Microbiology Most Important MCQs For The Jobs Test As Well As Academic Examination Set: 1

1 - "Biosafety Level 4 labs " are preferably known as _______

Hot zone lab

2 - "Black Death of medieval Europe" caused by which of the following pathogen?


3 - "Protozoan' means _______

First animal

4 - % Similarity (%S) of each strain to every other strain is calculated by which method?

Numerical Taxonomy

5 - _________ deals with design and manufacture of extremely small electronic circuit and mechanical devices built at molecular level of matter.


6 - __________ exhibit yeast-like growth at human body temperatures and mold-like growth at room temperature.

Dimorphic fungi

7 - __________ is an environment like __________ where microorganisms are functioning in an extremely thin film of water and where oxygen-containing air is close to them.

high oxygen diffusion environment; soils

8 - __________ is specifically able to have a long-term relationship with the host known as lysogeny.

Temperate virus

9 - __________ play a key role in the transformation of rock to soil.


10 - __________ produce ascospores in an ascus.

Sac fungi

11 - __________ produce basidiospores.

Club fungi

12 - __________ produce motile sexual and asexual spores.

Water molds

13 - __________ produce zygospores.

Black bread molds

14 - __________ protein keeps the prophage dormant and prevents virus reproduction.


15 - __________________ is a hyaluronidase that may aid invasiveness of C.perfringens.

µ toxin

16 - ______________is used to synthesize sugars in Calvin- Benson cycle

Carbon dioxide

17 - __________is probably the most important characteristic for classification of viruses in eukaryotes.

Host preference

18 - ________are unicellular algae with complex cell wall that contain a thin layer of silica


19 - _______is study of evolutionary history of organism


20 - ______is an approach to discover the function of a gene from a genetic sequence

Reverse genetics

21 - ______is refer to fluid portion of cytoplasm


22 - ______is the study of cell's protein


23 - 0.8 is specific gravity of which organic compound?


24 - 1 micrometer =_______m


25 - 1 micrometer= _______nm


26 - 5-fluorocytosine is which type of antibiotic?

pyrimidine antimetabolites

27 - 80S Ribosome attached to which organelle?

Endoplasmic Reticulum

28 - A 30 years old patient developed high fever of sudden onset. Peripheral blood smear showed cresent shaped gametocytes. Malaria pigment was dark brown in colour Which of the following malarial parasites is the causative agent ?

Plasmodium falciparum

29 - A 6 year old boy comes with abdominal pain, vomiting after consuming mild products within 6 hours. The most likely organism responsible is______________?

Staph. aureus

30 - A bacterial defense mechanism against bacteriophage is called


31 - A bacterial food intoxication refers to

food borne illness caused by the presence of a bacterial toxin formed in food

32 - A bleb or fold like formation occurs in which of the following bacteria?


33 - A broad-spectrum antibiotic such as chloramphenicol is one that

kills numerous types of microbes

34 - A brown color in milk may result from

both (a) and (b)

35 - A cerebrospinal fluid of a 2 years old child has been sent to the laboratory to detect the presence of capsulated yeast. The staining technique most commonly employed for the purpose is______________?

India ink preparation

36 - A change from lysogeny to lysis is generally induced by

ultraviolet light

37 - A chemical agent that kills the microorganisms and is commonly applied to substances used on inanimate objects are _______________


38 - A child presents with infective skin lesions of the leg. Culture was done which showed gram positive cocci in chains and haemolytic colonies. Which of the following tests will best identify the organism ?

Bacitracin sensitivity

39 - A cluster of polar flagella is called


40 - A culture broth tube was very turbid at the bottom of the tube but clear at the top of the tube indicating that the

organism cannot produce superoxide dismutase and/or catalase

41 - A culture broth tube was very turbid at the surface but clear throughout the rest of the tube indicating that the

organism are aerobes

42 - A darkfield microscope would be useful in examining blood for_______________?


43 - A dead cell does not contribute to turbidity in the culture medium.


44 - A dense bacterial population caught in a tangled web of fibers sticking to a surface describes

a biofilm

45 - A dentist suffred from Hepatitis B infection 3 months back. His laboratory tests are normal but he is not allowed by the medical board to do surgical practice. He is_____________?

Convalscent carrier

46 - A diabetic patient developed cellulitis due to staphylococcus aureus, which was found to be Methicillin resistant on the antibiotic sensitivity testing. All of the following antibiotics will be appropriate EXCEPT________________?


47 - A disease producing species occurring in a mixed culture can often be selected on the basis of its

pathogenic properties

48 - A full course of immunization agianst. Telanus with 3 doses to Tetanus toxoid, confers immunity for how many years ?


49 - A heterocyst is

a terminally differentiated cell that fixes nitrogen

50 - A high concentration of which of the following compounds in the material generally increases the thermal resistance of microorganisms?


51 - A hypotonic solution is_______

Solution with low solute concentration

52 - A large cluster of colonies are obtained in streak plate method.


53 - A level of regulation, demonstrated by the termination of transcription if tryptophan is abundant, by the tryptophan operon in E.coli cells is called


54 - A major difference between EHEC and EPEC is

EHEC secretes a Shiga-like toxin and EPEC does not

55 - A major organic acid produced by a microbial process used in foods is

citric acid

56 - A major organism used in commercial bioleaching for copper recovery is

Thiobacillus ferrooxidans

57 - A medium containing crystal violet dye plus sodium deoxycholate will allow

gram (-)ve intestinal bacteria to grow

58 - A microarray differs from a gene fusion in that, it

all of the above

59 - A microbe, which grows at temperatures above 95° C is most likely to be

an archaean

60 - A mother donated a kidney to her daughter having chronic renal failure, which kind of graft it represents________________?


61 - A musty or muddy odor of the fish is attributed to

the growth of Streptomyces species in the mud at the bottom of the body of water

62 - A mutagen is defined as

a chemical or physical agent that induces mutations

63 - A mutualistic association made up of a fungus and a cyanobacterium is called


64 - A mycelium describes

interwoven mass of numerous hyphae

65 - A newly discovered microscopic structure is hypothesized to be a living organism. Which of the following lines of evidence would support the contention that this organism may be alive?

It utilizes energy

66 - A none protein component of enzyme called _________


67 - A nonsense mutation introduced into the DNA sequence of a gene may

shorten the length of the protein encoded by the gene

68 - A nonsense mutation may result into

a premature termination of the synthesis of a polypeptide

69 - A parenteral route of drug administration refers to


70 - A person working in an abattoir presented with a papule on hand, which turned in to an ulcer. Which will best help in diagnosis______________?

Trichrome Methylene blue

71 - A positive Mantoux test indicates an area of induration of

10 mm or more in diameter

72 - A protoplast is best characterized as a bacterial cell______________?

Free of a cell wall and a capsule

73 - A protozoan is defined as

motile eukaryotic unicellular photosynthetic protist

74 - A psychrophilic halophile would be a microbe that prefers

cold temperatures and increased amounts of salt

75 - A quorum sensing system

senses a compound produced by the bacterium itself

76 - A reducing agent will accept electrons and an oxidizing agent will donate electrons.


77 - A rise in the anti-HBc immunoglobulin in a patient indicates________________?

Acute infection

78 - A single polar flagella is known as


79 - A special beer yeast of the bottom type is

S. carlsbergensis

80 - A specific __________ factor helps RNA polymerase bind to late promoters and transcribe late genes.


81 - A sporangium contains_______________?


82 - A spore differs from an actively replicating bacterium in that the spore

all of the above

83 - A substrate binds to its enzyme at a location called the __________ site.


84 - A suspension of E.coli exposed to heat treatment may yield a greater number of survivors if a plating medium of _____________ is used.

trypticase soy agar

85 - A synergistic effect is observed when

all of the above

86 - A type of immediately occuring reaction in which antigens combine with antibodies already attached to the surface of mast cells and basophils is called_____________?

Type I hypersensitivity

87 - A veterinary doctor had pyrexia of unknown origin His blood culture in special laboratory media was positive for gram negative short bacilli which was oxidase positive. Which one of the following is the likely organism grown in culture ?

Brucella spp

88 - A viral load test detects the

provirus of HIV in infected cells

89 - A woman with infertility receives an ovary transplant from her sister who is an identical Twin. What type of graft it is ?


90 - A yeast or fungal cell produces how many net ATP molecules per molecule of glucose when completely oxidized?


91 - A yellow color in the creamy layer of milk may be caused by

Pseudomonas synxantha

92 - A young pregnant woman presents with fulminant hepatic failure. The most likely aetiological agent is_____________?

Hepatitis E virus

93 - A(n)____is used to prevent infection by killing or inhibiting pathogen growth on animal tissues.


94 - ”Red extreme halophiles”, are members of the archaebacterial which cannot grow with less than 12 to 15 percent NaCl.


95 - Abnormal fermentation of cabbage may result in a cheese like odour caused by

all of these

96 - About 7.3 kcal/mole are released when

glucose is converted to CO2 and H2O

97 - About Bacteroids True are all Except_______________?

Susceptible to many antibiotics

98 - About N. gonorrhoea, all are true except__________________?

All stains are highly susceptible to penicillin

99 - About Psedomonas. All are true except________________?

Infection is mostly due to endogenous source

100 - According to base pairing rules the bases of one strand match-up with the bases of the second strand of DNA and the two strands are said to be


101 - According to Bergey̢۪s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, prokaryotes that lack a cell wall belong to the group?


102 - Acetic acid and lactic acid are used for __________________

preservation of pickles

103 - Acetic acid bacteria spoiling musts and wines are inhibited by

14-15% alcohol by volume

104 - Achlorophyllous means

lacking chlorophyll

105 - Acid foods with a pH between 4.5 and 3.7 usually are spoiled by

both (a) and (b)

106 - Acidophilus milk which is used for its therapeutic properties in intestinal disorders requires for its manufacture a pure culture of

Lactobacillus acidophilus

107 - Acridine orange is which type of mutagen?

intercalating agents

108 - Actinomycetes is______________?

Gram positive bacteria

109 - Actinomycosis is a_________________?

Anaerobic bacterial disease

110 - Actinomycosis is caused by______________?

Anaerobic, gram positive, non-acid fast bacteria.

111 - Activated sludge contains large number of

all of these

112 - Activated sludge undergoes

Secondary treatment

113 - Activated sludge usually employs an aeration period of ________________

4-8 hours

114 - Active artificial immunization is induced by the administration of all of the following EXCEPT______________?


115 - Acute diarrhoeal disease resembling cholera can be caused due to

Aeromonas hydrophila

116 - Acycloguanosine is a nucleoside analog which is active against ___________________

Herpes virus

117 - Adenosine triphosphate is a type of


118 - Adenoviruses exhibit which of the following symmetry?

icosahedral symmetry

119 - Adjuvant given along with antigens are going to________________?

Increase antigenicity

120 - Advanced treatment is generally used to treat waste water to

remove additional objectionable substances

121 - Aerobic catabolism of glucose yields how much energy (ATP synthesized) relative to glucose fermentation?

More than 10 times as much

122 - Aerobic Colony Count (ACC), is also known as

All of these

123 - Aerobic respiration differs from anaerobic respiration in which of the following respects?

The final electron acceptors are different

124 - Aflatoxins are produced by________________?

Aspergillus flavus

125 - African sleeping sickness is caused by _______________

Trypanosoma gambiense

126 - African sleeping sickness is caused by _________________


127 - African sleeping sickness is caused by which of the following protozoa?

Trypanosoma gambiense

128 - African sleeping sickness is transmitted by which of the following agents?

tsetse fly

129 - After differential staining, what colour do gram negative bacteria have?


130 - After differential staining, what colour will gram positive bacteria have?


131 - After how many days of infection by mosquitoes do the symptoms for malaria occur?


132 - Agar and carrageenan are polymers of _________________


133 - Agar is obtained from the algal species of _______________


134 - Agar is used for solidifying culture media because

all of the above

135 - Agar, which is the solidifying agent in many bacterial culture media, is part of the cell wall of


136 - Agglutination reaction is more sensitive than precipitation for the detection of


137 - Agglutination results when bacteria are mixed with___-


138 - Agglutination test for Brucella mainly identifies which class of antibodies?


139 - Agrobacterium also fixes atmospheric nitrogen.


140 - Agrobacterium is involved in which of the following processes?


141 - Alanine gives pyruvic acid on deamination.


142 - Alcohol concentrations above 60% are effective against _________________


143 - Alcohol production from starch and raw sugar utilizes selected strains of

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

144 - Alga are classified n basis of which structure?

All of these

145 - Alga float over water surface by the help of which organelle?


146 - Algae are classified into 6 groups, technically known as


147 - Algae are found in all of the following places except


148 - Algae are known as primary producers.


149 - Algae is a nonvalid taxinomic term that refers to

eukaryotic organisms that have chlorophyll a and produce O2

150 - Alginic acid is obtained from ______________

brown algae

151 - All algae possess

Both (a) and (b)

152 - All are not true for cultivation of anaerobic organisms except_______________?

anaerobic jar

153 - All are oncogenic except________________?


154 - All are oncogenic except________________?

Herpes simplex virus

155 - All are seen in a cysts of E. histolytica except_____________?

Refractile nucleus

156 - All are true about bordetella pertussis except______________?

Presence of antibodies in serum in diagnostic of the disease

157 - All are true about Entamoeba histolytica except________________?

Cysts are 8 nucleated

158 - All are true about legionella pneumophilia except______________?

Person to person transmission

159 - All are true about widel test except________________________?

O antibodiest last longer and hence is not indicative of recent infection

160 - All bacteria that inhabit the human body are


161 - All infections do not cause fever and all fevers are not due to infections which of the following is an example of non-infections cause of fever?

Rheumatic disease

162 - All living cells classify into how many domain?


163 - All membranes of free-living organisms have phospholipid bilayers, but exception is


164 - All of the following are features of prokaryotes except

sexual reproduction

165 - All of the following are sporicidal except


166 - All of the following are true of streptococcus except_____________?

It's group of lactic acid production bacteria

167 - All of the following individuals contributed to cell theory except

Robert Hooke

168 - All of the following infections may be transmitted be dental instruments except____________?

Hepatitis E

169 - All of the following lab tests can be used to distinguish streptococcus mutans from other oral streptococci, except______________?

Gram staining

170 - All of the following organisms are known to survive intracellularly except_____________?

Streptococcus pyogenes

171 - All of the following species are considered coliforms except

Salmonella typhi

172 - All of the following viruses are enveloped except

Hepatitis A virus

173 - All organisms require at least small amounts of carbondioxide, However, some can use CO2 as their sole source of carbon. Such organisms are termed as


174 - All the following amoeba live in the large intestine except_________________?


175 - All the following are basic properties of cells except

cells have nuclei and mitochondria

176 - All the following are considered eukaryotes except


177 - Allosteric enzymes are

larger and more complex than simple enzyme

178 - Alum is used for which of the following purification process?


179 - Alveolar macrophages are phagocytic in nature.


180 - Amantadine is very effective against influenza A virus.


181 - Ameoba move by the help of which structure?


182 - Ammonia oxidizers and nitrite oxidizers are ______________

Gram-negative chemolithotrophs

183 - Amoeba proteus have a diffuse layer of which of the following over the plasmalemma?


184 - Amoebas carry on a special kind of respiration in the form of exchange of gases between the cell and the surrounding field.


185 - Amoebic liver abscess can be diagnosed by demonstratig________________?

Trophozoites in the pus

186 - Among the following which can directly react with oxygen?

cytochrome a3

187 - Among the following which is positive for coagulase test?

Staphylococcus aureus

188 - Among the following which layer is directly apposed to the cell surface?


189 - Among the following which microorganism acts as a representative of fecal streptococci group?

Streptococcus faecalis

190 - Among the following which one is the most effective method of killing microorganisms?

High temperature, high moisture

191 - Among the given families, which family contains organisms that are non-motile?


192 - Among The infectious diseases transmitted by food, one is___________________?

Typhoid fever

193 - Amount of various immunoglobulin classes can be measured by

single diffusion in two dimensions

194 - Amphotericin B and polymyxin interfere with

cell membrane function

195 - Ampicillin is a bactericidal antibiotic.


196 - Amputation is the only way to stop the spread of C.perfringens to the rest of the body.


197 - An agent that prevents the growth of bacteria are known as __________________


198 - An alkaline reaction in milk is caused by the alkali formers bacteria as

both (a) and (b)

199 - An elderly male patient presented with fever, chest pain, and dry cough, sputum culture showed growth on charcoal yeast Extract Medium, theorganism is______________?


200 - An endergonic reaction is one that

requires energy in order to proceed

201 - An enrichment medium for the isolation of Shigella is

Selenite F broth

202 - An enzyme that is always produced, regardless of the presence of substrates or the end products, is called

a constitutive enzyme

203 - An essential process connected with photosynthesis is?


204 - An example of a symbiotic nitrogen fixer is


205 - An example of naturally acquired passive immunity is__________________?

Placental transfer of antibodies

206 - An excessively high temperature in the fermentation of sauerkraut may inhibit the growth of


207 - An exergonic reaction is one that

releases energy for work

208 - An important host defense of human beings is a dense resident microbiota associated with


209 - An mRNA transcript of a gene contains

all of these

210 - An organism has an optimal growth rate when the hydrogen ion concentration is very high. This organism is


211 - An organism in the Deuteromycota has all the following except

ascospores, basidiospores or zygospores

212 - An organism is completely dependent on atmospheric O2 for growth. This organism is

obligate aerobe

213 - An organism that expends energy to grow in a habitat with a low water activity in order to maintain internal solute concentrations to retain water is


214 - An organism's or system' have collection of proteins it produces or modifies is called


215 - An oxidase-positive, gram-negative rod which produces a bluish-green pigment has been grown in culture from a swab obtained from an infected burn wound. This organism is susceptible to gentamicin, ticarcillin and tobramicin, but resistant to all the other

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

216 - Anaerobic bacteria can be cultured in__________________?

Robertson cooked meat medium

217 - Anaerobic bacteria grow_______________?

in the absence of oxygen

218 - Anaerobic degradation of proteins brought about by bacteria and fungi give the products like

both (a) and (b)

219 - Anaplasia is structural abnormality of cells.


220 - Anchorage -dependent cells require

wettable surface for growth

221 - Animal and plant viruses contain both DNA and RNA in the same virion.


222 - Animal viruses with capsids displaying helical symmetry include

all of these

223 - Animals that are contaminated with germs are said to be gnotobiotic.


224 - Animals that are routinely infected with a protozoan or parasite are termed as _______________

reservoir host

225 - Another common name for peptidoglycan is:

Both a and b

226 - Another name for cyanobacteria is ______

Blue green algae

227 - Another name for Vitamin B2 is


228 - Anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria oxidize


229 - Anthracnose is a defect which can be observed as

all of these

230 - Anthramycin is which of the following type of antibiotic?


231 - Anthranilate synthase, the first enzyme of tryptophan biosynthesis after the branch point shows feedback inhibition and repression due to


232 - Anti HBsAB indicates______________?

Good prognosis

233 - Antibiotic produced by Streptomyces rimosus is _______________


234 - Antibiotic sensitivity and resistance of micro organisms is determined by________________?


235 - Antibiotics are not effective against plant pathogens.


236 - Antibiotics can easily reach the staphylococci.


237 - Antibodies to which of the following antigens of Bacillus anthracis are protective?

Anthrax toxin

238 - Antibody to HSV will begin to appear_____________________?

in a week and reach a peak in 3 weeks

239 - Antigen binding sites of an immunoglobulin are located in

Fab regions of the antibody

240 - Antigen combining site of the antibody is____________________?


241 - Antigen used in Weil-Felix reaction______________?


242 - Antimicrobial constituents for the microbial growth in foods are

intrinsic factor

243 - Antimicrobial resistance gene present on ______part of bacteria


244 - Anti-Rh antibodies are

IgG type

245 - Aplanospores are _____________

nonmotile sporangiospores

246 - Approach of restoring the environment to its pre-contamination form by uses of bacteria, fungus, green plants is termed as


247 - Aquatic bacteria tend to be Gram-negative.


248 - Archeal cells usually do not contain peptidoglycan, rather contain pseudo-peptidoglycan which is mainly composed of

N-acetyltalosaminuronic acid and L-amino acids

249 - Area of lysis on a bacterial lawn culture produced by a phage is known as


250 - Arrange the potencies of toxin in descending order of the following canned foods

corn> peas>string beans>spinach

251 - Artificial gene that contain only exon can be produced by using an enzyme that enzyme known as

Reverse Transcriptase

252 - As Temperature increse from 25 degree celsius to 37degree celcius dimorphic fungi convert into what?


253 - As the electron flow through the chains, much of their free energy is conserved in the form of ATP. This process is called

oxidative phosphorylation

254 - Ascoli's thermoprecipition test helps in confirming the laboratory diagnosis of


255 - Ascospores located in asci are found in


256 - Asexual fruiting bodies have name such as ________________


257 - Asexual spores of fungi are following except_________________?


258 - ASO (Antistreptolysin 0) test is uesd for the diagnosis of________________?

Rheumatie fever

259 - Aspergillosis mostly occur in which sort of patients?

Lungs infection and cancer diseas

260 - Aspergillus niger is used in the production of _______________

citric acid and gluconic acid

261 - Aspergillus produce which type of spores?


262 - Assimilative denitrification is done by

all of these

263 - Assimilatory sulfate reduction involves the nucleotide __________ during the incorporation of H2S in the production of __________ .

ATP; cytosine

264 - At higher temperatures, the souring of Oysters may be the result of the fermentation of sugars by

all of these

265 - At what concentration of sulphuric acid, Nocardia resists decolourization?

0.5% sulphuric acid

266 - At what pH values are the rhinoviruses destroyed?


267 - At what temperature incubation is required for the adsorption of phage T4 and DNA injection into E.coli?

37 degree C

268 - At what temperature pasteurization of milk takes place?

62.80 C

269 - ATP dependent NADPH2 production is a process found in ______________


270 - ATP does not produce by which reaction?

Substrate level phosphorylation

271 - ATPase

carries out each of the reactions indicated in (a) and (b)

272 - AUG is also known as

Stat codon

273 - Australia antigen is associated with________________?

Hepatitis B surface antigen in acute hepatitis

274 - Australian antigen is_______________?


275 - Autotrophic bacteria are those which

make their own food

276 - B. flavum strain can be used for the production of

All of the above

277 - B.C.G untrue is_____________?

Orally administered

278 - Babu, a 28 year old male comes with compaint of exposure 3 wks back, having cervical Lymphadenopathy, Hepatosplenomegaly. Diagnosis of HIV is done by____________?

P24 antigen

279 - Baby born to mother suffering from AIDS, all are true except________________?

50% chances to have AIDS

280 - Bacillariophyta cell wall made up of ____

Pectin and Cilica

281 - Bacillary dysentery is caused by which of the following microorganism?


282 - Bacillus cereus is causative agent of ________

Food poisoning

283 - Bacillus species cannot fix Nitrogen.


284 - Bacitracin, an antibiotic similar to penicillin, is produced by

Bacillus licheniformis

285 - Bacteria acquire characteristics by all of the following except___________________?

Incorporating part of host DNA

286 - Bacteria acquire characteristics by all the following except_______________?

Incorporating part of host DNA

287 - Bacteria and fungi multiply best

between 16-38°C

288 - Bacteria are


289 - Bacteria are likely to be more prevalent in soils of vineyards, orchards and apiaries.


290 - Bacteria belonging to the family Bacteriodaceae uses which of the following compounds as electron acceptors?


291 - Bacteria belonging to the genus Legionella contains which of the following amino acid?


292 - Bacteria can be grown on the dry surface of skin.


293 - Bacteria can get antimicrobial resistance gene all of the following except one:


294 - Bacteria having clusters of flagella at both poles of cells are known as?


295 - Bacteria having no flagella are unable to


296 - Bacteria of genus Nitrosomonas use __________ as their electron source.


297 - Bacteria reproduce mainly by______________?

Binary fission

298 - Bacteria that grow when oxygen concentration in there environment is below oxygen concentration in air are known as:


299 - Bacteria which produces coagulase is

S aureus

300 - Bacteria with less than a complete twist or comma shaped is known as?


301 - Bacteria with potent exotoxin is_______________?

Clostridium tetani

302 - Bacteria with tuft of flagella at one end are called_______________?


303 - Bacteria, as a group, are responsible for

all of these

304 - Bacterial cell does not possess___________________?


305 - Bacterial cell grown on hydrocarbon wastes from the petroleum industry are a source of _____________


306 - Bacterial cells grown in a medium exposed to high osmotic pressure, changes shape from rod-shaped to __________ shaped.


307 - Bacterial cells susceptible to penicillium can be protected from destruction if the medium in which they are exposed is of

high osmotic pressure

308 - Bacterial chromosome has the capacity to code for ____________ different proteins.


309 - Bacterial growth curve can help us to detect :

Growth of bacteria over the time

310 - Bacterial recombination causes transformation of the recipient cell to _______________


311 - Bacterial ropiness in milk is caused by

slimy capsular material from the cells usually gums or mucins

312 - Bacterial soft rot is caused due to

fermentation of pectin

313 - Bacterial species which is protective or beneficial to the host is_______________?

Streptococcus sanguis

314 - Bacterial spoilage is identified by which of the following morphological characteristics?

All of these

315 - Bacterial spores are destroyed by_______________?


316 - Bactericidal concentration of phenol is


317 - Bacteriochlorophyll differs from chlorophyll in what way?

Both (b) and (c)

318 - Bacteriocin are produced by _____


319 - Bacteriophage was discovered by_________________?

Twort and d'herelle

320 - Bacteriophages inject their nucleic acid into the bacterium.


321 - Bactoprenol is a ___________

membrane phospholipid

322 - Balanced growth is defined as

cultures undergoing balanced growth while maintaining a constant chemical composition

323 - Base analogs have the same hydrogen-bonding properties as the normal bases.


324 - Bayer̢۪s junctions are sites which help in joining which of the following?

cytoplasmic membrane and outer membrane

325 - Bdellovibrio is an intestinal bacteria then what does meant by word " bdella"?


326 - Bdellovibrios come under which group of microorganisms?


327 - Because it can be used with a variety of media and allow a resuscitation step the __________ technique has become the common and often preferred method of evaluating the microbiological characteristics of water.

membrane filtration

328 - Beef hams are made spongy by species of


329 - Before most molecules can enter the Krebs citric acid cycle, they must be converted to


330 - Belt filter presses are used in which of the following process?


331 - Benzylpenicillin is the chemical name for which of the following penicillin?

Penicillin G

332 - Best method of sterilizing disposable syringes_______________?

Gamma rays

333 - Betadine is a _______________


334 - Binding proteins for active transport systems of Gram-negative bacteria are associated with ____________

periplasmic space

335 - Biogas production is

a temperature-dependent process

336 - Bioluminescence is a phenomenon associated with


337 - Biomass

consists largely of wood, animal, and human waste

338 - Biotin responsible for _____________

Both A and B

339 - Bipolar staining is characteristic of

Yersinia pestis

340 - Biting flies occur in which of the following place?

South America

341 - Black kraut is caused by

the combined actions of plant enzymes and micro-organisms

342 - Black mold rot is caused by

A. niger

343 - Black piedra is a fungus infection of the ___________


344 - Black pigmented anaerobes include all of the following except______________?


345 - Black rots in eggs is most commonly caused by

species of Proteus

346 - Black spot in meat are produced mainly by


347 - Black water fever is caused by______________?

Plasmodium falciparum

348 - Blackening in pickles occurs due to

the formation of hydrogen sulfide by bacteria

349 - Blackening of meat in cooked meat broth is through

C histolyticum

350 - Blastomyces brasiliensis causes which of the following disease?

South American blastomycosis

351 - Blood agar is________________?

Enriched media

352 - Bollinger bodies are found in the cytoplasm of cells infected by which of the following viruses?

fowl pox virus

353 - Booster immunizations should be given every 10 years.


354 - Borelia vincenti is a______________?


355 - Borrelia is responsible for_________

Both A and B

356 - Borrelia is transmitted by___________


357 - Borrelia vincenti is always associated with______________?

Fusiform bacilli

358 - Both intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusions are present in which of the following viruses_____________?

Measles virus

359 - Both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Streptococcus pneumoniae

are acquired by inhalation

360 - Both penicillin and fluoroquinolones

bind to and inactivate a bacterial protein

361 - Both strands of DNA serve as templates concurrently in


362 - Botulinium toxin is :


363 - Botulism is caused by the presence of toxin developed by

Clostridium botulinum

364 - Brocothrix is a facultatively anaerobic genus of species.


365 - Brucella are

Very short rods

366 - Bulgarian butter milk is made with the help of

Lactobacillus bulgaricus

367 - Buuilding high osmotic pressure by use of salt or sugar can help to preserve which of the following item?

Food items

368 - By using phase contrast microscope_______________?

Internal structures are differentiated in living cells

369 - By which of the following means antifungal chemotherapeutic agents may affect fungi?

all of these

370 - C.burnetti causes which of the following diseases?

Q fever

371 - C.perfringens is the major causative agent of __________________

gas gangrene

372 - Callus cultures are amorphous cell aggregates arising from the unorganized growth of explants on an

aseptic solid nutrient medium

373 - cAMP reaction is shown by which streptococci ?

Group B

374 - Campylobacter is major cause of __________

Both A and B

375 - Cancer of the lip of mouth have been associated with ___________


376 - Candida albicans can cause infection in _____


377 - Candida albicans causes all of the following except______________?


378 - Candida is most often implicated in causation___________________?


379 - Candidal hyphae can be stained using_______________?

Periodic acid schiff stain

380 - Canned meat and fish exhibit spoilage by

both (a) and (b)

381 - Canned poultry is more often spoiled by

putrefactive than by Saccharolytic Clostridia

382 - Canned sweetened condensed milk may become thickened by

Micrococcus species

383 - Carageenan, can obtain from which group of algae/

Red algae

384 - Carl Woese and his colleague are best known for establishing

the three domain system

385 - Carolus linnaeeus provide which one of the following kingdom system of classification?

2 kingdom

386 - Carotenes are oxygenated derivatives of hydrocarbons.


387 - Carpogonia is the female sex organ in which of the algae?


388 - Carrageenan is used as a ______________

emulsifier and binder

389 - Catalase production is negative in which of the following?


390 - Causative agent of tobacco mosaic disease was filterable.


391 - Causative agents of Vincent's angina_____________?

Borrelia vincenti and fusobacterium fusiformis

392 - Causative organism for gas gangrene_______________?

Clostridium welchii

393 - Causative organism of Kalahazar is_______________?

Leishman donovani

394 - CD4 cells recognize the antigens in association with_____________?


395 - CD4 count in normal healthy adult is_______________?


396 - CD8 surface antigen is present in

both (a) and (b)

397 - CDC stands for:

Center for disease control

398 - Ceepryn belongs to which of the following categories?

Cationic detergents

399 - Cell counting can be carried out by

all of the above

400 - Cell size and cell number can be measured using

coulter counter


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