Systemic Pathology Most Important MCQs

1 - A 13 year old boy presents with a large mixed lytic and blastic mass in the metaphyseal region of the lower end of femur. The most likely diagnosis is___________?


2 - A child's CSF was examined I contains slightly raised or normal PMN cells, raised lymphocytes, absence of mycotic growth, value of protein is normal or above normal, glucose level is normal. The most probable diagnosis is____________?

Viral meningitis

3 - A haemophilia person has married to a normal woman Then his___________?

Daughter are carrier

4 - A infant with cleft lip, palate, polydactly, microcephaly with holoprosencephaly, ectodermal scalp defect is suffering from ?

Trisomy 13

5 - A patient has increased number of columnar cells in lower esophagus. He has which of the following change_______________?


6 - A patient with amenorrhea, short stature, less public hair can be in all of the following except___________?

47 XXY

7 - All of the following drugs are non depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents except_______________?


8 - All of the following statements are true regarding cervicofacial actinomycosis, EXCEPT_____________?

110-20% of actinomycosis cases occur in cervicofacial region

9 - All of the following types of collagen except one are present in cartliage__________?


10 - An excess of which of the following hormones may be associated with increased sensitivity to epinephrine ?


11 - Barr body is associated with________?


12 - Beta 2 agonist causes_______________?

Bronchial muscle relaxation

13 - Bone marrow stem cells differ from differ from differentiated progenitor stem cells in what respect ?

Reconstitution of Bone marrow

14 - Daily loss of iron per day in a healthy adult male is_______________?

0.6 mg

15 - DiGeorge's syndrome is due to___________?

Congenital thymic aplasia

16 - Disappearance of nuclear chromatin is called as__________?


17 - Down syndrome is caused by all except___________?

Deletion of 21

18 - Egg shell calcification of Hilar Lymphnode is associated with_____________?


19 - Endotoxic shock is propagated____________?

Cytokine action

20 - Fibrin degradation product help in detection of_______________?


21 - Following is used to stain fungi______________?


22 - Heterozygous sickle cell anaemia gives protection against______________?


23 - HOX gene is responsible for which malformation_____________?


24 - Leucopenia is characteristic of____________?

Enteric fever

25 - Most common cause of pulmonary embolism ?


26 - Mural thrombi are thrombi in______________?

Heart chamber

27 - NK cells are effective against viral infected cells only if the cell with infection___________?

Unable to express MHC class I proteins

28 - Not sequelae of cellular events in atheroscierotic infarction_____________?


29 - Phagocytes kill bacteria through which mechanism_____________?

Oxidative and non-oxidative killing

30 - Pilocarpine_______________?

Lowers the intraocular pressure in glaucoma

31 - Prostate specific antigen is used as____________?

Tumor marker

32 - Saddle embolus causes sudden death by blocking___________?

Pulmonary arteries

33 - Syndrome associated with increased risk of leukemia is__________?

Klinefelter syndrome

34 - Syndrome which is characterized by 2X chromosomes and 1Y chromosome is_____________?

Kleinfelters syndrome

35 - Tha gene for Breast Cancer (BRCA) is present on chromosome___________?


36 - The antidote for heparin is______________?

Protamine sulphate

37 - The correct nomenclature for Down's syndrome with translocation of chromosome 14 to chromosome 21 is depicted as______________?

47 X Y, t(14;21)

38 - The drug of choice in the management of life threatening allergic reaction is______________?


39 - The drug which is used to treat laryngospasm is_______________?


40 - The following drugs are avoided with warfarin ______________?

Nsaid's like Ibuprofen

41 - The intramuscular administration of 0.6 mg of atropine sulphate to a 50 – kg adult may produce all of the following effects except_____________?


42 - The metabolic effects of sympathomimetics are mediated by__________________?

All beta-adrenergic receptors

43 - T-Helper cells (TH2) initiates which type of immunity_______________?

Induces Humoral immunity

44 - Tumour involving epiphysis of long bone is____________?


45 - Which is associated with defect in DNA repair___________?

Xeroderma pigmentosum

46 - Which is true about Multiple myeloma ?

IgM spike increase

47 - Which of the following group of drugs are a neuromuscular blocking agents_______________?

Pancuronium, rocuronium

48 - Which of the following is most common location of intracranial neurocysticercoses ?

Brain parenchyma

49 - Which of the following is not an action of epinephrine when administered intravenously in a high dose ?

Causes broachiolar constriction

50 - Which of the following is not present in lungs ?

Langerhans cells

51 - Which of the following procedures is used as a routine technique in karyotyping using light microscopy ?

G banding

52 - Which one of the following does not present antigens ?

NK cells (Netural killer cells)

53 - Why fetal cells continue to divide but terminally differentiated adult cells do not divide ?

There are many cyclin inhibitors which prevent cell to enter into S phase in adult


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