Skin and Vesiculobullous Lesion Problems Important MCQs

1 - A 3-year old patient has extensive vesicles on lip, tongue, oral mucous membrane, After 2-4 days vesicles rupture at followed by pseudomembrane formation and also some dermal lesions seen what will be the diagnosis?


2 - A 40 year old woman report with the complaint of burning sensation in the mouth. Clinical examination reveals lesions consisting of radiating white striations in a retiform arrangement affecting buccal mucosa, tongue, lips & gingiva bilaterally. An incisional biopsy is suggestive of lichen planus. The following are different clinical forms of lichen planus except:

Verrucous lichen planus

3 - A 60 year old has got severe bulla and target lesion Which erythema around halo and genital lesions:_____________?

Stevens Jhonson syndrome

4 - A fluid filled elevated lesion of skin is called___________?


5 - All are diseases of skin except:

Erythema migrans

6 - All of the following are inherited disorders of connective tissue EXCEPT:

McArdle's disease

7 - All of the following lesions may be classified as Odontogenic Tumours EXCEPT:

Branchial cleft cyst

8 - Antinuclear antibodies are seen in:___________?


9 - Bullae formation after striking an intact skin/mucosal surface is known as:__________?

Nikolsky's sign

10 - Butterfly rash is typically seen in:____________?

Systemic lupus erythematosus

11 - Cafe au lait macules are seen in:___________?

All of the above

12 - Darier's disease is associated with:____________?

Vitamin A deficiency and involvement of oral epithelium and skin

13 - Ectodermal dysplasia is:___________?

X-linked recessive

14 - Ehlers Danlos syndrome is__________?

Autosomal Dominant

15 - Erosive lichen planus resembles which of the following:

Desquamative gingivitis

16 - Erythema multiformae is:___________?

An acute self limiting disease, of skin and oral mucous membrane

17 - Fine Needle aspiration biopsy is indicated to diagnose:_____________?


18 - Fish Net pattern is pemphigus vulgaris is seen in which of the following tests?

Direct immunofluorescence

19 - Formation of multiple pinpoint bleeding spots on scratching the skin is characteristic of:__________?


20 - Grinspan syndrome is associated with:_________?

Hypertension, diabetes, lichen planus

21 - Grinspan syndrome is associated with:___________?

Lichen planus

22 - Histological clefts in lichen planus are____________?

Max – Joseph spaces

23 - Histopathological study of lichen planus shows:___________?

Presence of T-lymphocytes predominantly

24 - Hydropic degeneration of the basal cell of the straturn germinativum is a feature of___________?

Lichen planus

25 - Immunoflourescence is seen at basement membrane as patchy distribution in:___________?


26 - Immunoflourescence test is positive in:____________?

Both B & C

27 - In Cicatrial pemphigoid, which antigen is bound by IgG on the epidermal side of the salt split skin technique:___________?

XVII collagen

28 - In ectodermal dysplasia all of the following structures are affected except:___________?


29 - In lichen planus the basal cells which are shrunken with an eosinophilic cytoplasm and with a pyknotic and fragmented nuclei are called__________?

Civatte bodies

30 - In which of the following disorders a circulating antibody directed to intercellular cementing substance of stratified squamous epithelium is observed:_________?

Pemphigus vulgari

31 - Intra-epithelial bulla are found in:__________?


32 - Intraepithelial vacuolation with formation of vesicle or bulla intraepithelially above the basal layer is characteristically seen in:___________?


33 - joint erosions are not a feature of:____________?

Systemis lupus eythematosus

34 - Koebner's phenomenon is seen with_____________?


35 - L.E Cell phenomenon in peripheral blood is seen in:__________?

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

36 - Lichen planus:____________?

Can undergo malignant change

37 - Lichenoid reactions are mainly due to:____________?

intake of certain drugs

38 - Lupus erythematosus is:____________?

Autoimmune disorder

39 - MONRO's abscess are seen in:____________?


40 - Mucocutaneous lesions associated with neoplasia____________?

Paraneoplastic pemphigus

41 - Multiple pulp stones are seen in:_____________?

Ehler's Danlos syndrome

42 - Nikolsky's sign in positive in:_____________?

bullous pemphigus

43 - Oral diagnostic features of scleroderma include all of the following, except:__________?

Widening of the oral aperture

44 - Oral lesion associated with ulcerative colitis?

pyostomatitis vegentanus

45 - Oral lesions are not seen in:_________?


46 - Oral ocular and genital lesions are seen in:__________?

Steven Johnson syndrome

47 - Pathologic calcification is seen in:__________?


48 - Pemphigus is characterized by:____________?


49 - Primary lesion in lichen planus is:___________?


50 - Psoralane Ultraviolet A (PUVA) therapy is advised in__________?

Pemphigus vulgaris

51 - Psoriasis is associated with:____________?

Geographic tongue

52 - Scleroderma involves:__________?

All of the above

53 - Steven-Johnson syndrome involves:____________?

Type III hypersensitivity reactions

54 - Subepithelial vesicles are characteristic all of the following EXCEPT:


55 - Target lesions are observed in case of:___________?

Erythema multiforme

56 - The primary cause of acantholysis in pemphigus vulgaris is___________?

auto immunity

57 - The swollen degenerating epithelial cell due to acantholysis is:__________?

Tzanck cell

58 - Tzancks smear test is used in the diagnosis of___________?


59 - Unusual extensibility of the tongue is a characteristic feature of:__________?

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

60 - Which is a degeneration disorder characterized by atrophic changes of the deeper structures (e.g fat, muscle, cartilage & bone) involving one side of the face:

Parry Romberg syndrome

61 - Which of the following are seen in ectodermal dysplasia?

Any of the above

62 - Which of the following diseases of the skin is the most likely to be associated with partial anodontia?

hereditary actodermal dysplasia

63 - Which of the following is absent in Crest syndrome

Endocrine disorders

64 - Which of the following is an oral manifestation of lichen planus?

White radiating lines on the buccal mucosa

65 - Which of the following is inherited as a autosomal dominant triat?

White sponge nevus

66 - Which of the following is not a type of lichen planus?


67 - Which sites are characteristically affected in Stevens-Johnson syndrome?

Conjunctive, genitalia, oral mucosa

68 - White radiating lines can be observed in case of lesions of:___________?

Lichen planus

69 - Wickham's striae are seen in:__________?

Lichen planus

70 - Xeroderma pigmentosum is characterized by:___________?

Inability to repair sunlight induced damage to DNA


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