Microbiology Most Important MCQs For The Jobs Test As Well As Academic Examination Set: 9

3201 - Which of the following spores are formed at the tips of sterigmata?


3202 - Which of the following spores are formed by the disjointing of hyphal cells?


3203 - Which of the following Staphylococcal haemolysins does not cause lysis of human RBCs?

α haemolysin

3204 - Which of the following Staphylococcal haemolysins does not possess leucocidal activity?

β haemolysin

3205 - Which of the following statement about P24 antigen of HIV is Not True ?

It remains during asymptomatic phase

3206 - Which of the following statement can describe horizontal transfer?

The transmission of genetic information from one independent, mature organism to another

3207 - Which of the following statement defines a replicon?

A DNA molecule that is able to replicate and be maintained

3208 - Which of the following statement describes plasmids?

Small, circular DNA molecules that can exist independently of chromosomes commonly found in bacteria

3209 - Which of the following statement indeed explain the endosymbiotic theory ?

Eukaryotic cell evolve from prokaryotic cell living inside other prokaryotic cell

3210 - Which of the following statement is correct?

Phosphate repression can not be eliminated by optimization of nutrient medium, deregulated medium must be used as production strains

3211 - Which of the following statement is correct?

Amino acid sequence of a protein can be deduced from corresponding cDNA nucleotide

3212 - Which of the following statement is correct?

The protein chain dissociates from the last tRNA molecule

3213 - Which of the following statement is not correct?

The use of 25-40°C temperatures destroys potentially harmful bacteria

3214 - Which of the following statement is not true about composition of biogas?

It also contains with traces of O2 and Cl2

3215 - Which of the following statement is wrong regarding the effects of cholera toxin?

pH of blood remains constant

3216 - Which of the following statement justify the mutation?

It is the permanent chang in base sequence of DNA

3217 - Which of the following statement(s) is/are true in regards to F+ x F- mating events?

DNA is transferred from F+ to F- cells

3218 - Which of the following statements is false regarding B cells?

B one marrow stem cells migrate to the thymus and develop into B cells

3219 - Which of the following statements is not true of viruses?

Viruses have been successfully grown in pure cultures in test tubes

3220 - Which of the following statements is not true regarding Mycobacterium tuberculosis and/or the disease it causes?

Antibodies to the pathogen are protective

3221 - Which of the following statements on replication in E.coli is correct?

It occurs in bidirectional manner

3222 - Which of the following steps during electron transfer in anoxygenic photosynthesis is the ATP production step?

cyt b to cyt f

3223 - Which of the following strain(s), that grow in the jellies and candid fruits, are able to grow in sugar concentration upto 67.5%?

All of these

3224 - Which of the following strains causes acute gastroenteritis in newborns and infants?

Enteropathogenic strains

3225 - Which of the following structure is absent in eukaryotic cells?


3226 - Which of the following structure is not present in prokaryotic cytoplasm?


3227 - Which of the following structure is present in prokaryotic cells?


3228 - Which of the following structure(s) is /are external to cell wall?

All of these

3229 - Which of the following structures is the smallest?

Hydrogen atom

3230 - Which of the following structures would not be associated with fungi?


3231 - Which of the following structures, found external to the bacterial cell wall, are involved in bacterial attachment to cell surfaces?


3232 - Which of the following substance is employed to neutralize the lactic acid as it is produced (because lactic acid bacteria do not tolerate high concentrations of acid?


3233 - Which of the following substances can sterilize?

Ethylene oxide

3234 - Which of the following surrounds plasmalemma?


3235 - Which of the following symmetry is exhibited by rod-shaped viruses?


3236 - Which of the following technique does not killed endospores?


3237 - Which of the following technique help to insert foreign DNA in the Cell ?

All of these

3238 - Which of the following technique is useful for constructing a three-dimensional image of object?

Confocal microscopy

3239 - Which of the following techniques are used in Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) for examining cellular structure?

Negative-Staining, Shadow Casting, Ultrathin Sectioning, Freeze-Etching

3240 - Which of the following techniques can be used to separate different-size fractions of the aquatic microbial community?

membrane-filter technique

3241 - Which of the following techniques is used for identification and enumeration of algae, bacteria, protozoa?

Microscopic examination

3242 - Which of the following techniques is used to improve penicillin production?

submerged-culture technique

3243 - Which of the following techniques may be performed quantitatively to determine the number of bacteria of a particular type?

Both (a) and (b)

3244 - Which of the following temperature is suitable for the multiplication of clostridia spores?

109 to116 degree F

3245 - Which of the following term describes the relationship between a virus and host where no new viral particles are produced and the viral genome is replicated along with host chromosome?


3246 - Which of the following term is most specific ?


3247 - Which of the following terms stand for damage to the spinal cord during tertiary stage of syphilis?

Tabes dorsalis

3248 - Which of the following test indicates the susceptibility to streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin?

Disk test

3249 - Which of the following test(s) may establish retrospective diagnosis of streptococcal infection?

All of these

3250 - Which of the following tests is designed to simulate the natural conditions under which the disinfectants are used in hospitals?

Capacity test

3251 - Which of the following tests is used to determine the minimal lethal concentration?

All of these

3252 - Which of the following theory is supported by the genomic sequence of the obligate intracellular parasite Rickettsia prowazekii ?

Mitochondria have evolved from endosymbiotic bacteria

3253 - Which of the following theory of antibody production is most widely accepted?

Clonal selection theory

3254 - Which of the following things was identified as the transforming principle?


3255 - Which of the following three codons translate as serine (Ser)?


3256 - Which of the following tissue absent in algae?

All of thes

3257 - Which of the following toxin causing botulism is less toxic to human beings?

Type B

3258 - Which of the following toxin is a hemolysin?

streptolysin O

3259 - Which of the following toxin resembles cholera toxin?

Labile toxin of Escherichia coli

3260 - Which of the following toxins cause damage to the tissue cells by its phospholipase action?

delta toxin

3261 - Which of the following transport bacterial DNA to other bacteria via bacteriophages?


3262 - Which of the following type of fission takes place in flagellates?


3263 - Which of the following type of lens can be used in electron microscope?

Electromagnetic lens

3264 - Which of the following type of media used for growth of anaerobic bacteria?

Reducing media

3265 - Which of the following type of recombination does not require homologous sequences and is important for the integration of viral genomes into bacterial chromosomes?

Site-specific recombination

3266 - Which of the following type of recombination does not require homologous sequences and is utilized by mobile genetic elements that move about chromosomes?

Replicative recombination

3267 - Which of the following type of spoilage occurs in fresh meat?


3268 - Which of the following type of sugar molecule present in DNA?


3269 - Which of the following type of viruses are more resistant to chemical physical sterlization method?

None Enveloped Viruses

3270 - Which of the following types of association is present among Staphylococcus aureus and Aspergillus terreous?


3271 - Which of the following types of Clostridium perfringens produces alpha toxin most abundantly?

Type A

3272 - Which of the following viral agents can cause diarrhea?

All of these

3273 - Which of the following viral infections can result in chronic carrier state?

All of these

3274 - Which of the following viral infections is associated with the development of hydrophobia?


3275 - Which of the following virus is always detectable after infections?

Hepatitis B virus

3276 - Which of the following virus is called filterable virus?


3277 - Which of the following virus is susceptible to chloroform?

All of these

3278 - Which of the following virus is transmitted by genital route?

All of these

3279 - Which of the following virus is transmitted by the respiratory route?

All of these

3280 - Which of the following viruses appears to be involved in the pathogenesis of Kaposi's sarcoma_____________?

Human Herpes Virus 4

3281 - Which of the following viruses are acid-labile?


3282 - Which of the following viruses are most likely to cross placenta and cause foetal defect ?


3283 - Which of the following viruses are termed as ‘orphan’ viruses?


3284 - Which of the following viruses belong to family Flaviviridae?

All of these

3285 - Which of the following viruses belong/s to family caliciviridae?

Hepatitis E virus

3286 - Which of the following viruses can be transmitted by the parenteral route?

All of these

3287 - Which of the following viruses carry minus-strand RNA?


3288 - Which of the following viruses consists of a helical nucleocapsid?


3289 - Which of the following viruses does not infect salivary glands ?


3290 - Which of the following viruses has not been associated with human cancer?

Varicella-Zoster virus

3291 - Which of the following viruses have a complex symmetry?


3292 - Which of the following viruses is star-shaped in outline and transmitted by the faecal-oral route?


3293 - Which of the following viruses possess an envelope?


3294 - Which of the following viruses produces both intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies_____________?


3295 - Which of the following viruses show/s transformation of infected cells?

All of these

3296 - Which of the following vitamins are not required by normal animals?

Vit K

3297 - Which of the following was the first amino acid to be produced commercially?


3298 - Which of the following was the first widely used antiseptic and disinfectant?


3299 - Which of the following ways can generate ATP?

All of these

3300 - Which of the following when used in proper concentration stimulates the Ascomycetes fermentation of vitamin B12 and can be used to counteract toxicity of iron in Candida species?


3301 - Which of the following would you consider to be general properties of viruses______________?

Fall in to the general size range of 200-3000 angstrom unit

3302 - Which of the following yeast can be used to produce microbial protein?

Candida utilis

3303 - Which of the following yeast is used for the production of riboflavin?

Eremothecium ashbyi

3304 - Which of the following zones have considerable rooted vegetation?

littoral zone

3305 - Which of the following(s) bacteria belong to the family Entero-bacteriaceae?

All of these

3306 - Which of the following(s) is/ are oxidase-positive bacteria?

All of these

3307 - Which of the following(s) is/are obligate anaeorbes?

All of these

3308 - Which of the following(s) is/are porteolytic or putrefactive decomposing proteins with the production of malodorous compounds such as H2S, mercaptans, ammonia, indole and skatole?

both (a) and (b)

3309 - Which of the following(s) is/are steps in excision repair mechanisms?

All of these

3310 - Which of the following(s) is/are the determinants of antigenicity?

All of these

3311 - Which of the following(s) is/are the products of the light reactions of photosynthesis?

ATP, NADPH, and O2

3312 - Which of the following(s) show(s) positive results for phenylalanine deaminase test?

All of these

3313 - Which of the followings can be used to differentiate between classical and El Tor biotypes of Vibrio cholerae?

All of these

3314 - Which of the phage types of Mycobacterium tuberculosis occurs most frequently in India?

Type I

3315 - Which of the staining technique helps in demonstrating spore structure in bacteria as well as free spores?

Endospore stain

3316 - Which of the termination codon is called amber?


3317 - Which of thefollowing pathogen regardedas link between virus and bacterias?


3318 - Which of these catalyzes the synthesis of RNA from a DNA template?

RNA polymerase

3319 - Which of these cytokines is also known under the name cachectin?

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)

3320 - Which of these entities is an indicator of sulfer dioxide pollution of air?


3321 - Which of these mechanisms for thymine dimers repair lead to mutations?

SOS repair

3322 - Which of these spores are characteristic of the black bread mold Rhizopus?

Sporangiospore and Zygospore

3323 - Which one if the following is nonionizing radiation?


3324 - Which one is not studied in microbiology?

Animal behaviour

3325 - Which one of the following does not belong with others?


3326 - Which one of the following enteric organisms is anaerogenic and non motile ?

Shigella sonnei

3327 - which one of the following is act as an decolorizer in Staining process?

Both a and c

3328 - Which one of the following is correct combination in nucleosim

165 base pair+ 9 Histone molecule

3329 - Which one of the following is not produced in any of the steps of glycolysis?


3330 - Which one of the following is primary function of lipid in cell?

To form cell membrane

3331 - Which one of the following is produced in the greatest numbers during one turn of the Krebs cycle?


3332 - Which one of the following technique help to sterlize the milk?


3333 - Which one of thefollowing iscounterstain in gram staining?


3334 - Which organism causes prosthetic valve endocarditis within 60 days of surgery________________?

Staphylococcus epidermis

3335 - Which part of the compound microscope helps in gathering and focusing light rays on the specimen to be viewed?

Condenser lens

3336 - Which part of the light microscope controls the intensity of light entering the viewing area?


3337 - Which pathway will result in the production of four carbon dioxide molecules, two ATP molecules, NADH2 and FADH2?

Krebs cycle

3338 - Which phage always carries a small piece of E.coli genome?


3339 - Which phase shows the reproduction rate equal to the equivalent death rate?

Stationary phase

3340 - Which regards to temperature requirement, most pathogenic bacteria are_____________?


3341 - Which serovar of C. botulinum occurs mainly in the sediments of the Great Lakes?


3342 - Which species from the followings is resistant to methyl tryptophan?

B. subtilis

3343 - Which spore is on a club and results from the fusion of two nuclei from different strains of the same fungi?


3344 - Which stage of plasmodium vivax is infective to mosquito______________?


3345 - Which statement is true about flavouring materials spices, garlic etc. added to Dill pickles?

They may be source of considerable numbers of undesirable micro-organisms and cause off-fermentations or spoilage of pickles

3346 - Which stop codon has been found to encode selenocysteine?


3347 - Which strain of adenoviruses can cause cancer?

Subgroup IV

3348 - Which tachnique of microscopy can be selected by scientist to observe immune cell responding to an antigen?

Two photon Microscopy

3349 - Which technique of microscopy can be selected by scientist to track activity of cell in real time?

Two photon Microscopy

3350 - Which toxin causes paralysis of muscles?

Botulinum toxin

3351 - Which type of E.coli strain was chosen to prove the experiment of conjugation?


3352 - Which type of force drives the flagellar motion?

Protonmotive force

3353 - Which type of fungi known as 'Telomorphs'?

Fungi that grow sexully and asexuly

3354 - Which type of genomics studies the transcripts and proteins expressed by a genome?

Functional genomics

3355 - Which type of interferon is produced by T lymphocytes?


3356 - Which type of interferon is produced by virus-infected cells?

Both (a) and (b)

3357 - Which type of plasmid can exist with or without being integrated into the host's chromosome?


3358 - Which type of strains are used in vaccines?


3359 - Which type of toxin is tetanus toxin?


3360 - Which was the first disease for which a chemotherapeutic agent was used?


3361 - Which were the investigators lived at the same time?

Koch and Pasteur

3362 - White spot in meat is formed due to presence of

Sporotrichum carnis

3363 - Who among the following was successful in raising 17 germ-free chickens for 40 days?


3364 - Who coined the word enzyme first?


3365 - Who developed the concept of specific toxicity?


3366 - Who discovered the bacteria that cause cholera?

Robert Koch

3367 - Who discovered transposons (jumping genes)?


3368 - Who first introduced solid media_______________?

Robert koch

3369 - Who perposed the kingdom Prokaryotes?

Roobert G.E

3370 - Who was the inventor of the Petri dish?

R.J. Petri, an assistant of R. Koch

3371 - Why Ames test perform in labs?

To detect carcinogen

3372 - Why are hyperthermiphils that grow at high temperatures above 100degrew Celsius limited to oceanic depth?

Because water is hot but don't boil

3373 - Why are mycosporidia classified as fungi?

Its genome sequencing similer to fungi

3374 - Why are slime molds considered to resemble plants?

They have cell walls composed largely of cellulose

3375 - Why cladogram use in microbiology?

To show evolutionary realtionship among microbes

3376 - Why Deinococcus radiodurans is able to survive massive exposure to radiation?

Because it has many copies of genes encoding DNA repair

3377 - Why high concentration of sugars are not employed in the fermentation medium?

Calcium lactate crystallizes from the medium and slows down the process of fermentation

3378 - Why is enzyme specificity important?

It need to separate the various routes that function during metabolism

3379 - Why is flatworm digestive system called incomplete?

Because its digestive system have one opening

3380 - Why is gram stain so beneficial?

It help to differentiate gram positive and gram negative bacteria

3381 - Why is osmosis important?

It help molecules to move against concentration gradient across membrane

3382 - Why is prevention of biofilm important in a health care environment?

All of these

3383 - Why is the resolution of an electron microscope higher than that of a light microscope?

Because electron have high speed than light

3384 - Why magnetosomes behave like magnet?

Because they store iron in them

3385 - Why may ancient civilizations have relied on osmotic pressure for food preservation?

All of these

3386 - Why physiological characteristics of Closteridieum make it a problem in contamination of deep wound?

Anaerobicr espiration

3387 - Why the bacterium Treponema pallidum is difficult to culture?

Because it lacks the genes needed for TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation

3388 - Why we work on production of taxol?

It cure ovarian cancer

3389 - Widal test is specific for____________?


3390 - With which of the following aminoglycosides interfere?

Protein synthesis

3391 - Within how many days after birth a stable flora develops?

7-14 days

3392 - Word 'Taxonomy' means_____

Ordarly Arrangement

3393 - Wounds and burns represent one active mechanism.


3394 - Xylose lysine deoxycholate (XLD) agar is better selective medium than the deoxycholate citrate agar (DCA) because

it is less inhibitory to S. Dysentriae and S. flexneri

3395 - Xylulose-5-phosphate is an intermediate in ___________

Pentose Phosphate Pathway

3396 - Yeast and mould count determination requires-

acidified potato glucose agar

3397 - Yeast are most likely to grow in frozen fruits during

slow thawing

3398 - Yeast extract are particularly rich in

Vitamin B

3399 - Yeast play an important role in the alcohol industry, converting pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol by the process of


3400 - Yeast-cell crops harvested from the vats are used to produce which of the following compounds?

alcoholic beverages

3401 - Yeasts have flagella for the purpose of locomotion.


3402 - Yeasts may undergo

all of these

3403 - Yellow discolorations in meat are caused by bacteria with yellow pigments, usually species of

both (a) and (b)

3404 - Yellow fever is caused by ____________


3405 - Yellow fever virus can be attenuated by serial passage on cultures of ______________

chick embryo tissue

3406 - Yersinia enterocolitica and Y. pestis can be differentiated on the basis of which of the following tests?

All of these

3407 - Zero growth rate is observed during one of the phase of the bacterial growth curve______________?

Stationary phase

3408 - Zone of inhibition is observed in tube-dilution method.


3409 - Zooxanthellae are algal symbiont that live within coral reef animals. These algae belong to


3410 - Zygomycetes have which type of mycelia?


3411 - Zygospore are which type of spore?

Asexual Spore

3412 - β-carotene is also known as

provitamin A


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