Types of Infections Most Important MCQs

1 - +ve pathergy test is seen in_________________?

Behcet's disease

2 - A 3 year old child has a fever of 102 degree F; and following upper respiratory tract infection discrete vesicles and ulcers on the soft plate and pharynx are noted, The most probable diagnosis is _____________?


3 - A 40-year old lady presents with unilateral demotonic distribution of veslcular eruptions. associated with severe pain. The most likely diagnosis is____________________?

Herpes zoster

4 - A 60 year old male presents with a 2 day history of a severe left ear ache with a burning sensation in the ear and loss of taste. There is left sided weakness of both upper and lower facial muscles. Facial sensation is normal. A few vesicles are seen in the pharynx. What is the most likely diagnosis ?

Ramsay Hunt syndrome

5 - A bacterial disease with oral manifestations is_____________________?


6 - A case presenting with a gray coloured pseudomembrane whose removal is difficult and painful, can be___________?

Diphtheritic lesion

7 - A deficiency of which of the following cell can predispose to candidiasis______________?

T Lymphocytes

8 - A diffuse spreading inflammatory lesion is due to bacterial enzyme


9 - A flat, cricumscribed discolouration of skin or mucosa that may vary in size and shape is referred to as:____________?


10 - A patient has asymptomatic painless burrowing ulcer in the palate, He might be suffering from______________?


11 - A patient is having severe mycotic infection diabetes mellitus and cellulitis is suffering with______________?


12 - A person experiences throbbing pain at night. It is due to:__________?

Acute Pulpal degeneration

13 - A tooth with a 3 month history of pain, which was worse when hot liquid were in mouth. After extraction, the tooth was split open. The pulp chamber was completely filled with pus. A few remnants of pulp tissue were found in apical end. The condition is:__________?

Suppurative pulpitis

14 - A twenty-one-year-old woman complains that regular, gentle brushing of her teeth is painful besides causing profuse bleeding. Oral examination reveals the loss of epithelium from the attached gingival of both arches. Which of the following dermatological problems is this patient most likely to have?

Benign mucous membrane pemphigiod

15 - Abscess formation is particularly characteristic of infections with which of the following microorganisms:_____________?


16 - Actinomycosis is a________________?

Bacterial infection

17 - Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis_____________?

occur in children and young adults

18 - Acute osteomyelitis is most frequently caused by which of the following microorganisms?


19 - Ag-Ab (antigen-antibody) reaction due to the presence of antibody at the surface of cell is______________?

Type I hyp

20 - All about herpangina are false except_______________?

May cause Dysphagia

21 - All of the following about prostaglandins and leukotriene are correct except________________?

COX-1 is inducible in many tissues

22 - All of the following are true for exudates, except__________?

It has a low fibrin content

23 - All of the following can give rise to membrane on the pharynx except______________?

Staphylococcus aureus

24 - All of the following statement about thrush are true EXCEPT_____________?

It is caused by a gram-negative fungus

25 - All of the following statements about the typical features of a periapical granuloma are true EXCEPT:

It shows evidence of local antibody production

26 - All of the following vascular changes are observed in acute inflammation except_____________?

Decreased hydrostatic pressure

27 - An acute apical abscess is usually a result of:__________?

Necrotic pulp

28 - An acute inflammation would attract____________?


29 - An acute inflammatory focus would attract___________?


30 - An asymptomatic tooth has deep has deep caries on occlusal surface. Radiograph shows radiopaque mass at apex of the tooth: this mass is most likely to be:____________?

Condensing Osteitis

31 - Anaphylotoxins are___________?

C3a, C5a

32 - Apthous like ulcers are seen in_______________?

All of the above

33 - Best way to differentiate a periapical cyst and a perapical granuloma is:__________?


34 - Botryomycosis is a__________________ disease?


35 - Bradykinin causes all the following except____________?


36 - Cancerous involvement is seen with_______________?

Syphilitic glossitis

37 - Candid infection is not seen in___________?

Geographic tongue

38 - Candida infection is involved in______________?

median rhomboidal glossitis

39 - Candidiasis associated with Dentures is_______________?

Chonic atrophic

40 - Canker sore' is otherwise commonly known as_______________?

Recurrent apthous ulcer

41 - Caseating granuloma is commonly seen in____________?


42 - Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis is:__________?

proliferation of a chronically inflamed pulp

43 - Chronic inflammation is characterized by__________?

All of the above

44 - Chronic periostitis in children is known as__________?

Garre's osteomyelitis

45 - Clinical diagnosis of candidiasis is confirmed by_____________?

Demonstration of mycelia and spores in scrapping

46 - Clinical features of which of the following include conjunctivitis, urethritis muco-cutaneous lesions and arthritis ?

Behcet's syndrome

47 - Cold abscess formation is due to_____________?

Formation of caseous pus without signs of acute inflammation

48 - Complications of Vincents angina is________________?


49 - Component of tubercle bacilli which produce granuloma is_____________?

Surface glycolipids

50 - Constant feature associated with a radicular cyst

A non-vital tooth

51 - Coxsackie virus causes______________?


52 - Coxsackie virus is implicated in____________?

Hand, Mouth & foot disease

53 - Crohn's disease___________________?

has oral ulcerations similar to major apthous ulceration

54 - Cyst arising from rests of malassez is:___________?

Radicular cyst

55 - Cytological smear showing multinucleated giant cells, synctium and ballooning degeneration of the nucleus is a characteristic of_____________?

Herpes simplex virus infection

56 - Darlings disease is________________?


57 - Dental cyst:_______________?

Cystic lining of stratified squamous epithelium

58 - Denture sore mouth is cased by________________?

candida albicans

59 - Difference in transudate & exudate is that the former has a______________?

Low protein

60 - Drug used in case of Herpetic lesions_______________?


61 - Drug used to treat oral thrush_______________?


62 - Earliest transient change following tissue injury_____________?


63 - Early positive reaction in lepromin test is___________?

Fernandez reaction

64 - Early tongue changes seen in scarlet fever is_____________?

Strawberry tongue

65 - Edema occurs due to_____________?

Increased capilary permeability

66 - Enzymes responsible for suppuration are derived chiefly from_____________?


67 - Epitheloid cells are seen in all of the following except______________?

Granulation tissue

68 - Example of ganulomatous inflammation_____________?

All of the above

69 - Focal sclerosing osteomyelitis is:__________?

Due to low grade chronic infection

70 - Following are functions of prostaglandins except__________?

Elevates blood pressure

71 - Function of hepatic kupffer cells is____________?


72 - Garre's chronic non suppurative sclerosing osteomyelitis is characterized clinically by:____________?

Periosteal bone formation

73 - Ghon complex of the lung usually____________?

Undergoes calcification

74 - Ghon focus is associated with ______________?


75 - Granuloma is characterized by all of the following except______________?

A reaction of acute inflammation

76 - Gumma occurs in______________?

Tertiary stage of syphilis

77 - Hansen's disease is another name of______________?


78 - Hard swelling at the angle of mandible with numerous draining sinuses is most likely______________?


79 - Herpangina is caused by______________?

Coxsackie virus

80 - Herpes simplex is seen in______________?

< 10 yrs. of age

81 - Herpetiformis vesicles, which rupture and leave areas of superficial intraoral ulcers, are caused by_____________?

None of the above

82 - Highly infection stage of syphilis______________?


83 - Hutchinson's triad includes______________?

Hypoplasia of incisor and molar, VIII nerve deafness and interstitial keratitis

84 - ID reaction is associated with______________?


85 - IL-1 helps in_____________?

Stimulation of T-lymphocytes

86 - In acute inflammation, immediate transient permeability in cells is increased by__________?

Endothelial Gaps by histamine

87 - In chronic, granulomatous inflammation, which of the following processes is most likely to predominate ?


88 - In granuloma, epithelial and giant cells are derived from_____________?


89 - In herpes primary lesion is_______________?


90 - In HIV, which cells are affected_______________?


91 - Inflammation is characterized by________________?

Transudation -> exudation -> oedena

92 - Inflammation of the dorsal root ganglion and vesicular eruption of the skin and mucous membrane in area supplied by a sensory nerve that is affected in characteristic of_____________?

Herpes zoster

93 - Intro nuclear inclusions detected during the course of herpes simplex virus infection are called______________?

Lipschutz bodies

94 - Kissing disease is also known as______________?

Glandular fever

95 - Koplik spots______________?

Is first manifestation but seldom seen

96 - Kveim Slitzbach test is usuful in the diagnosis of______________?


97 - Kviem's test is diagnostic test for_________________?


98 - Lepra cells are seen in abundance in_______________?

Lepromatous leprosy

99 - Lepra cells seen in leprosy are_____________?

Vacuolated Histocytes

100 - Lesions of oral tuberculosis are associated with all the following except_______________?

Hyaline degeneration

101 - Leutic glossitis is an intra-oral manifestation caused by_____________?

Trepenoma pallidium

102 - Lipofuschin is an insoluble endogenous pigment, also known as___________?

All of the above

103 - Liquefaction foci of Miller is a histopathological observation in:

Advanced dentinal caries

104 - Lock jaw indicates_______________?

Spasm of masseter mucle

105 - Low grade infection which leads to localized periosteal reaction is:____________?

Garre's osteomyelitis

106 - Lymphocytosis is seen in______________?

Viral infections

107 - Most common cyst in oral region is:__________?

Radicular cyst

108 - Most common site of tuberculous lesion in the oral cavity is______________?


109 - Most demineralised zone in enamel caries:____________?

Body of lession

110 - Most used selective medium for streptococcus mutans is:____________?

Mitus salivarius bacitracin agar

111 - Multinucleated giant cells are least likely to be found in which of the following disorders ?

Streptococcus pneumonia

112 - Mumps is caused by______________?

Paramyxo virus

113 - Noma is________________?

ancrum oris

114 - Non-septate hyphae with a tendency to branch at 90 degree angle is characteristic of________________?


115 - Odontogenic epithelium responsible for the formation of dental cyst is:___________?

Cell rests of malassez

116 - Oral candidiasis is divided into primary and_____________?

Secondary infections

117 - Oral lesions are rarely seen in_______________?


118 - Oral lesions of secondary syphilis includes all EXCEPT______________?

chancre of tongue

119 - Oral thrush develops in infants at______________?

2-6 weeks

120 - Oral ulcers that are painless are associated with________________?

Primary syphilis

121 - Oral ulcers which occurs in groups, persist for about 6 weeks and leave scars on healing are______________?

Recurrent aphthous major

122 - Organism involved in cellulitis is:___________?

Strept. pyogenes

123 - Osteomyelitis begins as an inflammation of:__________?

Medullary bone

124 - Pain due to acute irreversible pulpitis is:____________?


125 - Papulovesicular oral lesions are seen in________________?


126 - Periapical cyst is usually preceded by:__________?

Periapical granuloma

127 - Phelogmon is a:__________?

Type of cellulites

128 - phycomycosis is also called______________?


129 - Plaque microflora can-split carbohydrates. What does it means?


130 - Primary antibody deficiencies are characterized by_____________?

Recurrent bacterial infections

131 - Primary herpetic lesions involving the gingiva are most likely to occur during ages____________?

1-5 years

132 - Prodromal symptoms precede 1 to 2 days before the onset of disease in___________?

Viral fever

133 - Progression of dental caries caries on pit and fissure occurs from:

Lateral surface of the pit and fissure

134 - Prolonged use of antibiotics in children can result in_________________?


135 - Prostaglandins are synthesized from______________?

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

136 - Ramsay Hunt syndrome the cranial nerve involved is______________?


137 - Reactivation of varicella virus in a posterior root ganglion results in______________?

Herpes zoster

138 - Recurrent aphthae resemble recurrent herpes in that_______________?

symptoms are similar

139 - Recurrent herpes occurs due to_______________?

Latent virus is skin supplying the area

140 - Recurrent ulcers occurring on gingiva and palate are most probably________________?

Herpes simplex

141 - Reversible pulpitis change to irreversible pulpitis primarily because of:__________?

Invasion of microorganisms

142 - Rigidity of facial muscles Risus sardonicus is associated with______________?


143 - Rubeola refers to________________?


144 - Secondary syphilis occurs after___________________?

6 weeks

145 - Serum sickness syndrome is_____________?

Systemic arthus reaction

146 - Shingles occurs________________?

is unilateral

147 - Site specificity is seen in________________?

Recurrent herpes labialis

148 - Some micro organisms produce a diffuse spreading inflammatory reaction due to the elaboration of____________?


149 - Spasm of masseter muscles occur in______________?


150 - Splitted papule at corner of mouth______________?

Secondary syphilis

151 - Steroids are indicated in all of the following conditions except______________?

oral ulcers in AIDS patients

152 - Strawberry Tongue is associated with________________?

scarlet fever

153 - Streptococcus mutans produces an adhesive polymer from sucrose, known as:__________?


154 - Sulfur granules in pus are seen in______________?

Actinomyces israelii

155 - Syphilis becomes seropositive in___________________?

Muco patches (secondary syphilis)

156 - The bacteria observed as a causative organism in case of Recurrent apthous ulcers is __________________?

Streptococcus sangius

157 - The best laboratory test to use in the diagnosis of lupus vulgaris in the oral cavity is______________?


158 - The caries of enamel surface leads to accentuation of:__________?

Incremental lines of retzius

159 - The causative agent for “Oculoglandular syndrome of parinoud" is________________?

Bartonella henselae

160 - The cells most frequently found in a granuloma are:___________?


161 - The characteristic cells of chronic inflammation are all except___________?


162 - The characteristic feature of macrophage_____________?

Both B and C

163 - The chronic osteomyelitis of the jaw consists of:_____________?

All of the above

164 - The earliest radiographic sign of osteomyelitis is___________?

Blurring of trabecular outlines

165 - The earliest response of pulpitis is:__________?


166 - The explosive and widespread form of secondary syphilis in immuno compromised individual is known as________________?

Lues maligna

167 - The fascial spaces involved in ludwig's angina are___________?

Bilateral – submandibular sublingual & submental spaces

168 - The feature that distinguishes herpes zoster from other vesiculo bullous eruption is_____________?

Unilateral occurrence

169 - The first consideration in the differential diagnosis of a painless palatal perforation would be____________?


170 - The following chemical mediator is a product of arachidonic acid metabolite by cyclo oxygenase pathway____________?


171 - The gelatinous deposit adherent on the tooth surface is called as:__________?


172 - The host tissue response in acute inflammation is all except______________?


173 - The lesion which is erythematous, recurrent and distributed along with the sensory nerve trunk is_____________?

Herpes zoster

174 - The main causative agent of Ludwig's angina is:__________?

Aerobic streptococci

175 - The microorganism most commonly cultured from a chronic bilateral ulcer at the corner of mouth____________?


176 - The most common organism involved in a periapical abscess is:__________?

Strep. Pyogens

177 - The most common reported oral malignancy in HIV infection is______________?

Kaposi sarcoma

178 - The oral lesion called mucous patches is usually multiple grayish white plaque associated with_____________?

No pain

179 - The oral lesion of syphilis that is highly infective is a________________?

Mucous patcl

180 - The predominant cells after 48 hours of inflammation are_____________?

A and B

181 - The process by which red blood cell move out of vessels through widened inter endothelial junction is referred as_____________?


182 - The process of phagocytosis was discovered by___________?

Elie Metchnikoff

183 - The reason why most patients suffering from recurrent herpes labialis rarely give a history of having acute form of the herpetic gingivastomatitis is because_____________?

The primary infection was subclinical

184 - The specific gravity of transudate is_____________?

Below 1.012

185 - The tooth most commonly involved in chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis is:___________?

Mandibular first molar

186 - The type of immunity activated in tuberculosis is____________?

Cell mediated

187 - The vasoactive amine that causes vasodilatation released during inflammation is found in which of the cell______________?

Mast cells

188 - The virus which causes Herpes zoster is same as that which causes______________?

Chicken pox

189 - The yeast which shows thick gelatinous capsule and positive for mucicarmine is_____________?


190 - Three stages in progression of acute odontogenic infection are:___________?

Periapical osteitis, cellulitis, abscess

191 - Thrush refers to_____________?

Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis

192 - Thrush______________?

Responds to nystatin

193 - Tiny linear or arc-shaped bodied, amorphous, brittle and eosinophilic in reaction found in association with some odontogenic cysts, are called:___________?

rushton bodies

194 - Tissue macrophages are called__________?

All of the above

195 - Transudate is characterized by__________?

Low protein content

196 - Trismus is due to infection by______________?

Clostridium Tetani

197 - True about caries, all except:

Not due to microorganisms

198 - Tuberculous ulcer of oral cavity is usually______________?


199 - Vascular involvement and thrombosis is seen in_____________?


200 - Virchow Lepra cells are seen in___________?

lepromatous leprosy

201 - VIRCHOW's cells are seen in___________?

Lepromatous leprosy

202 - Which cell releases vasoactive amine so as to increase vascular permeability ?

Mast cell

203 - Which disease are infections but not communicable ?


204 - Which is best for diagnosis of primary herpes simplex infection ?

Flurorescent staining of cytology smear

205 - Which is not true of Ludwig's angina?

None of the above

206 - Which of the bacteria resembles fungus____________?

Actinomyces israeli

207 - Which of the following cells are more abundant in chronic inflammation than in acute inflammation ?

Plasma cells

208 - Which of the following combination is correct ?

All of the above

209 - Which of the following differentiates between condensing osteitis and benign cementoblastoma?

In cementoblastoma radiopacity is attached to tooth where as in condensing osteitis it is not

210 - Which of the following does not cause oral cancer in children ?

Varicella zoster

211 - Which of the following is a difference between herpangina and primary herpetic stomatitis______________?

Ulcers relationship seen on the anterior faucial pillars

212 - Which of the following is a painfull ulcer ?

oral chancre

213 - Which of the following is associated with HIV infection________________?

Hairy leukoplakia

214 - Which of the following is cariostatic?


215 - Which of the following is correct ?

All of the above

216 - Which of the following is false regarding measles ?

Nikolsky's sign

217 - Which of the following is more prone to osteomyelitis:__________?


218 - Which of the following is NOT a constituent of Virchow's traid ?

Increased venous blood pressure

219 - Which of the following is not a mediator of inflammation___________?


220 - Which of the following is not associated with gingival lesions ?

Recurrent apthae

221 - Which of the following is Not characteristic of congenital Syphilis ?

Ghon complex

222 - Which of the following is NOT True about primary HSV infection ?

occurs as epidemic

223 - Which of the following medications shortens the recovery period of primary Herpetic gingivostomatitis ?


224 - Which of the following oral structures are not effected in leprosy_______________?


225 - Which of the following periapical conditions is often associated with a vital pulp?

Condensing osteitis

226 - Which of the following represents soluble polysaccharide found in dental plaque and is formed from the fructose moiety of sucrose?


227 - Which of the following statement about fibrinous exudate is FALSE ?

It has low protein content

228 - Which of the following ulcers are characteristically painless_______________?

Primary syphilis

229 - Which of the following would be seen in late HIV cases ?

All of the above

230 - Which type of candidiasis is associated with leukoplakia is______________?

Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis

231 - Which virus given below is not a teratogenic virus ?


232 - White patch is seen on the buccal mucosa consisting of pseudomycelium and chalmydospores with desquamated epithelium adjacent to it, the patient is suffering from epithelium adjacent to it, the patient is suffering from_____________?


233 - White raised painless areas when on peeling exhibit painful erythematous areas in case of________________?

Oral thrush


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