Microbiology Most Important MCQs For The Jobs Test As Well As Academic Examination Set: 7

2401 - What is meant by oppertunistic mycosis?

It is a type of mycosis which occur when normal flora decline

2402 - What is meant by Plasmogamy?

Fusion of cell cytoplasm

2403 - What is meant by the term isotonic?

When outer and inner environment of the cell has an equal concentration of water

2404 - What is meant by word conidia?


2405 - What is Mycology?

Study of fungi

2406 - What is other name of Ascomycota?

Sac fungi

2407 - What is other name of basidomycota?

Sac fungi

2408 - What is other name of neurotoxin obtain from Dianoflagellates?


2409 - What is primary role of algae in ecosystem?

All of these

2410 - What is RNAi?

It is a natural process in which â€Å“dimmer switch” to dial down the level of a protein.

2411 - What is role of trophozoite stage in protozoa?

Protozoa grow and feed

2412 - What is size of mycoplasma species?

0.1 to 0.25 um

2413 - What is term used for a bacterial cell that is able to take up naked DNA?


2414 - What is the action of tetracycline in prokaryotes?

It blocks the binding of amino-acyl tRNA to the A site of ribosomes

2415 - What is the approximate size of the bacterial cell?

0.5 to 1.0 micrometer in diameter

2416 - What is the average incubation period for development of AIDS?

Ten years

2417 - What is the basic function of ligase enzyme?

It help to join two molecules

2418 - What is the cell shape of the organisms belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae?

straight rod

2419 - What is the chemical nature of endotoxins?


2420 - What is the color of colonies of Staphylococcus aureus?


2421 - What is the color of the pigment xanthomonadin?


2422 - What is the colour of gram -postive bacteria on a gram staining?


2423 - What is the colour of gram-negative bacteria on a gram staining?


2424 - What is the colour of the plaque formed?


2425 - What is the commercial use of methane?

Used as Fuel

2426 - What is the correct order of staining reagents in Gram-Staining?

Crystal violet, iodine solution, alcohol, safranin

2427 - What is the correct order when coliphage P1 is grown in a thr+ leu+ aziR host is used to infect a thr- leu- azi- recipient bacterial cell?

thr+ leu+ aziR

2428 - What is the definative host of plasmodium?


2429 - What is the direct cause of cell death by diphtheria toxin?

Inactivation of a translational elongation factor

2430 - What is the exact range of mitochondria present in liver cell ?

1000 to 2000 per cell

2431 - What is the frequency of defective phage particles in progeny phage produced?


2432 - What is the frequency of formation of recombinants in a F+ X F— cross?


2433 - What is the function of heterocyst?

It fix Nitrogen

2434 - What is the function of intron on DNA?

All of these

2435 - What is the function of positive strand in double stranded RNA viruses?

Synthesis of protein

2436 - What is the incubation period for kala azar disease?

2-4 months

2437 - What is the location of DNA in prokaryotic cell?


2438 - What is the maximum number of different amino acids in a polypeptide chain coded by the synthetic polyribonucleotides (UCAG)5?


2439 - What is the maximum temperature for protozoa?

40 degrees C

2440 - What is the minimum distance for the eye to focus any object?

25 cm

2441 - What is the mutation rate for E.coli per bacterium per cell division?

5.8 x 10-8

2442 - What is the name of layer that wrap up the vacuole in a cell?


2443 - What is the order of reagents used in the Gram stain?

Crystal violet, iodine, decolorizer, safranin

2444 - What is the other name for photolyase enzyme?

Light repair enzyme

2445 - What is the other name of glycolysis?

EMP pathway

2446 - What is the pH of the bananas?


2447 - What is the pH required for the production of baker̢۪s yeast?

4 to 5

2448 - What is the primary source of food for marine life?


2449 - What is the purpose of southern blotting?

Identify DNA molecule

2450 - What is the purpose of western blotting?

Identify Protein molecule

2451 - What is the range of minimum set of genes required for life?

250-350 genes

2452 - What is the range of protein content in yeast cells?


2453 - What is the resolving power of transmission electron microscope


2454 - What is the role of agar in culture media?

It provide support

2455 - What is the role of fungus in nature?

All of these

2456 - What is the role of lichen in nature?

All of these

2457 - What is the role of osmotic pressure in growth of microbes?

All of these

2458 - What is the sequence which a retro virus follows on entering a host cell ?


2459 - What is the shape of DNA in the male cells of E.coli?


2460 - What is the shape of helical phages?


2461 - What is the shape of Paramecium?


2462 - What is the shape of rabies virus?


2463 - What is the shape of the lymph nodes?


2464 - What is the shape of the nucleoid of poxviruses?


2465 - What is the shape of the Rhabdoviruses?


2466 - What is the size of papillomaviruses?

55 nm

2467 - What is the technical name of bacteria that requires a higher than atmospheric concentration of Carbon dioxide for growth?

None of these

2468 - What is the temperature of liquid nitrogen?

-196 degree C

2469 - What is the term used for a segment of DNA with one or more genes in the centre and the two ends carrying inverted repeat sequences of nucleotides?


2470 - What is the total energy yield of aerobic restoration?

36or 38

2471 - What is the total energy yield of anaerobic respiration?


2472 - What is the transport medium for cholera___________________?

B & C

2473 - What is the usual sequence of a Pribnow box?


2474 - What iscommon namefor Helicobacter pylori?

None of these

2475 - What pressure of oxygen is used in the treatment involving the use of hyperbaric oxygen?


2476 - What property of protein enables it to carry out a specific function?

It's unique sequence enable it to perform specific sequance

2477 - What red alga is toxic for human?

Red alga have toxin in it

2478 - What role does an "Special stain" play in microbiology?

It help to visualise different structures of pathogen

2479 - What role does carbolfuchsin play in the acid fast staining procedure?

Fixed smear

2480 - What role performaned by small nuclear ribobucleoproteins

Both A And B

2481 - What should be the minimum weight of DNA that is required for a successful transformation?

300,000 daltons

2482 - What stage of life cycle Chlamydia is infectious to human?

Both A and B

2483 - What stop translation?

Stop codon

2484 - What temperature is necessary for the production of vinegar?

15-34 degree C

2485 - What temperature range used in lyphilization?

-54 to 72degree Celsius

2486 - What temperature range used to deep freeze the pathogen?

-50 to -95 degree Celsius

2487 - What type of cell Fungi have -----


2488 - What type of colonies are formed by Mycoplasmas on the agar plate?


2489 - What was the first bacterial genome to be sequenced and made public?

Haemophilus influenzae

2490 - What was the first eukaryotic chromosome to be sequenced?

Yeast chromosome III

2491 - What will be fixed pH for Sabouraud's dextrose media?


2492 - What will be the plate count of good quality water?

100 per ml

2493 - what's the purpose of making scanning tunneling microscopy?

To visualize molecules like DNA

2494 - What's the name of chemical that can intensify the stain?


2495 - When a bacteria swim towards a chemical, it is termed as__________

positive chemotaxis

2496 - When a substance is added to a liquid medium which inhibits the growth of unwanted bacteria and favors the growth of wanted bacteria, it is known as

enrichment medium

2497 - When a substance is added to a solid medium which inhibits the growth of unwanted bacteria but permits the growth of wanted bacteria, it is known as

selective medium

2498 - When a virus enters a cell but does not replicate immediately, the situation is called


2499 - When acetate is the sole source of carbon for some microorganisms, the cycle which is used, is called

glyoxylate pathway

2500 - When animal have male and female reproductive organ on same individual the term used

Both A and B

2501 - When Betadine used on skin ?

All of these

2502 - When composite transposons are formed

two IS elements integrate into a chromosome with only a small distance separating them

2503 - When horse serum is injected intravenoulsy in to a rabbit and again in to the skin two or three weeks later, what is the necrotizing reaction that occurs as the site of the second injection________________?

Arthus phenomenon

2504 - When legionella was newly discovered, why was it classified with pseudomonads?

It is an aerobic gram negative rod

2505 - When mutations involve vital functions so that the mutants are nonviable, it is a

lethal mutation

2506 - When number of deaths eventually exceeds the number of new cells formed Then this stage known as

All of these

2507 - When one or more nucleotide pairs /sequance deleted or inserted this type of mutation known as________

frameshift mutation

2508 - When parasitic protozoa parasitize other protozoan it is known as ______________


2509 - When quantity of bacteria is very small as in case of bacteria of lake and pure stream then which method used to count bacteria


2510 - When rod shaped bacteria appears in pairs, it is known as?


2511 - When septum formation occurs near the pole of cell then it results in the formation of daughter cell known as _________


2512 - When the fermentation of fructose results in the bitter product mannitol, the fermentation is sometime termed as-


2513 - When the gametes are morphologically alike, they are called ______________


2514 - When the infection occurs suddenly and with severe intensity it is known as ______________


2515 - When the phage transduces only those bacterial genes adjacent to the prophage in the bacterial chromosome then it is known as?

restricted transduction

2516 - When there is a need to introduce DNA into cell of plant then which technique is more helpful to biologist?

Shooting DNA coating particle

2517 - When using alcohol as an antiseptic, which concentration is considered most effective?


2518 - When viral genome can become integrated into the bacterial genome they are known as ____________


2519 - When was the genetic code completed?


2520 - When we use the term plasmolyze for cell?

When water left the cell

2521 - Where are bacteriochlorophyll present in the cell?


2522 - Where are the protozoa present during the acute stage of Chagas̢۪ disease?


2523 - Where DNA is located in prokaryotic cell?


2524 - Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in SEM?

cathode ray tube

2525 - Where does Neisseria meningitidis reach after entering the body?


2526 - Where does plasmodium undergo sexual reproduction?

In blood of Mosquito

2527 - Where does polioviruses multiply first?


2528 - Where does process of chemiosmosis occur in EUkaryotic cell?

Both Band C

2529 - Where does process of chemiosmosisoccur in prokaryotic cell?


2530 - Where does Streptococcus pyogenes infects in the body to cause infection?


2531 - Where does the Streptococcus mutans adhere to the body site?


2532 - Where is the endoflagella located in Spirochetes?

In the periplasmic space

2533 - Where we use algin , obtained from algae?

Food industry

2534 - Which of the following is advantage of ultrahigh temperature treatment of milk Pasteurization?

All of these

2535 - Which algal division is divided up into three main groups consisting of the golden-brown algae, the yellow-green algae and the diatoms?


2536 - Which algal division never produces motile, flagellated cells among any of its members?


2537 - Which amino acid is an inhibitory transmitter?


2538 - Which among the following acts as a transport protein for protons in flagellar motion?

mot protein

2539 - Which among the following acts as receptors for bacteriophage attachment in Gram-negative bacteria?

O antigens

2540 - Which among the following are â€Å“Spirochetes”?

Treponema pallidum

2541 - Which among the following are asexual spores?


2542 - Which among the following are microaerophilic bacteria?


2543 - Which among the following are not used as raw materials for alcohol production?


2544 - Which among the following are produced by microorganisms?

Fermented dairy products, breads and alcoholic beverages

2545 - Which among the following are referred to as the â€Å“pasture of the sea”?


2546 - Which among the following are spores formed by budding?


2547 - Which among the following are the most important agents for carbon dioxide fixation?


2548 - Which among the following come under Gram-positive eubacteria?

Clostridium, Actinomyces

2549 - Which among the following compound when added to cytoplasmic membrane helps in maintaining the rigidity of cell?


2550 - Which among the following develop in the upper portion of the Winogradsky column?


2551 - Which among the following factors are limiting the growth of phytoplankton organisms?

radiant energy,nitrogen

2552 - Which among the following group of microorganisms are found in the ducts of cow̢۪s mammary glands?


2553 - Which among the following helps us in getting a three-dimensional picture of the specimen?

Scanning Electron Microscope

2554 - Which among the following is a gas producer organism?

Clostridium butyricum

2555 - Which among the following is a non-sulfur purple bacteria?


2556 - Which among the following is a pathogenic algae for humans?


2557 - Which among the following is an example of an organic compound of mercury?


2558 - Which among the following is associated with the export of exocellular enzymes?

peripheral mesosomes

2559 - Which among the following is not an ammonia-oxidizing bacteria?

Nitrospina gracilis

2560 - Which among the following is the family of RNA containing viruses that can cause cancer in animals?


2561 - Which among the following kingdoms were proposed by Whittaker?


2562 - Which among the following oceans is the most richest in life?

Antarctic Ocean

2563 - Which among the following species causes tuberculosis?

Mycobacterium bovis

2564 - Which among the following species have not been transformed?


2565 - Which among the following was the first germ-free animal to be reared?


2566 - Which antibiotic has a beta-lactam ring?


2567 - Which are the main source of biofertilisers?


2568 - Which bacteria among the following produces a water-insoluble pigment?

Chromobacterium violaceum

2569 - Which bacteria appears purple-violet colour after staining?


2570 - Which bacteria has an unusual capsule among the following?

Bacillus anthracis

2571 - Which bacterial strain appears to be alarming to health care professionals?

Vancomycin Resistant Staphlococcus aurus

2572 - Which binding is inhibited by pactamycin?

Initiator-tRNA to 30S/40S initiation complexes

2573 - Which body part contains the largest microbial population?

large intestine

2574 - Which capsid symmetry is exhibited by most of the phages?


2575 - Which cell type is considered to have the oldest ancestor?

they all share the same ancestor

2576 - Which chemical is used to inhibit mold growth in bread?

sorbic acid

2577 - Which class of fungi among the following have motile cells with two laterally inserted flagella, one tinsel and the other whiplash?


2578 - Which component of the cell wall is responsible________________?

Region III

2579 - Which device is used to pick a single bacterial cell from a mixed culture?


2580 - Which disease is caused by P. pseudomallei organism?


2581 - Which disinfectant was the most effective against Salmonella""?


2582 - Which disinfectant would be most effective against Staphylococcus found in a blood spill?

None of these

2583 - Which division of fungi lacks flagella?


2584 - Which does not have a viral etiology______________?


2585 - Which drug is used for healing genital herpes?


2586 - Which drug is used for the treatment of anthrax?


2587 - Which drug is used for the treatment of brucellosis in humans?


2588 - Which drug is used for the treatment of leishmaniasis?

sodium stibogluconate

2589 - Which drug is used to cure influenza caused by type A strains?


2590 - Which enzyme is required for the production of glucan?

glycosyl transferase

2591 - Which eukaryotic RNA polymerase makes tRNA's?

RNA polymerase 3

2592 - Which family has received most interest in their development as a biological control agent against insects?


2593 - Which force drives the flagellar rotation in bacteria?

protonmotive force

2594 - Which fungi causes black wart disease of potato?

Synchytrium endobioticum

2595 - Which genus among the following has certain similarities to the genus Bdellovibrio?


2596 - Which group is used to represent pathological fungi?

Smuts, Rusts, Molds

2597 - Which group of bacteria among the following give a positive reaction by the oxidase test?

Aerobic/Microaerophilic, Motile, Helical/Vibroid, Gram-negative bacteria

2598 - Which group of bacteria among the following have the largest area of contact?


2599 - Which if the following bacteria used in production of yogurt?


2600 - Which if the following is example of non ionising radiation?

UV radiation

2601 - Which if the following pathogen survive in phagocytic cells?


2602 - Which is false about Wucheraria bancrofti_________________?

Man and anapheles mosquito are hosts

2603 - Which is genetically modified crop?

All of these

2604 - Which is most likely to be exposed on the surface of a gram-negative bacterium?

Pore protein (porin)

2605 - Which is not a form of biomass energy?

Photovoltaic production of hydrogen

2606 - Which is not a function of IgA?

Fix complement

2607 - Which is not a function of IgG?

First antibody type produced against an antigen during the primary antibody response

2608 - Which is not a major defense mechanism in the stomach?

Dense normal flora

2609 - Which is not an amino acid and peptide antibiotic?


2610 - Which is not an antigen-presenting cell (or APC)?

Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (or PMN)

2611 - Which is not an essential part of a two-component phosphorelay system?


2612 - Which is not true about vibrio cholera_________________?

Cannot survive in extracellular environment

2613 - Which is the functional unit of inheritance?


2614 - Which is the most efficient complement fixing class of antibody?


2615 - Which is the most important surface active disinfectants?

Cationic compounds

2616 - Which is the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease in the US?

Nongonococcal urethritis

2617 - Which is the true location of DNA in Eukaryotic cell?


2618 - Which is type II hypersensitivity ?

Cytotoxic / cytolytic type

2619 - Which material is used for the Berkefeld filter?

diatomaceous earth

2620 - Which microbe causes the disease erysipelas?

S. pyogenes

2621 - Which microorganism among the following can live as a commensal but can also be pathogenic?

Entamoeba histolytica

2622 - Which microorganism(s) among the following perform photosynthesis by utilizing light?


2623 - Which molecule will combine with the four-carbon oxaloacetate in the TCA cycle to form the six-carbon citrate?


2624 - Which of following compound help us to preserve the meat for long period of time?


2625 - Which of the antibiotic is not used as a food preservative ?

β-lactam antibiotic

2626 - Which of the bacteria " blurr the definition of what bacteria are"?


2627 - Which of the cause(s) has/have been suggested for the chill rings in sausage?

all of the above

2628 - Which of the coxsackieviruses can cause herpangina?

Group A

2629 - Which of the enzymes are used to cut the recipient DNA?


2630 - Which of the first pathogen responsible for still birth?


2631 - Which of the following (s) is/are function (s) of Fc fragment of IgG?

All of these

2632 - Which of the following (s) is/are responsible for the green patches on the surface of meats under aerobic conditions?

All of these

2633 - Which of the following (s) is/are the major spoilage of soft drinks from the marked growth of yeasts and bacteria?

Cloudiness and ropiness

2634 - Which of the following acid will have higher bacteriostatic effect at a given pH?

Acetic acid

2635 - Which of the following act as the blueprint or template for the process of protein synthesis that takes place on ribosomes?


2636 - Which of the following actions are not affected by antimicrobial agents?

capsule formation

2637 - Which of the following actions occur due to low temperature?

rate of metabolism is reduced

2638 - Which of the following acts as a carbon source for Enterobacter aerogenes?

Sodium citrate

2639 - Which of the following acts as a chemical reductant in bacterial photosynthesis?

hydrogen sulphide

2640 - Which of the following acts as a precursor for the activation of peptidoglycan?


2641 - Which of the following acts as a test organism in the procedure of phenol-coefficient method?

Staphylococcus aureus

2642 - Which of the following agent is used to disinfect skin?


2643 - Which of the following agents are used as a preservative in ophthalmic solutions?

quaternary ammonium salts

2644 - Which of the following agents cause death to the cell by coagulation of cytoplasmic proteins?

Heavy metals

2645 - Which of the following agents involve biosensors linking with electronic circuit?

Microbially derived enzymes

2646 - Which of the following agents irreversibly oxidize and inactivate proteins with sulphydral groups?


2647 - Which of the following algae continues to be a significant food in China?

red algae

2648 - Which of the following algal divisions is characterized by possession of chlorophylls A and B, paramylon as the energy storage material, and the presence of a pellical instead of a cell wall?


2649 - Which of the following algal divisions is characterized by possession of chlorophylls A and B, starch as the energy storage material, cellulosic cell walls and live in freshwater and marine habitats?


2650 - Which of the following amino acids require sulphur for their synthesis?

methionine and cystine

2651 - Which of the following animallike flagellates has a flagellum originating from the midportion of the cell?


2652 - Which of the following antibacterial substance is present in eggs and saliva ?


2653 - Which of the following antibiotic have a sparing effect on the B12 in the diet?


2654 - Which of the following antibiotic is not involved in the inhibition of specific enzyme systems?


2655 - Which of the following antibiotic used as preservative in diary product?

Both A and B

2656 - Which of the following antibiotics can't be used for treatment of infections with β-lactamase-producing Staphylococcus aureus?


2657 - Which of the following antibiotics causes inhibition of ergosterol biosynthesis?


2658 - Which of the following antibiotics is most effective?


2659 - Which of the following antigenic types of hepatitis B virus is present in the envelope?


2660 - Which of the following antigenic types of hepatitis B virus is prevalent in India?


2661 - Which of the following apparatus is used to provide steam under regulated pressure?


2662 - Which of the following aquatic organisms contribute in a small amount to the shallow estuary food web?

benthic algae

2663 - Which of the following are acellular slime moulds?


2664 - Which of the following are asexual spores?

All of thes

2665 - Which of the following are characteristics of archaebacterial different from eubacteria?

methane-producers, extreme halophiles, and thermoacidophiles

2666 - Which of the following are characteristics of the process viropexis?

phagocytic process and occurs by the enzyme lysosomal proteases

2667 - Which of the following are correctly matched ?

All of the above

2668 - Which of the following are features of semiconservative replication?

DNA duplicates itself and the new chain contains old template strand and new complementary strand

2669 - Which of the following are filamentous phage of E.coli?

f1 and fd

2670 - Which of the following are formed in pyrenoids?


2671 - Which of the following are functions of Maintenance Media?

used for the maintenance of the viability and physiological characteristics

2672 - Which of the following are functions of phosphates used in the preparation of media?

they act as buffer and is a source of phosphorous

2673 - Which of the following are functions of the stalk?

attachment of the cells to surfaces

2674 - Which of the following are functions of water in the culture medium?

it is a chemical reactant, nutrients must also be present in aqueous solution and provide resistance to sudden temperature changes

2675 - Which of the following are generally applied on living animal tissues?


2676 - Which of the following are important plant pathogens?


2677 - Which of the following are mesophilic saprophytes?


2678 - Which of the following are non-sense codons?


2679 - Which of the following are non-spore forming anaerobic bacteria that asume major significance in disease processes________________?

All of the above

2680 - Which of the following are not performed in lyophilization?

agar slant is covered with mineral oil

2681 - Which of the following are not the features of component II of nitrogenase enzyme complex?

component II is known as the MoFe protein

2682 - Which of the following are present in teichoic acids?

ribitol or glycerol residues

2683 - Which of the following are propionic acid bacteria?


2684 - Which of the following are resistant to desiccation?


2685 - Which of the following are said to have binal symmetry?


2686 - Which of the following are the oxygen requirements of molds?

Strictly aerobic

2687 - Which of the following are trace elements?

Copper ion

2688 - Which of the following are true for cytoplasmic membrane?

hydrophobic barrier and site of generation of protonmotive force

2689 - Which of the following are true for electron microscopy?

specimen should be thin and dry, image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen and electron beam must pass through evacuated chamber

2690 - Which of the following are true for Gram-negative bacteria?

alcohol treatment increases the permeability of the cell wall and the CV-I complex can be extracted

2691 - Which of the following are true for the heterofermentative microorganism producing lactic acid?

Some lactic acid with carbon dioxide, ethyl alcohol, acetic acid and trace amount of few other products

2692 - Which of the following are water-soluble pigments?


2693 - Which of the following articles can be sterilized in an autoclave?

All of these

2694 - Which of the following Ascomycetes are used for riboflavin production?

Both (a) and (b)

2695 - Which of the following bacteria are found in the nose?

S. epidermidis

2696 - Which of the following bacteria can be typed by phage typing method?

All of these

2697 - Which of the following bacteria can grow both as chemolithotrophs or as chemoorganotrophs?

Pseudomonas pseudoflava

2698 - Which of the following bacteria can grow in acidic pH?


2699 - Which of the following bacteria can grow in alkaline pH?

Vibrio cholerae

2700 - Which of the following bacteria can synthesize all of the amino acids required for protein synthesis?


2701 - Which of the following bacteria causes syphilis in humans?

Treponema pallidum

2702 - Which of the following bacteria dies quickly after drying?

Treponema pallidium

2703 - Which of the following bacteria form filament that occasionally fragment?


2704 - Which of the following bacteria form nodules on root of legumes?


2705 - Which of the following bacteria give "musty odor" to soil?


2706 - Which of the following bacteria has a size large enough to be seen without a microscope?

Thiomargarita namibiensis

2707 - Which of the following bacteria have double membrane bound around DNA?


2708 - Which of the following bacteria is acid-fast?


2709 - Which of the following bacteria is associated with food poisoning due to consumption of sea fish?

Vibrio parahaemolyticus

2710 - Which of the following bacteria is basically plant pathogen?


2711 - Which of the following bacteria is gram-negative cocci?


2712 - Which of the following bacteria is moderately saccharolytic?

B melaninogenicus

2713 - Which of the following bacteria is sensitive to pyrazinamide?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

2714 - Which of the following bacteria is susceptible to thiophen-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide?

M bovis

2715 - Which of the following bacteria is/are known as coliform bacilli?

All of these

2716 - Which of the following bacteria lack a cell wall and are therefore resistant to penicillin?


2717 - Which of the following bacteria present in sewage treatment ?


2718 - Which of the following bacteria produce Bt toxin?

Pseudomonas fluorescens

2719 - Which of the following bacteria requires nicotinic acid as a growth factor in their media?

Proteus vulgaris

2720 - Which of the following bacterial colonies fluoresce brick-red in UV light?

B melaninogenicus

2721 - Which of the following bacterial genera (that produces endospore) have medical importance?

Both (a) and (b)

2722 - Which of the following bacterial genome was sequenced first?

H. influenzae

2723 - Which of the following bacterial species divides by fragmentation?

Nocardia sp.

2724 - Which of the following bactetia is used in production of insulin?


2725 - Which of the following beer is of Japanese origin with an alcohol content of 14 to 17%?


2726 - Which of the following belongs to cell fraction derived vaccine______________?

Hepatitis B

2727 - Which of the following best describes the algae known as diatoms?

Cells have intricate shells of silicon dioxide with two halves

2728 - Which of the following best explains about the usefulness of the production of ethanol in yeast cells under anaerobic conditions?

The process regenerates NAD+, which is required for glycolysis

2729 - Which of the following best represents the hierarchy of levels of biological classification?

Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

2730 - Which of the following biochemical reaction is characteristic of Pseudomonas aeruginosa?

All of these

2731 - Which of the following biotypes of Vibrio cholerae are prevalent in India?

EI Tor

2732 - Which of the following can be identified by milk ring test?


2733 - Which of the following can be used as a measure to construct a linkage map of the Hfr chromosome?

time of entry

2734 - Which of the following can be used to detect clumping factor?

slide coagulase test

2735 - Which of the following can readily kill Salmonellae?

Moist heat at 55°C for 1 hr

2736 - Which of the following capsular polysaccharides is used for preparing a vaccine against meningococcal meningitis?

serovar A and C

2737 - Which of the following carbohydrates are mainly present in whey?


2738 - Which of the following catalyze liberation of orthophosphate from organic P compounds and inorganic pyrophosphate ?

Alkaline phosphates

2739 - Which of the following causes â€Å“milky disease” of Japanese beetle grubs?


2740 - Which of the following causes diarrhea in humans?


2741 - Which of the following causes epidemic ringworm of the scalp in children?

Microsporum audouinii

2742 - Which of the following causes the disease acne vulgaris?


2743 - Which of the following cells of E.coli are referred to as F—

Female cells

2744 - Which of the following characteristic of the Rotavirus was important for the construction of the Rotashield vaccine?

The possession of a segmented RNA genome

2745 - Which of the following characteristics of bacteria is not true?

Having either DNA or RNA

2746 - Which of the following characteristics of the microorganism does not help in causing infectious disease?

must not damage the host

2747 - Which of the following characteristics would not be used to classify viruses?

Type of cell wall structure

2748 - Which of the following chemical agents lack penetrating power?


2749 - Which of the following chemical considered as sporocidal?


2750 - Which of the following chemical is used to control microbial growth in food?

Organic acids

2751 - Which of the following chemothearpeutic agent is extensively used because of their antibacterial effectiveness in a wide range of bacterial infections?


2752 - Which of the following chemotherapeutic agents may affect the growth of Campylobacter jejuni?

None of these

2753 - Which of the following clinical specimens can be used for the demonstration of rabies antigen by direct immunofluorescence antemortem?

All of these

2754 - Which of the following Clostridium species has the ability to fix Nitrogen?


2755 - Which of the following coliphage has tadpole shape?


2756 - Which of the following comes under the category of positive association?


2757 - Which of the following component of RNA polymerase facilitates the recognition of promoter sequences?

s subunit

2758 - Which of the following compound have greatest energy for a cell?


2759 - Which of the following compound is an enzyme poison?

Both A and B

2760 - Which of the following compound is stored in Volutin?

Inorganic phosphate

2761 - Which of the following compound not present in Chlamydial?


2762 - Which of the following compounds are commonly used as general antiseptics to treat cuts and scratches?


2763 - Which of the following compounds are required for the growth of saprophytic bacteria and fungi?

organic compounds

2764 - Which of the following comprises large cone-shaped protozoa?


2765 - Which of the following condition is false for tissue invasion by C.perfringens?

production of small amounts of hydrogen gas

2766 - Which of the following condition is non-suppurative sequelae of Streptococcus pyogenes infections?

All of these

2767 - Which of the following conditions are required for the determination of thermal death time?

temperature is fixed and time is varied

2768 - Which of the following conditions can be caused by Plesiomonas?

All of these

2769 - Which of the following conditions decreases the level of denitrification?

Acidic pH

2770 - Which of the following correctly indicates the infectivity of hepatitis virus in human ?


2771 - Which of the following cross-reacts with cell wall carbohydrate of Streptococcus pyogenes?

Cardiac valves

2772 - Which of the following defines an open reading frame (ORF)?

A possible gene predicted by DNA sequencing

2773 - Which of the following describes the effect of ionizing radiation on microbes?

Induces electrons and protons to jump out of the molecules of the microbe

2774 - Which of the following describes the function of a phagocytic vacuole?

Sites of food digestion

2775 - Which of the following describes the function of a secretory vacuole?

Contain specific enzymes that perform various functions

2776 - Which of the following determine the pathogenicity of Yersinia pestis?

All of these

2777 - Which of the following disease is an example of septicemic infection?


2778 - Which of the following disease is an infection of the reticuloendothelial system?


2779 - Which of the following disease is caused by DNA viruses?

Small pox

2780 - Which of the following disease is caused by the pathogen directly infecting the lymphatic system?

typhoid fever

2781 - Which of the following disease is caused by Yersinia enterocolitica in man?

All of these

2782 - Which of the following disease is not caused by microbial protein toxin?


2783 - Which of the following diseases, according to the WHO, has been totally eradicated from the world?


2784 - Which of the following disinfectant is effective against viruses?

All of these

2785 - Which of the following disinfectants act by disrupting microbial membranes?

Cationic detergents

2786 - Which of the following divisions of fungi produce uniflagellated zoospores?


2787 - Which of the following does not belong with others?


2788 - Which of the following does not affect the activity of penicillin?


2789 - Which of the following does not cause wound infection following exposure to sea water or infected shellfish?

V. cholerae

2790 - Which of the following does not contain protein?

Lipoteichoic acid

2791 - Which of the following does not go into chronic hepatitis stage ?


2792 - Which of the following does not grow in Sabouraud̢۪s glucose agar media?

Blastomyces dermatitidis

2793 - Which of the following does not kill endospores?


2794 - Which of the following does not occur during binary fission in bacteria?

Spindle formation

2795 - Which of the following does not produce oxygen as a product of photosynthesis?

Purple sulfur bacteria

2796 - Which of the following does not represent a human disease caused by fungi?


2797 - Which of the following does not take place in transverse fission?

cytoplasm protrudes from the aperture

2798 - Which of the following drugs involves modification of the drug by enzymatic modification or degradation of its active element to alter its/their resistance?

All of these

2799 - Which of the following drugs may show plasmid-mediated resistance?


2800 - Which of the following dye used as counterstain in gram staining?



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