Microbiology Most Important MCQs For The Jobs Test As Well As Academic Examination Set: 8

2801 - Which of the following enzyme is required to induce the formation of a plasma clot pathogenic staphylococci_____________?


2802 - Which of the following enzyme is used for synthesis of RNA under the direction of DNA?

RNA polymerase

2803 - Which of the following enzyme is used in the process of bating?


2804 - Which of the following enzyme is used to join the DNA fragments together?


2805 - Which of the following enzyme removes the RNA primer with its 5̢۪-nuclease activity?

DNA polymerase I

2806 - Which of the following enzyme(s) is/are required for lactose fermentation?

All of these

2807 - Which of the following enzymes acts on the DNA after its entry into the cell?


2808 - Which of the following enzymes cut the DNA molecule at a particular nucleotide sequence?

restriction endonuclease

2809 - Which of the following enzymes is used to hydrolyze starch to dextrin?


2810 - Which of the following enzymes transcribe late genes?

RNA polymerase

2811 - Which of the following enzymes unwind short stretches of DNA helix immediately ahead of a replication fork?


2812 - Which of the following exposure carries the maximum risk of transmission of HIV____________?

Blood transfusion

2813 - Which of the following expresses CD3 surface antigen?

T cells

2814 - Which of the following factors are responsible for the stability of thermophiles at high temperatures?

presence of Inositol diphosphate and thermal stability of ribosomes

2815 - Which of the following family of bacteria are pathogenic for citrus and other plants?


2816 - Which of the following family of bacteria fix nitrogen under aerobic conditions?


2817 - Which of the following forms of water is the most contaminated?

Surface water

2818 - Which of the following fulfil all the criterias of kich's postulates ?

None of the above

2819 - Which of the following fungi can kill termit inside wood?


2820 - Which of the following fungi causes severe epidemic of disease among fish in the natural environment?

Saprolegnia parasitica

2821 - Which of the following fungi on infecting crop roots can improve their uptake of phosphorus and other nutrients?

VA Mycorrhiza

2822 - Which of the following gases are produced in large amounts during sludge digestion?


2823 - Which of the following gene codes for an enzyme which directs the insertion of the phage DNA into the bacterial chromosome?

int gene

2824 - Which of the following genera can cause disease in humans?

All of these

2825 - Which of the following genera is included in the family Bacteroi-daceae?

All of these

2826 - Which of the following genera is included in the family Picorna-viridae?

All of these

2827 - Which of the following genetic elements carry the genes required for integration into host chromosomes?


2828 - which of the following genus are known as acid fast bacteria?

Both A and B

2829 - Which of the following genus belongs to family Spirochaetaceae?

All of these

2830 - Which of the following genus of bacteria causes gastroenteritis in humans?


2831 - Which of the following genus of bacteria do not have a fermentative type of metabolism?


2832 - Which of the following genus of bacteria is not found in fresh waters?


2833 - Which of the following genus of bacteria under the family Enterobacteriaceae is mainly associated with plants?


2834 - Which of the following genus of organisms are normal inhabitants of the human mouth?


2835 - Which of the following genus of organisms causes meningitis in adults?


2836 - Which of the following genus of Rickettsiaceae have a high resistance to heat?


2837 - Which of the following genus of species occur on the surface of certain cheeses such as brick and Limburger?


2838 - Which of the following genus of species occurs in human feces?


2839 - Which of the following genus of species play an active role in the decomposition of urea?


2840 - Which of the following genus shows the characteristic of bioluminescence?


2841 - Which of the following gram-negative bacteria is/are not aerobic?


2842 - Which of the following gram-positive bacteria causes pharyngitis (sore throat)?


2843 - Which of the following group is not the carbohydrate containing antibiotic?

Erythromycin & candicidin

2844 - Which of the following groups contain(s) many unique coenzymes, such as coenzyme M and coenzyme F420?

Methanogens (methane-producing microbes)

2845 - Which of the following has a larger diameter?

well-separated colonies

2846 - Which of the following has been linked to Kaposi's sarcoma?

Human herpes virus 8

2847 - Which of the following has Chinese letter arrangement?

Corynebacterium diphtheriae

2848 - Which of the following has its antiviral action attributed to the interference of protein synthesis?


2849 - Which of the following has more tolerance for acidic pH (lower pH)?

Yeast and moulds

2850 - Which of the following has most heat resistant spores?

Bacillus stearothermophilus

2851 - Which of the following has no detectable ATPase activity?

bacterial flagella

2852 - Which of the following has peptidoglycan as a major constituent of cell wall?

Gram-positive bacteria

2853 - Which of the following has the ability to bind antibodies?

Protein A

2854 - Which of the following have bipolar tufts of flagella?


2855 - Which of the following have peritrichous flagella?


2856 - Which of the following have the capability to produce extra cellular polysaccharides______________?

Strep. Mutans

2857 - Which of the following hepatitis viruses is not RNA virus?

Hepatitis B virus

2858 - Which of the following hint(s) suggest/s that a given specimen is likely to contain anaerobic bacteria?

All of these

2859 - Which of the following hypothesis is true about viruses?

All of these

2860 - Which of the following immunity is protective against infection by S.pyogenes?

humoral immunity

2861 - Which of the following immunoglobulins has the highest mean serum concentration in humans_________________?


2862 - Which of the following inactivates IgA antibodies?


2863 - Which of the following inclusion bodies are present in the cytoplasm of the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum in the case of rabies infection?

Negri bodies

2864 - Which of the following infect arthropods only?


2865 - Which of the following infection(s) can be caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa?

All of these

2866 - Which of the following infection(s) can be diagnosed by the use of polymerase chain reaction?

All of these

2867 - Which of the following inference(s) indicate(s) the ability of an organism to utilize citrate as a sole source of carbon in Simmon's citrate medium?

Both (a) and (b)

2868 - Which of the following inhibits DNA replication?

UV light

2869 - Which of the following inhibits protein synthesis by combining with the 50S subunit ribosome?


2870 - Which of the following instrument is used for sterilizing the media after it has been prepared?


2871 - Which of the following instrument is used for the bacterial count?

Petroff-Hausser counting chamber

2872 - Which of the following instrument is used for the recovery of yeast cells?

filter press

2873 - Which of the following instruments is used to perform tyndallization?

Steam Arnold

2874 - Which of the following interferes with the regeneration of the monophosphate form of bactoprenol from the pyrophosphate form?


2875 - Which of the following intermediates of TCA cycle act as amino acid precursors?

oxaloacetic acid

2876 - Which of the following ions are cofactors for various enzymes?

Magnesium ion and Iron ion

2877 - Which of the following is a characteristic of beef extract?

aqueous extract of lean beef tissue

2878 - Which of the following is a characteristic of the genus Caryophanon?

disk-shaped cells

2879 - Which of the following is a characteristic unique to the ciliates?

Both (a) and (b)

2880 - Which of the following is a colonial green alga?


2881 - Which of the following is a Complex media for fungal growth?

Potato Dextrose Agar(PDA) media

2882 - Which of the following is a direct measurement of growth?

Determination of Dry weight of cells

2883 - Which of the following is a drug that interferes with the process of DNA production in the virus that causes genital herpes?


2884 - Which of the following is a family of lambda phage viruses?


2885 - Which of the following is a food infection?


2886 - Which of the following is a function of cryoprotective agents?

prevents cell damage due to ice crystal formation

2887 - Which of the following is a function of Lipid A?

It acts as endotoxin

2888 - Which of the following is a gram-positive bacteria?

All of these

2889 - Which of the following is a heterofermentative micro-organism?

Lactobacillus delbrueckii

2890 - Which of the following is a limitation of the autoclave?

It will destroy heat labile materials

2891 - Which of the following is a live vaccine_____________?


2892 - Which of the following is a major virulence factor of Streptococcus pneumoniae?

polysaccharide capsule

2893 - Which of the following is a nontranslated sequence located between the transcription and the translation start site?

Leader sequence

2894 - Which of the following is a plasmid-mediated toxin?

food-poisoning toxin

2895 - Which of the following is a primary stain for acid fast staining of mycobacteria?

Carbol fuchsin

2896 - Which of the following is a product of transcription?

all of these

2897 - Which of the following is a rich source of B vitamins?

Yeast extract

2898 - Which of the following is a RNA virus ?

Measles virus

2899 - Which of the following is a specific test for detecting antitreponemal antibodies?


2900 - Which of the following is a strict anaerobe?


2901 - Which of the following is a substitute for crystal violet used in gram-staining procedure?

Methylene blue

2902 - Which of the following is accomplished in chemiosmosis?

The oxidation of NADH

2903 - Which of the following is an abiotic elicitors?

All of these

2904 - Which of the following is an acid-fast bacillus_____________?

Mycobacterium bacilli

2905 - Which of the following is an acidic dye?

All of these

2906 - Which of the following is an acridine dye?


2907 - Which of the following is an aerobic protozoa?


2908 - Which of the following is an arthropod?

Borrelia sp.

2909 - Which of the following is an enrichment medium________________?

Selenite F Broth

2910 - Which of the following is an example of anamorph?


2911 - Which of the following is an example of autoimmune disease?

All of the above

2912 - Which of the following is an important characteristic of bacteria belonging to Zoogloea?

Cells are embedded in a gelatinous matrix

2913 - Which of the following is an indirect method for measuring bacterial growth?

Cell activity

2914 - Which of the following is an intracellular parasites?


2915 - which of the following is anaerobic_______________?


2916 - Which of the following is analogous to mesosomes of bacteria?

Mitochondria of eukaryotes

2917 - Which of the following is bactericidal?

Ionizing radiation

2918 - Which of the following is best to sterilize heat labile solutions?

Membrane filtration

2919 - Which of the following is best used for long term storage of microbial samples when carried out properly?

Storage in a freezer at ultra low temperatures (-70°C)

2920 - Which of the following is capable of oxidizing sulfur to sulfates?

Thiobacillus thiooxidans

2921 - Which of the following is characterstic of Quat or quaternary ammonium compounds

All of these

2922 - Which of the following is common in the disease caused by Coryne-bacterium diphtheriae and Bacillus anthracis?

The most serious disease symptoms are the direct result of toxin action

2923 - Which of the following is commonly used as Gram's decolouriser?

A mixture of ethyl alcohol and acetone

2924 - Which of the following is component absent in cell wall of Fungi?


2925 - Which of the following is concerned with the management and analysis of biological data using computers?


2926 - Which of the following is considered the most unifying concept in biology?


2927 - Which of the following is continuous cell line?

All of these

2928 - Which of the following is correct for CD8 T cells?

CD8 T cells can kill individual virus-infected cells in a contact dependent fashion

2929 - Which of the following is correct for isoantigens?

They are antigens found in some members of a species

2930 - Which of the following is correct regarding gram negative bacteria?

They have a thin layer of peptidoglycan

2931 - Which of the following is correct?

T Cell receptors are generated by random assortment of gene cassettes

2932 - Which of the following is correct?

All members of Sac fungus are members of chemolithotrophic autotroph, and all members of chemolithotrophic autotroph are members of Sac fungus.

2933 - Which of the following is correct?

All members of fungi are also members of heterotrophic organisms, but not all members of heterotrophic organisms are members of fungi

2934 - Which of the following is correct?

All of the above

2935 - Which of the following is correct?

Ultramicrobacteria or nanobacteria are the dominant bacteria in marine systems

2936 - Which of the following is correct?

All members of Hyphomycetes are also members of Fungi, but not all members of Fungi are members of Hyphomycetes

2937 - Which of the following is correct?

A Winogradsky column is used to demonstrate interactions and gradients that occur in aquatic environments

2938 - Which of the following is correct?

All members of algae are also members of photolithotrophic autotrophs, but not all members of photolithotrophic autotrophs are members of algae

2939 - Which of the following is effective in the control of tuberculosis in humans?


2940 - Which of the following is exposed on the outer surface of a gram-negative bacterium?

O-antigen of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)

2941 - Which of the following is fourth basic step to genetically modify a cell?

Plasmid cleavage

2942 - Which of the following is generally not referred to the sewerage system?

Solid sewers

2943 - Which of the following is important feature of microsporidia ?

All of thes

2944 - Which of the following is incorrect with respect to Paramyxoviruses?

rna is segmented

2945 - Which of the following is incorrect?

Their growth rate is very fast compared to microorganisms

2946 - Which of the following is incorrect?

Plant cells are less sensitive to shear than microbial cells

2947 - Which of the following is known for greater stability of the riboflavin producing capacity?

Ashbya gossypii

2948 - Which of the following is least likely to get in or on a protozoan such as a diplomonad or trichomonad?

Rigid polysaccharide cell wall

2949 - Which of the following is least likely to have a rigid cell wall?


2950 - Which of the following is more likely to be bacteriocidal?

Ionizing radiation

2951 - Which of the following is most effective for sterilizing mattresses and plastic petri plates?

Ethylene oxide

2952 - Which of the following is most effective for sterlizing mattresses and plastic petri dishes?


2953 - Which of the following is most potent antigen for stimulating both humoral and cell mediated immunity ?


2954 - Which of the following is not a basic dye?


2955 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of a chemotherapeutic agent?

less penetrating power

2956 - Which of the following is not a chemical agent for microbial control?


2957 - Which of the following is not a cofactor?


2958 - Which of the following is not a desired characteristic of the organism to be used for industrial application?

should produce less amount of product

2959 - Which of the following is not a disinfectant containing a heavy metal?


2960 - Which of the following is not a feature of anaphylaxis ?

Delayed reaction

2961 - Which of the following is not a function of cysts for Protozoa?

All of the above

2962 - Which of the following is not a function of protozoa?

used in manufacture of food products

2963 - Which of the following is not a Gram-positive bacilli?


2964 - Which of the following is not a koch's postulate ?

When inoculated in experimental animals bacteria may or may not cause disease

2965 - Which of the following is not a member of the division Ascomycota?


2966 - Which of the following is not a method of horizontal gene transfer?


2967 - Which of the following is not a physical method for selection of pure culture?

Use of dilute media

2968 - Which of the following is not a pox virus ?

chicken pox

2969 - Which of the following is not a semi synthetic chemotherapeutic agent?


2970 - Which of the following is not a trace element for bacteria?


2971 - Which of the following is not an ale type of beer?


2972 - Which of the following is not an aminoglycoside antibiotic?


2973 - Which of the following is not an example of potent antitumer agents?


2974 - Which of the following is not an indirect method for the measurement of cell mass?

Cell dry weight

2975 - Which of the following is not an industrial product made by the fungus Aspergillus niger?


2976 - Which of the following is not correct for hepatitis A virus?

It may cause hepatocellular carcinoma

2977 - Which of the following is not employed as an oxidation method?

All of these

2978 - Which of the following is not found in the kingdom Monera?


2979 - Which of the following is not the biofertilisers producing bacteria?


2980 - Which of the following is not the characteristic of a bubo?


2981 - Which of the following is not the characteristic of a growth curve?

Each growth curve consists of four distinct phases

2982 - Which of the following is not transmitted by lice ?

Q fever

2983 - Which of the following is not true about peptidoglycan?

None of the above

2984 - Which of the following is not true for eukaryotic cells?

Gas vacuoles are present

2985 - Which of the following is not true for prokaryotic organism?

80S ribosomes are distributed in cytoplasm

2986 - Which of the following is not true for the thermal resistance of the bacterial cells?

Cells low in lipid content are harder to kill than other cells

2987 - Which of the following is not true of boiling water_____________?

Used for sterilizing surgical instruments

2988 - Which of the following is not true of protozoa?

Comprise the microbial population known as phytoplankton

2989 - Which of the following is not β-lactamase-resistant penicillin?


2990 - Which of the following is obligate aerobe ?

Pseudomonas aerogenosa

2991 - Which of the following is predominantly proteolytic?

Both (a) and (b)

2992 - Which of the following is primary lens that magnify image?

Objective Lense

2993 - Which of the following is recommended for the improvement in flavor during ageing of beef under controlled conditions?


2994 - Which of the following is responsible for a musty or earthy flavor?


2995 - Which of the following is responsible for phosphate solubilization?


2996 - Which of the following is responsible for the corrosion problem?

Sulfur bacteria

2997 - Which of the following is responsible for the initiation of RNA polymerase activity?

sigma factor

2998 - Which of the following is semi-continuous (diploid) cell line?


2999 - Which of the following is sterilized with the help of glutaraldehyde?

All of these

3000 - Which of the following is subterranean water?


3001 - Which of the following is symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria?

Rhizobium trifolii

3002 - Which of the following is the actual opening in ciliates through which food is ingested?


3003 - Which of the following is the agent associated with the development of neurodegenerative disease in livestock and humans?


3004 - Which of the following is the best evidence for the lock and key theory of enzyme action?

Compounds similar in structure to the substrate inhibit enzyme activity

3005 - Which of the following is the causative agent of dental caries?


3006 - Which of the following is the causative agent of the plague?


3007 - Which of the following is the cause for drug resistance in tuberculosis?


3008 - Which of the following is the characteristic of repressor protein?

acidic protein, molecular weight of 26000

3009 - Which of the following is the characteristics of a sanitizer?

reduces the microbial population to safe levels

3010 - Which of the following is the commonest species of Salmonella for causing zoonotic disease?

S typhimurium

3011 - Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in replication by bacterial phage?

adsorption, pinning, sheath contraction, DNA injection

3012 - Which of the following is the example of Gram-negative bacteria?

Eschericia coli

3013 - Which of the following is the first step in replication by bacterial phages?


3014 - Which of the following is the mode of action of formaldehyde?

combines with vital nitrogen compounds

3015 - Which of the following is the most accurate method for microbial assay of antibiotics?

Chemical assay

3016 - Which of the following is the most complete definition of fermentation?

Oxidation of glucose with organic molecules serving as electron acceptors

3017 - Which of the following is the most primitive?


3018 - Which of the following is the necessary step for cultivating the microorganisms?

All of the above

3019 - Which of the following is the nutritional characterization of Escherichia coli?

Chemotrophic, Organotrophic, Heterotrophic

3020 - Which of the following is the phylogenetically oldest immunoglobulin?


3021 - Which of the following is the relationship between optical density and cell mass?

linearly proportional

3022 - Which of the following is the singular word?


3023 - Which of the following is the spike antigen of HIV-I?

gp 120

3024 - Which of the following is the study of the molecular organization of genomes, their information content and the gene products they encode?


3025 - Which of the following is the suitable temperature range for mesophiles?


3026 - Which of the following is transmembrane pedicle antigen of HIV-I?

gp 41

3027 - Which of the following is true about cell wall of gram-positive bacteria?

All of these

3028 - Which of the following is true about ISO 2002 method for Salmonella detection?

All of these

3029 - Which of the following is true about pasteurization ?

It kills all bacteria except thermoduric bacteria

3030 - Which of the following is true about tetanus acquired through traumatic wound ?

Clostridium tetani travels via the nerves to the anterior horn dells in spinal cord

3031 - Which of the following is true about Vitamin B6?

It is a coenzyme involve in amino acid metabolism

3032 - Which of the following is true for an Hfr X F— cross?

frequency of recombination high, transfer of F factor low

3033 - Which of the following is true for the bacteriophage MV-L2?

filamentous form

3034 - Which of the following is true regarding anthrax?

Inhalation Anthrax requires infection with a large number of spores

3035 - Which of the following is true to prevent botulism from smoked fish?

All of the above

3036 - Which of the following is used as a solidifying agent for media?


3037 - Which of the following is used by microbial genetisists as a tool?

All of these

3038 - Which of the following is used for determining the location of specific genes within the genome?


3039 - Which of the following is used for the proper maintenance and preservation of pure cultures?

All of the above

3040 - Which of the following is used in electron microscope?

electron beams and magnetic fields

3041 - Which of the following is used only in life-threatening situations when no other drug is adequate?


3042 - Which of the following is used to grow bacterial culture continuously?


3043 - Which of the following is used to grow bacterial cultures continuously?


3044 - Which of the following is/are included in Kingdom Prokaryotae?


3045 - Which of the following is/are not a gram-positive bacteria?


3046 - Which of the following is/are synthesized from late mRNA?

All of the above

3047 - Which of the following is/are the sexual spore?

Both (a) and (b)

3048 - Which of the following is/are vapour-phase disinfectant/s?

Both (a) and (b)

3049 - Which of the following item can be sterlized by filtration?

All of these

3050 - Which of the following item cannot be sterlized by filtration?


3051 - Which of the following items could be sterilized by dry heat sterilization?

Glass pipettes

3052 - Which of the following lacks 3'-5' exonuclease activity?

All of the above

3053 - Which of the following layer is composed of soft mud or ooze?

Benthic zone

3054 - Which of the following lesions is NOT an infection from human papilloma virus ?


3055 - Which of the following lymphokine(s) is secreted by delayed-type-hypersensitivity cells?

All of the above

3056 - Which of the following material is sterilized by heating at 160°C in a hot air oven for one hour?

All of these

3057 - Which of the following material is sterilized by use of red heat?

Inoculating wires and loops

3058 - Which of the following may account for the small size of the cells?

All of the above

3059 - Which of the following may affect proteins and nucleic acids, but not viruses?

All of these

3060 - Which of the following may be most likely to be missing from a gram-positive bacterium?


3061 - Which of the following may cause resistance to penicillin?

All of the above

3062 - Which of the following may contain fimbriae?

Gram-negative bacteria

3063 - Which of the following media is selective for Salmonella?

Wilson and Blair's brilliant-green bismuth sulphite agar medium

3064 - Which of the following media to suppress the growth of unwanted bacteria and increase the growth of desired bacteria?

Selective media

3065 - Which of the following mediates Type I hypersensitivity reaction?


3066 - Which of the following medium are used to differentiate the colonies of Vibrio cholerae and V parahaemolyticus?


3067 - Which of the following method can be used to determine the number of bacteria quantitatively?

Pour-plate and spread plate

3068 - Which of the following method is used for a viable count of a culture?

Plate-count method and membrane-filter count

3069 - Which of the following method is used for enumeration of bacteria in vaccines and cultures?

Microscopic Count

3070 - Which of the following method is used for the production of vaccines against yellow fever?

chick-embryo method

3071 - Which of the following method is used for treatment of water used for the depuration of shellfish?


3072 - Which of the following methods can be utilized for removing peripheral proteins of the cytoplasmic membrane?

osmotic shock

3073 - Which of the following methods is adopted for screening HIV infection ?

ELISA followed by western blot technique

3074 - Which of the following methods is most likely to be quantitative?

Dilution and plating

3075 - Which of the following methods is used for determining the decrease in the amount of growth?

test done into an agar medium or broth

3076 - Which of the following methods is used for killing microorganisms of only certain types and not all microorganisms?


3077 - Which of the following methods is used for viewing spirochetes?

Dark-field microscopy

3078 - Which of the following methods will not sterilize?

100°C boiling water for 30 minutes

3079 - Which of the following methods would be most appropriate for sterilizing an antibiotic solution?


3080 - Which of the following micro organism utilizes lactose as a carbon source in production of lactic acid from whey media?

Lactobacillus bulgaricus

3081 - Which of the following microbe does not belong to Group D enterococci group?

S. bovis

3082 - Which of the following microbe is used in the production of blue cheese?

Penicillium roqueforti

3083 - Which of the following microbial cell is most resistant to antiseptics & disinfectants ?


3084 - Which of the following microorganism can cause acute renal failure?


3085 - Which of the following microorganism causes infection in burns?

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

3086 - Which of the following microorganism causes lesions in the form of abscesses?

Staphylococcus aureus

3087 - Which of the following microorganism causes relapsing fever in humans?

Borrelia sp.

3088 - Which of the following microorganism considered best choice in biotechnology?

All of these

3089 - Which of the following microorganism have high vitamin content?


3090 - Which of the following microorganism is eliminated in canned foods?

Clostridium botulinum

3091 - Which of the following microorganism is found in the gingival crevices at puberty?

Treponema sp.

3092 - Which of the following microorganism occurs in swine?

Brucella suis

3093 - Which of the following microorganism participates in active penetration into the body?


3094 - Which of the following microorganism produces colicins in the intestine?


3095 - Which of the following microorganism produces dextran?

Leuconostoc mesenteroides

3096 - Which of the following microorganism produces only L(+) - lactic acid without further racemization ?

Rhizopus oryzae

3097 - Which of the following microorganism spoil poultry in polyethylene bags?


3098 - Which of the following microorganism survive at -9 to -17 degree C?


3099 - Which of the following microorganism use H2S as the electron donor to reduce carbon dioxide?

Both (a) and (b)

3100 - Which of the following microorganisms grow in beef at a temperature of 15°C and above?

Both (a) and (b)

3101 - Which of the following microorganisms is classified as a member of archaebacteria?


3102 - Which of the following microscopic techniques can use sound wave to interpret the specimen?

Acoustic Microscopy

3103 - Which of the following modified amino acid is used at the starting of most prokaryotic proteins?


3104 - Which of the following molecule catalyzes the transpeptidation reaction?

Peptidyl transferase

3105 - Which of the following mutagen causes a break in the phosphodiester backbone of the nucleic acid?


3106 - Which of the following mutation affects only a single nucleotide?

Point mutation

3107 - Which of the following mutations arise without exposure to external agents?

Spontaneous mutations

3108 - Which of the following mutations result in frameshift mutation?


3109 - Which of the following nitrogen base is only present in RNA?


3110 - Which of the following Nonspore forming Gram-positive rods show a negative result for catalase test?


3111 - Which of the following nucleic acid is present in hepatitis B virus?


3112 - Which of the following nucleoside diphosphates is used most often in carbohydrate anabolism?

Uridine diphosphate

3113 - Which of the following organelles contain DNA, divides and possesses some degree of autonomy?


3114 - Which of the following organism causes whooping cough in humans?

Bordetella pertussis

3115 - Which of the following organism does not belong to coliform group of bacteria?


3116 - Which of the following organism has sterols in their cytoplasmic membrane?


3117 - Which of the following organism have siliceous skeletons?


3118 - Which of the following organism is found at the initial stages in the batter of Idli?

Leuconostoc mesentroides

3119 - Which of the following organism is utilized for the production of D-L-alanine?

Microbacterium ammoniaphilum

3120 - Which of the following organism occurs on the skin of fresh poultry?


3121 - Which of the following organism produces enzyme taka diastase?

A. oryzae

3122 - Which of the following organisms are arranged in cubical packets of eight cocci________________?


3123 - Which of the following organisms are known to grow on the surfaces of freshly exposed rocks?


3124 - Which of the following organisms can be demonstrated with silver impregnation method?


3125 - Which of the following organisms does NOT react with gram's stain ?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

3126 - Which of the following organisms has the smallest genome?

M. genitalium

3127 - Which of the following organisms produces neurotoxin as a virulence factor?

Clostridium tetani

3128 - Which of the following organisms typically get their carbon for biosynthesis from carbon dioxide?

Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (chemolithotrophic bacteria)

3129 - Which of the following organisms typically get their carbon for biosynthesis from organic compounds?

Aerobic, glucose-respiring bacteria (aerobic respiration)

3130 - Which of the following parasite can be killed by slow freezing method ?


3131 - Which of the following parasite causes autoinfection_________________?

Taenia solium

3132 - Which of the following pathogen is also known Acid Fast?


3133 - Which of the following pathogen is pleomorphic in shape ?


3134 - Which of the following pathogen is responsible for cat scratch disease?


3135 - Which of the following pathogen produce "fried egg" colonies on culture media ?


3136 - Which of the following pathogen produce "swarming type of growth "?


3137 - Which of the following pathogen used as warfare?

Bacillus anthracis

3138 - Which of the following pathway is common for oxidation of carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids?

TCA cycle

3139 - Which of the following phage do not cause lysogeny?


3140 - Which of the following places shows the presence of Geothermal vents?

Galapagos islands

3141 - Which of the following plamids do not possess information for self transfer to another cell?

Non-conjugative plasmids

3142 - Which of the following possess peritrichous flagella?


3143 - Which of the following possesses both 5'-3' and 3'-5' exonuclease activity?

Kornberg enzyme

3144 - Which of the following problem cause by biofilm?

It cause skin infection

3145 - Which of the following problem makes it impossible to satisfy all of Koch's postulates?

Microorganism cannot be isolated in pure culture

3146 - Which of the following procedures uses a photocell to measure absorbance of a culture to regulate the flow of culture media?


3147 - Which of the following process can be efficiently carried out by incineration?

Destruction of contaminated materials

3148 - Which of the following processes is performed by Thiobacillus thiooxidans?

converting sulphur to sulphates

3149 - Which of the following product acts as a substrate for the production of citric acid?


3150 - Which of the following product is not obtained from dissimilation of organic matter under aerobic conditions?


3151 - Which of the following product is used as a food condiment?

Soy sauce

3152 - Which of the following product is used for the treatment of blood clots?


3153 - Which of the following product is used for the treatment of pernicious anemia?


3154 - Which of the following product utilizes whey as its raw material?

lactic acid

3155 - Which of the following products have higher acidity and lacks aroma?

Bulgarian milk

3156 - Which of the following products produce in the Entner-Doudoroff pathway?

Two molecule of NADPH and one molecule of ATP

3157 - Which of the following properties are the characteristics of tetanospasmin?

All of these

3158 - Which of the following properties is due to lysogenic conversion by phages?

All of the above

3159 - Which of the following property(ies) is/are seen in the members of family Enterobacteriaceae?

They are oxidase-negative

3160 - Which of the following property(ies), shown by the organisms belong(s) to the family Enterobacteriaceae?

All of these

3161 - Which of the following protective structures occur in the tentacles of suctorian protozoa?


3162 - Which of the following protein synthesis mechanisms may be affected by particular drugs?

All of these

3163 - Which of the following proteins first binds to TATA box during transcription?


3164 - Which of the following proteins would not need localization signal?

A cytosolic protein

3165 - Which of the following protozoa construct shells of silica?


3166 - Which of the following provides best gurantee for sterlization in the heat sterilizer ?

Using a bacterial spore test

3167 - Which of the following radiation have less panetrating power?

High energy electron beam

3168 - Which of the following radiations have the energy to knock electrons away from molecules and ionize them?

Ionizing radiations

3169 - Which of the following raw materials are important for the production of glutamic acid?


3170 - Which of the following rays have high panetrating power?

Gamma rays

3171 - Which of the following reflects the correct order of events that take place during the multiplication of a virus?

Attachment, penetration, biosynthesis, maturation, release

3172 - Which of the following repairs nicked DNA by forming a phosphodiester bond between adjacent nucleotides?

DNA ligase

3173 - Which of the following replication methods leads to the production of two circular daughter chromosomes?

Theta mode

3174 - Which of the following represents the serologic evidence of recent Hepatitis B virus infection during window period ?

IgM anti – HBc

3175 - Which of the following RNA constitutes 90 percent of the total cellular RNA?


3176 - Which of the following role is performed by a bacteriophage in transduction?


3177 - Which of the following ROS is a powerful oxidizing agent?

Hydrogen peroxide

3178 - Which of the following sequences has helped in identifying eukaryotes, eubacteria and archeabacterial cell types?

Signature sequence

3179 - Which of the following sequnace considered codon?

all of these

3180 - Which of the following sequnace regarded as stop codon?

All of these

3181 - Which of the following serotypes of Salmonella can cause gastroenteritis?

All of these

3182 - Which of the following serotypes of Salmonella does not produce H2S?

Both (a) and (b)

3183 - Which of the following sewerage systems carry domestic and industrial wastewater?

sanitary sewers

3184 - Which of the following show the maximum resistance to physical and chemical agents?

Bacterial spores

3185 - Which of the following shows a positive urease test?

Both (a) and (b)

3186 - Which of the following skin disinfectant(s) is/are most frequently used?

Both (a) and (b)

3187 - Which of the following soil microorganism is involved in the reduction of sulfates to H2S?


3188 - Which of the following species are important for cervical dilation?

Laminaria japonica

3189 - Which of the following species can cause bitterness, acidity and curdling in canned milk, cream and evaporated milk?


3190 - Which of the following species in water reveal the presence of fecal pollution of human or animal origin?

All of these

3191 - Which of the following species is associated with spoilage of canned goods?


3192 - Which of the following species of Clostridium is predominantly sacchrolytic?

All of these

3193 - Which of the following species of Clostridium is responsible for formation of dark green to black colours in cheese?

Clostridium herbarum

3194 - Which of the following species of different genera of bacteria are not capable of transforming nitrate to nitrogen?

None of these

3195 - Which of the following species of Mycobacterium is positive for nitrate reduction test?

All of these

3196 - Which of the following species of streptococci belongs to Lancefield group N?


3197 - Which of the following species produces neurotoxin which causes the death of aquatic animals?


3198 - Which of the following species require ''Pseudohyphea '' to cause infection?

Candida albican

3199 - Which of the following species/subspecies of Klebsiella produce indole?

K oxytoca

3200 - Which of the following specimens contain/s hepatitis B virus in an infected person?

All of these


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