Energy expenditure during normal breathing____________?

2% – 3% of total energy spent

14 - Hypoxia is characterized by ___________?

All of the above

15 - In cases of hypercapnia there is_______________?

Decreased pH of blood

16 - In Haldane effect CO2 dissociation curve is shifted to_____________?


17 - In which of the following diseases would you expect to find an increase in thickness of the respiratory membrane ?


18 - Inability of exchange of oxygen through lung tissue if known as____________?

Histotoxic hypoxia

19 - Increase in partial pressure of CO2 leading to release of oxygen to the tissues is________________?

Bohr effect

20 - Kussmamul's respiration occurs in response to_______________?

Decrease in pH of blood

21 - Limitation of inspiration by vagal lung inflation signals is called the______________?

Herring – Breur reflex

22 - Most effective method of assessing breathing is by measuring____________?


23 - Muscle of expiration____________?

Internal intercostals

24 - Non- respiratory function of the lung is_________________?

Serotonin metabolism

25 - Normal intrapleural pressure during the start of inspiration is _________ mm of Hg?


26 - Oxygen affinity decreases in_________________?


27 - Oxygen affinity is increased by all except_________________?


28 - Oxygen as an emergency drug is contraindicated in______________?


29 - Oxygen dissociation cure is shifted to the right in all except_____________?


30 - Oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the right by all of the following except_____________?

Rise in pH

31 - Shift of the oxygen dissociation curve to right is caused by the following factors EXCEPT_______________?

Increased concentration of oxygen

32 - Smoking causes_____________?

All of the above

33 - Surfactant is secreted by_____________?

Pnemocyte II

34 - The alveolar ventilation in an individual with tidal volume: 600 ml, dead space 150 ml and respiratory rate of 15/ minute is_____________?

6.75 Lit/Min

35 - The approximate amount of air left in the lungs after maximal forced expiration in a normal woman______________?

1.1 L

36 - The best stimulator of respiratory center is____________?

Increase in arterial carbon dioxide level

37 - The intrapleural pressure at the end of deep inspiration is ______________?

-4 mm Hg

38 - The major sign of hypoventilations_____________?


39 - The most common form of hypoxia is______________?


40 - The oxygen tension of the mixed venous blood is______________?

40 mm Hg

41 - The quantity of water lost in expired air each 24 hrs is about___________?

400 ML

42 - The transport of CO is diffusion limited because_______________?

Bind avidly with Hb

43 - The type of hypoxia present in high attitude is_____________?

Hypoxic Hypoxia

44 - The volume of gas in the lungs at the end of normal expiration is____________?

Functional residual capacity

45 - The work of breathing__________________?

is inversely related to lung compliance

46 - tidal volume in adult is_____________?

500 ml

47 - Ventilation perfusion ratio is maximum in_______________?

Apex of lung

48 - Vital capacity is a measure of________________?

Tidal volume plus inspiratory reserve volume plus expiratory reserve volume

49 - Vital capacity is decreased, timed vital capacity (FEV 1.0 %) is normal in______________?


50 - What effect does hyperventilation have on the oxygen binding affinity of hemoglobin ?

P 50 and oxygen affinity increase

51 - What is true about pneumothorax ?

Total chest wall diameter is increased

52 - Which of the following adaptations will be apt to increase the work capacity at high altitude_________________?

Decreasing workload, increasing duration of exercise

53 - Which of the following does not stimulate alveolar hyperventilation ?

Stretching of airways

54 - Which of the following statements about pulmonary surfactant is false ?

It increases surface tension


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