Vascular Supply of Head and Neck Most Important MCQs

1 - All of the following are true of maxillary artery except___________________?

The branches of maxillary artery accompany the branches of maxillary nerve

2 - All of the following supply TMJ except_____________?

Transverse facial artery

3 - All the following are branches of external carotid artery except _____________?

Anterior ethmoidal artery

4 - Anterior spinal artery is a branch of____________?

Vertebral artery

5 - Arterial supply of Submandibular gland is through which branch of ECA________________?

None of the above

6 - Artery palpable ar the anterior border of masserter is _________ artery?


7 - Ascending palatine artery is a branch of_____________?

Ascending pharyngeal artery

8 - Auditory tube is supplied by__________________?

All of the above

9 - Blood supply of coronoid process of mandible is primarily from_____________?

Deep temporal artery

10 - Carotid sheath contains all except______________?

External carotid artery

11 - Carotid sheath contains all except______________?

Phrenic nerve

12 - Common cartotia artery divides to ICA & ECA at______________?

1st tracheal ring

13 - Danger area of face is called because of connection of facial veins to cavernous sinus through______________?

Superior ophthalmic vein

14 - Dangerous area of the face is________________?

Area drained by angular facial vein

15 - External maxillary artery is a branch of_____________?

External carotid artery

16 - Facial artery arises at the level of________________?

aboe hyoid bone

17 - Facial artery is a branch of the________________?

External carotid artery

18 - Facial vein communicates with the cavernous sinus through______________?

Superior ophtalmic vein and pterygoid venous plexus

19 - First branch of external carotid artery is______________?

Ascending pharyngeal artery

20 - Foramen transversarium transmit________________?

Vertebral artery

21 - Hypophysis cerebri is supplied by________________?

Internal carotid

22 - Infection spreading via lymphatics from the lower lip first enter the blood stream at the___________?

Brachiocephalic vein

23 - Injury to one of the following arteries results in extradural hematoma_______________?

Middle meningeal artery

24 - Internal carotid artery at the bifurcation from the common carotid is________________?

Lateral to the external carotid

25 - Internal jugular vein is a continuation of______________?

Sigmoid Sinus

26 - Internal thoracic veins are tributaries of the______________?


27 - Largest vein of face is_______________?

Facial vein

28 - Lingual artery is a branch of _____________?

External carotid artery

29 - Little's area constitutes______________?

Anastamosis between branch of maxillary artery and the branch of bacial artery

30 - Lymph from the teeth drains into all of the following nodes EXCEPT______________?

Retro pharyngeal nodes

31 - Maxillary artery is a branch for______________?

External carotid artery

32 - Middle meningeal artery is direct branch of_______________?

Internal maxillary artery

33 - Middle thyroid vein drains into _______ vein?

Internal jugular

34 - Occipital artery is a branch of _________________?

Posterior branch of External carotid

35 - Ophthalmic artery is a branch of _________ part of internal carotid artery ?


36 - Ophthalmic artery is a branch of_________________?


37 - Opthalmic artery is the branch of part of _________ internal carotid artery ?

Intra cerebral

38 - Origin of maxillary artery ________________?

Neck of condyle

39 - Posterior communicating artery is a branch of _______________?

Internal carotid artery

40 - Pulsations felt in the suprasternal space are probably due to ____________?

Inferior thyroid artery

41 - Right anterior quadrant of the scalp is supplied by the following arteries EXCEPT______________?

Right maxillary artery

42 - Soft palate is supplied by________________?

All of the above

43 - Submandibular gland is supplied by_____________?

Facial artery

44 - Superior thyroid artery accompanies which nerve ?

External laryngeal

45 - Superior vena cava is formed by______________?


46 - That is not true for facial artery ?

Is a branch of internal carotid artery

47 - The arterial supply of trachea is by the____________?

Inferior thyroid artery

48 - The artery , which runs along , the lower border of posterior belly of digastric is_______________?


49 - The ascending palatine artery is a branch of ________________?

First part of the facial artery

50 - The blood supply of tonsils is_____________?

Facial artery

51 - The cavernous sinu does not communicate with the_____________?

External jugular vein

52 - The cavernous sinus communicates directly with all , except_______________?

Sigmoid and straight sinus

53 - The cavernous sinus communicates directly with all except_____________?

Sigmoid sinus and straight sinus

54 - The common carotid artery may be palpated at_______________?

Upper border of thyroid cartilage

55 - The connecting vein between facial vein and cavernous sinus is_____________?

Superior ophthalmic vein

56 - The External Jugular vein ___________________ ?

It is formed by the union of the posterior auricular vein and posterior division of the retromandibular vein

57 - The following arteries provide a rich blood supply to the face, EXCEPT the______________?

Posterior auricular artery

58 - the inferior dental artery is a branch of the______________?

Maxillary artery

59 - The main arterial supply of face_______________?


60 - The main arterial trunk supplying the infra temporal fossa is_______________?

Maxillary artery

61 - The major blood supply of hard palate is through_______________?

Greater (anterior) palatine

62 - The maxillary vein accompanies_______________?

First part of maxillary artery

63 - The middle meningeal artery is associated with which foramen____________?


64 - The middle meningeal artery____________?

Gives an interior branch which runs deep to the pterion

65 - The number of branches of the internal carotid artery in the neck is____________?


66 - The retromandibular vein is formed by_______________?

Superficial temporal and maxillary veins

67 - The stage of deglutition, which is voluntary in nature _______________?

Stage – I

68 - The terminal branches of the external carotid artery are______________?

Superficial temporal and maxillary

69 - The tonsillar ring or Waldeyer's ring consists of which of the following ________________?

All of the above

70 - The transverse venous sinus continues as_________________?

Sigmoid sinus

71 - TMJ is supplied by_____________?

A & B

72 - Transverse facial artery is a branch of_______________?

Superficial temporal

73 - Treatment of choice for subgaleal hematoma_______________?


74 - Tributary of the cavernous sinus includes all of the following, except ?

Deep middle cerebral vein

75 - True about subclvatian artery_______________?

All of the above

76 - Vertebral artery is a branch of _________________?

Subclavian artery

77 - What is not true of facial artery __________________?

Is a branch of internal carotid artery

78 - Which is the only medial branch of the external carotid artery ?

Ascending pharyngeal

79 - Which of the following arteries does not supply the circle of Willis ?

Posterior – inferior cerebrat

80 - Which of the following is a paired venous sinus of duramater_________________?

All of the above


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