Microbiology Most Important MCQs For The Jobs Test As Well As Academic Examination Set: 2

401 - Cell theory includes all of the following except

the cell is the most primitive form of life

402 - Cell wall deficient bacteria are_______________?


403 - Cell wall protein of Streptococcus pyogenes crossreacts with human


404 - Cell walls of diatoms are impregnated with _____________


405 - Cellobiose is metabolized directly by many microorganisms.


406 - Cells of Arthrobacter in the stationary phase of growth are ____________ shaped.


407 - cells of Yeast are of which category?

Facultative Anaerobes

408 - Cellulose is degraded to cellobiose by the enzyme __________________


409 - Cell-wall biosynthesis is inhibited by antibiotics by inhibiting the biosynthesis of which of the following?


410 - Cephalosporins and Penicillins interfere with which of the following?

Cell wall synthesis

411 - Certain flagellates of protozoa are present in the gut of some termites in a mutualistic relationship.


412 - Certain strains of Streptococcus lactis var. maltigenes may produce

burnt or caramel flavor

413 - Certain viruses have been isolated in crytalline form and have been found to be_____________?


414 - Chagas̢۪ disease is transmitted to humans by ________________

reduviid bugs

415 - Changes in which of the following characterizes mutations?

Both (a) and (b)

416 - Characteristic feature of retrovirus is_____________?

Reverse transcriptase

417 - Characteristics used to place algae into divisions include all of the following except

all of the above

418 - Characters of exotoxin include all, except_______________?

Protein polysaccharide complex

419 - Cheese cancer of Swiss and similar cheese is caused by

Oospora caseovorans

420 - Cheese with too low an acidity because of the addition of cream or the failure of the starter often is made gelatinous or slimy by

all of these

421 - Chelate forming peptide antibiotic are/is

both (a) and (b)

422 - Chemical precipitation of phosphorus is

tertiary treatment

423 - Chemical that can permanently inactive the enzyme known as __________

Enzyme poison

424 - Chemically an antigen may be

any of these

425 - Chemically the capsule may be

either (a) or (b)

426 - Chemicals produced naturally by bacteria and fungi to combat other organisms are known as::


427 - Chemotaxis is a phenomenon of

swimming away or towards of bacteria in presence of chemical compound

428 - Chemotherapeutic agents must

all of the above

429 - Chlamydia causes all of the following except________________?


430 - Chlamydomonas and Volvox are similar because

Both (a) and (b)

431 - Chloestridium genus contain which of the following bacteria?

Both A and B

432 - Chloramines are more stable than than hypochlorites.


433 - Chlorinated lime is the alternative name for __________________

Calcium hypochlorite

434 - Chlorobium sp. is which type of bacteria?

Green Sulphur bacteria

435 - Chlorophyll a is present __________organisms

All of these

436 - Chlorophyll d is present in the members of _____________________


437 - Chloroplasts of algae embedded in the midst of the cytoplasm is known as ________________


438 - Chlorotetracycline a broad spectrum antibiotic is produced by

Streptomyces aureofaciens

439 - Cholera toxin is an A-B type toxin in which the B portions bind to a receptor on a host cell and the A portion enters the cell to cause

ADP ribosylation of a G protein that locks it into an active form that stimulates adenylate cyclase to make cAMP

440 - Choose the feature of Deinococcus:

gGram positive

441 - Choose the feature of spirochete:

All of these

442 - Chromatium okenii uses which of the following compound as electron donor?

Hydrogen sulphide

443 - Chrysamoeba exists in which of the following forms?

motile amoeboid

444 - Chrysolaminarin is an energy storage material characteristic of


445 - Chrysolaminarin is the reserved food of ___________________


446 - Classical typhus fever is transmitted by which of the following arthropod?


447 - Cleavage of IgG molecule by Papin gives rise to:One Fc fragment and two Fab fragments_______________?

One Fc fragment and two Fab fragments

448 - Clostridium botulinum food poisoning is due to

preformed toxin

449 - Clostridium perfringens type A occurs as a natural flora of ______________


450 - Cloudiness of brine of glass-packed olives may be caused by

all of the above

451 - Coagulase-reacting factor is necessary for

tube coagulase test

452 - Codon sequence present on _____

RNA molecule

453 - Coenocytic hyphae have ________________

no septate

454 - Coiled morphology is characteristic of which of the following pathogen?


455 - Cold sterilization refers to the process of sterilization by use of______________?

Gamma rays

456 - Cold sterilization refers to the process of sterilization by use of____________________?

Gamma rays

457 - Coliform bacteria on fermentation of carbohydrates yields

all of these

458 - Coliforms are natural inhabitants of the large intestine of human and animals.


459 - Coliforms are used as indicator organisms because

both (a) and (b)

460 - Colonies resembling molar teeth are produced by

Actinomyces israelii

461 - Colony formation can be observed in liquid media broth.


462 - Colony hybridisation technique use for

Identification of cloned gene

463 - Colony of bacteria arise from______ bacteria

Single cell

464 - Colony-forming units per ml is the unit of _____________

Plate count

465 - Colorless rots in eggs is caused by

Pseudomonas alcaligenes

466 - Commercially available ELISA kits are used for the detection of

all of these

467 - Common inhabitant of throat and tonsils is______________?

Alpha hymolytic streptococci (S. viridans)

468 - Common name for Trichuris trichura________________?

Whip worm

469 - Commonest mycobacterial infection in tropical countries_______________?

M. tuberculosis

470 - Commonest site of extra intestinal amoebiasis is___________________?


471 - compared with autoclave, use of a dry heat over for sterilization has the following disadvantages______________?


472 - Complement binding immunoglobin via the classical pathway is_______________?

IgG & igM

473 - Complement factor through which common pathway begins___________________?


474 - Complement- fixation is done for laboratory diagnosis of which of the following disease?


475 - Complete destruction of the microorganisms is commonly known as


476 - Composting is one of the oldest forms of disposal of waste. It is the natural process of decomposition of organic waste that yields manure or compost. One of the following is added to the compost to get better results?


477 - Concentrate of fruits and vegetable juices

favour the growth of yeast and of acid and sugar tolerant Leuconostoc and Lactobacillus species

478 - Confirmatory test for HIV infection is a_______________?

Western Blot

479 - Cord factor is a ___________

mycolic acid derivative

480 - Cough plate method is used to identify________________?


481 - Counter-immunoelectrophoresis is used for the detection of

All of these

482 - Cowpea virus belongs to which of the following group of viruses?


483 - Coxiella burnetii is causative agent of _________

Q Fever

484 - Coxsackie virus B3, a subgroup of enteroviruses, commonly causes


485 - Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is transmitted by _____________


486 - cro gene is an example of an immunity repressor.


487 - Cryptococcosis is a disease of ________________

mycotic infection

488 - Crystal violet blood agar is a selective medium for

β-haemolytic streptococci

489 - Culture media of candida is_________________?

Saboraud's medium

490 - Culture medium for corynebacterium diphtheria______________?

Loefflers serum slope

491 - Culture medium for corynebacterium diphtheria_______________?

Loefflers serum slope

492 - Culture medium used for Bordatella pertussis is_________________?

Bordet Gengou medium

493 - Culture of tubercle bacilli may be positive if number of bacteria in the specimen is

as few as 10-100 per ml

494 - Cyanobacteria have

a gram-negative cell wall

495 - Cyanobacteria have which type of motility on the solid agar?


496 - Cyanobacteria is a/an _______


497 - Cycloserine inhibits

Both (a) and (b)

498 - Cycloserine may be isolated from the cultures of

All of these

499 - Cysteine breaks down in presence of cysteine desulfurase to give _________________

pyruvic acid

500 - Cysticercosis celluosae is caused by_____________?

T. Solium

501 - Cysts also have high heat resistance like endospores.


502 - Cytopathic effect is shown by_____________?


503 - Cytoplasmic inclusions include

all of these

504 - Cytoplasmic membrane and the cell material bounded by it plus the outer membrane of cell is known as _________


505 - Cytotoxic T-cells can be recognized by which of the following cell surface marker?


506 - DAHP synthetase catalyzes the condensation of

both (a) and (b)

507 - Dark ground microscopy is useful to identify______________?


508 - Definite exogenous budding occurs in which of the following species of protozoa?


509 - Degree of compost maturity can be assesed by

both (a) and (b)

510 - Degree of pathogenicity is referred to as _________________


511 - Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of __________

number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

512 - Deionococus are highly ______

Resistant to Radiation

513 - Delayed tuberculin test response is due to_______________?

T lymphocytes

514 - Delhi boil refer to_______________?

L. Tropica sore

515 - Dematophytes are fungi infecting________________?

Nails, hair and skin

516 - Denaturation of an enzyme refers to the

loss of the enzymes proper shape

517 - Dengue Hemorrhagic fever is caused by_____________?


518 - Dengue virus belongs to______________?

Flavi virus

519 - Denitrification is

both (a) and (b)

520 - Denitrification is carried out

all of the above

521 - Denitrification may be distinguished as

both (a) and (b)

522 - Dental Plaque adheres to tooth surface by________________?


523 - Dermatophytic diseases attributed infections to ______________


524 - Desulphuromonas can respire with elemental sulphur as the electron acceptor.


525 - Detergents used to disinfect dental instruments in the office kill bacteria by interfering with functional of the cell______________?


526 - Diagnostic DNA probes have been developed for

all of the above

527 - Diaminopimelic acid (DAP) is produced by which of the following microorganism?


528 - Dichotomous' means ______

Cut into two

529 - Differentiation of four different bases in automated sequencing systems is that each base has

distinctive fluorescent tag

530 - Digestive reactions where large molecules are broken down into smaller ones are referred as


531 - Dilution of the mixed culture is a common step in all the three methods: the streak-plate, the spread-plate and the pour-plate technique.


532 - Diphtheria is pathogenic only when infected with______________?

Beta phage

533 - Disease-producing species occurring in a mixed culture can be selected by taking advantage of _________

its pathogenic properties

534 - Disinfection frees the surface from______________?

Vegetative forms

535 - Disinfection of the rooms can be done by using_______________?

40% formaldehyde vapour

536 - DNA covering material in a virus is called as________________?


537 - DNA gyrase is a ______________ protein.


538 - DNA gyrase is inhibited by

nalidixic acid

539 - DNA probes are actually________

Short segment of single stranded DNA

540 - DNA replication rates in prokaryotes are approximately of the order of

1,000 bases per second

541 - Do protozoa have mitochondria?


542 - Dolichol phosphate is

the anchor on which sugars assemble before transfer to proteins

543 - Donovanosis, true is___________________?

Caused by Calymmatobacterium granulomatis

544 - Dorset's egg medium is used for cultivation of______________?


545 - Drumstick appearance is characteristic of

all of these

546 - Drumstick appearance is seen in______________?

Cl. tetani

547 - Dry heat destroys microorganisms by_____________?


548 - Dry heat sterlization can be done by which of the following technique?

All of these

549 - Due to which of the following DNA repair mechanisms, one is able to distinguish newly synthesized DNA strands from older one?

Old strands are methylated while new strands are not

550 - During amino acid activation a(n)

amino acid is bound to tRNA

551 - During asexual binary fission the macronucleus divides by mitotic division.


552 - During bacterial growth cycle period of little or no cell division known as?

Lag phase

553 - During binary fission in Paramecium, the rear daughter cell receives a new gullet?


554 - During DNA replication in prokaryotes, synthesis begins on the circular chromosome

always at the same place

555 - During exponential growth, the growth rate is

reciprocal of generation time

556 - During exponential phase, growth rate is _______

reciprocal of generation time

557 - During fermentation, pyruvic acid is converted into organic products such as

ethyl alcohol and lactic acid

558 - During hot air sterlization ,how much temperature will be maintained ?

170 degree celsius

559 - During process off conjugation which of the following bacteria received plasmid?

F- bacteria

560 - During the carboxylation phase of the Calvin cycle, CO2 combines with

ribulose 1,5 - bisphosphate

561 - During the reduction phase of the Calvin cycle, phosphoglyceric acid is reduced to______utilizing________as the reduction source.

phosphoglyceraldehyde; NADPH+H+

562 - During the Window period of patient with AIDS_______________?

Both are – ve

563 - During which of the following process a new copy of a DNA molecule is precisely synthesized?


564 - Dysentery may be caused by

enterotoxigenic E. coli

565 - Each codon is responsible for ______

particular amino acid

566 - Each of the 3 virulence factors of Bacillus anthracis i.e. the capsule, edema toxin and lethal toxin can affect the activity of


567 - Each of the following can cause food poisoning except________________?

Cl. difficile

568 - Each of the following viruses possesses an outer lipoprotein envelope except_____________?

Papilloma Virus

569 - Each turn of Calvin cycle results in the fixation of ________ molecule of carbon dioxide.


570 - Eastern equine encephalitis is more fatal than western equine encephalitis.


571 - Ebola virus can be studied in which category of laboratory


572 - EBV causes all except_________________?


573 - EBV is responsible for all except______________?


574 - Eco R1 cuts the plasmid DNA and the donor DNA such that both the ends are same.


575 - Ecologically fungi are important because

Both (a) and (b)

576 - Edward Jenner began inoculating humans with material from __________ lesions.


577 - Effective poliomyelitis vaccines were developed by culturing the virus of poliomyelitis on the kidney cells of which animal?


578 - Electron Microscope can give a magnification up to ___________


579 - Electron microscopic examination of the bacterial flora of necrotising ulcerative gingivitis indicates the presence of microorganisms within non-necrotic tissues in advance of other bacteria. The organisms involved are______________?


580 - Electrons entering the respiratory chain of chemoautotrophic bacteria enter the chain at higher potential.


581 - ELISA test when compared to western blot technique is______________?

More sensitive, less specific

582 - Encapsulation in bacteria helps in__________________?

Prevent their phagocytosis

583 - Endocarditis is caused by which of the following fungi?

Candida albicans

584 - Endoscopes are sterilized by using_______________?


585 - Endotoxin have all but one of the properties given below_______________?

Produced by gram positive bacteria

586 - Endotoxins are produced by________________?

Gram -ve bacteria

587 - Endotoxins differ from exotoxins in that endotoxins______________?

activate complement by the alternate pathway

588 - Enrichment media allows the growth of a large number of varied bacterial species.


589 - Enterically transmitted NANB hepatitis B_____________?

Hepatitis E

590 - Enterobacter can be differentiated from Klebsiella by

both (a) and (b)

591 - Enterobacter sp. gives negative result for Voges-Proskauer test.


592 - Enterobacteriaceae possesses endoflagella.


593 - Enterococci is found in which part of the intestine?


594 - Enterovirus belongs to which of the following family of viruses?


595 - Entner - Doudoroff pathway is not found in


596 - Entner-Doudoroff pathway is found in

both (a) and (b)

597 - Entner-Doudoroff pathway takes place only in procaryotes.


598 - Enumeration of microorganism refers to

either spiral plating, pour plate or spread plate of a food suspension on to a suitable selective agar, or non-selective plate, depending on the test

599 - Enveloped viruses have a __________ shape.

roughly spherical

600 - Enzyme catalase has non-protein metal as


601 - Enzyme neuraminidase is carried by which of the following viruses?

Influenza virus

602 - Enzymes are

organic compounds produced by living organism

603 - Enzymes can

not pass through semipermeable membrane

604 - Epigenetic word means

On genes

605 - Equatorial ridge formation in the cell wall takes place in which of the following bacteria?

Streptococcus faecalis

606 - Ergotism is responsible for all of the following except


607 - Erysipelas is caused by________________?

Group B staphylococci

608 - Erythrasma is caused by which of the following microorganism?

Corynebacterium minutissimum

609 - Escherichia coli is much more resistant to cationic disinfectants than Staphylococcus aureus.


610 - Esters like flavors in butter are resulted from the action of

P. fragi

611 - Ethylene oxide is used to destroy or kill which of the following microbes?

All of these

612 - Euglena contains cell wall made up of cellulose.


613 - Eugonic growth on Lowenstein-Jensen medium is produced by

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

614 - Eukaryotes replicate their DNA from one origin or growing point per molecule.


615 - Eukaryotic cell organelles first emerged

when prokaryotes engulfed each other and became interdependent

616 - Eukaryotic micro organisms include

all of these

617 - Evolutionary relationships between groups of organisms are determined using which of the following type of information?

All of the above

618 - Exaltation is________________?

Increased Virulence

619 - Examination of the presence / absence of organisms refers to

incubation of a food suspension in an enrichment medium followed by inoculation on to a suitable selective medium.

620 - Example of a Saprophytic bacteria is


621 - Example of immune complex hyper-sensitivity reaction is______________?

Serum sickness

622 - Example of the pathogenic bacteria is/are

Leptospira interrogans

623 - Exotoxins are heat-labile in nature.


624 - Exotoxins are____________________?

Protein compound

625 - Exponential phase of growth curve of bacteria is of limited duration because of

all of these

626 - F factor plasmids play a major role in


627 - F pilus has a major role as ___________

port of entry of genetic material during mating

628 - F1 Knob present in which organelle?


629 - Facilitated diffusion does not require metabolic energy.


630 - FAD stand for

Flavin adenine dinucleotide

631 - False +ve for VDRL is seen in______________?

All of the above

632 - False negative Mantoux test is observed in

All of these

633 - FAME stands for________

Fatty Acid Methyl Ester

634 - Fast growing mycobacterium can grow in culture media within how many days?

7 days

635 - Fatalities following influenza infection are usually due to the

bacterial superinfection

636 - Fatty acids are oxidized to acetyl-CoA by which of the following pathways?


637 - Fermentation of rice is carried out by which of the following microorganisms?


638 - Fermentation was first discovered by:


639 - Fimbriae are demonstrated by ___________________?

Haemagglutination test

640 - First released immunoglobulin after primary immunization_______________?


641 - Fishiness in butter is caused by

Aeromonas hydrophila

642 - Flagella move the cell by

spinning like a propeller

643 - Flash pasteurization of milk is done at what temperature______________?

72° for 15 – 20 Sec

644 - Flat sour spoilage of acid foods is caused by

B. coagulans

645 - Fleming Chain made a significant contribution to microbiology by discovering:


646 - Floaters or bloaters may result from

all of these

647 - Fluorescence microscopy can be used for the diagnosis of

All of these

648 - Fluorescent treponemal antibody test is an example of

indirect immunofluorescence

649 - Fluoroquinolones are antibiotics which inhibit

DNA gyrase

650 - Following are the characteristics of Cryptococcus neoformans EXCEPT________________?

Noncapsulated fungus infecting man

651 - Following are the characteristics of Vincent's angina EXCEPT_______________?

Caused by leptospira interrogans

652 - Following are the defenses of the colon except

fast flow rate

653 - Following hepatitis B infection through blood transfusion disease manifests in_____________?

1 week

654 - Following is a retrovirus_____________?

Immunodeficiency virus

655 - Following reaction are produced by heterophil antigens except_____________?

Widal reaction

656 - Food most often associated with emetic type of food poisoning caused by Bacillus cereus, is


657 - Food poisoning strains of Clostridium perfringens belong to

type A

658 - For brucellosis, 2 ME agglutination test is used to identify


659 - For Clostridium botulinum type A toxin, 1 MLD for a mouse is ____________

2.5 X 10-5 µg

660 - For diagnosis of Smallpox viruses demonstration of Negri bodies is carried out.


661 - For each glucose molecule broken down, there are______________number of reduced coenzymes to be oxidized.


662 - For each pair of electrons passing from NADH located inside the mitochondria to oxygen, how many ATP molecules can be generated?


663 - For growth of the anaerobic bacteria what will be concontration of oxygen preferred?


664 - For most bacteria, the optimum pH for growth lies between


665 - For sterilization of plastic syringes in hospitals which of the following agents are used?

ethylene oxide

666 - For sterilization of which material gamma rays can be used?

None of these

667 - For the cultivation of viruses the fertile chicken eggs should be incubated for how many day(s)?


668 - For the examination of microbial cells we require the use of?

High-power microscope at a magnification of about 1,000 diameters

669 - For the first time, the structure of DNA was revealed.:

Watson and Crick

670 - For the malaria protozoa, mosquitoes are the definitive host.


671 - For the selection of endospore-forming bacteria, a mixed culture can be heated at

80°C for 10 minutes

672 - For the selection of lactobacilli present in cheddar cheese, the pH of the medium is maintained at


673 - For the treatment of case of class III dog bite, all of the following are correct except_____________?

Immediately stitch wound under antibiotic coverage

674 - For uniform staining reaction, morphology and biochemical activity it is advisable to study bacterial cultures during the_____________?

Logarithmic phase

675 - For using any chemical agent, we need to increase the temperature of the environment.


676 - For which viral disease, vaccine has been recently developed through the use of tissue culture?


677 - Fragments transferred by a bacteriophage contains how many genes?


678 - Frame shift mutation may occur as a result of

none of the above

679 - Francisco Jacobe and Jaques Monod discovered :


680 - Free energy change (ΔG) of a reaction is referred as the amount of energy

liberated or taken up during reaction

681 - Fresh air contains approximately ______ percent carbon dioxide by volume.


682 - From which of the following animal was the material isolated which was used for the vaccination for the first time?


683 - Frustules are found in which of the following algae?


684 - Frustules made of silica are characteristic of


685 - Fucoxanthin pigment is present in _______________


686 - Function of Ig A is________________?

Acts as a mucosal barrier for infection

687 - Function of T-lymphocyte is/are________________?

All of the above

688 - Fungal amylases using stationary culture with wheat bran utilizes

A. oryzae

689 - Fungal infection/s frequently observed in HIV disease is /are:

all of these

690 - Fungal infecxtion known as?


691 - Fungi

secrete extracellular enzymes to breakdown nutrients

692 - Fungi are ______________

eukaryotic and lack chlorophyll

693 - Fungi are generally not


694 - Fungi are important in the production of all of the following commercial products except


695 - Fungi are important to food webs because

they serve as key decomposers of dead organic matter

696 - Fungi are sensitive to which of the following antibiotics?


697 - Fungi differ from the other eukaryotic microbes in having


698 - Fungi in the division Deuteromycota are characterized by the fact that

a method of sexual reproduction has not been identified

699 - Fungi produces which of the following inhibitory toxic product?


700 - Fungi that lack partitions (septa) are called


701 - Fungus capable to forming fungal ball is ________________?


702 - Fungus diseases that occur on the nails, skin, hair are referred to as systemic mycoses.


703 - Fusobacterium belongs to which type of bacterial group?

obligate anaerobes

704 - Fusobacterium is responsible for ________

all of these

705 - Gas gangrene is caused by which of the following microorganisms?

Clostridium perfringens

706 - Gassiness resulting from the liberation of carbon dioxide by hetero fermentative lactics is called


707 - Gassy spoilage of green olives is usually caused by

all of these

708 - Generally mycobacterium is divided into how many groups?


709 - Generation time is

both (a) and (c)

710 - Generation time of Escherichia coli is

20 minutes

711 - Genetic and biochemical similarities between contemporary cyanobacteria and eukaryotic chloroplasts are accepted to mean that

eukaryotes evolved from archaea

712 - Genetic mutation occur in which of the following biological molecule?


713 - Genetic recombination occurs between homologous chromosomes.


714 - Genetic recombination refer to _____

combination of two DNA molecule

715 - Genetic system is located in the prokaryotes in

all of these

716 - Genetic variations are


717 - Genetically modified "Golden Rice " are enriched with______

Carrotene and ferritin

718 - Germ-free animals require lower levels of B vitamins.


719 - Glasswares are sterilised by______________?

Hot air oven

720 - Gluconic acid is produced by which of the following molds?

Aspergillus niger

721 - Glucose can be broken down to pyruvate by

Entner-Doudoroff pathway

722 - Glutaraldehyde is preferred more than formaldehyde because______________?

It has got no deleterious effect on the cement and lenses of instruments

723 - Glycolysis can occur in ___________

both aerobic and anaerobic cells

724 - Golgi bodies are also known as __________________


725 - Gonococci are inhibited by tryptoflavine in dilutions of ____________


726 - Graft versus host reaction is caused by_________________?


727 - Grains spoiled by molds are a potential animal or human health hazard as well as a great economic loss. Which is/are the common species of molds in the spoilage of stored grains by molds?

All of these

728 - Gram positive cells have a

multiple layer of peptidoglycan that helps to retain the crystal violet stain

729 - Gram staining was developed accidentally in 1884 by

Hans Christian Gram

730 - Gram staining was introduced by

Christian gram

731 - Gram -ve bacteria stain during gram staining____________?

Red color

732 - Gram-negative bacteria are more resistant to antibiotics due to the presence of?

Outer lipopolysaccharide layer

733 - Gram-negative bacteria, responsible for food poisoning, is/are


734 - Gram-negative bacterium is/are


735 - Gram-negative organisms are more susceptible to higher concentrations of triphenylmethane dyes.


736 - Gram-positive bacteria are usually more susceptible to?


737 - Gram-positive bacteria, responsible for food poisoning, is/are


738 - Granules in the corynebacterium diphtheria are called by following names, except______________?

Refractile granules

739 - Grape bunch shaped colonies are seen in______________?


740 - Grave's disease is an example of type immunologic response_________________?

Type II

741 - Green rots in eggs is chiefly caused by

Pseudomonas fluorescens

742 - Griseofulvin is useful in the therapy of nonsystemic fungal infections.


743 - Group A B-hemolytic streptococcal infection of the pharynx may be followed in some by_____________?

Rheumatic fever

744 - Group A carbohydrate of Str. pyogenes cross reacts with human_________________?

Cardiac valves

745 - Group E phages have

single stranded RNA

746 - Group I C. botulinum strains generally includes in

all types of strains (proteolytic)A, B and F

747 - Growth factor needed for Salmonella_________________?


748 - Growth in broth cultures occurs mainly in the form of__________

heavy surface pellicle

749 - Growth of bacteria or microorganisms refer to __________________

an increase in number of cells

750 - Growth of microbes in a solid media is identified by the formation of?


751 - Guanine always binds to


752 - Gullet is present in which algae?


753 - Half-life of free HIV in plasma is________________?

6 hours

754 - Haptane is_______________?

Carrier required for specific antibody production

755 - Heat resistant enzyme "Tag polymerase" isolated from ________

Thermo aquaticus

756 - Heat-labile class of immunoglobulins include


757 - Heat-labile enterotoxin of Escherichia coli activates

adenylate cyclase

758 - Heat-stable enterotoxin of Escherichia coli activates

guanylate cyclase

759 - Heavy, thick, slimy film of bacteria in the slow process of vinegar manufacture reduces

the rate of acetification

760 - Helicobacter responsible for _________

All of these

761 - Hepatitis A virus is best diagnosed by______________?

IgM antibodies in serum

762 - Hepatitis B infection spreads through all of the following routes except______________?

Faeco oral route

763 - Hepatitis C virus belongs to which one of the following virus groups ?

Flavi viruses

764 - Hepatitis G virus belongs to the family


765 - Hepatocellular carcinoma (Hepatoma) may be caused by

Both (a) and (b)

766 - Herpes virus_____________?

Acquires its envelope from nuclear membrane

767 - Hexose monophosphate pathway is also known as

phosphogluconate pathway

768 - High acid foods with a pH < 3.7 undergo spoilage by

do not undergo spoilage by microorganisms

769 - High acid foods with a pH above 5.3 are especially subjected to

both (a) and (b)

770 - High efficacy particulate air , can help to sterlized which of the following size of pathogen?

Pathogen more than 0.3um

771 - High energy transfer compounds are capable of

transferring large amounts of free energy

772 - Highest incidence of anemia in the tropics is due to______________?

Hook worm

773 - HIV belongs to the family retroviridae and sub-family


774 - HIV can infect

All of these

775 - HIV infection is known to be transmitted during all of the following EXCEPT______________?


776 - HIV is transmitted by all of the following routes except________________?


777 - HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is considered unique because each virus contains:

a viral enzyme known as reverse transcriptase

778 - Hollow pickles are obtained as a result of

both (a) and (b)

779 - Holozoic nutrition is characterized by

phagocytosis of solid nutrients and subsequent formation of phagocytic vacuoles

780 - Homo fermantative name given to bacteria that can

Produce only lactic acid

781 - Hospital dressing is best disposed by_____________?


782 - Hot air oven cannot be used for sterlisling___________________?

Culture media

783 - Hot air oven is used for sterilization of all EXCEPT__________________?

Rubber tubes

784 - How can the cell structure of mycoplasmas account for their pleomorphism?

Because of abscence of cell wall

785 - How did fimbriae contribute to pathogenicity?

It help pathogen to adhere on the cell surface

786 - How do prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella differ?

Prokaryotic flagellum rotate While Eukaryotic flagellum move in a wave like manner

787 - How does fungal colonies differ from bacterial colonies?

Bacterial colonies are small while fungal colonies are large and fuzzy

788 - How does Giardia obtain energy without mitochondria?

It obtain energy from anaerobic glycolysis

789 - How does microbial growth in canned food prevented?

All if these

790 - How does spirochetes motility differ from that of spirrillium?

They are motile by ordinary polar flagella

791 - How long does the temperature of 72 degrees Celsius remain constant during flash pasteurisation?

15 Sec

792 - How many Taxa "slim mold " have ?


793 - How many ascospores are present in each ascus?


794 - How many ATP molecules are formed for per molecule of FADH2 reoxidized?


795 - How many ATPs are paid back during the Pentose phosphate Pathway?


796 - How many B subunits are present in cholera toxin?


797 - How many cells present per milliliter in a bacterial culture can make the culture turbid?

107-108 cells

798 - How many day-old embryonated eggs were used by Reyniers to rear first germ-free animals?


799 - How many DNA molecules are transferred after each transformation?


800 - How many dsRNA segments are present in the reovirus genome?



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