Microbiology Most Important MCQs For The Jobs Test As Well As Academic Examination Set: 3

801 - How many germs can you find end to end on your index finger if a bacterium is 1 micrometre long and your index finger is 6.5 cm long?


802 - How many haploid chromosomes are present in Spirotrichonympha polygyra?


803 - How many molecules of carbon dioxide will be given off during ten turns of the Krebs cycle?


804 - How many molecules of glucose-6-phosphate are regenerated in pentose-phosphate pathway?


805 - How many oxygen molecules are required in the fermentation of one molecule of glucose to ethanol and CO2?


806 - How many percent of thr+ transducing phages also carry leu+?


807 - How many tons of protein can be produced by algae grown in pond in a year?


808 - How much maximum magnification of compound microscope have ?


809 - How much maximum magnification of electron microscope have ?


810 - How much percentage of the aqueous solution of phenol rapidly kills the vegetative cells of microorganisms?


811 - How much space occupied by vacule in plant cell?

5 to 90 %

812 - How much time does it take for the rupture of infected erythrocytes with P. vivax?

48 h

813 - How much time does nitrifying bacteria require to grow at an incubation of 250 to 300 C?

1 to 4 months

814 - How much time is required by spores of Clostridium botulinum to be killed by moist heat at 1200C?

4 to 20 minutes

815 - How much time is required by the young cells to be killed by a lethal agent?

30 mins

816 - How much time is required to inject a copy of the whole Hfr E.coli genome?

100 mins

817 - How much time is taken by the new DNA to make whole phage particles?

10-20 mins

818 - How old are Eukaryotic cell?

2.5 billion year ago

819 - How serratia species differe from others?

It produce red pigment

820 - HPr stands for ______________

heat-stable carrier protein

821 - HSV-1 has been recognized as the causative agent of disease involving the genital tract.


822 - Human immune deficiency virus is ________________ virus?


823 - Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) affets_______________?

Helper T lymphocytes (CD4)

824 - Human immunoglobulins are divided based on_____________?

Structural differences

825 - Human pathogenic bacteria is/are

All of these

826 - Human transmission of Brucellae occurs by

all of these

827 - Humans become infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis most frequently by


828 - Hydatid cyst is__________________?

Parasitic in nature

829 - Hydrogen and oxygen release enormous amounts of energy when they react. Yet, hydrogen and oxygen can be mixed together in a balloon and nothing will happen. Why?

Competitive inhibitors are blocking the reaction from occurring in the active site

830 - Hydrostatic pressure increases the boiling point of water but does not change the solubility of nutrients.


831 - Hylauronidase enzyme is produced by which of the following organism?

C. perfringens

832 - Hyphal wall consists of microfibrils composed of ___________________

hemicellulose or chitin

833 - Hyphomycete fungi

both (a) and (b)

834 - Iced, cut up poultry often develops a slime i.e. accompanied by an odor describe as tainted, acid, sour or dishraggy. This defect is chiefly by the species of


835 - Icosahedral viruses are generally

both (a) and (b)

836 - Identify the bacteria which is oxidase-negative and catalase-positive?


837 - If a 1:600 dilution of a test compound kills a standard population of Staphylococcus aureus in 10 minutes but not 5 minutes while a 1:60 dilution of phenol kills the population in the same time, what is the phenol coefficient of the test compound?


838 - If a canning procedure is not properly followed, which type of microbe is most likely to grow in the canned food?

Obligate Anaerobe

839 - If lipids are sudden removed from earth then what will happen,?

Then all things collapse with each other

840 - If radioactive bicarbonate was supplied to bacterial cells, which were actively synthesizing fatty acids, it is expected to find the bulk of the radioactivity in

cellular bicarbonate

841 - If sense codone code for amino acid then non sense codon code for, what?

It stop protein synthesis

842 - if single bacterium reproduce every 30 minutes ,then how many there would be in 2 hours?


843 - If the chromosome were extended linearly then it would approximately measure?

1250 micrometre

844 - If the following enzyme are used to make cDNA.What is the second used to make cDNA?


845 - If the free energy change (ΔG) in a reaction is a negative value, it indicates that the

reaction releases energy

846 - If the Keq for an enzymatic reaction is greater than 1, the reaction

none of these

847 - If the mash in the brewhouse is held too long it may undergo

both (a) and (b)

848 - If two organisms are distantly related and show no DNA homology there still may be similarity in their rRNA cistrons.


849 - If we put a gene in the virus,the next step in genetic modification will be :


850 - If you Gram stained the bacteria that live in the human intestine, you would expect to find mostly

Gram negative rods

851 - If ΔG of a chemical reaction has a negative value, the reaction

releases energy

852 - If ΔG of a chemical reaction is positive in value and keq is less than 1 then the chemical reaction will

proceed in reverse direction

853 - IgG antibodies have a half-life of approximately_______________?

1 Month

854 - IgG has subclasses_______________?


855 - IL-1 and TNF a during inflammation are secreted by______________?

Activated macrophages

856 - IL-1 is produced by_________________?


857 - Immunity is not long lasting to


858 - Immunity that is conferred to the foetus by transfer of IgG and IgA antibodies is called as______________?

Passive natural immunity

859 - Immunization with which of the following toxoid induces high titer serum antibody, but does not protect from the corresponding disease?


860 - Immunofluorescence is specifically useful for diagnosis of which disease?

all of these

861 - Immunoglobin, Which is produced first by the fetus in response to infection_______________?


862 - Immunoglobulin consists of________________?

2 light, 2 heavy chains

863 - Immunoglobulin crossing placenta is_________________?

Ig G

864 - Immunoglobulin implicated in atopy and anaphylaxis is_______________?


865 - Immunoglobulins ar secreted by______________?

Plasma cells

866 - Immunosuppressive agent(s) is/are

All of these

867 - Implicit factors

both (a) and (b)

868 - Importance of tubidity in microbiology?

It help to detect growth if bacteria

869 - Important example(s) of enriched medium/media is/ are

All of these

870 - In a patient with typhoid, diagnosis after 15 days of onset of fever is best done by_____________?

Widal test

871 - In aerobic respiration the terminal electron acceptor is oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, etc.


872 - In aerobic respiration, the terminal electron acceptor is


873 - In an oxygenic photosynthesis, the green and the purple bacteria do not use which of the following one as an electron source?


874 - In anaerobic respiration, the final electron acceptor can be


875 - In autoclave, when free flowing steam at temperatures of 100 degrees Celsius is under 1 atm pressure then temperature of steam rises upto what?

121degree Celsius

876 - In biology, Lister is notable for his contributions to the discovery of:

Aseptic Surgery

877 - In cancer, the reversion of cells to a more primitive or less differentiated state is called


878 - In carbon cycle flow of energy is _________________


879 - In cell culture, measles virus may lead to

syncytium formation

880 - In cellular metabolism, O2 is used

as a terminal electron acceptor

881 - In chilled shrimp __________ is chiefly responsible for spoilage.


882 - In conjugation only small fragments of the bacterial chromosome are transferred.


883 - In deep freezing technique ,at how much range of Temperature should be maintained?

-50 to -95 degree celsius

884 - In DNA molecule, the amount of purines is equal to the amount of pyrimidines.


885 - In DNA sequencing, the primer

specifies where the sequence begins

886 - In E.coli, which enzyme synthesizes the RNA primer for Okazaki fragments?


887 - In establishing proton gradient for chemiosmotic ATP generation by aerobic respiration the terminal electron acceptor is


888 - In eukaryotic cells, ribosomes are


889 - In falciparum malaria, causes of anemia are due to all except__________________?


890 - In fluorescence microscopy , which of the following fluorescent absorb strongly by Mycobacterium tuberculosis?

Fluorochrome auramineO

891 - In fluorescence microscopy, which of the following performs the function of removing all light except the blue light?

Exciter filter

892 - In glycolysis, ATP is created by

substrate level phosphorylation

893 - In Gram-staining, iodine is used as a ______________


894 - In Griffith̢۪s experiment which of the following strains of pneumococci was isolated from dead mice?

live smooth cells

895 - In HIV, gp 120, envelope glycoproteins bind specifically to______________?

CD4 T-cells

896 - In initial stages of tyhoid, salmonella can be detected in________________?


897 - In lactic acid fermentation, the final electron acceptor would be


898 - In light microscopy, which of the following is used as fixatives prior to staining technique?


899 - In lysogeny,

a bacteriophage genome is integrated into the bacterial genome

900 - In microbiology what is abbreviation of CFU?

Colony Forming Unit

901 - In milk Pasteurization what does temperature maintain most of the time?

72 degree Celsius

902 - In nonsense mutation, the new mRNA codon specifies the same amino acid as that from the original codon.


903 - In order for a virus to replicate

the genome must be released in the cytoplasm

904 - In order to get inorganic phosphorous into organic compounds, the phosphate ion is incorporated via

both (a) and (b)

905 - In papovaviruses, DNA occurs in which of the following forms?

supercoiled circular dsDNA

906 - In patients with asthma due to an allergic cause the serum levels of which immunoglobulin increase____________________?


907 - In penicillin allergy, penicillin acts as a_______________?


908 - In Phase contrast microscopy, the rate at which light enters through objects is __________

Inversely proportional to their refractive indices

909 - In phosphotransferase system(PTS), the sugar-phosphate is released inside the cell by which of the following?

Enzyme II

910 - In photosynthesis by green plants, algae, cyanobacteria which of the following acts as terminal electron acceptor?


911 - In physical method of selection, endospore-forming bacteria can be obtained by heating the mixed culture to _____________

80 degree C for 10 minutes

912 - In plants crown gall disease produce by which of the following pathogen?

Agrobacterium tumefaciens

913 - In pour-plate method, the medium should be maintained at what temperature?

45 degree C

914 - In prokaryotic cell, how much volume of cytoplasm is occupied by DNA.


915 - In prokaryotic cell, several reserves present. These are collectively known as


916 - In regions of the estuary that are nutritionally poor, it is more likely to find which of the following organisms?

appendaged bacteria

917 - In small intestine, cholera toxin acts by______________?

ADP – ribosylation of the G regulatory protein

918 - In storage atmospheres of high humidity variety of molds may cause

superficial fungal spoilage

919 - In T.B cell mediated immunity is by_______________?

CD 4*

920 - In the classification of bacteria according to shape, which among the following refers to cuboidal arrangement of bacterial cells?


921 - In the exponential phase, the cells and cell mass

double at a constant rate

922 - In the extracellular medium, DNA-degrading enzymes would likely be to prevent transfer of DNA by

natural transformation

923 - In the fungal classification system Ascomycetes come under the division of ________________


924 - In the growth curve of plaque-forming units, the time from infection until lysis is known as ____________________

latent period

925 - In the growth equation: n = 3.3 (log10 N – log10 No), n stands for ____________

number of generations

926 - In the high-temperature short-time (HTST) method of pasteurization, milk is exposed to a temperature of _________

161 degree F

927 - In the human disease cholera, what is it that actually ends up killing the victim?

Dehydration and loss of nutrients

928 - In the life cycle of Rhizopus stolonifer,when the protoplasts and nuclei of both gametangia coalesce, the structure is known as ________________


929 - In the passive diffusion, solute molecules cross the membrane as a result of

concentration difference

930 - In the pour plate method, the mixed culture is diluted directly in tubes of

liquid agar medium

931 - In the process of freeze drying, a dense cell suspension is placed in small vials and is frozen at

-60 to -78°C

932 - In the process of nitrogen fixation, which of the following microorganism is involved?

Non symbiotic and symbiotic microorganisms only

933 - In the reaction, C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy, which component is being reduced?


934 - In the reaction, C6H12O6+ 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy, which component is being oxidized?


935 - In the simplest capsid, there is a capsomere at each of the 12 vertices; this capsomere, which is surrounded by five other capsomeres, is termed a


936 - In the three domain system of classification, the traditional bacteria are placed in the


937 - In the time since E. coli and Salmonella diverged evolutionarily

E, coli has lost approximately 50% of its genome

938 - In transmission of malaria, mosquito bite transfers_______________?


939 - In viruses with envelopes

the envelope is derived from the host but it contains embedded proteins coded by the viral nucleic acid

940 - In what other places in human body ,do you found fusobacterium?

All of these

941 - In what ways the Lichen unique?

They do not have root stem and leaves

942 - In which body part does the C. jejuni causes infection?

small and large intestine

943 - In which of the following biochemical types of microorganisms a slime layer or capsule is formed on the cells?

Ropy or stringy fermentation

944 - In which of the following body part does the influenza virus does not penetrate?

small intestine

945 - In which of the following case a large lattice is formed?

Antigens and antibodies are in optimal proportion

946 - In which of the following categories of cancer solid tumors grow from derivatives of embryonal mesoderm?


947 - In which of the following cell mediated immunity (CMI) participates?

All of the above

948 - In which of the following immunization is given after infection is started________________?


949 - In which of the following method, the viral particles are transmitted through lysis of cell?

Lytic cycle

950 - In which of the following organism does iron secreted to form stalks or ribbons attached to the cell?


951 - In which of the following phage prophage exists as a circular form?

Phage P1 type

952 - In which of the following phase secondary metabolites are produced during growth?

Stationary phase

953 - In which of the following process does the male nucleus migrates through a fertilization tube into the female gametangium?

Gamete-gametangial copulation

954 - In which of the following seasons does the nutrient concentration falls at a drastically lower level?


955 - In which of the following situations will the logarithmic plot of survivors be constant?

age and physiological conditions are uniform

956 - In which of the following treatment involve oxidation of organic constituents of the wastewater?

Secondary treatment

957 - In which of the following uracil is present?


958 - In which of the following viruses DNA forms hairpins?


959 - In which of the following water bodies, fertility is high?

coastal regions

960 - In which of the following, lipo-polysaccharide is a major constituent of outer membrane of the cellwall?

Gram-negative bacteria

961 - In which phase of growth does the recipient cell take up the donor DNA?

late logarithmic phage

962 - In which year Christian Gram develop gram stain?


963 - In Widal test the significant titres for H agglutinins is

1:200 or more

964 - In Widal test, the significant titre for O agglutinins is generally

1:100 or more

965 - In Yersinia pestis, capsule is best demonstrated in cultures grown at


966 - Inactivated microorganisms are used in the manufacture of which of the following________________?

Salk vaccine

967 - Incorporation of atmospheric N2to NH4+ occurs via the process of

nitrogen fixation

968 - Incubation pariod of herpes zoster is________________?

7-14 days

969 - Individuals suffering from primary atypical pneumonia have agglutinins to

Streptococcus MG

970 - Induction of tolerance mechanism(s) is/are

all of these

971 - Industrial fermentation are performed in large tanks of capacity ______________

50,000 gal

972 - Influenza is caused by_____________?

Orthomyxo virus, which is a RNA virus

973 - Influenza virus undergoes antigenic shift resulting in major antigenic changes by which of the following mechanisms?

Reassortment of RNA segments from different influenza viruses

974 - Initial body in the reproduction of Chlamydias is larger than the elementary body.


975 - Injection abscesses due to use of contaminated vaccines occurs in infections caused by_______________?

M. chelonae

976 - Insulin was isolated from which of the following organs of animals?


977 - Interanuclear inclusion bodies are found in cells infected with

all of these

978 - Interference mechanism of ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin is due to their action on

DNA function

979 - Interferon interferes with replication of virus at the time of_____________?

Protein synthesis

980 - Intervening sequence in DNA that do not code for protein known as _____


981 - Intestinal bacteria can grow in the presence of __________ whereas nonintestinal bacteria are usually inhibited.

bile salts

982 - Intracellular enzymes

synthesize cellular material and perform catabolic reaction

983 - Intracellular structures formed during many viral infections, called __________ , which can directly disrupt cell structure.

inclusion bodies

984 - Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies are found in cells infected with

all of these

985 - Intracytoplasmic inclusions are found in chicken pox, herpes, and the polyhedra diseases of insects.


986 - Invertase causes hydrolysis of ___________


987 - Inverted repeat sequences at each end and a gene encoding transposase is contained in which of the following transposable element?

Insertion element

988 - Investigation of choice for invasive amoebiasis is________________?


989 - Iodine kills the microorganisms by causing the denaturation of proteins.


990 - Iodophores are mixture of

iodine and surface active agents

991 - Ionizing radiation use to sterlize which of the following items?

Dentel supplies

992 - Iron bacteria can produce

both (a) and (b)

993 - Isolation of pure culture refers to ___________

separation of a single colony

994 - Isozymes or iso enzymes are those enzyme which

have different structural forms but identical catalytic properties

995 - It is mandatory that cultures and fermentation residues be sterilized before discard in case of Eremothecium ashbyii and Ashbya gossypii because they are

plant pathogens

996 - J chain is present in

Both (a) and (b)

997 - Jams and jellies are spoiled by both bacteria and fungi.


998 - Jellies and jams are rarely affected by bacterial action.


999 - Joseph E Murray had been awarded the Noble Prize in 1990 for his discovery of:

Immunosuppresive agents used in organ transplant

1000 - Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) usually occurs when CD4 Lymphocyte counts are_____________?

Below 200

1001 - Kelps are which of the following type of algae?

brown algae

1002 - Keq is greater than 1.0 depending on which of the following conditions?

standard free energy change is negative

1003 - Killer and Helper cells are part of_______________?

T cells

1004 - Koch's postulates were satisfied for the first time with

Bacillus anthracis

1005 - Kolmer test is a screening test done for_________________?


1006 - L.D bodies are seen in_______________?


1007 - L.flagellatum performs the function of synthesizing _______________

folic acid and toxins

1008 - Laboratory diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica depends on identification in the ___________


1009 - Lactic acid bacteria in meats may be responsible for

all of the above

1010 - Lactobacilli constitute the normal flora of

adult vagina

1011 - Lactobacilli grow best under

microaerophilic conditions in presence of 5% CO2 and PH6

1012 - Lactobacillus bacteria can produce Lactic acid from?


1013 - Lactobacillus bulgaricus is a homofermentative organism.


1014 - Lactoferrin helps to protect against pathogens by

sequestering Iron

1015 - Lag phase is also known as

period of initial adjustment

1016 - Lag phase is also known as ___________

period of initial adjustment

1017 - Laminarin is an energy storage material characteristic of


1018 - Lancefields classification of B hemolytic streptococcus is based on______________?

Polysaccharide C antigen

1019 - Large industrial autoclave. can be known as _____


1020 - Large parasites such as helminthes may be killed extracellularly by the action of


1021 - Large spiraling surface currents in the ocean that tend to aggregate and retain nutrients are known as _______________


1022 - Legitimate copulation refers to ___________________

fusion between cells of different mating type

1023 - Leishmania donovani measures _____________ in length.

1 to 4 micrometre

1024 - Leishmania is cultured in ________________ media?


1025 - Leishmania organism are transmitted to humans by ______________


1026 - Lens antigens of the eye are

sequestrated antigens

1027 - Lepromin test is useful for________________?


1028 - Leprosy bacilli are transmitted from person to person by all except______________?

Through breast milk

1029 - Leprosy bacilli can be grown in_________________?

Foot paid on nine branded armadilo

1030 - Leptospirosis is caused because of

Contaminated Water

1031 - Leptospirosis, all are true except______________?

Onset of IgM in 2 days

1032 - Lesions caused by Entameoba histolytica predominantly involve________________?

Caecum and large intestine

1033 - Lipase enzyme hydrolyzed lipid into _______and _______

Glycerol and fatty acid

1034 - Lipopolysaccharide in cell walls is characteristic of?

Gram-negative bacteria

1035 - Liquid water-soluble substances appropriately diluted are dispensed into sterile test tubes, to which are added a measured amount of the test organism and then this is transferred into tubes of sterile media.This method helps in determining ______________

whether the inhibitory action is bactericidal

1036 - Living organisms have many complex characteristics. Which one of the following is shared by non-living matter as well?


1037 - Long,slender bodies with an oval nucleus and capable of producing new infection are known as _________________


1038 - Loss of capsule in bacteria is generally associated with______________?

Decease in virulence

1039 - Loss of carbon through the microbial loop in oligotrophic environments is __________ to/than the loss of carbon through the microbial loop in copiotrophic environments.


1040 - Louis Pasteur is not associated with_______________?

Discovery of M. Tuberculosis

1041 - LT toxin is produced by _____________


1042 - Lymph enters a lymph node by several _________________

lymphatic vessels

1043 - Lyphilization technique use to preserve which of the following item?

All of these

1044 - Lysozyme (an endolysin) which will lyse the bacterial cell, releasing the mature virions is present in

late genes

1045 - Lysozyme is present in


1046 - Lytic enzymes which destroy are secreted by which of the following microorganism?


1047 - Lyticum flagellatum is an endosymbiont carried by certain strains of __________________


1048 - Mac-Conkey medium is an example of

differential medium

1049 - Macrophages are professional antigen- presenting cells. The protein molecule through which they present antigen in human is


1050 - Madura mycosis produces______________?

White to yellow granules

1051 - Main function of an enzyme is to

decrease the activation energy

1052 - Major Histo Compatibility Complex (MHC) is a collection of genes arrayed on

chromosome 6 in man, chromosome 17 in mice

1053 - Malaria pigment is________________?

Haematin-globin pigment

1054 - Malignant pustule is referred to_________________?

Cutaneous anthrax

1055 - Man is the only reservoir for_______________?


1056 - Mannitol enzyme II has been purified from _____________


1057 - Many enzymes consists of a protein combined with low molecular weight organic molecule called as


1058 - Marinated (sour pickled) fish should not have spoilage problems unless

the acid content is low enough

1059 - Mark true in following ?

Hanta virus pulmonary syndrome is caused by inhalation of rodent urine and faces

1060 - Mating between species is necessary for recombination to take place.


1061 - McFadyean's reaction is employed for the presumptive diagnosis of


1062 - MDV virus affects which of the following?


1063 - Media containing spores and thermolabile constituents are sterilized by

UV radiation

1064 - Medium acid foods with a pH between 5.3 and 4.5 are likely to undergo

TA spoilage

1065 - Medusa head appearance of the colonies may be due to

Bacillus anthracis

1066 - Medusa lock appearance in X ray is seen in______________?


1067 - Megaloblastic anaemia is caused by_________________?

Fish tapeworm

1068 - Members of all of the following genera of bacteria typically are found in a maturing Winogradsky column except


1069 - Members of order Diplomonadida have how many flagella?

6 to 8

1070 - Members of the genus Mycobacterium are

all of these

1071 - Members of the Protozoa may motile by all of the following methods except

gliding by slime secretion

1072 - Members of which phylum of Protozoa are being considered as biological control agents for certain insects?


1073 - Mesophiles are group of bacteria that grow within the temperature range of?

25-40 degree Celsius

1074 - Mesophilic organisms are those that grow best at temperature of______________?

25°C to 40°C

1075 - Metabolism of dissolved organic material released by phytoplankton allows heterotrophic bacteria to become part of the particulate organic matter that is passed up the food web to be metabolized and released as mineral elements and CO2 at each transfer. T

microbial loop

1076 - Method(s) that can be used to detect CMI is/are

all of the above

1077 - Methods for the diagnosis of superficial fungal infection________________?

All of the above

1078 - Methylococcus and Methylomonas are all _______________ methane-oxidizers.


1079 - Miconazole is active against which of the following fungal infections?


1080 - Micro organisms are found in which of the following kingdom of five kingdom concept (Whittaker's classification)?

All of these

1081 - Microaerophilic bacteria are those which require

low levels of oxygen for growth (lesser than O2 present in atmosphere)

1082 - Microaerophilic bacteria require low levels of oxygen for growth.


1083 - Microbes can be removed from a liquid solution by the process of


1084 - Microbes that grow better at high Carbon dioxide concentration called


1085 - Microbial adherence is selective in nature.


1086 - Microbial fermentation produces D optical isomers of the amino acids.


1087 - Microbial inhabitants of the bottom region of a body of water are referred to as ________________

benthic organisms

1088 - Microcapsules are composed of

all of these

1089 - Microorganisms size measured in ________

both A and B

1090 - Milk is pasteurized in batch method by keeping it at

63°C for 30 minutes

1091 - Mined salt has been reported to contain about

70% Micrococcus, 20% Coryneforms and 4% Bacillus

1092 - Moist heat kills all of the following EXCEPT_______________?

Coxiella burnetti

1093 - Molds are considered as

all of these

1094 - Molds causing spoilage of eggs include species of

all of these

1095 - Moniliasis disease is caused by ________________

Candida albicans

1096 - Monoclonal antibody production requires

both (a) and (b)

1097 - Mononucleosis is caused by which of the following viruses?


1098 - Moraxilla species are causative agent of which of the following diseases?


1099 - More promising chemotherapeutic agents for treating viral diseases is


1100 - More spoilage of eggs is caused by

bacteria than molds

1101 - Most antibiotics are isolated from

soil microorganisms

1102 - Most antibodies are produced in the________________?

Spleen and the lymph nodes

1103 - Most aquatic microorganisms can grow on the usual laboratory media.


1104 - Most bacteria do not reproduce by budding : What method do they use?

They convert elemental sulfur into sulfates

1105 - Most bacterial fermentations yield how many net ATP molecules per molecule of glucose?


1106 - Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS is_____________?


1107 - Most common tumor associated with AIDS is______________?

Kaposi's sarcoma

1108 - Most commonly asexual reproduction in the Protozoa is by

binary fission

1109 - Most commonly Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae causes malaria in humans.


1110 - Most fungi of medical importance belongs to__________________?


1111 - Most important species of vinegar bacteria causing sliminess is

Acetobacter aceti

1112 - Most microbial structures and enzymes are composed of


1113 - Most of the Dinoflagellate are____


1114 - Most of the drug resistances occurs due to_____________?


1115 - Most of the energy in aerobic respiration of glucose is captured by

electron transport of electrons from NADH

1116 - Most of the time mutation occur during protein synthesis due to

Degeneracy of codin

1117 - Most productive species among the different vitamin B12 producing Pseudomonads is

P. denitrificans

1118 - Most reliable test for detection of hepatitis E infection is

Polymerase chain reaction for detection of HEV RNA

1119 - Most sensitive test for antigen detection is_______________?

Radioimmuno Assay

1120 - Most soil protozoa are flagellates or amoebas, having their dominant mode of nitrogen as

ingestion of bacteria

1121 - Most spoilage bacteria grow at

neutral pH

1122 - Most strains of Staphylococcus aureus indicate

all of the above

1123 - mRNA syntheseize from DNA molecule carries the information synthesise of _______


1124 - Mucor can cause infection in which sort of patients ?


1125 - Mucus helps in protecting against pathogens by

blocking access and attachment of pathogens to mucosal surfaces

1126 - Multiple drug resistance of bacteria depends on which of the following_______________?

Resistance transfer factor (RTF)

1127 - Mumps vaccine is prepared from the cultures of

chick fibroblasts

1128 - Mushrooms are classified in which of the following division?


1129 - Mycetoma infection caused by which pathogen


1130 - Mycetoma infection occur on which part of body?

Both A and B

1131 - Mycobacteria are acid-fast organisms.


1132 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis is best demonstrated by_________________?

Ziehl-Neelsen stain

1133 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis is differentiated from other atypical mycobacteria by______________?

Niacin test

1134 - Mycoplasmas are different from the other prokaryotes by

absence of cell wall itself

1135 - Mycoplasmas can be cultivated in vitro on nonliving media as _____________

facultative anaerobes

1136 - Mycoplasmas cannot give rise to walled bacterial form like L-phase variants.


1137 - Mycoplasmas, rickettsiae, and chlamydiae are

small bacteria

1138 - Mycorrhizae are mutualistic associations between fungi and

vascular plants

1139 - n which of the following water bodies, the role of photosynthetic organisms is considerably reduced?


1140 - NaCl can act as

Both (a) and (b)

1141 - NAD stands for____________

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

1142 - NADP+ is a coenzyme and primarily involve in ___________

All of these

1143 - NAG and NAM of peptidoglycan layer is linked by _________

beta-(1,4) glycosidic linkage

1144 - Nagglers reaction detects________________?


1145 - Nagglers reaction is used in the diagnosis of______________?

Gas gangrene

1146 - Nagler's reaction is useful for the identification of

C perfringens

1147 - Name the algae that form Red tide in sea?


1148 - Name the asexual spore(s)?

All of these

1149 - Name the component of flagellum.

All of these

1150 - Naringinase, an enzyme commonly used for removal of bitter taste from citrus juice is obtained from

A. niger

1151 - Natural killer cells are involved in

all of these

1152 - Negative phase is observed in

secondary humoral response

1153 - Negative phase is seen in ________ immunity?


1154 - Negative regulation of protein synthesis is accomplished by

the binding of a repressor to the DNA

1155 - Negative staining can visulize which portion of the bacteria?


1156 - Negative Staining is used for examining _____________

virus particles, protein molecules and bacterial flagella

1157 - Negative staining is used to demonstrate________________?

Bacterial fimbriae

1158 - Negative strand ssRNA viruses need to have a preformed replicase when they invade a mammalian cell because they

have to make a positive strand copy that can be translated

1159 - Negri bodies are found in cells infected with

Rabies virus

1160 - Nematodes means

Round worms

1161 - Neurospora sp. is important for the study of _____________________

genetics and metabolic pathway

1162 - Neurotoxin of tetanus acts on______________?

Spinal card

1163 - Nichrome loop wire is used in which of the following techniques?


1164 - Nitrates are actually effective against____________ bacteria.

Closteridieum botulinum

1165 - Nitrifying bacteria can not be isolated directly by the usual techniques employed to isolate hetrotrophic bacteria. The reasons may be due to

slow growth

1166 - Nitrobacter species convert ________to _________

Ammonium to nitrate

1167 - Nitrogen fixation

both (a) and (b)

1168 - Nitrogen fixation by the microorganisms can be detected by adopting the approach of

all of the above

1169 - Nitrogen fixation is a process that requires

both (a) and (b)

1170 - Nitrogen fixation refers to the direct conversion of atmospheric nitrogen gas into


1171 - Nitrogen oxidation (nitrification)refers to the

conversion of ammonium ions into nitrates through the activities of certain bacteria.

1172 - Nitrosococcus nitrosus is a nitrite-oxidizing bacteria.


1173 - Noguchi's medium is used for________________?


1174 - Non bacterial ropiness or sliminess in milk and milk products may be due to the

all of the above

1175 - Nonionizing radiation help to damage which of the following part of pathogen?


1176 - Normal ratio of CD4 (T4) : CD8 (T8) is_________________?


1177 - Normally, due to the holding of the chilled fish

all of the above

1178 - Novobiocin can be used against

all of these

1179 - Number of flagella produced by motile cells in

members of the Phaeophyta is approximately equal to members of the Oomycota

1180 - Number of motility structures on flagellated cells is

lesser than ciliated cells

1181 - Numerous antibodies can be prepared, against one antigen, each binds to unique epitopes. How is this antibody diversity generated?

Both (a) and (b)

1182 - Nutrient broth, a liquid media contains beef extract and peptone respectively in how much amounts?

0.3%, 0.5%

1183 - Nutrient content and biological structures are considered as

intrinsic factor for microbial growth

1184 - Nystatin is a drug used for treatment of diseases caused by


1185 - Nystatin is effective in curing ____________

Candida infections

1186 - Nystatin is produced from the strain _____________________

Streptomyces noursei

1187 - objects smaller than _____um can visulized under electron microscope


1188 - Oil and Grease are sterilized by________________?

Hot air oven

1189 - Oil immersion objective lens has an NA value of____________


1190 - On a stained slide, clostridium tetani has the appearance of a__________________?

Drum stick

1191 - On the basis of type of reaction, enzyme are classify into how many groups?


1192 - On what basis fungi classified into Phyla?


1193 - On what factors do the intensity of secondary electrons depend upon?

size and chemical composition of the irradiated object, number of electrons ejected and on the number of electrons reabsorbed by surrounding

1194 - One drawback to the use of ultraviolet light as a sterilizing agent is its

failure to kill microbes located in the center of an object

1195 - One of the first enzymes synthesized by many bacteriophage is __________ , an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.

RNA replicase

1196 - One of the following is a treponemal test for diagnosis of syphilis_____________?


1197 - One of the following is a zoonotic disease_____________?


1198 - One of the following is an agglutination test in the diagnosis of typhoid___________?

Widal test

1199 - One of the following staining methods is an example of negative staining_______________?

India ink preparation

1200 - One of the following statement about statements about sterilization is not true_______________?

Vaccines → Ethylene oxide


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